Margay – The Tiger Cat

The Margay is a solitary wildcat with some very unique characteristics. Its look alone make it stand-out although it is very solitary people rarely have the chance to see it. The Margay is one of the few animals in the world that can climb trees with their heads facing down, thanks to their very special joints, able to turn up to 180 degrees.

The Margay is on the endangered animals list, but no one really knows how large their population really is  between Mexico and Argentina.Margays don’t take well to humans invading their habitats and sacientists say they are so well adapted to life in trees that they can go their entire lives without touching the ground.

Like all cats, Margay see very well at night and have no problem feeding of birds, reptiles and squirrels, if they can catch them.

Edit: Guys I apologize for the grammar and spelling mistakes but I only do this as a hobby and most of the time I write and post the photos in a hurry. Hope you understand and thanks for stopping by. I posted a link to where I found the photos, it’s a Russian photo site, but I doubt they can take credit for them.













Photo Credits: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9

Sindi, the juggling dog

I’ve seen dogs pull off amazing tricks but one that can actually balance tea cups on its paws is definitely something new. Sindi is an 8 year old Cocker Spaniel from England that could easily be working in a bar or caffe, she could carry the coffees on its paws and the spoons in her mouth.

This is what they call pets in Africa

I remember a time when everyone of my friends wanted to get a pitbull as a pet, just so they can look cooler, and brag about how dog their dogs were. Now staring at these pictures I realize Africans are at whole other level, anyone of those pets, be it the hyenas, baboons or the python would make a pitbull beg for mercy.

Still it looks very cruel, taking wild animals, slapping a huge chain on them and using them as pets, it doesn’t look at all natural.

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Ashera, rarest cat in the world

Actually the Ashera is not only the rarest, but also the largest, most expensive and exotic house cat you can find. This breed was created by blending two exotic feline bloodlines with that of a domestic cat.

The Ashera can reach 14 kilograms in weight and 1 meter in length, it’s famous for taking well to being walked on a leash and getting along with kids and other pets. Now it’s not that I don’t trust the experts but I wouldn’t leave my kid alone with one of these, cats are very independent and sometimes unpredictable and kids can piss them off easily, who knows how they might react.

One thing is for sure, they are magnificent animals, well worth $22.000 ($28.000 if you want the Ashera GD, a rarer, hypoallergenic version).

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Women breastfeeding animals

I have no problems looking at pictures depicting animal moms breastfeeding and literally taking in babies of different species, I even find them very sweet. But for some reason, looking at these photos of women breastfeeding various animals makes me very nauseous, it’s just not natural, no matter what continent your from. Read More »

Is that pink think a piggy?

Mother nature sure loves to play tricks on us, doesn’t she? I mean it’s not every day you see a dog breastfeeding a piglet, but today is definitely one of those days. Look at the dog protecting it and feeding it like one of her own, I guess motherhood doesn’t always care about raise.

Rare, albino moose sighting

Albino moose are very rare but they do exist, scientists say that 1 in 100.000 moose inherit this genetic trait. This moose has been spotted last week near the town of Whitefish, Montana, searching for food, with two other normal moose:

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Or is it Zeraffe…? The answer is neither, this animal is called an Okapi and it was first discovered in 1901. Although scientists say it is closely related to the giraffe, it looks like the result of a love story between a giraffe and a zebra. The Okapi can only be found in the Ituri forests, north-east of Congo, in Africa.

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Ashes, the Hairless Monkey

Ashes is a 13 year old chimpanzee that has literally no hair on its body. When he was born, Ashes had a beautiful fur, but by the time he turned one, he was completely bald. Looking at his arms I can understand why a chimp could easily rip a human’s arms off if it wanted to, he’s just a huge pile of muscles.

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Meet the Real Andre, the Pet Seal

For those of you that don’t know anything about Andre, he was the star of a 90’s children’s flick about an adorable little seal that gets adopted by a young girl and spends some time as her pet. As much as I loved seeing Andre acting goofy on screen, I have to wonder if a house is really the best place to raise a seal. Apparently this woman seems to think so.

Janus, the Two-Headed Turtle

Named after the Roman god with two heads, Janus is a 10 year old, two headed Greek turtle. Here it is eating some salad leaves at the Geneva Natural History Museum.

Janus the turtle eating a salad leaf

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Odd fishes you didn’t know about

Many of you might find all fish to be disgusting, but I for one never had a problem with how they look, I even found some of them to be really interesting. But I have to say everything changed as soon as I saw these pictures, these things look like monsters out of my worst nightmares!

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