Who Says Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees?

If your parents are anything like mine, they probably told you money doesn’t grow on trees more than a million times, when you were growing up. Well I can’t wait to show them how wrong they were all those years.

In an attempt to “wake up people’s lazy money”, RaboDirect, an Australian online bank sponsored a special experiment that fulfilled the financial fantasies of hundreds of passers-by – a real-life money tree. The event took place in one of Sydney’s park, where a tree was covered in $5 bills, from its lower branches to the top. People were secretly filmed, to see how they would react to such an unbelievable sight.

Believe it or not, the first 100 or so people who walked by the money tree flat out ignored it. Some of them didn’t even notice there was anything odd about the tree, a group of joggers was to busy running to stop and check it out, and passers-by who did stop to analyze it, just took some photos and left empty handed.

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Superhero Gathering Sets New World Record

1245 people dressed in superhero costumes gathered in Melbourne’s Federation Square to set a new Guinness World Record for the most people dressed as superheroes, in one place, at one time.

No villains dared even come close to Federation Square, on Saturday, when Batman, Superman, the Flash, Wolverine and dozens of other comic-book superheroes, of all ages and sizes, gathered to set a new world record. The event was part of the 75th anniversary of DC comics, and people showed up to honor the superheroes they grew up with.

Just last week 1091 people dressed as superheroes gathered at a rugby tournament, at Twickenham Stadium, in London, but their record only stood for seven days.

Photos by Quinn Rooney/GETTY IMAGES

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219,000 Cigarettes to Help Smokers Quit

In an attempt to raise public awareness to the dangers of smoking, an Australian pharmaceutical company has set up an installation, featuring 219,000 cigarette imitations, in the middle of Sydney.

This unusual display, located in central Sydney, is supposed to convince smokers to seek professional help, and give up smoking. The cigarettes are covered by transparent panels, and in case you’re wondering why there are 219,000 of them, that’s how many a smoker goes through, in a period of 30 years, at a rate of 20 cigarettes per day.

Photos via ChinaDaily

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Melbourne Hosts World’s Longest Lunch

Over 900 people took part in the World’s Longest Lunch event, during the 2010 Melbourne Food and Wine Festival.

On March 12, Melbourne weather was almost perfect for the longest lunch in the world. nearly 1,000 hungry strangers gathered at a 400-meter-long table, and enjoyed several scrumptious dishes and various types of wine. The oriental theme of this unusual event included entertainment like dragon dances, martial arts and parasol dancers.

But the true unsung heroes of the 2010 World’s Longest Lunch were the servers. This disciplined fleet of swift-footed soldiers made sure everyone was served almost at the same time. And that’s no small feet.

Photos by Agencies via CCTV


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The Mysterious Sculptures of William Ricketts Sanctuary

Hidden deep in an Australian rainforest, the clay sculptures of William Ricketts express the Aborigines’ deep connection with Mother Nature.

Born in 1898, William Ricketts was an Australian sculptor and potter who developed a spiritual bond with the Aboriginal people of Central Australia. The time he spent with them, between 1949 and 1960 inspired his works in Potter’s Sanctuary (now known as William Ricketts Sanctuary).

The 92 intricate ceramic sculptures placed along the passageways seem as they are merging with the surrounding plant-life, thus expressing the strong bond Aborigines have always had with nature. Designed as a place where man’s spirit becomes one with nature, William Ricketts Sanctuary inspires us all to protect Mother Nature instead of constantly exploiting her.

William Ricketts spent most of his life in this sanctuary, located on Mount Dandenong, near Olinda, and died here, in 1993, at the age of 94.


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Australia’s First Ever Mud Run

Hundreds of contestants, from top cross-running athletes to  couch potatoes gathered in Peats Ridge for the first Mud Run race in Australia.

On December 5, over 750 Aussies showed up in Glenworth Valley to participate in one of the dirtiest races on Earth. Each of the two available courses (one 6 km, the other 12 km long) featured mud pits, bog-holes, mud rivers, grasslands and creek crossings.

The 2009 Mud Run in Peats Ridge was meant to be a competition for everyone, so any person over 12 years-old was free to register and because there was no time-limit they could run or walk the entire race. Competitors were encouraged to enter the Mud Run for a chance to help their favorite charity.

Getting down and dirty Down-Under, now that’s got to be a memorable experience.

via Zimbio


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Tattooed Model Dani Lugosi Strips for PETA

Dani Lugosi braved the rain and staring eyes of passers-by in an attempt to raise awareness to cruelty against animals, at Pitt Street Mall, in Sydney, Australia.

Wearing only a skin-colored pair of underwear, a sign that said “Ink, Not Mink” and a bunch of tattoos, Miss Lugosi started her first naked PETA protest. Nervous and hesitant at first, the attractive model relaxed when people started approaching and taking photos with her.

Miss Lugosi said she became interested in the ethical treatment of animals after watching a video of rabbits being skinned alive. Yup, that will definitely make a person take off her clothes and pose in the middle of a mall.

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Sydney Swimwear Parade Fails to Break World Record

In an attempt to set a new Guinness record and raise money for charity, hundreds of Australia gathered on the steps of the iconic Sydney Opera for the city’s largest ever swimwear parade.

Dressed only in bikinis and “smudgie smugglers” business men teamed up with construction workers and marched into Sydney’s financial district, all for a good cause. Although everyone had a lot of fun participating, their effort wasn’t enough to beat the recently set record for World’s Largest Swimsuit Parade. On November 9, 287 women took to the streets of Johannesburg, South Africa, dressed in swimwear and unfortunately for the Aussies, they couldn’t even match that.

The funds raised during the Sydney Swimwear Parade will go to the Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience, an organization that encourages the young indigenous population to attend university.

Photos by Getty Images, AFP, EPA, AP, Reuters

via Etoday


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