Cement tube houses

I could think of a number of uses for these cement tubes, but housing is still not one of them.

But as you can see it’s very possible, and the people living in them seem very content. Sure you only have enough space to fit a small bed but at least you have a roof over your head…well it’s not exactly a roof but you know what I mean. I guess this one of those places where rich people come to experience what the hard-knock life feels like, before heading back to their luxurious mansions.

Would be nice if they had a toilet or something, though…

Backyard wooden roller-coaster

Who ever said you have to go to an amusement park to enjoy a roller-coaster ride?

Jeremy Reid decided to put all his effort into creating a fully-working roller-coaster ride in his very own backyard. It only cost him 9.500 pounds of lumber, a lot of time and $5.500, a very small price considering he created a ride with a maximum drop of 20 feet and a “lightning speed” of 20mph.

That wood seems a little rotten to me, so I wouldn’t have the guts to take a ride on these guy’s roller-coaster, but still it’s pretty decent work.

Marlbaro cellular phone

Yeah, I know, it’s not Marlboro, but it’s Chinese so it’s not that unusual.

By using this Chinese-made device you can fool people into thinking you’ve totally gone bananas and started talking on your cigarette pack. Although I’m sure it doesn’t have all the features of the latest mobile phones, but I know I’d love to have one,especially because it comes in a luxurious box, with a gold lighter and complementary cigarettes.Here are Marlbaro’s specs:

– 900/1800 GSM/GPRS
– 1.5 inch 260k color 178×220 display
– 1.3 mega pixel camera
microSD support
– stereo speakers
– measures 92×50.5×13 mm
– weighs 98 grams

Cappadocia Cave Hotel

Yes, I know, another place I’d like to visit in my lifetime.

Cappadocia Hotel literally carved into the Yunak Evleri mountain cliff. It includes 6 cave houses, a 19th century Greek mansion and 30 rooms dating back to the 5th and 6th century. Another reason to visit the luxurious Cappadocia Hotel is the opportunity to explore its elaborate underground cities, cavernous churches and incredible rock terrain.

So if you’re ever in Turkey and can afford to spend some serious bucks on a memorable vacation, keep Cappadocia Hotel in mind.

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Cooked rats actually look pretty good

You might not think so after seeing the first picture but check out the other ones and you’ll see what I mean.

Rats are a delicacy in countries like Thailand and Vietnam and many tourists try it at least once when visiting. You wouldn’t catch me dead eating one of those buggers, but I read they taste delicious, resembling the taste of rabbit meat (I hate the taste of rabbit so…). If you’re thinking of actually trying this “delicacy” make sure you cook it properly, otherwise experts say it can cause diarrhea.

I must admit they look tasty after cooking, like delicious roasted chicken, but as soon as I remember what they really are, I lose my appetite.

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PC deep-frier

I knew PCs can get pretty hot, but not that hot…WOW!!!

After seeing people use pumpkins as PC cases, I shouldn’t have been surprised by this experiment, but I was. First of all, I had no idea a PC could function in a pool of cooking oil, let alone heat it enough to cook French fries in it. Wacky experiments like these always put a smile on my face.

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Floppy-disk man bag

You thought floppy-disks were obsolete didn’t you…DIDN’T YOU?!?

Well as you can see that’s not true at all, I for one would love to have one of those, but I’m just to lazy to get to work. It’s nice to know that I’ve finally found some use to the hundreds of floppy-disks I have lying around in my room. Very original idea, my compliments to the creator!

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Faith-the biped dog

Dogs need 4 legs to walk…or do they?

Well most of them do, but not wonder dog Faith. She was born with deformities, she only had one front leg and it had to be removed when she was 7 months because it was starting to atrophy. But thanks to the care of her adoptive owners Faith managed to survive and grow into an amazing dog. She learned to move by using only her 2 remaining legs, but, according to her owners although it was a very difficult process, it was also natural.

Faith has become a star and her owners have started the With Little Faith Foundation and they travel along with their pet, spreading their faith and God’s love to as many as they can.

Faith’s official site

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Mountains in the Philippines

Who says agriculture doesn’t belong in mountain regions!

I have to hand it to these workers, they’ve certainly made lemonade with the lemons nature gave them. It’s definitely not easy to practice agriculture in this kind of environment, but they pulled it off in the Philippines and they did it by using their hands and tools, no kind of fancy machinery.

And I have to say that besides the purpose they serve, these mountains really look amazing!

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Organic PC

Nature and technology coming together in a very unusual way.

I’m sure most of you know pumpkin is great material for pie and Halloween lanterns, but how many of you knew it makes a great PC case? Yup these photos prove that parts can be easily mounted in a big, orange pumpkin and still function perfectly. Original idea and great craftsmanship, my hat’s off to the guys who worked on the project, well done!


World’s largest moth

Who knew moths this big even existed?

The Atlas moth (Attacus Atlas) is is a large moth found in the tropical and subtropical forests of Southeast Asia, southern China, common across the Malay archipelago, Thailand to Indonesia.

These moths are considered the largest in the world in terms of total wing surface area (65 square inches). In Hong Kong the Cantonese name translates as “snake’s head moth“, referring to apical extension of the forewing, which bears a passing resemblance to a snake’s head.

Another interesting characteristic of the Atlas moth is that it doesn’t have fully developed mouth-parts, so it can’t feed…ever. It survives on the larval fat reserves, throughout their entire 1-2 weeks adult lives.

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Gamucci, the e-cigarette

Finally, every smoker’s dream came true, a cigarette that’s not bad for you.

E-cigarette reviews say Gamucci is a device that looks, feels and tastes like a real cigarette but doesn’t hurt you, the ones around you or the environment. It’s a rechargeable device that uses sophisticated micro-electronic technology to deliver a true smoking experience, only without the tobacco smoke and tar that contain over 4.000 toxins. It contains water, propylene glycol, nicotine and tobacco scent and, instead of exhaling smoke, you exhale harmless vapors. So your body receives all the nicotine it craves but without all the other nasty stuff, it’s a dream come true and best of all you can legally smoke it indoors.

One rechargeable Gamucci cartridge is the equivalent of 20 cigarettes and the device’s battery lasts a whole day, when used with normal use (whatever that means).

If you’d like to know more about this revolutionary device and even order one click the link at the bottom.


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World’s biggest burger

I wonder if your heart explodes after eating one of these babies?

The world’s biggest cheeseburger comes from Bob’s BBQ & Grill of Pattaya, Thailand and it was created in celebration of the king of Thailand’s 60th year accession to the throne. The burger’s unveiling was witnessed by officials from Ripley’s Believe It or Not, who recorded it’s weight of 78.5 pounds. It measures 60cm in diameter and 35cm in height.

Big Bob’s Texas Belt Buster, as it’s been named by the restaurant’s owner, is now on the menu and can be ordered 12 hours in advance.


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Bottle-cap painting

Here’s another way to recycle apparently useless junk.

I must admit that, even though I’m very interested in recycling and the whole environmental issue, using bottle caps to create beautiful art, never crossed my mind. That goes to show you that we can find solutions to our problems where we least expect it.

This “painting” was commissioned by the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), to celebrate Charleston’s master blacksmith, Phillip Simmons, who’s work can be found all over the Charleston peninsula.

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Life-size Alien statue

If you’re a true fan of the Alien series, you’ll probably want one of these.

I am a fan of science-fiction movies but I can’t say I’m a die-hard fan of Alien. To tell you the truth, those aliens scare the hell out of me, always have and I’m pretty sure they always will. I can’t imagine waking up in the middle of the night, for a glass of water, and accidentally bumping into a seven-foot alien, my heart would explode for sure.

But hey, if your strong of heart and love the series, you’ll want to check the link at the bottom and order one.

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