Woman Attracted to Inanimate Objects Marries Briefcase Named Gideon

A 24-year-old woman from Moscow, Russia, met her husband, Gideon, five years ago, at a hardware store, while shopping for photoshoot props. Gideon just looked irresistible, so she ended up buying “him”, and the rest is history. Gideon is a metallic briefcase…

Rain Gordon, who works as a nursery school teacher, claims that her fascination with inanimate objects began at a very young age. She has always believed that everything around her had a soul, and as time went by, her belief in animism only got stronger. In her early teenage years, she fell in love with a new shopping center that opened in her home city, but she knew people thought that was wrong, so she didn’t tell anyone. Rain is now opening up about her love story with Gideon the briefcase in order to break down the misconceptions and stigma surrounding romantic relationships with inanimate objects.

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The Doomway – Britain’s Deadliest Footpath Has Claimed Over 100 Lives

The Broomway, a 600-year-old footpath connecting the coast of Essex to Foulness Island, in the UK, is rumored to have claimed over 100 lives over the centuries, which has earned it the reputation of Britain’s deadliest path and the eerie nickname “The Doomway”.

For centuries, the Broomway was the only way to access Foulness Island on foot. Recorded as early as 1419, the footpath runs for about 6 miles through vast sand flats and mud flats that look deceptively easy to navigate in good weather, but that can prove deadly in less than ideal conditions. Named after the hundreds of “brooms” – bundles of twigs attached to short poles – which once marked the path, the Broomway is now outlined by wooden poles that are easy to miss in fog and heavy rain. And getting lost in the treacherous sand flats can be deadly, for a number of reasons.

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Researchers Develop High-Tech Device That Simulates Holding a Girl’s Hand

If you’ve ever wanted to hold a girl’s hand and take long romantic walks in the moonlight, but could never actually find a girl to do that with, there’s now a high-tech device you can try.

Developed by a research team at Gifu University, in Japan, “My Girlfriend in Walk” is an ingenious device that aims to recreate the experience a girlfriend’s hand, without an actual girlfriend. The act of walking hand in hand with the opposite sex, be they partner or friend, can be very satisfying, but we don’t always have someone to do it with. Luckily, technology has evolved enough to provide a viable surrogate, kind of…

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Guy Proves Skirts and High-Heels Can Look Good on Men as Well

Photos of a man sporting a variety of rather unusual combinations of men’s and women’s clothes and footwear have been doing the rounds online and sparking debates about unisex clothing.

Italian high end brand Gucci recently made news headlines for releasing a dress for men that most people -both men and women – found unnecessary and even inappropriate. But, as it turns out, there are straight men out there who enjoy wearing women’s clothes and accessories, and actually look good doing it. Case in point, Mark Bryan a self-described “straight, happily married guy that loves Porsche’s , beautiful women, and incorporating high heels and skirts into my daily wardrobe”.

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Artist Creates Stunning Body-Paintings That Glow Under Black Light

Artist John Poppleton combines his love of painting and his knowledge of photography to create stunning landscapes that glow under black light.

Poppleton’s Bodyscapes feature mesmerizing scenes – right from summery African savannas to electric lighting storms – on the soft curves of the human form. The breathtaking images usually span out from the model’s back, branching out on to the arms, legs, neck, and even the head. His unique style and the type of scenes that he chooses to paint have earned Poppleton the title ‘Bob Ross of Black Light Body Painting’.

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Self-Described ‘Trans Satanist Anarchist’ Wins Republican Nomination for County Sheriff

Aria DiMezzo, a self-described “transsexual Satanist anarchist” who ran for the sheriff’s job in Cheshire County, New Hampshire, with the campaign slogan “F*** the Police”, decisively won the Republican nomination this weekend.

DiMezzo said that she had expected to lose to a write-in candidate, adding that her surprising victory proves “the system is utterly and hopelessly broken”. She went on to explain that any system that a system that allows thousands of people to walk into a voting booth and vote despite not knowing anything about the person they are nominating for the most powerful law-enforcement position in the county is undoubtedly broken. The young GOP nominee claims that she has always been upfront about who and what she is, but that the very fact that she won shows just how “clueless the average voter is”.

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Indonesian Woman Allegedly Gives Birth After One-Hour-Long Pregnancy

Human pregnancies normally last around 9 months, but one Indonesian woman has been making news headlines in her country for claiming that she gave birth just one hour after experiencing pregnancy symptoms.

Heni Nuraeni, a 30-year-old woman from Mandalasari, a village in Indonesia’s Tasikmalaya Regency has become the main topic of conversation in her country, after it was revealed that she gave birth to a baby boy after allegedly experiencing pregnancy symptoms for about an hour. Heni claims that on Saturday night, July 18th, her belly started growing and she started experiencing painful cramps which she immediately associated with child birth, having previously given birth to two children. The problem was that not only had she been oblivious to the pregnancy, she also hadn’t made love to her husband in 19 months…

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More Stunning Body-Painting Illusions by Instagram Superstar Mimi Choi

After using her face for stunning make-up illusions that left people scratching their heads, Instagram superstar Mimi Choi is focusing on other body parts, primarily her arms and legs, with similar results.

A former schoolteacher turned makeup artist, Vancouver-based Mimi Choi took social media by storm three years ago with her incredible optical illusions. Using makeup, body paint, mountains of patience and innate talent, Choi managed to turn her face into a canvas for all sorts of trompe l’oeil artworks that fascinated millions of people around the world. It’s no wonder that she boasts over 1 million followers on Instagram alone, as her account is definitely one of the most attention-worthy on the popular social network.

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Japanese Man Arrested for Slashing Over 1,000 Women’s Tires as Excuse to Get to Know Them

On a list of worst yet most original ways to strike up a conversation with the opposite sex, slashing their tires just so you could then come and offer assistance has to rank pretty high…

A 32-year-old man from Aichi Prefecture, Japan, was recently arrested after allegedly slashing a woman’s tire just so he could follow her and offer assistance when she eventually pulled over to check the wheel. On June 11, an unnamed 43-year-old woman walked out of the supermarket in Higashiura, went to her car and drove away. She didn’t get very far before noticing that her driver’s side front tire was almost completely flat, so she pulled over to check it out. That’s when a friendly man stopped his car next to hers and offered to help fix her flat. It’s not every day that you get to meet such kind souls, the only problem was that the woman quickly realized that the same thing had happened to her just a year before, and the knight in shining armor looked suspiciously familiar too…

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Woman Who Couldn’t Speaks For Two Months, Now Speaks With Four Foreign Accents

Emil Egan was born and raised in Essex, United Kingdom and speaks no foreign language, but hearing her speak you could swear she is a Russian immigrant or tourist, because of her Eastern European accent. But the funny thing is that she sometimes sounds French, Italian or even Polish, depending on how tire she is.

31-year-old Emily’s life changed dramatically in January, when a mysterious condition left her unable to speak for two months. She had complained about headaches for two weeks before one day developing a deeper voice out of the blue. Her colleagues at a children’s home she was managing in Bournemouth then noticed that her speech had become slow and slurred, both indicators of a stroke. By the time she was rushed to the hospital Emily had lost her ability to speak completely, but after running some tests, doctors ruled out the strike, instead blaming her voice loss on some sort of brain injury.

After spending three weeks in the hospital, Emily Egan was still unable to speak and relied solely on basic sign language she had picked up at work and a text-to-speech app on her phone to communicate. Emily was discharged to a neurologist who encouraged her to go on a vacation in Thailand she and her partner Bradleigh had already booked, and to try and relax as much as possible. She did just that and a few days into the vacation, she started to speak again.

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Japanese Lace Bra-Shaped Face Masks Sold Out Minutes After Launch

Remember those bra-cup face mask memes doing the rounds on social media not too long ago? Well, a Japanese company decided to make them a reality, and they sold out almost instantly.

Getting your hands on a proper medicinal face mask in Japan is pretty hard these days, but clothing companies around the country are trying to alleviate the shortage by producing reusable cloth masks. Atsumi Fashion, an apparel manufacturer in the city of Himi, Toyama Prefecture, is one such company, only it’s going about things a bit differently. You see, Atsumi specializes in women’s underwear garments, and its management decided that applying the same design to face masks wouldn’t be such a bad idea. They were right!

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Woman Leaves Real-Life Husband to Pursue Video-Game Romance

This is the story of a middle-aged woman from the UK who decided to end her unhappy marriage to pursue a fairy-tale romance in an online video game which ultimately resulted in a real-life wedding.

Kelly Sexton was 37 when she first started playing Second Life, an online simulation game where players customize their avatars and live out their fantasies. She was suffering from fibromyalgia, ME and non-epileptic attack disorder (NEAD), and Second Life proved a welcome escape from the troubles of daily life. She was married at the time and had four children, so she never really considered the idea of falling in love with a stranger and starting a new life, albeit an online one. But that’s exactly what happened.

On New Years Eve 2016, Kelly’s avatar, Selena, was approached by a tall, dark-haired, buff male avatar who started pole dancing in front of her. She found it very funny, so she started flirting with him.

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Female Boxer Hid Her Gender in Order to Compete Against Men

Tatyana Dvazhdova, a 22-year-old female boxer from Russia doesn’t consider herself weaker than a man, and to prove this point she spent years hiding her gender and fighting male boxers under the fake name “Vladimir”.

During a conference called “International Women’s Day – Feminism, Socialism, Sexism”, Tatyana Dvazhdova revealed that a few years ago she posed as a male boxer in order to fight against other men and prove that she was their equal. The muscular woman cut her hair short, let her body hair grow and did everything she could to conceal her female traits. She even got a fake ID and fought under the name Vladimir Ermolaev , winning 9 out of her 17 boxing matches. Tatyana proved her point, that women can compete against men in boxing, but as soon as she revealed her true identity, she was banned from competing against men.

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Dinky One – A Niche Dating App for the Less-Endowed

When it comes to “package” size, most men are of the belief that bigger is better, but a new dating app is trying to help men better deal with the pressure of conforming to unrealistic body ideals by creating a space exclusively for individual with less than average size members…

The aptly named Dinky One is a dating app designed exclusively for men with appendages smaller than 5.5 inches, the global average erect penis length. Actually, woman and gender minorities can sign up as well, but as far as men go, only those with smaller packages that average are eligible to join. That’s because the main gist behind Dinky One is creating a space where less-endowed men can feel comfortable. To do that, Dinky One allows users to remain anonymous and doesn’t require people to upload a picture of themselves.

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13-Year-Old Girl Claims Her 10-Year-Old Boyfriend Got Her Pregnant

In a controversial case that has been the talk of a whole country these last few days, a 13-year-old girl went on TV to tell the world that she is pregnant with her 10-year-old boyfriend.

The two children, Darya and Ivan, recently appeared on Russian television show “On Air Live” to tell their story, get tested and be confronted by experts about their controversial pregnancy. Reports of Ivan having impregnated his 13-year-old girlfriend had been going around Russian social media all last week, but the couple’s parents gave their permission for them to finally show their faces to the world. The 13-year-old girl claimed that she had not been intimate with other boys than Ivan, and her version was believed by a psychologist, but then other experts produced evidence that Ivan was too young to leave anyone pregnant.

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