Sea of Garbage

No matter how much you love swimming I’m willing to bet the farm you wouldn’t dare do it here…unless you have a death wish!

This is the Citarum river, in Indonesia, possibly the most polluted river in the world, due to mankind’s greed and insensibility regarding environment. Once one of the most beautiful waters in Asia, now the Citarum is a graveyard of debris, where locals, who can no longer fish, risk their lives scavenging for bottles and anything else they might sell for a small profit.

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Campaign Against Train Roof Riders

Officials have decided! According to a report, Indonesian commuters riding on the roofs of trains will be sprayed with colored liquid so that security officers can identify and arrest them.

Rush hours are the most stressful. Electric trains that link Indonesian capital to the towns nearby are full of passengers during rush hours, with many sitting on the roofs due to a lack of space inside or to avoid paying.

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Odd fishes you didn’t know about

Many of you might find all fish to be disgusting, but I for one never had a problem with how they look, I even found some of them to be really interesting. But I have to say everything changed as soon as I saw these pictures, these things look like monsters out of my worst nightmares!

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Taking a swim in the Devil’s Pool

If you’re ever in Zimbabwe, don’t miss the chance to take a swim in The Devil’s Pool, a small lagoon, enclosed by rocks, on the edge of one of the biggest, most beautiful waterfalls in the world, Victoria Falls. Set on Livingstone Island, at a height of 103 meters, Devil’s Pool is definitely one of the most surreal locations on Earth.

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The Amazing Iron Chewer

With strong teeth like his, you can basically bite through anything. He would be a good model for a toothpaste commercial.

man chewing iron

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Proper Use of Toilet

Sometimes, in a moment of pressure, we all have difficulties in remembering things that are imprinted in our memory. It’s for forgetful people! There will be none of the following done in the toilet: