Mark Malkoff, a comedian and filmmaker from New York City, decided to spend five days in his tiny bathroom, as a sort of detox from Internet addiction.
Just like many other New-Yorkers, Mark spent most of his day online, browsing and checking his Twitter and Facebook pages, every other minute. He confesses he would sometimes be online from the moment he woke up until he went to sleep, and that interfered with pretty much all other aspects of his life. His addiction got so bad that he would excuse himself just to go to the bathroom and check his online accounts, when going on dates with his wife.
But unlike most people in his situation, the Queens-based comedian decided to do something about it, and since his bathroom was the only place he could think of where he wouldn’t have any distractions or temptation, he set his goal on spending five days in there. It might not seem like such a big deal, but Mark Malkoff‘s bathroom is smaller than an Alcatraz jail cell, and it’s pink…