Diggerland – Heaven for Construction fans

Diggerland is an unusual fun-park where children and adults alike can experience life on a construction site.

I can’t say I’ve ever been a big fan of construction machinery but if you or your kids love it head on to one of the four Diggerland parks in England and enjoy a full day as a construction worker. You’ll get the chance to drive trucks, mini diggers and giant diggers under the strict supervision of trained professionals, take pictures and get a good meal at the Dig inn.

I’m sure some kids might love this stuff but me, well I’ve never dreamed of a career in constructions so I guess I won’t be visiting Diggerland anytime soon. For more details on the unusual Diggerland theme-park head over to their official site.











Toughest race in the world

That’s what the organizers say anyway.

Welcome to the world of lunatics and masochists – that’s what it says when you visit the “About” page on the official site of Le Marathon des Sables. And I don’t think they’re just saying that, I think they mean it. After all we are talking about 243 km of desert over a period of 6 days. That’s 5 and a half normal marathons of running through the sand, with a backpack on, in a temperature of over 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

You have to prepare your own food, so be careful what you bring with you as well as set up a tent to camp out over night in the unwelcoming Sahara desert. Food is rationed and handed out at specific checkpoints, so you have to reach them in order to get some water. Equipment is apparently very important as the rough terrain can do irreparable damage to your feet ( you’ll be running on uneven, rocky, stony ground as well as sand dunes).

Now comes the crazy part, if you’re crazy enough to register for Le Marathon, you’ll need to come up with $5000 to pay the entrance fee, not to mention all the money you have to spend on equipment, traveling and training. They should’ve said most expensive race too!

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Swamp Soccer

If you’re not one of those people who thinks soccer is for pussies, you’re going to love this.

Believe it or not, this sport really exists, there are even organized championships in European countries like Finland and the United Kingdom. It originates from Finland, where it was first played by cross-country skiers who were training in swamps in the summer time. Now annual tournaments take place in Finland, Sweden, Iceland and the UK. There are three types of teams in swamp soccer, man teams, women teams and mixed teams and all consist of 6 players.

Although you have to get down and dirty, I have a feeling this sport is extremely fun to play and there aren’t many teams that play it for the competition’s sake. That trophy would look pretty sweet in my personal collection though…

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Not your usual children’s camp

Welcome to Stavropol children’s military camp, where Russian kids lose…no not their virginity you pervert, their childhood!

As the title suggests, this is not your typical summer camp, where people play games, have fun and learn cool stuff, this is the army baby, the Russian army. About 40 children, between 12 and 17 years old go through a rough training here and learn the basics martial arts and weaponry. Just like the Ansan civilian camp in South Korea, Stavropol run by former Russian servicemen and I bet they’re pretty tough.

I may seem soft but I wouldn’t send my kid there no matter what he did, I really think places like these rob kids of their childhood much too soon…

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Dancing with crocs

I didn’t know crocodiles were easy to train, this guy proves that they are.

Still, putting your head inside that beast’s head like that?!? And he looks like he doesn’t have a care in the world, like nothing could go wrong, it’s a little annoying. Buddy that thing has one of the strongest bites on the planet, if he snaps, that’s it, game over! And with a face like that, I wonder how that crock can help himself…

Although I doubt he’ll have a head on his shoulders for a long time, if he keeps this up, the guy has balls the size of watermelons!

Limbo-skating champion

I’ve always found skating quite difficult, but skating under cars…what more can I say?

Aniket Chindak is the unofficial world champion at skating under cars, he was able to skate under 57 cars in only 45 seconds, and now he’s getting ready to shatter his own record. “I first saw a girl skate under a car on TV two years ago and decided to learn how to do it myself. It took three months before I could get my body in the right position. Since then I have skated under lots of cars and have never hurt myself.” That’s pretty impressive considering the boy has been skating ever since he was 18 months old.

The boy has now started training for skating under 100 cars in order to set a record that no one can beat for a long time. Good luck wit that!

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Fighting ouzels

I’m sure you’ve all heard about cock fights, but how many of you heard about ouzel fights?

Yup, apparently they’re not just harmless birds with phenomenal voices but also very good fighters when they need to be. In India fights between short-legged ouzels are very popular, people actually breed and train them for this kind of activity, apparently there are also a lot of money involved. It’s quite sad actually, not long ago I wrote a post about horrific horse fights, it’s clearer and clearer that man is indeed the most cruel being on the planet.

Thrill ride in the sky

How would you feel if you were hanging on a metal arm atop of the eighth-tallest building in the world, the Stratosphere hotel in Las Vegas? I know I’d be terrified, but if you’re one of those thrill seekers that will gladly swim in Devil’s Pool, you might like this.

The X-Scream is, according to many, the ultimate fun ride in the world. Those willing to risk a heart attack are loaded in a cart and hoisted high into the air before the track plunges into a 30 degree angle. Just when it reaches 30mph, the carts comes to a full stop at the end of the track, leaving nothing but 300meters of air between passengers and the ground…now that I don’t want to try! I don’t care about their fancy security measures, that include titanium restraint bars and a manual return mechanism in case of power failure, I ‘m just not getting on that thing!


Photos: Stratosphere Hotel and Casino/Facebook

Yellow Brick Road

The city of Schiedam was and remains to this day, the poorest city in the Netherlands and the Yellow Brick Road, that connects the center of the city to the new train station, is not only meant to make the city more beautiful, but also to symbolize the road to prosperity and success. Yellow Brick Road also has a shine that resembles that of gold.

Funeral dinner on a subway

A band of young Ukrainian students found an unusual way to commemorate the death of one of their countries most brilliant surgeons, a doctor Pirogov, who apparently, revolutionized national medicine. They organized a funeral commemorative dinner in one of Kiev’s subway trains inviting everyone to commemorate the carrier and accomplishments of their hero.

As you can see from these photos, the food was pretty scarce but vodka and carton-box wine were abundant. Now that’s good eating!

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