Stone Watch – The World’s Dumbest Smartwatch

Smartwatch manufacturers are constantly trying to one-up each other with feature-rich devices, but one Japanese company prides itself on making the world’s dumbest smartwatch.

The Stone Watch is not a smartwatch, it’s just designed to look like one. Created by Japanese capsule toy maker Tama-Kyu, the low-tech accessory doesn’t even tell time, let alone feature advanced tech like heart rate measurement, or smartphone connectivity. It doesn’t even have a display, it’s just a glossy, black piece of plastic with a silicone band that does nothing but look nice on your wrist.

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The World’s Largest Monastic Library Is Also One of the Most Beautiful

Admont Abbey, a Baroque monastery in Austria, hosts the world’s largest monastic library, which also happens to be a stunning work of art.

Dating back to the year 1074 when the Benedictine monks of Salzburg decided to found their own abbey in the town of Admont, Admont Abbey is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the region of Styria. And while the entire monastic complex is impressive, the 70-meter-long library is undoubtedly the abbey’s main attraction. Featuring flamboyant ceiling frescoes, wooden sculptures, gold busts, gilded bookshelves, and no less than seven frescoes-decorated cupolas, this is definitely one of the world’s most beautiful libraries.

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Man Who Dreamed of Becoming a Wolf Spends $23,000 on Hyper-Realistic Costume

A Japanese man reportedly spent a whopping 3 million yen ($23,000) on a handmade wolf costume to fulfill his dream of becoming a wolf.

Zeppet, a Japanese company specializing in special effects and special modeling, made international news headlines last year, when it revealed that it had created a special dog suit for a client who had always wanted to live like a dog. The high-quality rough collie dog costume, which Zeppet claims was designed to adapt human anatomy to that of a canine, got a lot of attention after going viral on Twitter. Recently, that same company announced that they had received an even more challenging order from a person who wanted to live out their fantasy of becoming a wolf.

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Artist Uses Real Flower Petals to Create Intricate Fairy Dresses

Momotsuki, a 20-year-old artist from Japan, blends her love of gardening and fantasy into a unique art form she calls named “Fairy Dress“.

If you think about it, flowers make perfect dresses for fairies, but you need the skill and imagination to turn them into functional garments, and Momotsuki, the talented artist behind the ‘Fairy Dress’ brand, has plenty of both. A passionate gardener with over 14 years of experience, the 20-year-old woman had the brilliant idea to combine her passion for plants with her love of fantasy, fairies in particular. She uses flowers like pansies, morning glories, roses and carnations to create beautiful dresses that any fairy would call herself lucky to wear.

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Medical Center Mistakenly Notifies Thousands of Patients That They Have Cancer for Christmas

Imagine scrolling through your inbox a couple of days before Christmas, casually reading heartwarming Holiday wishes, and then seeing a message from your medical center notifying you that you have “aggressive” cancer.

Forget totally ruining someone’s Holidays, this is the kind of message that could cause someone a heart attack, or at least a panic attack. Sending one person such a message by mistake would be considered a serious error, but sending that message to thousands of patients is nothing short of a catastrophe. The Askern Medical Practice in Doncaster, UK has around 8,000 patients and it is believed that, on December 23, it accidentally sent a cancer notification to most, if not all of them. The text informed recipients that they had “aggressive lung cancer with metastases” and advised them to fill out a special form for people with terminal diseases.

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This Old Stamp Is the World’s Most Expensive Object by Weight

It’s hard to believe that a humble stamp could be considered exorbitantly expensive, but at $8.5 million, this 1856 postage stamp is considered the world’s most expensive object by weight.

The world is full of valuable objects, from jewelry to rare artworks, but when it comes to value per gram, nothing even comes close to ‘The British Guiana One-Cent Black on Magenta’, a one-of-a-kind postage stamp that weighs just 40 milligrams but is valued at around $8.5 million. To put that into perspective, the average 0.2-carat diamond (which also weighs 40 milligrams) costs about $700, while the same amount of LSD costs around $5,000. There just isn’t an object that can compare to this ultra-rare stamp in terms of value per weight.

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Japan’s Plastic Surgery Idol Has Spent $100,000 on Cosmetic Procedures

Todoroki, a 30-year-old Japanese woman known as Japan’s plastic surgery idol, has spent over 13 million yen on plastic surgery over the last decade.

Posting as 整形アイドル轟ちゃん (Plastic Surgery Idol Todoroki-chan) on YouTube, Todoroki is one of the few vloggers who not only focuses on a topic that is still considered taboo in her home country but also shows the dark side of going under the knife. She has had dozens of plastic surgery procedures since she turned 18, and has always been upfront about the results. For example, even though she claims that she has no regrets about her plastic surgery journey so far, Todoroki doesn’t hide the fact that one procedure left her with a numb upper lip.

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Swiss Hospitals Still Use a Medieval Prayer Called ‘The Secret’ to Prevent Patients Bleeding

A new study recently revealed that some Swiss hospitals still rely on a medieval prayer known as ‘The Secret’ to protect patients from excessive bleeding after surgeries.

We live in a time when medical professionals have access to a variety of scientifically-proven tools to prevent excessive bleeding in patients, but according to data presented in a recent study, several hospitals in Switzerland still rely on a “healing formula” dating back to the Middle Ages to keep people from bleeding to death. Known as The Secret, this “blood charm is widely practiced in the French-speaking part of Switzerland,” and reportedly works by mobilizing “superior forces to help cure the patient”. The Secret was recently the subject of a study designed to test the efficacy of the ritual.

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In the Coldest Place on Earth Temperatures Drop to Minus 135.8 Degrees Fahrenheit

According to NASA Earth Observatory satellites, the coldest place on Earth is a mountain ridge on the East Antarctic Plateau where temperatures can drop to -135.8 degrees Fahrenheit (-93.2 degrees Celsius).

For the past week, much of the US has been affected by an extreme winter storm that brought massive snowfalls, destructive winds, and freezing temperatures as low as -20 degrees Fahrenheit (-28 degrees Celsius). That’s low enough for the average person to suffer frostbite in just under 10 minutes of direct exposure, but it’s nowhere near as dangerous as the coldest place on Earth. NASA satellites recently a high mountain ridge on the East Antarctic Plateau where, on clear winter nights, temperatures drop to an abysmal -135.8 degrees Fahrenheit (-93.2 degrees Celsius).

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This Couple Is on a Mission to Rid the World of Wham’s ‘Last Christmas’ Song

Swedish couple Tomas and Hannah Mazetti are trying to raise $15,000,000 so they can buy the rights to Wham’s ‘Last Christmas’ holiday song so they can destroy it.

It’s one of the most popular and widely recognized musical compositions in history. Every year, as the winter holidays start rolling in, you can hear it playing on the radio, on TV, and in stores at least a few times a day. No, it’s not Mariah Carey’s “All I want for Christmas,” but Wham’s catchy winter anthem, ‘Last Christmas’. Unless you’ve been living under a rock in the middle of nowhere for the past three and a half decades, you know the song, and you know just how popular it gets around the winter holidays. It’s so ubiquitous that some people just can’t take it anymore and are trying to have it destroyed.

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Man With 12 Wives and 102 Children Plans to Finally Stop Growing His Family

Mzee Musa Hasahya, a 67-year-old Ugandan farmer, is one of the most prolific polygamists in history, with 12 wives, 102 children, and a whopping 568 grandchildren to his name.

Even by the standards of his home village of Lusaka, where polygamy is legal, Mzee Musa Hasahya’s family is considered gigantic. Despite growing up in abject poverty, he managed to rise above his condition, accumulating enough wealth and prestige to be appointed village chairperson for several decades and to ensure that whenever he approached a family about marrying their daughter, they always agreed. Hasahya married his first wife in 1971, at age 16, and then kept taking new wives until he reached 12. Because his father only produced two children, which threatened to render his clan extinct, the Ugandan farmer took it upon himself to ensure that his bloodline endured, producing over 100 children.

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Woman Plays Dead for Facebook Photos to Evade $270 Debt

An Indonesian woman allegedly posed as a corpse and then had her son upload the photos to Facebook in order to get out of having to pay a $268 debt.

People trying to get out of having to pay their debts is nothing new, but some people go to extreme lengths to accomplish this. Take, for example, this Indonesian woman who framed her own death on social media in order to not have to pay back her IDR4.2 million ($268) debts. According to her creditor, Liza Dewi Pramita had already asked for an extension on the loan because she couldn’t pay her money back, but when the second deadline was about to expire, the woman’s son announced her tragic death on Facebook, along with photos of the woman’s dead body, complete with bits of cotton in her nostrils. Only things weren’t what they seemed…

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Would You Pay $3,400 For This Uncomfortable Looking Amethyst Office Chair?

A Japanese semiprecious stone processing company is selling a $450,000 yen ($3,400) office chair made out of a giant L-shaped piece of amethyst.

Factory-M, a Saitama-based store specializing in semiprecious natural stones, got a lot of attention after posting photos of its most recent offering on social media. The Japanese company shared three pics of what many mistook for a photoshopped meme or some sort of instrument of torture and needed to put out a statement clarifying that it was indeed a real product. Looking at the photos it’s easy to see why so many people thought it was some sort of meme, rather than an actual office chair, but factory-M insists that you can actually sit on it if you can afford to buy it.

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The Wind Wall of Rozenburg Allows Giant Ships to Safely Pass Through a Narrow Channel

The Wind Wall of Rozenburg is a unique installation designed to block strong winds from hitting the large ships passing through a narrow canal on their way to the port.

After World War 2, the Dutch port city of Rozenburg grew both in size and prosperity, and in order to cope with the ever-growing maritime traffic a new canal parallel to the already existing Nieuwe Vaterveg canal was built in the 1960s. The Qalandia Canal, named after the civil engineer who built Nieuwe Vaterveg was a massive success, but it wasn’t long before it too became overwhelmed by the ships using it, primarily because of their size. These giant cargo ships were so big that the strong wind blowing from the sea threatened to alter their course as they passed through the narrow canal and leave them stuck. So local authorities started looking for solutions.

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Holy Liposuction – Pastor Miraculously Shrinks Woman’s Waist During Live Event

A Christian pastor has come under fire for claiming to miraculously shrink a woman’s waist by two sizes through prayer during a live sermon.

There’s a controversial video doing the rounds on Latin Twitter these days. It shows a Christian pastor speaking to an audience and asking an “overweight lady” to join him on stage. When a brave young woman decides to honor his request, the pastor asks her if she is a true believer, then tells her that “for those who truly believe, anything is possible”.  The pastor tells the woman to raise her hands and asks God to shrink her waist by two sizes. A woman is called to touch the woman’s abdomen, and the pastor orders two sizes off the woman’s waist, declaring a miracle…

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