Destructotherapy in China

The Chinese Government knows how stressful work can be and decided to help the people release the pressure through Destructotherapy.

This is not the first time we’ve posted a piece on Destructotherapy, but it is the first time I’ve heard of it in China. Authorities in Changsha have set up a destruction therapy course in a park, where people could smash the hell out of used cars and all sorts of broken home appliances like TVs, refrigerators or washing machines.

I think more and more people should embrace Destructotherapy, after all, there’s nothing more relaxing than smashing stuff to bits.

Photos by Xinhua/Li Ga

via Xinhua


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Jesus Has Returned and Lives in Siberia

At least that’s what over 5,000 followers of Viassarion the Teacher would have you believe.

Sergei Torop is a 48-year-old spiritual leader who believes he is the reincarnation of Jesus. A former traffic policeman, Torop was laid-off in 1991 and suddenly realized he was the Second Coming of Jesus, 2,000 years after he was crucified. That’s when he became Viassarion.

Of course, he’s not the only man on Earth claiming to be the Son of God, but unlike most of them, Viassarion the Teacher actually managed to gain a significant following, including artists and intellectuals who actually moved to and around the small Siberian town of Petropavlovka, just to be close to their Messiah.

Sergei Torop has been traveling to other countries to convert followers and, although he has been accused he’s been doing it for personal gain, Viassarion says his church makes no money whatsoever.

via Daily Mail


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El Ingles – The 67-Year-Old Matador

67-year-old Frank Evans, Britain’s oldest and only bullfighter, returns to the bullfighting arena and slays 2 unlucky horned beasts.

After a knee replacement and a quadruple bypass, ageless matador Frank Evans performed once again in the Plaza de Toros, in Benalmadena, on the Costa del Sol. A grandfather of five, Evans looked cool as ice, though he had to best two big bulls that could have ended his career in just one second.

El Ingles admits it’s not the most pleasant way to spend an afternoon, but, although he got a cut on his face, a few bruises and grazes, he only remembers the good bits of the fight.

Now one of the most popular bullfighters in Spain, Frank Evans started at the bottom, taking bullfighting lessons in his spare time. He got his first bullfighting contract in France, by pure luck, when he was mistaken for another bullfighter. He later gave up, because of lack of gigs, but decided to return to follow his dream when his fathered died. He decided life was too short not to do what you really love.

Now, El Ingles has dozens of scheduled bullfights and the crowds love him.


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Nefertiti Walks Among Us

It turns out being “The Beauty of the Nile” is not only very painful, but also very expensive.

Nileen Namita, a 49-year-old woman from Brighton, Britain, has spent the last 20 years trying to look as the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti. She says she often had dreams about Nefertiti when she was only a child. Her visions showed her the queen’s quarters, her servants and, although she was frightened at first, she started doing some research.

When Miss Namita first saw a representation of Nefertiti, she was amazed of how alike they looked and decided to make it her life’s goal to look just like the ancient queen of Egypt. Her efforts began in 1987 and since then she has had 51 plastic surgeries and says her face is still a work in progress. After eight nose jobs, three chin implants, three face lifts and many other interventions, Nileen Namita says she is very pleased with the way she looks, as are the much younger men who try to approach her when she goes out on the town.

This modern “Beauty of the Nile” has spent 200,000 British pounds on her surgeries and is bent on spending all her savings on more face work. She says her family supports her and she believes her look is ageless. Just give her another 10-15 years, I doubt she’ll fell the same way.

via Daily Mail


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Obese Girl Is Eating Herself to Death

Suman Khatun is a 5-year-old Indian girl who just can’t stop eating. Doctors say she will end-up eating herself to death if she doesn’t seek medical help soon.

Suman’s problems were noticed ever since she was three months old and by the time she turned two, she weighed 38kg. Now, at age five, Suman weighs over 75 kg and will continue to gain around 15 kg every year, unless her condition is cured.

Her parents earn little over $10 a week and are having problems providing the amount of food Suman needs. She eats 10 kg of rice, 5 kg of potatoes, 24 eggs and 6 liters of milk every week and often goes around asking neighbors for more food. When her family refuses to feed her, she screams, cries and even throws rocks at them.

Suman already suffers from severe respiratory issues and her family can’t afford to take her to Calcutta for a specialized consult. According to the local doctor, Suman Kathun has a malfunctioning pituitary gland and needs to see a specialist in Delhi or Mumbai, before it’s too late.


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Meet the World’s Youngest Sharpshooter

At just six years of age, Miko Andres can proudly call himself the youngest gun in the west…although he lives in the Philippines.

Miko handles his Colt 1911 handgun with impressive ease, loading, aiming at shooting it like this is what he was born to do. The six year-old took-up practical shooting at the beginning of 2009 and now he travels the country, participating in competition against 9-17 year-olds.

Miko’s father says he is aware of the dangers his young sun is facing by handling a gun loaded with live ammo, but says the boy’s safety is his primary concern. He also wants to introduce the world to Miko’s talent by bringing him to America to compete in international shooting events.











Rubber Doll Swimming in Russia

I’ve seen rubber dolls used in many ways, most of them for adult eyes only, but using them as flotation devices makes much more sense.

Hundreds of crazy Russian swimmers gathered in Novosibirsk, Russia’s third largest city, for the annual Bubble Baba Challenge (Bubble Woman Chalenge). They plunged into the cold waters of the Ob River and had to swim for 100 meters with a rubber doll. The dolls helped keep them afloat, but were quite difficult to maneuver.

The first five swimmers to complete the Bubble Baba Challenge received prizes and diplomas.But what’s important is, everybody, including the 1,000 spectators, had fun. Read More »

Biggest Toilet Paper Prank Ever?

Toilet paper pranks are very popular, but I can bet you’ve never seen anything of these proportions.

Someone spent a lot of effort and money to pull off what may be the greatest toilet paper prank in history. It all happened on Maplefield Road, in Pleasant Ridge, Michigan and it took hundreds of toilet paper rolls.  According to the neighbors, this particular home falls victim to pranks like this twice a year.

This looks pretty funny and cool, but I would hate to be the one who cleaning up the mess.

via WXYZ










Piglets Love Tequila!

Not the Mexican drink, although I’ve seen pigs eat and drink anything, but a 2-year-old Rottweiler/pit-bull named Tequila, who adopted six little pigs.

It all started on a rainy Monday morning, when both farmer John Favreau’s dog and his sow gave birth. Because of the rainstorm, John had to move the piglets in his home, where his dog, Tequila, was nursing her newborns. As the farmer turned his head for just a moment, the piglets rushed to Tequila and she welcomed them like they were her own pups.

Now they’re all one big happy family, and the piglets follow Tequila everywhere she goes. She in turn cleans them when they get a little dirty (that’s going to be a tough job in the long run). Favreau says he tried reuniting the piglets with their natural mother, but they started acted strange so he took them back to the dog.

Cases of dogs adopting pigs are very rare, with just one similar case being recorded, this June, in Thailand.

via news-press










The Bees Masters

In order to show how intimate they are with bees and as proof of their apiculture supremacy, a couple of bee keepers covered themselves with bees.

On July 16, in Ning’an City, northern China, Li Wenhua and Yan Hongxia, two passionate bee-keepers, pulled-off a stunt many would consider insane. Using the queen-bee as bait, the two managed to cover themselves with over 10,000 bees.

Photos by Xinhua/Zhang Chunxiang





Zombies Invade Frankfurt

Looking at photos of the Zombie Parade that took place on July 18, in the streets of Frankfurt, Germany, I couldn’t stop thinking about the Resident Evil games I used to play when I was in high-school and how they scared the living crap out of me.

Luckily, the zombies in the photos don’t really want to eat your brain or hurt you in any other way. I have to say the make-up on these guys is simply amazing. I’m sure I would totally have a heart-attack if I walked into any of them in a dark alley, at night.

Zombie parades are becoming more and more common, as they are held in different countries around the world. The first zombie parade was organized back in 2003, in Toronto and, in 2005, there 80 zombie parades, attended mainly by horror movie lovers.

Photos by Johannes Eisele/ REUTERS

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The World’s Strongest Vagina

That’s right, you read correctly, the world’s strongest vagina muscles belong to Tatiata Kozhevnikova, a 42-year-old woman from Novosibirsk, Russia.

She has been acknowledged by the Guinness Book of Records, as the woman with the strongest intimate muscles, after lifting a 14-kilograms-heavy ball, using only her vagina.

Tatiata said she noticed she had extremely weak vaginal muscles after giving birth, so she decided to do something about it. She read books on Dao and found out women have been confronting this problem for thousand of years.

But that didn’t scare her at all and she started practicing with custom-made balls. Tatiata advises all women to harden their vaginal muscles, to improve their sex lives.

Photos via

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Care for Some Malaria Infested Water?

You can buy a bottle a bottle of Malaria-infested water, as well as well as many other potentially fatal diseases at vending machines across Manhattan, New York.

UNICEF has devised a very original way of raising awareness to the water problem millions of people across the globe are facing every day. The Dirty Water campaign gives people the chance to buy a bottle of disease-infected water, other people are forced to drink on a daily basis. The water-bottles are kept in vending machines across Manhattan and can be purchased for $1 each.

Of course, the water isn’t really poisoned, but it does look very dirty. The campaign has been very successful so far, exceeding all expectations. Passers-by are encouraged to make a donation through the vending machines, by SMS or online.

Here’s what is written on the Dirty Water vending machines:

“Thirsty? So are millions of people around the world with no access to clean drinking water. 4,200 children die of water-related diseases everyday. Help provide safe drinking water to developing countries. Donate today. You wouldn’t drink dirty water. No one should. Donate now by texting TAP to 864233 (UNICEF) or visit
Just a dollar provides a child with 40 days of clean drinking water.”

photos via Ochevidec

















Benny the Giant Rabbit

And I don’t mean it’s slightly larger than your every day carrot-muncher, Benny is a regular bunny giant.

Two year-old Benny is a Flemish buck who’s about to receive the title of longest rabbit in the world. He probably also holds the record for the world’s heaviest bunny, but the Guinness Book of Records no longer certifies this title, due to problems with owners who overfed their animals.

Benny’s owners also set up a website for him on Facebook and use it to promote the Oxfordshire Animal Sanctuary, which faces serious financial difficulties. Benny already has 270 online friends.

The giant buck measures 85 centimeters in length and weighs over 10 kilograms. Benny is house-trained, knows how to ask for treats and spends a lot of time with the family dog. He kisses him often and the owners think Benny doesn’t know for sure if he’s a rabbit or a dog.

Photos by Caters News Agency Ltd

via Daily Mail




Dummer – A Wooden Hummer Replica

Guy makes wooden replica of a Hummer and posts it for sale on eBay.

Although its owner is advertising it as an off-road vehicle, but seeing as it’s made almost completely out of plywood, I’d think twice before driving it on rough terrain. It is built on the chassis of a 90’s Chevrolet S10 and reaches a top speed of…well I don’t know exactly, but I’m sure it’s not very much.

Someone actually bought the wooden Hummer for the price of $3,350. Congratulations and drive safely!

via Jalopnik







