Young Woman Suffers Burns While Trying to Turn Hot Water into Ice

A young Chinese woman suffered second-degree burns on her head by splashing herself with hot water that she threw into the air on a cold night hoping it would instantly freeze.

You’ve probably seen this Instagramable winter trick before: a person steps out on an extremely cold day and hurls a container full of hot water into the air. The cold temperature causes the water particles to freeze in mid-air, creating a fine mist. It’s definitely cool to watch from the comfort of your warm room, but recreating it is not as easy as you might think. One young Chinese woman named Jiang Nu learned that firsthand last week when she attempted the trick only to have hot water droplets fall on her head, causing second-degree burns.

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Real-Life Human Dragon Stuffs His Mouth with Sawdust Exhales Smoke and Fire

Kung Fu master Liu Fei, from Mianyang, South-West China, can exhale smoke and fire from his mouth, sort of like a dragon. And I’m not talking about the kind of fire breathing performances you get to see at the circus, either; this man seems to be able to produce fire from within his body, exhaling it through his sawdust-packed mouth.

The viral video of Fei’s performance and is really quite mind-blowing. He starts off by stuffing large quantities of sawdust in his mouth. Then, he makes a hole into the sawdust, with his finger, and starts  to blow out small puffs of smoke through the dust.

Later, he uses a fan to blow air into his ear and even more smoke comes out of his mouth. The performance culminates with actual flames coming out of his mouth, which get bigger and and more frequent towards the end. The whole thing seems miraculous, but after watching the video, some forum users came up with a few plausible explanations.


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Meet Jim Cripps, the Incredible Backwards Bowler

You’ve probably never seen anything like this before, I sure haven’t. Tennessee native James Cripps earned the nickname Backwards Bowler for a very simple reason – he’s able to bowl perfectly well without even facing the lanes.

Believe it or not, it all started as a friendly bet. Jim Cripps loved bowling, but he admits he was pretty terrible at it, so at one point a friend challenged him to try and score 150 points backwards. It sounds impossible, but Jim says he managed to land a strike on his first try, and ended up with a final score of 163. After that he just couldn’t stop bowling backwards. “We never settled up on the bet, but I think I definitely came out the winner of the bet because it truly has been great,”Cripps said. As you can imagine, his skills improved dramatically over the next few years, and he now has an average of 204 points per game and holds a Guinness record of 278.

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