Disturbing Trend Has Teens eating Garden Plant Seeds for Their Hallucinogenic Effects

In a disturbing new trend, teens across America are ditching common party drugs for easily accessible garden plant seeds like Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, Sleepy Grass, and Blue Morning Glory, which are believed to replicate the hallucinogenic effects of LSD. One of the main advantages of this move is that it’s very easy to get your hands on a packet of seeds from any garden store without raising suspicion.

Experts are now warning that the seeds mentioned contain LSA (lysergic acid amide), which is a hallucinogenic substance. They can easily put anyone on a high when swallowed whole or crushed and added to tea, affecting the user’s vision and sense of time. Extreme euphoria and extreme fatigue are the other symptoms involved. In extreme cases, consumption can also trigger flashbacks, psychotic episodes, vomiting, and overwhelming paranoia.


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These Sunglasses Let You Experience LSD Hallucinations, No Drugs Required

Thanks to Hungarian artist Bence Agoston, drug-induced hallucinations can now be an everyday experience. His 3D-printed sunglasses can simulate a visual replica of an LSD trip!

You don’t need a prescription to get these special glasses, only an appetite for the bizarre. Aptly named ‘Mood’, the glasses are made from 3D-printed frames fitted with six different patterned lenses that can be layered in different ways. Each lens has a unique Moiré pattern that filters red, green, or blue light. You’ve got to rotate them – kind of like an optometry device – in order to create different patterns.


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