Man Agrees to Be Paraded Naked on Top of Car as Punishment for Cheating on Wife

A Colombian man recently became the laughing stock of the internet after allegedly agreeing to be paraded naked on the roof of a car as punishment for cheating on his wife.

A video of a naked man lying on top of a white car and being paraded around the Colombian city of Barranquilla has been doing the rounds on Colombian social media for the last two weeks, and recently went viral worldwide. The bizarre scene reportedly occurred on May 15, when the man’s wife caught him in bed with another woman at a local motel. He begged for forgiveness, but the scorned wife told him that the only way to save their marriage was for him to accept a humiliating punishment. He was to agree to lie naked on top of their car as she drove home, with nothing but a towel to conceal his face with.

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Woman Sticks Her Head Through Neighbor’s Metal Grate, Gets Stuck for Five Hours

A Colombian woman who allegedly wanted to check if her neighbor was home ended up getting her head stuck in the front door metal grate for five hours.

Photos of an unnamed woman from the town of La Virginia, in Colombia, recently went viral on social media after it was reported that she had to be rescued after spending five hours with her head stuck in a neighbor’s front door metal grate. It’s not clear if the woman intended to spy on her neighbor, or if she merely stuck her head through the grate to see if there was anyone home, but one thing’s for sure – when she tried to pull her head back through the grate, she realized she wasn’t going anywhere.

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Politician Cries After Getting Only Five Votes in Indian Election Despite Having Nine Family Members

An independent candidate from the Indian state of Punjab managed to make himself known around the world after a video of him crying and telling a reporter that he only received 5 votes in the recent Indian general elections despite having 9 family members went viral on social media.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi got a resounding victory in India’s general elections, which ended last week after some 600 million people across the country cast their vote. But another important thing happened: Neetu Shutteran Wala, a relatively unknown politician who ran as independent in the city of Jalandhar, had a meteoric rise to meme status. In an interview with a local reporter, Shutteran Wala broke down in tears as he revealed that despite having nine family members, he had only received five votes. Asked if that meant that not even his family voted for him, the emotional politician said that he doesn’t blame his relatives, but election fraud.

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Anti-Temptation Safe Lets You Lock Away Things You Love for Set Periods of Time

Whether you constantly fall victim to procrastination and just can’t seem to put down your smartphone for more than 10 minutes, or you’re putting on the pounds due to an insatiable sweet tooth, you may want to invest in this “anti-temptation” safe that allows you to lock away things you love for set periods of time.

Sold as a “Kitchen Safe” on Amazon Japan, this ingenious gadget was originally designed to keep users away from stuffing their face with calorie-rich treats, but people have found it to be very effective at curbing their procrastination habits as well. One Twitter user recently posted some photos of his smartphone and Nintendo Switch controllers locked away in this thing, which apparently allowed him to focus on productive tasks.

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Parents Forget Newborn Baby in Taxi on Their Way Back from the Hospital

Hamburg police recently took to Facebook to report the hilarious case of two young parents who forgot their newborn baby in the back of a taxi on their way back from the hospital where it had been delivered.

According to the viral social media post, the forgetful parents had just given birth to their second child at a Hamburg hospital and were excited to get back home as a family of four. So excited in fact, that when it was time to get out of the taxi and introduce their bundle of joy to his crib, they actually forgot to take the said bundle of joy with them. They took the baby’s one-year-old sibling out of the car, paid the cab driver and said their goodbye. But as the tax was pulling away, the couple got a strange feeling that something was missing, only by the time they realized they were missing their newest family member, it was too late.

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Man Charged with Reckless Driving Says He Would Rather Go to Jail Than Home to His Wife

A Florida man who was spotted standing through his sunroof while driving on a busy expressway told police that he would rather get locked up than go home to his wife.

70-year-old Leonard Olsen was detained last week after being spotted by an off-duty policeman while standing through the sunroof of his car with his arms spread out. The witness, who actually managed to film the bizarre stunt, said that at one point Olsen was just sitting on his sunroof while the car was still moving. After being stopped by troopers alerted by the off-duty officer, Olen initially denied that he had ever stood out the sunroof while driving, saying that he didn’t “know about that”. However, after being told that someone had seen and recorded him doing just that, the man changed his story, telling the troopers that he planned to turn himself in because he didn’t want to go back to his wife.

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Inmate Declares Himself a Disciple of Bachus to Receive Wine with Every Meal

A Spanish inmate recently invoked the principle of religious freedom in an attempt to convince the prison warden to serve him a glass of wine with every meal so he could worship his chosen deity.

In a letter addressed to the director of Zaballa prison, in Spain’s Basque Country, the unnamed prisoner declares himself a disciple of Bachus, the Roman god of wine, and asks that he be provided with a glass of wine for every meal, so he can properly worship his deity.

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Man Allegedly Gets Pet Tarantula to Keep Arachnophobic Mother-in-Law Away

In a desperate attempt to get a break from his nagging in-laws and regain his privacy, a Reddit user allegedly took advantage of his mother-in-law’s severe arachnophobia by getting a tarantula as a pet.

Reddit user “ProbablyAssholeGuy” isn’t really into tarantulas. He thinks they’re cool and all, but he wouldn’t have actually gotten one as a pet if weren’t for the added bonus of keeping his wife’s mother away from his house. In a post that recently went viral on the social network, the man said that his traditional Chinese in-laws had really been getting on his nerves with their unannounced visits and blatant breaches of privacy, but despite complaining to his wife about it for years, she just ignored his concerns. So when he notice his mother-in-law’s reaction to simply seeing a spider sitting in the corner of the house, he got the idea to use her arachnophobia to keep her away.

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Filipino Town Bans Gossip in Bid to Stop Rumors from Spreading

Authorities in Binalonan, a small Filipino town about 200 kilometres north of Manila, have made gossiping illegal under a new local law aimed at preventing rumors from spreading within the community.

Trash talking someone in Binalonan could see offenders literally picking up trash under a new local law designed to make people take responsibility for the things they say. First-time gossipers risk a fine of 200 pesos ($3.8) and three hours of collecting garbage in the streets, while repeat offenders would have to pay up to $20 and put in eight hours of community service. The law isn’t very clear on what qualifies as gossip, but mayor Ramon Guico cited peddling rumours of residents’ relationships or financial situations as examples of punishable offences.

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World’s Most Depressing Sports Competition Has Coffins for Prizes

Copa Ataúdes or Coffin Cup, a yearly futsal tournament hosted by the Peruvian city of Juliaca, has been dubbed the world’s most depressing sports competition for offering coffins as prizes to the three best teams.

The Juliaca Coffin Cup is not your usual futsal tournament. It’s a competition between teams representing the twelve largest funeral houses in the  Puno Region of southeastern Peru, so it kind of makes sense that the main prizes be something representative of the funeral business. Still, fighting your heart out on the pitch for an expensive casket you have to share with five other teammates doesn’t exactly sound worthwhile. That didn’t stop the winning team from parading their $1,300 luxury coffin on their shoulders and singing “Olé, olé, campeon!” at the end of the final match, though.

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Indian Army Claims to Have Found Yeti Footprints

The Indian Army is being mocked after recently tweeting that one of its mountaineering teams spotted mysterious footprints of the mythical Yeti in an isolated mountainous area between Nepal and Tibet.

“For the first time, an #IndianArmy Mountaineering Expedition Team has sited Mysterious Footprints of mythical beast ‘Yeti’ measuring 32×15 inches close to Makalu Base Camp on 09 April 2019,” the official Twitter account of the Indian Army tweeted a couple of days ago. “This elusive snowman has only been sighted at Makalu-Barun National Park in the past.” Humans have been searching for proof of Yeti’s existence for centuries, but so far it’s all been debunked by science. So why is the Indian Army tweeting about Yeti, and more importantly, why does its tweet imply that it actually exists?

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Finland to Host World’s First Ever Heavy Metal Knitting Championship

Heavy metal and knitting doesn’t exactly sound like a match made in heaven, but that hasn’t stopped some truly creative minds in Finland from combining them in the world’s very first Heavy Metal Knitting Championship.

Finnish Marketing Agency Tovari teamed up with Joensuu City Cultural Services and the Joensuu Conservatory in order to bring together two of the most popular things in the northern European country. Heavy metal is really big in Finland, with over 50 heavy metal bands per 100,000 Finnish citizens (more than anywhere else in the world), and knitting not less so, as hundreds of thousands of people out of a population of around 5.5 million are practising some kind of needlework crafts. After brainstorming for the best way to combine the two, the creative minds behind this initiative came up with the World Heavy Metal Knitting Championship.

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Man Sets Up Hidden Camera in His Bedroom, Finds Out Cat Loves Sleeping on His Face

A Thai man recently checked the footage of a hidden camera he had installed in his bedroom and found out that his pet cat loves using his face as a bed when he’s out cold.

Lomphonten Lomphontan originally had the hidden camera set up so he could keep an eye on his pet cat, Achi, when he was at work. In January of this year, he decided to face the camera towards his bed at night, to monitor Achi’s behavior when he was out cold. To his surprise the feline, who loved nothing more than to curl up next to him all the time, became even more affectionate once he fell asleep. After climbing on his chest and pressing his paws on Lomphonten’s face to make sure he was asleep, Achi made himself comfortable on his master’s face, suffocating him (with love, of course).

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Cute Pomeranian Becomes Internet Sensation After Being Groomed to Look Like an Egg

PomPom, an adorable Pomeranian from Singapore, recently achieved celebrity status on social media thanks to the efforts of a freelance groomer who managed to turn him into a fluffy egg.

Back in January Andrea Aubrey Sim (@groomer_andrea), a freelance groomer from Singapore, posted photos and videos of one of her most ingenious projects yet, a cute Pomeranian styled to look like a giant egg. She posted the results of her labor on Instagram, but they only went viral late last month, spawning the now trending “Egg Dog” meme. In a video shot from just the right angle, Pom Pom can be seen sitting still, with his ears flat behind his head. while the groomer puts the finishing touches on her work of art – a living dog shaped like an egg.

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Man Too Lazy to Get a Real Driver’s License Uses a Handwritten Piece of Paper Instead

Traffic police in the Chinese city of Liuzhou got the shock of their career after pulling over a motorcycle driver only to find that instead of a driver’s license he had a handwritten piece of paper with his picture glued to it.

Faking official documents is common practice all around the world, but in the vast majority of cases people actually go out of their way to make sure their forgeries look as genuine as possible. Not the protagonist of this news story, though, he just made sure to include all the necessary details on his fake driver’s license, even though all he did was scribble them on a piece of paper hoping it would be enough to fool police. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t.

When police in Liuzhou pulled over a silver motorcycle for a routine check, on March 31, they didn’t expect to see the funniest driver’s license of their entire careers. The man, surnamed Tang, certainly didn’t seem nervous when the officers asked for his documents, and the driver license itself had a regular cover, so there was nothing to prepare police for what they were about to see.

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