Fattest Baby in the World?

Look at these pictures and tell me if this looks like a normal 6 month old baby…He’s from Iran, and at the tender age of six months he already weighs over 20 kilograms. He weighed a normal 3 kilograms at birth, but the mother says since then he started gaining very fast, because he was asking for food every hour. They look happy in the pictures, but they should do something about the child’s eating disorder until it’s too late…

Arowana – The Mouth Brooder

Arowana is a tropical fish, living in the quiet waters of lakes and rivers. It varies from 60 to 120cm in length, and still manages to leap up to 3 meters above the water. The most fascinating thing about the Arowana is that it is a mouth brooder, it is capable of carrying hundreds of eggs in its mouth and, even after they hatch, the little fish live in the mother’s mouth for a considerable time before they venture out on their own.

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Ashes, the Hairless Monkey

Ashes is a 13 year old chimpanzee that has literally no hair on its body. When he was born, Ashes had a beautiful fur, but by the time he turned one, he was completely bald. Looking at his arms I can understand why a chimp could easily rip a human’s arms off if it wanted to, he’s just a huge pile of muscles.

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The Banana Wall

How many bananas does it take to make a work of art? According to graphic designer, Stefan Sagmeister, the answer is 7200. He has a wall of 7200 stacked bananas on display in New York City, at 76 Grand Street, along with many other of his masterpieces, but if you are considering going to see it live, I suggest you hurry, I don’t even want to imagine what it’s going to smell like on February 23rd, when the exhibition closes, those bananas look a little too ripe.

Here are some photos if you can’t go and see it live:

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Funeral dinner on a subway

A band of young Ukrainian students found an unusual way to commemorate the death of one of their countries most brilliant surgeons, a doctor Pirogov, who apparently, revolutionized national medicine. They organized a funeral commemorative dinner in one of Kiev’s subway trains inviting everyone to commemorate the carrier and accomplishments of their hero.

As you can see from these photos, the food was pretty scarce but vodka and carton-box wine were abundant. Now that’s good eating!

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Sea of Garbage

No matter how much you love swimming I’m willing to bet the farm you wouldn’t dare do it here…unless you have a death wish!

This is the Citarum river, in Indonesia, possibly the most polluted river in the world, due to mankind’s greed and insensibility regarding environment. Once one of the most beautiful waters in Asia, now the Citarum is a graveyard of debris, where locals, who can no longer fish, risk their lives scavenging for bottles and anything else they might sell for a small profit.

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Campaign Against Train Roof Riders

Officials have decided! According to a report, Indonesian commuters riding on the roofs of trains will be sprayed with colored liquid so that security officers can identify and arrest them.

Rush hours are the most stressful. Electric trains that link Indonesian capital to the towns nearby are full of passengers during rush hours, with many sitting on the roofs due to a lack of space inside or to avoid paying.

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Taking a swim in the Devil’s Pool

If you’re ever in Zimbabwe, don’t miss the chance to take a swim in The Devil’s Pool, a small lagoon, enclosed by rocks, on the edge of one of the biggest, most beautiful waterfalls in the world, Victoria Falls. Set on Livingstone Island, at a height of 103 meters, Devil’s Pool is definitely one of the most surreal locations on Earth.

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About Oddity Central

Oddity Central is all about the oddities of our world. If you’re looking for bizarre events, unique travel destinations, weird inventions, freaky characters or odd art, you’ll most likely find here. Simply put, Oddity Central is a collection of oddities gathered from all around the world.

With all the weird stuff happening on a daily basis, it’s hard to keep up, so if you find something you think deserves a place among the oddities on this site, get in touch and share it with the rest of us bizarre lovers.

About Spooky

Real name is Florin, but since I’ve used this nickname since the first time I’ve ever created an online profile and it fit the topic of my blog, I thought I’d use it instead.


What can I say about myself? I’m just your average 25-year-old, living in Eastern Europe (Romania). I’ve been blogging since 2007, about various topics, like video games, cars, travel destinations, but it wasn’t until early 2008, when I started Oddity Central, that I truly found something I actually liked writing about. Since then, I’ve become an oddities-freak, always searching for something cool to share with you guys.

I know my grammar and spelling aren’t always perfect, but most times I post on the run, without proof reading my articles. I’m really sorry about that, it’s not that I’m retarded (yeah, I’ve been called that), but this is just a hobby and I have to focus the largest part of my time on important stuff like my job, my friends and…what’s the other one again? Oh yeah, my family 🙂