Pink-Obsessed Woman Becomes Professional Real-Life Barbie

Bruna Barbie, a Brazilian influencer whose love for everything pink has drawn comparisons to the world’s most popular doll, makes a living by showcasing her unique lifestyle on social media.

Born Bruna Carolina Peres, the Brazilian Barbie hails from the southern state if Paraná and claims that she has been fascinated with pink for as long as she can remember. In fact, it all started with pink, she didn’t become a Barbie fan until later on in life. In her teenage years she decided to showcase her love for pink by dressing only in that color, and was offered compare to Reese Whitherspoon’s character from the movie ‘Legally Blonde”, by her colleagues. Then, at one point, people started calling her Barbie, and she just rolled with it, adopting the persona of a real-life Barbie.

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Woman Obsessed With the Color Pink Surrounds Herself With Her Favorite Color

A young Swiss teacher obsessed with the color pink has been wearing nothing but her favorite color for over a decade and has decked out her apartment pink as well.

32-year-old Yasmin Charlotte has loved the color pink ever since she was a child, but instead of growing out of it, Yasmin only became more obsessed with pink as she grew up. 13 years ago she started wearing pink exclusively, and ever since she moved into her own apartment last year, she has created her very own pink paradise. She used to live with her boyfriend, and had turned half the place pink, but now that she has all the space to herself, she has gone all out. Despite attracting a lot of attention and even some abuse because of her obsession with pink Yasmin says she would never put on any other color, not even for her wedding.

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