The world’s greatest apple artworks

Helge Lundstrom is said to be the best apple artist in the world…I wonder if he’s the only one too? This man makes a different apple mosaic every year for the Apple Market Festival in Kivik, Sweden and each one is more beautiful than the other. Only problem I have is about all those wasted apples, just like the Orange Festival of Ivrea where tons of oranges go to waste, when they can all be donated to some poor country where people are dying of hunger. But, other than that, Helge Lundstrom’s apple art looks simply amazing.He uses more than 75,000 apples for each of his apple mosaics















Human Smiley-Face for Google Earth

The people of Russian city Chelyabinsk have found a unique way to make their beloved city known to the entire world by using Google Earth.

In a carefully planed event, the citizens of  Chelyabinsk calculated when Google’s satellite, “Quick Bird”, passes directly over the city and formed a yellow smiley face that could be noticed from out of space. The result of their organized effort will be seen the next time Google Earth updates, but whether they get the exposure they were looking for or not, the people behind the Smiley-Face of Chelyabinsk have our congratulations for the effort.











Art at a microscopic level

Frequently called the eight wonder of the world, Willard Wigan‘s micro art is indeed quite something. Some people can barely fit string through a pinhead, let alone create art on such a level.  Wigan creates famous figures on pin tips, pin heads, nails, matchsticks, anything particularly thin and small. He’s an amazing artist and his work speaks for itself.












Man flies over 200 miles with party ballons

Very popular in childhood cartoons, flying with party balloons never really seemed possible in real life.

Kent Couch, a petrol-station owner from Bend, Oregon fulfilled his childhood dream of lifting up to the sky with a little help from a hand-full of balloons. Fine, so they were like 150 party balloons tied to a garden chair, but the fact that he managed to fly for more than235 miles in about nine hours is quite the accomplishment.

His party-balloon flight won him a place in the Guinness Book of Records and helped him become a sort of local celebrity. Couch first tried to reach Idaho last year, but he only covered 193 miles before running dangerously low on helium and having to land his unusual flying machine, but this time he made the proper modifications and succeeded.

Kent Couch left Bend on July 5th carrying a BB-gun and a blowgun to pop balloons if he went to high-up and a few 15-gallon barrels of cherry-flavored Kool-Aid as ballast, to release if he got too low. That’s how he managed to land his balloon carried garden chair, he popped balloons until he touched the ground.







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World’s largest earthquake damper

You might just see a huge steel ball, but this tuned mass damper is so much more.

This 728 tons steel pendulum is installed in one of the world’s tallest buildings, the taipei 101 in Taiwan. It helps stabilize the building in case of strong winds and earthquakes, through simple mechanics, when the building moves in a direction it swings in the opposite direction reducing movement by 40%. You can understand how it works by looking at the small GIF image.


It cost #4 million to install the huge damper in the skyscraper but architects and engineers said it had to be done. It spans across 4 of the building’s stories and it was assembled on site because it couldn’t be lifted by a crane, due to its enormous weight.





Here’s a video of the damper in action, on May 12th, when a horrific earthquake hit one of China’s provinces and the tremors reached as gar as Taipei. As the building started to shake, people ran towards the center to see the damper in action, it did it’s job.


Angel – highest wterfall on Earth

Angel waterfall in South America is the highest waterfall on Earth

Set in Canaima National Park, Venezuela, Angel is also one of the most beautiful falls on the planet. It’s a clear 802 meter drop right into the Kerep River flowing at the base of the falls. The water falls from so high an altitude that it’s turned into mist by the powerful winds, before it even reaches the bottom.

This incredible place was unknown to the outside world until aviator James Crawford Angel spotted it in 1933, while he was looking for a precious ore bed. He tried to land his plane on Ayuan-tepui in 1937 but it got stuck in the muddy ground, so he and three other companions had to descend by foot. It took them 11 days but they finally made it down and were able to tell the world about their incredible adventure, which eventually became popular and the falls were named Angel in his honor.
‘s plane remained there for another 33 years before being lifted out by a helicopter.


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The art of stone balancing

I know it looks impossible, but it really isn’t…

You’re probably thinking something like “myeah, another fake set of images” but I assure you they are all the real deal. Actually stone balancing is a very old art, passed on from generation to generation and frequently practiced for a number of reasons. Some do it in exhibitions, just to show off their talents, while others perform rock balancing as a meditating ritual (Korean Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism and Yoga).

No matter the reason it is performed for, stone stacking or balancing is simply amazing, just for the fact that it defies all logic and probably even physics, I don’t know, I’m not really into science…

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Incredible soap art

Who says soap can only be used for cleansing?

As you can see it makes for great material when you have an artistic sense. Some of you may not be impressed by all these pieces, but I for one never looked at soap as anything but something to help me get squeaky clean, so I’m genuinely impressed to see art in something so common.

I wonder how much one of these babies costs and if anyone really uses them when they bathe? I doubt it.

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Used tire art

Some people can any type of junk and make something beautiful out of it.

Such is the case here, where some artists had the brilliant idea of using used car tires to create wonderful works of art. I’m really impressed with that black armor, but the others don’t look half bad either. This should be a lesson to all of us, just because something looks used doesn’t make it useless.

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Fabulous wood art

Who ever said wood was to stiff and can’t be molded into anything that comes into our minds? These creations prove that, with a lot of talent, wood can take any given shape. My regards to the sculptors, they did an awesome job!


The skin artist

Ariana Page is a very…unique artist, due to the fact that she suffers from a condition known as dermatographia (the immune system exhibits hypersensitivity, via skin, that releases excessive amounts of histamine, causing capillaries to dilate and welts to appear (lasting about thirty minutes) when the skin’s surface is lightly scratched). She draws various patterns on her body and then takes pictures of herself, thus works of art are born.

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Disturbing art

I don’t know about you but I get the heebee geebees just looking at this little girl. I don’t know what the author had in mind but a little girl in a bathtub full of blood isn’t my idea of artistic vision. Anyway some of you might enjoy them and, as they say, you never discuss taste! So here are some of the most disturbing images I’ve seen lately:


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Ice Storm Art

Who ever said nature doesn’t do art, needs to take a look at these photos. This is what an ice storm created at Ontika Falls, near the city of Toila, in Estonia.

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Woman Charged with Assault for Accidentally Spraying Neighbor with Water Gun

A 58-year-old Ontario woman is facing a charge of assault with a weapon after allegedly spraying a neighbor in the chest with a water gun by accident while playing with a child.

On September 1st, Wendy Washik, an educational assistant from Simcoe, Ontario, was playing with children during a backyard barbecue when she accidentally sprayed a neighbor who was cutting grass in the chest with a water gun. She claims that she apologized immediately, but the man kept screaming at her and at one point went into his home to call the police and report that he had been “physically assaulted”. Ontario Provincial Police officers answered the call and determined that two people had been involved in a “dispute” that resulted in a victim being physically assaulted. Washik told reporters that police didn’t even ask to see the water gun before charging her.

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Complete Stranger Obtains Deed to Man’s $4 Million North Carolina Home

A North Carolina man claims that a woman he has never met before filed legal documents claiming ownership of his $4 million home and managed to obtain the deed to his property.

Raleigh dentist Dr. Craig Adams recently learned that the 8,300-square-foot home he has been living in for years is no longer in his name. Instead, it shows up in the name of a total stranger who allegedly filed “a false warranty claim deed against the house and basically tried to steal it.” Adams only learned that he apparently didn’t own his property anymore after a neighbor called to ask him if he had sold it and informed him that a woman named Dawn Mangum had asked for the gate access codes. Shockingly, the owner also presented what appeared to be a legal deed in her name. To Adams’ surprise, the deed had indeed been legally obtained from the Register of Deeds and could not be revoked.

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