Milestii Mici – The Underground City of Wine

Milestii Mici is a small settlement, located 20 km south of Chisinau, the capital of Moldova. It might not look like much , but it sits atop the greatest wine cellar in all of Europe.

Milestii Mici has become internationally famous for its impressive wine collection, known as the Golden Collection. It has been acknowledged by Guinness Book of Records as the biggest wine collection in Europe. The cellars of Milestii Mici hide approximately 2 million bottles of wine, of which 1,5 million are collection wines.

The cellar complex under Milestii Mici is also the biggest one in Europe, stretching over 250km. At this point only 120 km are in use, so there’s enough room for more wine. The most expensive bottle of wine in the cellars of Milestii Mici is worth 480 euros.

I can’t imagine how anyone can find their way around this giant catacombs, let alone a specific bottle of wine.

via Doo Doo











Blue, Green and Red Beer from Japan

Leave it to the Japanese to come up with something totally weird yet not totally unpleasant. After some of the weirdest. After stuff like the  Hello-Kitty Gundam and the husband-hunting bra, Japan introduces the blue, green and red beer.

The people at the Abashiri Brewery have found a use for the icebergs that wash up on Japan’s cost every year. They’ve melted them and used the water to make the world’s first blue beer. The unusual draft looks amazing and is said to taste pretty good as well. Japanese blue beer also contains a fair amount of seaweed.

Abashiri’s green beer is also made of seaweed, as well as hops and a mixture of plants from Japan’s Siretoko peninsula. The red beer contains anthocyans, natural pigments found in plants and fruit.

via eToday


