Swimming with crocs

What’s amazing is that people pay to be close to these man-eaters.

This is Cango Wildlife Ranch in South Africa, a unique endangered animal shelter where people can dive in a pool with crocodiles and get close enough to see their teeth. Anyone over 12 years-old is allowed to dive into the cleverly designed cage that keeps the adrenalin junkies safe from the crushing bite of the crocodiles, but all children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

There is a small opening at about half the height of the cage where crocs can actually get their noses into the cage, close enough for you to touch them, but thankfully it’s to tight for them to open their mouth. Some activists may complain about how the crocodiles are treated but the organizers at The Cango Wildlife Ranch say that no harm comes to the animals and that they just want to show people how magnificent the crocodile is in its natural environment, so they can understand why it is such a perfect predator.


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The London-New York Telectroscope

How would you like to see what people in New York are doing all across from London?

The Telectroscope was born from a very old, wacky idea of digging a tunnel to the other side of the world. Many of us had this idea or at least saw it in practice in children’s cartoons but nobody was crazy enough to try it. Nobody except artist Paul St. George who actually did it…sort of. He came across a 19th century article where a reporter misspelled the word electroscope, a device that measures electrostatic charges, and even misunderstood what it does, saying it was a device for the suppression of absence. The idea was a big thing at the time and people’s imagination started working, so St. George thought he’d try to put it in practice.

The Telectroscopes built in London and New York allow passers-by to take a look at what people are doing on the other side of the devices, not through a tunnel built between them but through a trans-Atlantic broadband network and HD cameras. So during the day Londoners can take a look at New York during the night and vice-versa.

The Telectroscope will be available for the public until June 15 and the company that created it wants to host special reunions between family and friends and even a marriage proposal from the other side of the Atlantic.

Read more on this incredible device right here


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The TokyoFlash Infection

Calm down everyone, it’s not a disease or anything like that.

Infection is the name of the new watch released by funky manufacturer TokyoFlash. Combining LED technology with an original, ergonomic design, Infection introduces an innovative and odd way to read time. It has twelve red LEDs that represent hours, eleven yellow LED’s representing the flow of time in groups of five minutes and four green LEDs showing the single minutes.

Although it does look pretty cool and it probably attracts a lot of curious eyes I think this 99% fashion accessory and 1% watch. I mean just think how hard it must be just to get used to it, but who needs the time when u can be cool…


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Alcohol with an extra sting

And when I say sting I mean just that.

I’ve seen many bottles of liquor with all kind of fruits in them, from small prunes to fully grown pears or apples but snakes and scorpions, this is definitely a first. You may have other tastes but to me these drinks look as bad as they must taste and you could pay me, I still wouldn’t try a sip of this stuff. Yuck!!!


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The Time Wheel

This is the world’s largest hourglass.

Unveiled on May 1st 2004 to commemorate Hungary’s entrance in the European Union, The Time Wheel is made out of red granite, steel and bullet-proof glass and it combines one of humanity’s most primitive time measuring devices with a very precise computer. It lies in Budapest near the entrance to City Park. The sand in the hourglass flows from one side of the device to the other for an entire year and the last grains are programmed to flow exactly at midnight on New Year’s Eve. The flow is then turned manually so that it can start measuring time for another year. It takes 45 minutes for 4 people to turn it 180 degrees using metal cables.

The Time Wheel hourglass was designed by Istvan Janaki.


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World’s largest horns

Frankly I can’t imagine how hard it must be for this fella to keep his head up with these things.

This is Lurch, the proud bearer of the world’s largest horns. Lurch is a Watusi bull living in an Animal shelter, whose horns measure 92.25 cm and weigh more than 100 pounds each. He’s quite the attraction in his home state and he’s favorite pass-time is acting as bodyguard for a crippled horse that’s being harassed by fellow horses. He looks amazing doesn’t he?


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Dyed doggies

The latest in puppy fashion.

At some point, as a dog owner you’re not happy with your pet’s look anymore, so having gone through all the hip hairstyles, there’s nowhere to go, that fur die. So you go and turn the poor animal into a walking traffic light or even a rainbow. Well I guess nobody said being “beautiful” and popular was easy. Poor dogs…


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Teeth paintings

Don’t you love to see original art?

And painting on teeth is pretty original, even if some may find them a bit disturbing. I have to say I’m pretty scared of the dentist, but if I ever have a tooth removed this is definitely what I want to do with it, turn something painful into something beautiful.


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The Jindo Moses Miracle

It’s not exactly The Splitting of The Red Sea but it’s pretty close.

Jindo Island, in South Korea, is host to one of the world’s most amazing natural phenomenons, called the Moses Miracle. Two times a year, during a low tide, a land path 2.8 kilometers long and 40 meters wide is revealed, uniting the islands of Jindo and Modo for a period of one hour. A festival is dedicated to this natural wonder and people from all around the world attend every year. However the Moses Miracle was largely unknown until 1975, when a French ambassador visited South Korea and wrote about in a French Newspaper.

The legend behind this Korean phenomenon goes like this: a Jindo village was attacked by tigers and all the villagers ran to Modo island for shelter. All, except for a helpless old woman who was left behind, out of despair she prayed to the Sea God, who split the sea and helped her escape the bloodthirsty animals.

The Moses Miracle just took place on May 18th.


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No Man’s Land Fort

Not many places offer this kind of privacy.

Built between 1861 and 1880 to protect Portsmouth from French naval attacks, No Man’s Land Fort was last used for military purposes during WWII and in later years it has been transformed into a luxury hotel with 21 rooms, indoor heated swimming pool and 2 helipads. But due to multiple problems, including finding a dangerous virus in the water supply in 2004, this incredible location ended up for sale in 2005 and 2007. But the 4 million British pounds price tag kept buyers away and in the meantime the owning company went bankrupt. Now the building is on auction again, while the owner lies in prison.

If you have the money, No Man’s Land Fort is worth a look, it’s 81 meters in diameter and 18 meters in height, it’s built out of granite blocks and reinforced with a thick iron plating and if its luxury doesn’t convince you, at least you know that if you ever have to fend off a naval attack, you have a chance.


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The Skeleton Bar

I bet you feel like you’re having a drink in a bar built by the Alien.

And in a way, you kind of are, because this odd-looking establishment was designed by Hans Rudi Giger (HR Giger), who worked as a designer on the Alien movies, receiving multiple awards, including an OSCAR for best special effects.

I must say Giger did great work on this museum-bar, you must feel like you’re somewhere in the Alien universe or inside the skeleton of a monster. In any case it’s very original and refreshing, I for one love it!


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Fencing never gets old

It never struck me like a sport for senior citizens but…

Apparently old people love it! at least the ones at Corpus Christi Catholic Home for retired priest and nuns in Melbourne, Australia, do. The over 80 years old athletes have been learning the art of fencing for nine months now, and apparently they are getting quite good at it. One of the care-takers from the home said the old people were a bit reluctant at first but after having a talk with the convincing instructor, they said yes.

Even 93 years old Sister Dolores says she loves the sport, even though she admits it’s a chalenge at her age and she’s always afraid she might fall over.


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Piercing necklace

I bet that didn’t hurt a bit…

Well let’s look at the bright side, at least no one is going to be able to grab it and steal it away, right. But seriously now, I don’t even want to imagine the kind of pain this dude suffered just to have his neck look like somebody just put in 20 Frankenstein-style bolts. If this is the price of being unique, I’ll take ordinary any day.

Erotic pasta

I can’t imagine why you’d want to eat something like this.

Sex sells, that we all know, but this is stretching it a little, if you ask me. I stumbled across these photos during one of my frequent web-surfing session and I thought they fit perfectly here. I sincerely wonder if anyone actually eats these things or where u can get them maybe a sex-shop?


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World’s biggest bra

What cup-size would you say that is?

You’d probably need a lot more letters in the alfabet to come up with the right answer, because that’s one big bra. I haven’t been able to find much info on it but it could have been created by someone who wanted to show his passion for women’s breast. That or some brand used it in a campaign. Either way, one thing is for certain, this is the world’s biggest bra.


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