Man Brings Professional Clown to His Own Firing Meeting

A young copywriter for an advertising agency in New Zealand recently made international headlines for bringing a professional clown as a support person to a company meeting in which he he expected to be fired.

Employers in New Zealand are legally required to offer employees the chance to bring a “support person” to so called pink slip meetings, to help them cope with being laid off. But while most people opt to bring a close friend or a family member, one young copywriter decided to bring a professional clown. Upon receiving an email from management regarding a discussion of his role in the company, and the mention of a support person, Josh Thompson expected the worse, so he prepared for it. Only instead of asking a someone close to accompany him, Thompson spent $200 to hire a professional clown. It turned out to be one of the most awkward pink slip meetings in history.

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Woman Dreams About Swallowing Her Engagement Ring, Does So in Real Life

A California woman who dreamed about swallowing her engagement ring during an apparent robbery woke up to find that the said ring was missing from her finger in real life as well.

Last Tuesday night, Jenna Evans dreamed that she was on a high-speed train with her fiancé, when some “bad guys” appeared. In her dream, the fiancé told her that the only one way to make sure she didn’t lose the 2.4 carat diamond engagement ring she had waited so long for – swallow it. She quickly popped it in her mouth and washed it down with a sip of water. Then she woke up, relieved that it had only been a vivid dream. But then she looked at her left hand and noticed that her ring was gone in real life too…

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Ex-Con Wants to Go Back to Prison So He Can Watch Premium TV Channel for Free

We’re no strangers to weird stories here on OC, but this one’s a bit too weird even for us. A French burglar intentionally left traces of DNA all over the crime scene just so he would end up in prison and watch encrypted TV channel Canal+ for free.

A monthly subscription to French premium television channel Canal+ costs around 10 euros ($11), but inmates in French prisons can apparently watch it for free, which was apparently a good enough reason for an ex-con to commit a crime and get himself caught. Over the course of the summer, the unnamed 25-year-old man committed a series of burglaries in the Toulouse suburb of Colomiers, but there was something about his modus operandi that left investigators scratching their heads. He left traces of saliva over the crime scenes, as if he wanted his DNA to be identified.

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Priests Drop Holy Water Over City to Cure It of “Drunkenness and Fornication”

Orthodox priests in Russia’s Tver Oblast region, literally reached new heights in their quest to save their congregations from addictive sins like drinking and fornicating. They got in an airplane and doused the whole city of Tver in holy water, in order to cleanse it.

Metropolitan Savva of Tver and Kashinsky, Father Alexander Goryachev and two other members of the Russian Orthodox Church performed the bizarre aerial blessing last Wednesday, in honor of All-Russian Sobriety Day. They boarded a small plane and brought with them 70 liters of holy water and two icons – the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” said to be able to cure people of alcohol and drug addiction, and one of John the Baptist. A married a couple that claimed the husband had been miraculously cured of alcohol addiction in the past was also present aboard the airplane.

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Man Faces Charges for Pointing “Finger Gun” at Neighbor During Argument

With gun crime so frequent in the United States these days, even making a gun gesture with your hand can put some people on edge. A Pennsylvania man found that out the hard way after being charged with disorderly conduct for pointing a “finger gun” at another man during an argument.

The bizarre incident took place in June 2018, when, according to surveillance footage, 64-year-old Stephen Kirchner was walking with his girlfriend on a street in Manor Township, Pennsylvania. The woman reportedly had a no contact order against one of her neighbors, and when the couple walked by the neighbor’s residence, Kirchner stopped, turned around, formed a finger gun with his thumb and forefinger, pointed it at the neighbor and pulled the imaginary trigger. Little did he know that the gesture would lead to a year-long litigation.

The 64-year-old’s finger gun was apparently so disturbing to bystanders in the area that some of them actually called the police about it. To make matters worse, the neighbor he pointed he finger gun at later told police that he had felt “extremely threatened” by the gesture. Kirchner himself admitted that he knew his gesture would only inflame tensions, but he later learned that it was actually a crime.

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Artist Puts On Astronaut Costume to Highlight Crater-Size Road Potholes

An Indian artist has come up with an ingenious and hilarious way of showcasing the poor state of roads in the city of Bangalore – he put on a realistic astronaut costume and filmed himself walking trough the craters that made a local road look like the surface of the moon.

Baadal Nanjundaswamy is well known for flagging civic issues like the poor condition of roads and large potholes through his stunning street art, but his latest project was by far his most popular one yet. To raise awareness about the pothole-filled Tunganagar Main Road in North Bangalore, the Indian artist dressed as an astronaut and had someone film him as he “moonwalked” through the large craters, while cars and rickshaws drove by. He then posted the hilarious video on social media, where it quickly went viral.

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Turkish Beekeeper Enlists Thieving Bears as Honey Testers

İbrahim Sedef, an experienced beekeeper from Turkey’s Black Sea Region, has come up with an ingenious way of having his honey tested by the same bears that used to steal it.

Agricultural engineer and beekeeper İbrahim Sedef had been struggling to deal with thieving bears for over four months, but nothing worked. When he tried covering his precious beehives with steel cages, the bears toppled to get to the precious honey, when he reinforced the cages with a cement base, they just dug in the ground and toppled them again. Even raising the hives higher up didn’t help as the bears just climbed up to reach them. So earlier this month, Sedef decided to stop looking for solutions and at least use the bears’ appetite for honey to his advantage.

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Teacher Sparks Controversy for Making Students Wear Cardboard Boxes to Deter Cheating on Exam

A Mexican teacher has come under fire for making high-school students wear cardboard boxes on their heads to block their peripheral vision and prevent them from copying on an exam.

Luis Juárez Texis, the director of Campus 01 “El Sabinal” at the College of Bachelors, in the Mexican state of Tlaxcala, has been accused of humiliating and breaking the basic human rights of his students, after a photo of him overseeing an exam where the students wore cardboard boxes on their heads went viral online. The students’ parents shared the photo on social media and issued a public statement asking educational authorities in Mexico to dismiss Texis.

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Businessman Sues Mistress to Recover $2 Million He Willingly Gave Her

A Singapore-based businessman has attracted some unwanted media attention after it was reported that he sued his mistress in order to recover $2 million he allegedly loaned her. The problem is she says the money was a gift, so she doesn’t want to give it back.

Toh Eng Tiah, the 55-year-old owner of several recycling businesses, met 33-year-old property agent Angelina Jiang in November of 2016, and the two became romantically involved, even though Mr. Toh was married at the time. Between December 2016 and March 2017, the Singaporean businessman allegedly paid Ms. Jiang around $1 million, of which at least $819,000 was used to pay her credit card bills and living expenses. Interestingly enough, in March of 2017, the two signed a loan agreement for $2 million, including the money already paid, as well as another $872,000. The young property agent claims that the loan was only a ruse to trick Mr. Toh’s wife into thinking he was only loaning her money, but in fact it was a gift. However, the businessman says the loan was real and he wants his money back.

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Australian Woman Covers Town in Graffiti in Bizarre Attempt to Contact Mystery Man

A 36-year-old Australian woman in Melbourne’s Frankston suburb was charged with criminal damage, wilful damage, among others, after covering several public spaces with graffiti messages to a certain “Chris”, the alleged father of her unborn baby.

The alleged vandalism reportedly occurred between July 29 and 30 when graffiti started popping up in recreational areas around Frankston, urging a person named Chris to “call before the baby is born”. Confused residents started posting photos of the bizarre graffiti message to The Frankston Community Noticeboard Facebook page, where they quickly went viral. The same message – Chris u need 2 talk 2 me b4 baby is born, or dont bother after – was photographed on various public spaces, barbecues, public toilet doors, footpaths and walls, and prompted users to ask Chris to call the author before it’s too late.

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Woman Seeks Divorce from Husband Who Loved Her Too Much, Never Argued with Her

UAE media recently reported the almost-unfathomable case of a woman who decided to divorce her husband after a year of marriage, because he loved her too much and never once argued with her.

If this funny news story is anything to go by, too much of a good thing can indeed be harmful in the long run. A UAE woman recently sought to divorce her husband at the Shariah court in Fujairah, because she felt chocked by his love and affection. To make matters “worse”, the husband allegedly never argued with her during their one-year marriage and even helped her with house chores like cleaning, which she described as “hell”.

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German City Will Pay You One Million Euros if You Can Prove That It Doesn’t Exist.

The German city of Bielefeld, in the north-east of North Rhine-Westphalia, has announced that it is offering a €1 million prize to anyone who can prove that it doesn’t exist.

To have any hope of understanding this bizarre offer, you have to go back to 1993 when the famous “Bielefeld? There’s No Such Thing!” conspiracy theory appeared on the internet. Formulated by a computer student named Achim Held, it basically claimed that Bielefeld – a city of around 330,000 inhabitants, which has historically been around for around 800 years – didn’t actually exist, because, unlike other German cities, it wasn’t really known for anything in particular. The hilarious conspiracy theory spread online and gained a life of its own, with many proponents postulated that a group called “SIE,” or “THEY” in German, created an imaginary illusion of the city, or that it had a secret city center where “dead” celebrities like Elvis Presley and Kurt Cobain had been taken away to.

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“Poop Like a Champion” Cereal Is a Product That Exists

It sounds like the sarcastic name of a product you’d expect to hear in a satirical sitcom like The Simpsons, but Poop Like a Champion is an actual cereal that can allegedly get your bowls moving like nothing else.

Advertised as “the ultimate colon cleansing formula” or “the number one high fiber cereal for number 2’s”, Poop Like a Champion cereal is packed full of fibers and designed specifically to help you get those bowels moving. Its creators aren’t ashamed to admit that it’s not the greatest tasting cereal money can buy, but it’s not meant to blow you away with its amazing flavor, it’s meant to help you go potty, and apparently it’s very good at doing that. According to my limited research, it’s a combination of corn bran and physllium, sorghum flour and inulin, and each 1/2 cup serving contains 16 grams of fiber, or about 64% your recommended daily allowance for an average 2,000 calorie diet.

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Russian Man Hilariously Tries to Sell 3-Room Apartment Using Quentin Tarantino

A resident of Chelyabinsk, in western Russia, recently got his five minutes of online fame after his apartment sale ad went viral on social media for featuring renowned film director Quentin Tarantino.

The last thing you would expect to see while looking at photos of apartments to buy is an internationally famous director seemingly inspecting the premises and giving a thumbs up. That’s exactly why Alexander Kainov, from the Russian city of Chelyabinsk thought that adding some cutouts of Reservoir Dogs director Quentin Tarantino to his real-estate photos to make it look like he had actually visited the apartment would be a great way of attracting attention. Making a property stand out among hundreds, if not thousands of similar ones, isn’t the easiest thing in the world, but apparently adding some Tarantino works like a charm.

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Youth Unhappy with Brand of Luxury Birthday Car Throws It in the River

An Indian youth allegedly expected to receive a Jaguar sports car as a birthday present from his parents only to receive a brand new BMW instead, was so angry with his present that he decided to throw in in a river.

The name and age of the angry teen who couldn’t come to terms with receiving the wrong brand of luxury car are not known, but several Indian sources have reported that he hails from the Yamuna Nagar in Haryana and is the son of a local landlord. Luxury cars like Jaguar, Audi, BMW or Mercedes-Benz have become a common sight in Haryana, with many land owners buying them with money received from the government in exchange for land to be used for various infrastructure projects. Such cars are often abandoned shortly after being acquired, due to high maintenance costs, but in this case, the owner simply didn’t like the brand.

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