Real-life Simpsons’ house

I can’t believe I haven’t heard about this before, it’s been around for 10 years!

I stumbled across these photos and they looked strangely familiar, but I couldn’t tell where I had seen that house before. After some research I found out Fox and Pepsi built this house for a contest that a woman named Barbara H. won. The house is located in Nevada and it is an exact replica of The Simpsons house. How cool is that!

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Flip-flops caused chemical burns

This is what a pair of cheap, Chinese flip-flops did to someone’s feet.

A young woman bought a pair of flip-flops from a Wall-mart store for $2.44 and after wearing them for a while, she sensed a tingling sensation in fer feet so she stopped wearing them. Soon her skin started turning red and, as you can see from the photos, it didn’t stop there.

She took up the mater with Wall-mart but they told her to take it up with the Chinese producer, but eventually stopped selling the product due to multiple complaints.

One of a kind wooden car

Vasily Lazarenko wanted to create something extraordinary when he first started tinkering with car parts and many think he succeeded.

In his home town of Chernovtsny, Ukraine, Vasily took a year and a half to put together a unique vehicle out of a convertable and a luxurious saloon and then covered it all in oak. He says he will consider selling it if the buyer offers him enough to get his next wacky project going.

The Turbo-Beetle

Size really doesn’t matter people, this little bug is the perfect example.

Ron Patrick decided that conventional tuning wasn’t going to cut it for his 2000 VW Beetle so he decided to mount a $270.000 , 26,000rpm, 1.350 horse power Navy surplus helicopter jet turbine in the trunk of his ride. The Standford PhD and car designer says when the turbine kicks in, “it’s like the finger of God is pushing the car” but he only uses it until the car reaches 140mph, because he estimates that at about 160mph, the car would be airborne.

Patrick doesn’t use his little beast in races, because he feels he’s too mature to race with 16 year old fans of The Fast and The Furious. I’m not, let me have that baby and I’ll own the streets!

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Pierre Cardin’s bubble house

Some people just can’t stand living in a normal house and Pierre Cardin is one of them.

As the story goes, Pierre Cardin was looking to buy a nice house on the Cote d’Azur, but was horrified by all the unoriginal designs that he had seen and that didn’t match his avant-garde fashion designs . That one day he stumbled upon a construction site, where an architect by the name of Antti Lovag was building a bubble-house for some industrialist who happened to have died. Cardin was thrilled to acquire the almost finished residence that finally satisfied his exigent taste.

Not everyone liked Lovag‘s creation when it was finished in 1990, many went as far as to call it Crazy-house, but now it has become a historic monument.

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The Rubberboy

Daniel Browning Smith is the most famous contortionist alive and you can see why.

Better known as the Rubberboy, Smith can do some amazing things with his flexible body. Unlike other contortionists, he can bend in all directions, he can bend back so much that his head touches the seat of his pants and so much forward that he can literally kiss his own ass. He can also dislocate both his arms and legs, and can also turn his torso 180 degrees.

Because he can do all these things he is considered the most flexible man alive.

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It’s all in the head

And I don’t mean mentally!

I wouldn’t have believed if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, that’s for sure! It’s not only that the bike must be heavy as hell, but what about the balance, one wrong move and he could easily snap his neck. Don’t even get me started on him climbing that bus ladder with the bike on top of his head. If this guy isn’t in the Guinness Book of Records by now…well…somebody should tell them about him.

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The Nautilus House

The Nautilus House is one of the most beautiful achievements of Senosiain Arquitectos, a famous home designing company. Although it might seem very unusual, this shell shaped house is said to be quite comfortable, making you feel like a caterpilar (in a good way) in this very…spiral environment.

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The baobab tree-bar

If you think that being a bar is the only fascinating thing about this tree, you’re dead wrong!

This amazing tree is located in Limpopo, South Africa and it was transformed into a bar to keep the thirsty locals happy. But now more than 7000 tourists visit this place every year. The bar is inside a 155feet circumference baobab tree, with its own cellar and natural ventilation system. It takes about 40 people with their arms stretched to grasp the whole thing and the owner says one time he threw a party and managed to fit 54 people inside, although he doesn’t think he’ll ever do that again.

But the most impressing thing about this baobab is that, according to scientists, it’s about 6.000 years old, older than most of the pyramids in Egypt. It actually makes this tree-bar the oldest living organism on the planet! That’s just fascinating!

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Limbo-skating champion

I’ve always found skating quite difficult, but skating under cars…what more can I say?

Aniket Chindak is the unofficial world champion at skating under cars, he was able to skate under 57 cars in only 45 seconds, and now he’s getting ready to shatter his own record. “I first saw a girl skate under a car on TV two years ago and decided to learn how to do it myself. It took three months before I could get my body in the right position. Since then I have skated under lots of cars and have never hurt myself.” That’s pretty impressive considering the boy has been skating ever since he was 18 months old.

The boy has now started training for skating under 100 cars in order to set a record that no one can beat for a long time. Good luck wit that!

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The barking giants

They look like normal dogs on steroids but they’re one of the most sweet-tempered, generous, patient and intelligent breeds in the world, they are the Irish Wolfhounds.

First of all, don’t worry, although they look big enough to eat people, they don’t. Actually they aren’t even very good watchdogs since they tend to greet everyone as their friend. Keep in mind that some reach the size of a pony so if you are thinking of getting one you have to have a spacey home, at least one with a large yard.

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Soon to be largest horse in the world

Meet Digger, a burly Clydersdale, Britain’s largest horse and soon to be largest horse in the entire world.

At just 4 years of age, a regular teenager, Digger measures 19 hands and 2 inches and promises to stomp over the current record of 20 hands, held by Tina, a shire from Tennessee. Digger didn’t start very well in life, he was an orphan before he was taken in to International League for the Protection of Horses’ Belwade Farm in Aboyne, Scotland, after his former owners couldn’t cope with him, due to health reasons. But now Digger is more than ok, devouring 42 to 55 pounds of food a day, plus treats like chocolate muffins, carrots and apples from visitors.

Strangest thing is Digger is best friends with Sweep, a 12 years old Shetland mini pony, who can easily walk right under Digger‘s belly.

Aurora Borealis

Aurora Borealis are natural colored light displays, which are usually observed in the night sky, particularly in the polar zone.

It often appears as a greenish glow (or sometimes a faint red), as if the sun were rising from an unusual direction. The aurora borealis is also called the northern polar lights, as it is only visible in the North sky from the Northern Hemisphere. The aurora borealis most often occurs from September to October and from March to April.

Auroras are produced by the collision of charged particles from Earth’s magnetosphere, mostly electrons but also protons and heavier particles, with atoms and molecules of Earth’s upper atmosphere. The collisions in the atmosphere electronically excite atoms and molecules in the upper atmosphere. The excitation energy can be lost by light emission or collisions. Most aurorae are green and red emission from atomic oxygen. Molecular nitrogen and nitrogen ions produce some low level red and very high blue/violet aurorae.

Photo: Kristian Pikner/Wikimedia Commons


Photo: Sebastien Giguere/Wikimedia Commons


Scummacher’s island in “The World”

Some people are just too lucky! Lucky enough to receive a whole island in an exotic paradise, as a gift.

Which brings us to Michael Schummacher, the best Formula 1 pilot that ever lived, who retired at the end of 2006 and received a $7 million gift, an island in “The World” from Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, crown prince of Dubai. Scummacher‘s island is located in Antarctica and it’s simply beautiful.

Other stars like Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Richard Branson, Michael Jackson, David Beckham or Rod Stewart are rumored to be owners of islands in the man-made archipelago.

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Tallest snowman ever

Come to think about it, snowman is not really the appropriate term, since it actually bears the name Olympia Snowe.

Olympia was “born” in the town of Bethel, Maine and at 122 feet and 1 inch in length managed to toppled the world record previously held by…Bethel, Maine. Her eyebrows are made of skies, her lips out of red-painted tires and she has 2 pine trees serving as arms.

Olympia Snowe, named after Maine’s senior senator, takes the title of world’s tallest snowman from Angus, King of the mountain, who brought the title to the US, from Japan, 9 years ago.

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