Erotic pasta

I can’t imagine why you’d want to eat something like this.

Sex sells, that we all know, but this is stretching it a little, if you ask me. I stumbled across these photos during one of my frequent web-surfing session and I thought they fit perfectly here. I sincerely wonder if anyone actually eats these things or where u can get them maybe a sex-shop?


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World’s biggest bra

What cup-size would you say that is?

You’d probably need a lot more letters in the alfabet to come up with the right answer, because that’s one big bra. I haven’t been able to find much info on it but it could have been created by someone who wanted to show his passion for women’s breast. That or some brand used it in a campaign. Either way, one thing is for certain, this is the world’s biggest bra.


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Fusion Man – The human airplane

Now this must be fun!

Yves Rossy, a Swiss airplane pilot had a dream many of us share, to fly through the clouds, like a bird, but unlike most of us, he chose to actually do something about it and in 2006 he became the first man to fly with wings and four jet engines strapped to his body. On Wednesday he took to the sky in his amazing vehicle in his first public demonstration in Bex, Switzerland, in the Swiss Alps. The stunt also included an emergency parachute landing, programmed to immediately deploy if he blacks out. It was an amazing 6 minutes-performance that showed the world flying isn’t only done in an airplane.

Rossy is now preparing for a flight over the English Channel and he says he dreams of flying through the Grand Canyon, but for that he needs stronger propulsion engines. Right now, his equipment allows him to fly at about 300km/h, so I wonder what bigger engines can do?

One of the most amazing things about the Fusion Man is that he does all his steering just by using his body, which can get really tricky at high speeds.


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The Acrobat Climber

Now this guys must have balls the size of watermelons!

Famous Austrian climber and photographer,Heinz Zak threw an incredible highline performance on May 3rd, walking on a string for a full 30 meters, between two giant sandstone towers, in the Czech Republic, the Starosta and Starostova (Mayor and Lady Mayor). Just a few days before this stunt, Zak had an impressive highline performance between two stone towers in Germany. This guy is amazing!

The bottle computer

Have you ever seen a computer set up in an empty whisky bottle? Well, you have now.

Janos Marton, a hardware moding enthusiast got the idea for this wacky computer, when he decided to make a quiet, low-power home server. But being so passionate about tuning hardware he wanted something unique for the case. So he went ahead and used an empty 1.5 litre bottle of Ballantines whisky. Pretty original work as you can see from the photos and the way he got all the parts to fit in there so smoothly.

If you want to find out more about how the Ballantines PC was created just hit the link to the original source.

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Giant jellyfish threatening Japan

How would you feel swimming next to one of these things on your holiday?

Echizen kurage, as the Japanese call them, are giant jellyfish, over 2 meters in diameter and 200 kg in weight, swimming in the waters of Japan, China and Korea and disturbing their activities. The presence of these giant blobs seriously affected the fishing business in many areas of Japan, because they would get caught in the fishnets and poisoned or simply crushed the fish under their weight. Back in 2005-2006 the problem was so serious that a “jellyfish summit” was organized in hope of finding a solution.

Many scientist claim that the problem got out of hand because of the global warming, the seawater temperature rose and allowed jellyfish to multiply at an abnormally high rate. Others say it’s due to the over-fishing, which let to the increase of plankton, jellyfishes’ main food source. Anyway you put it, it’s man’s fault once again, what a surprise right?

And these bad boys aren’t harmless like the jellyfish from Jellyfish Lake in Palau, they’re needles are highly poisonous and can cause serious damage.

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China’s secret training methods

Painful but efficient.

I have to say these Chinese have a rich imagination, the needle technique to force soldiers keep their chin up is taken out of some kind of fairytale and the cross stuck to their backs…must be really uncomfortable at first but I bet it pays of in the end. Sure some may comment on the morality of these methods but they only think about the goal, not the means. Plus they have the Olympics to think about, it seams they cannot afford any imperfections.

Still I’m glad I’m glad to be living in democracy!

Chilli, the world’s largest bull

This guy makes a horse feel like a dwarf.

Chilli is a black and white Fresian bull, weighing a whopping 1.25 tons and standing at 6 feet and 6 inches in height. Abandoned by its owner on the doorstep of the sanctuary he lives in today, when he was just 6 days old, back in 1999, Chilli grew up to become the biggest bovine in the world, according to Guinness Book of Records. according to Naomi Clarke, manager of the Ferne animal Sanctuary in Ferne, Somerset, the bull doesn’t eat as much as the other cows and yet he outgrows them by far. He’s also abnormally friendly and gentle.

You could say Chilli had a stroke of luck when he ended up in the shelter, because normally he would have ended up chopped into pieces and on the shelves of a meat market somewhere. Now he’s 9 years old and the proud owner of the title “Largest Bovine in the World“, nice going Chilli.

Sulfur hell

If you’ve ever smelled sulfur you understand why I call it hell.

This is Kawah Ijen on Java island, Indonesia, a unique location that sulfur calls home. Ijen crater is a yellow-greenish pit where locals that people go down in every day and come out with over 80 kilos of sulfur on their backs. personally I don’t know how they can handle the stinky fumes, but i guess hunger can drive a man to do anything. Near the crater there’s a beautiful acid lake, but as you might imagine, it has no inhabitants, the sulfur made sure of that.

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The tightest city in the world?

You probably need a bike to make your way through the streets of this city.

This is Shibam, one of the must-see cities of Yemen, situated in the middle of the desert it stands out like a skyscraper oasis surrounded by a thick, stone wall. It is indeed a sight to behold, but its beauty is not the topic of this story, its tightness, on the other hand, is. All the buildings are very slim yet, at the same time, seem to be glued to one-another, it looks like someone had a limited amount of space to build on and tried to get as many buildings in. The streets are extremely narrow and dark because of the tall buildings but they are extremely full of life, full of tourists and merchants that fit into the picture perfectly.

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Who said polar bears were carnivores

Not even polar bears can resist watermelons.

If the rest of the polar bears in the world would learn that one of their brothers ate something other than meat, they’d probably lynch him or at least treat him like a pariah. But come on now, I understand him, after all watermelons are so delicious that no one could resist a taste, he just gave in to temptation.

The mysterious 7 Strong Men

Kind of like the statues on Easter Island aren’t they?

Manpupuner is a mysterious site in the northern Ural mountains, made out of seven rock towers bursting out of the flat plateau, also known as the “7 strong men“. Manpupuner is a very popular attraction in Russia, but not on an international level and information regarding its origin is scarce. We now however that their height and abnormal shapes make the top of these rock giants inaccessible even to experienced rock-climbers. Manpupuner is very hard to reach, it lies in a very harsh environment, but once there you’ll be able to enjoy a view unique in the whole world.

People who have visited this incredible site, say they have no cravings for water, food or rest, they just want to contemplate the 30-80 meter rock towers, where natives say spirits used to gather in ancient times.

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The tree-house restaurant

Now that’s a hell of an idea to attract customers.

This Okinawa Tree-House restaurant, on Highway 58 at the entrance in Onoyama Park in the south of Japan. What may look like a genuine tree is actually a man-made concrete structure, just like the French used to build in the lathe 19th century. Customers actually have to get in an elevator inside the “trunk” to reach the restaurant. I have to say it’s a pretty original idea and the work on the tree is amazing, I couldn’t tell it was fake the first time I saw it.

Le petit Paris

This guy must really love the city of love!

This man is Gerard Brion, he spent 15 years of his life building this model of Paris. Now that’s what I call a true patriot!

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The Real Snake Eater

For all you gamers out there I’m not talking about Snake from the Metal Gear Solid series.

This is Manoharan, a 27 year-old guy that performs one of the most growse-yet-cool stunts I’ve ever seen. He gets thin snakes through his nostrils and pulls them out through his mouth. Snake Manu, as he likes to be called, has already claimed a place in the Guinness Book of Records for another “most worms eaten in 30 seconds”, managing to gobble down 200 live earthworms, each measuring more than 10 cm.

Snake Manu says he started by entertaining his colleagues in school by inserting pieces of chalk through his nose and pulling them out through the nose and when he was 18 he started experimenting with snakes, his first try was with a half-dead water snake.

He says his favorite snakes are the baby cobras, because they are lightning fast and extremely poisonous. he has also used common kraits, sand boas and rat snakes.

He has also started to eat the snakes he inserts through his nose since an incident when a snake go stuck in his trachea and he had to choose between being bit by it or biting it. He chose the latter ( smart choice).