Indian Couple Scam Victims of $4 Million with “Israel-Made Time Machine” Capable of Reversing Aging

An Indian couple is wanted by police for scamming dozens of unsuspecting victims by promising to make them look young again with the help of an Israeli time machine.

Rajeev Kumar Dubey and his wife Rashmi Dubey pulled off one of the most incredible scams in the history of mankind. The Indian couple owned a therapy center in Kanpur, India’s Uttar Pradesh state, where they allegedly convinced people that they were aging rapidly due to excessively polluted air and claimed that they could reverse the process with the help of an “Israel-made time machine” and oxygen therapy. The Dubeys are suspected of having deceived many elderly people looking for a way of regaining their youth and filling their pockets with 35 crore Indian rupees ($4.1 million).

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