Groom Plays Video of Bride Cheating with Her Brother-in-Law During Their Wedding Reception

Videos of a Chinese groom humiliating his bride by playing an X-rated video of her cheating with another man to their wedding guests have been circulating on Chinese social media, sparking a heated debate.

The unverified footage, believed to have been recorded by guests at a wedding in Fujian province, comprises three videos – one of the two newlyweds walking down the aisle, and two explicit clips showing the bride and her brother-in-law. In the first video, as the newlyweds walk down the aisle, an MC can be heard saying “now we are going to show you the videos of how the newlyweds grew up”, but instead a sex video featuring his bride and another man is projected onto the screen behind them… “You thought I didn’t know?” the man asks his bride, who throws her bouquet at her, as both their families try to separate them. The other two clips show the young woman sleeping with her sister’s husband.

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Business Goes Viral for Letting Employees Take Days Off to Deal with Hangover

If you’ve ever had to go to work with a splitting headache after an alcohol-fueled long night on the town, you can probably appreciate this company’s policy of giving employees “hangover days” off work to put themselves back together.

Let’s face, we all wish we could call in sick to work after having one, or five, too many drinks the night before, but for most of us that’s not an option. But the same cannot be said for the young people working at The Audit Lab, a digital marketing agency in the UK, where a specific hangover policy allows them to take time off to deal with the nausea, headache, and overall foul mood that hangovers come with. In a nutshell, this intriguing perk lets employees work from home if they are suffering from hangover, and as long as they don’t abuse the policy by taking time off to often, they can even schedule the days off in advance when they know they will end up wasted.

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Manipulative Woman Allegedly Pushed Two Men into “Medieval Duel to the Death” to Win Her Hand

A 35-year-old mother of three was on trial this week for allegedly pushing her ex-husband and her new boyfriend – both of whom desperately wanted to be with her – into fighting for her hand in “a latter-day medieval duel”.

Asta Juskauskiene, a care worker living in London, UK, has been accused of being a “manipulative and controlling figure” who pushed two men fighting for her affection to settle their differences through violence. A court recently heard that the woman’s ex-husband, 42-year-old Giedruis Juskauskas, was found bleeding in the streets and was later pronounced dead as a result of suffering multiple stab wounds in a bloody street brawl with Juskauskiene’s new boyfriend, a 25-year-old ex con named Mantas Kvedaras. The Lithuanian national admitted to the killing, but the prosecution says they have ample evidence that he and Giedruis were egged on by their common love-interest.

According to prosecutors, Asta Juskauskiene divorced her Giedruis, against his wishes, six months before his brutal killing. They had a five-year-old daughter together and were reportedly still intimate even after the divorce, so he was a constant presence at her home. The man also provided financial support for their daughter and according to prosecutors he still claimed Asta as his own. His ex-wife had other plans, though.

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Perineum Sunning – Probably the Dumbest Health Trend Ever

Every once in a while, a health trend so unbelievably crazy comes along that it leaves us wondering if it’s nothing more than a parody. “Perineum Sunning”, or exposing your ‘back door’ to direct sunlight for a few minutes every week is one such trend, and unfortunately it’s no joke.

Did you know that exposing your butthole to direct sunlight for just 30 seconds every day is the equivalent of a full day of sunlight exposure with your clothes on? At least that’s what Instagram “healer” Metaphysical Megan claims in one of the viral social media posts that catapulted perineum sunning to health craze level. It also allegedly gives you more energy than chugging several cups of coffee and improves sleep, among other health and spiritual benefits. However, many medical experts warn that this bizarre practice can be dangerous, as the perineum area is particularly sensitive and exposing it to direct sunlight without protection could increase the risk of skin cancer.

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This $5.5 Million Floating Mansion Is the Ultimate Luxury at Sea

The Arkup is a luxury yacht shaped like a 4,300-square-foot modern villa. It can float like a boat, or rise above the waves using hydraulic pilings, for added stability in case of rough waters, and it’s reportedly built to withstand a category four hurricane. It also costs $5.5 million!

If you’re the kind of person who likes sailing or going on cruises, but wishes they could do it from the comfort of their own home, well, now you can! Arkup, the world’s ultimate “house yacht”, is literally a floating villa that doubles as a luxury sea vessel, thanks to its two 100 kW/272 hp electrical engines. It features four bedrooms, a living room, kitchen,  4.5 bathrooms, a swimming platform, retractable deck, and a roof covered with solar panels that make it completely self sufficient in terms of electricity. Thanks to a rainwater purification system, the chances of the 4,000-gallon fresh water tank going dry are very small, so as long as you have plenty of food supplies, you can pretty much live off the grid for a long time.

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Restaurant Fined $62,000 for Giving Women Who Dined with Men Price-Free Menus

A famed restaurant in Peru was recently fined $62,000 for discriminating against women by giving ladies who dined with men menus that didn’t feature any prices.

La Rosa Nautica, a pricey restaurant built on a peer overlooking the ocean in the Peruvian capital, Lima, was ordered to pay a 210,000 sol ($62,000) fine for offering women a different menu when they dined with men. While gentlemen were given a blue menu that featured both the dishes available and their prices, ladies got a gold version that mentioned no prices at all. The owner of the high-end restaurant defended the practice by calling it a way for women to enjoy a romantic night out without having to worry about costs, but Peruvian authorities ruled that it was discriminatory against women.

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81-Year-Old Man Gets Jailed Time for Working as Gangsters’ Getaway Driver Because He Was Lonely

Ian Hemmens, an 81-year-old former burger van worker from West Sussex, in England, was recently sentenced to nine months behind bars for aiding an alleged drug dealer flee the country while allegedly working as his getaway driver.

Life as a pensioner can get pretty boring and lonely, so much so that some people will do anything for a chance to chat with another human being, even act as an accomplice in serious crimes. Ian Hemmens’ layer recently told a Portsmouth Crown Court that his client was prepared to act as a driver for drug dealers Mahamud Sami and Akeem Adebayo, because it simply gave him the chance to talk to someone. The criminals in turn were glad to have him, because a man of his age, with his unassuming physique, was less likely to draw cops’ attention. Despite hearing the explanation for Hemmens’ involvement with the known criminals, Judge Roger Hetherington convicted the 81-year-old to nine months in prison.

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Man Claims to Be Oldest Person to Have Ever Lived, Sparks Controversy

An Indian man recently shocked airport staff in Abu Dhabi, because his passport showed he was born in 1896, which would make him 123, the oldest human to have ever lived.

Swami Sivananda’s passport shows him to be a year older than France’s Jeanne Louise Calment , who holds the Guinness Record for the oldest verified person in history -122 – but the problem is that the only proof he has comes from an old temple register.  Mr Sivananda also looks decades younger than his alleged age, but he credits his youthful appearance and good health to leading a simple and balanced life, yoga, and a frugal, spice-free diet. His celibacy may have something to do with his longevity as well, he figures. He’s been trying to have his name included in the Guinness Book of Records for three years, but he has been having trouble proving his age.

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7-Year-Old Girl Allegedly Reaches Puberty by Sleeping with the Lights On for Years

Chinese media recently reported the unusual case of a girl who reached puberty at age seven, presumably because of sleeping with the lights on every night for the last three years.

At age 7, Dandan (pseudonym) is already 1.20m-tall, towering over most girls her age. When she first started growing, her mother was delighted, and didn’t even stop to wonder why the girl had grown by about 10 cm in a single year. It wasn’t until one day, when she was giving Dandan a bath, and she noticed that she had developed breasts, that the woman realized something was wrong. She took the 7-year-old to the hospital and was shocked to learn that her daughter had reached puberty at least three years earlier than usual.

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iPhone User Sues Apple for Turning Him Gay

A Russian iPhone user recently filed a one million ruble lawsuit against Apple, accusing the American corporation of indirectly turning him gay.

In a court filing that went viral on Russia’s internet, the plaintiff alleges that he became “mired in a same-sex relationship” after receiving the wrong kind of cryptocurrency on a virtual wallet app that he installed on his iPhone in 2017. The man, identified as one D. Razumilov claims that he received 69 GayCoins – a cryptocurrency designed for member of the LGBT community – from an anonymous sender. The mysterious transfer was accompanied the message “don’t knock it till you’re tried it”, which kind of made sense to Razumilov and eventually pushed him to become involved in a gay relationship.

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Businessman Sues Mistress to Recover $2 Million He Willingly Gave Her

A Singapore-based businessman has attracted some unwanted media attention after it was reported that he sued his mistress in order to recover $2 million he allegedly loaned her. The problem is she says the money was a gift, so she doesn’t want to give it back.

Toh Eng Tiah, the 55-year-old owner of several recycling businesses, met 33-year-old property agent Angelina Jiang in November of 2016, and the two became romantically involved, even though Mr. Toh was married at the time. Between December 2016 and March 2017, the Singaporean businessman allegedly paid Ms. Jiang around $1 million, of which at least $819,000 was used to pay her credit card bills and living expenses. Interestingly enough, in March of 2017, the two signed a loan agreement for $2 million, including the money already paid, as well as another $872,000. The young property agent claims that the loan was only a ruse to trick Mr. Toh’s wife into thinking he was only loaning her money, but in fact it was a gift. However, the businessman says the loan was real and he wants his money back.

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Painting Jail Cells Pink – A Controversial Way to Curb Inmate Aggression

Several Swiss prisons have painted their jail cells in a color called “Cool Down Pink” as a way to curb prisoners’ aggressive behavior and even though the measure was adopted by other European countries in recent years, there are those who find the measure degrading and manipulative.

It’s a known fact that colors have a significant influence on our mood. It is said that red can stimulate our appetite, which is why you’re more likely to see it used in restaurants, as opposed to blue, which apparently suppresses the appetite. Every color is associated with various emotions which as a whole can influence our moods. For example, pink is usually associated with happiness and compassion, but also weakness and femininity. And that’s what makes it so controversial. Psychologists have long argued that it can have a calming effect on people, but using it in the penal system has also been described as humiliating, gender stereotyping and manipulative.

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Boy Inserts Sewing Needle in His Urethra to Keep Himself Awake

When it comes to keeping your self awake while doing homework, I could think of much better techniques than inserting a 10cm metal needle through my urethra, but it seems that’s the best a 12-year-old boy in China could come up with.

The unnamed by from Shanxi, China’s Xi’an province, was apparently so desperate to stay awake while doing his homework that he did something most of us couldn’t even imagine – he took one of his grandmother’s long acupuncture needles and shoved it down his urethra, the sensitive tube through which urine is pushed out of the body. It’s not clear exactly how that helped him stay awake, but that’s what he told his mother pushed him to do it. He later learned that shoving it too hard made it impossible to retrieve, which in turn made him unable to walk normally without enduring stringing pain.

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Polish Village Where Boys Are Rarely Born Offers to Reward First Couple to Have a Son

Miejsce Odrzańskie, a small village in southern Poland, near the border with the Czech Republic, is offering to reward the first local family to give birth to a son. None have been born there in the last nine years, and the youngest one that still lives in the village is 12-years-old.

No one knows why, but couples in Miejsce Odrzańskie rarely have boys. Most of the 300 or so inhabitants are women, and locals say it’s been this way for as long as they can remember. Mayor Rajmund Frischko recently told Polish reporters that after checking historical records and reviewing registered birth certificates he can confirmed that rare male births are not just a recent anomaly. He has also pledged to reward the first couple to give birth to a boy.

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The Immortal Jellyfish – The Only Creature Known to Be Able to Live Forever

Turritopsis dohrnii, a small species of jellyfish native to the Mediterranean, is commonly known as the “immortal jellyfish, and it literally lives up to its name. Possessing the ability to revert to its a sexually immature stage instead of succumbing to an inevitable death, this tiny creature holds the secret to true biological immortality.

Humans have fantasized about immortality since the beginning of time. We have countless myths and stories about it, but until the mid-1990s we had yet to find any proof that eternal life on this earth was possible. In 1996, researchers published a study about a small species of jellyfish capable of reverting from an adult, solitary individual to its juvenile colonial state, thus cheating death and achieving potential immortality. Just as long as it wasn’t consumed by predators and it could be sustained by its environment, the jellyfish could repeat this cycle indefinitely and live forever. To this day, the immortal jellyfish remains the only known immortal animal.

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