Girl parks her car in swimming pool

Well that’s not the first I’d consider to park my red Mazda Miata ,but who are we to judge right?

Young Kim Taylor thought she had pulled the emergency brake after she parked her Mazda Miata convertible, but the car must have been thirsty, because it started to roll downhill and only stopped at the bottom of the neighbors swimming pool. The accident took place on June 30th and a team of specialists was needed to pull the car out of the pool, we couldn’t find out if it still runs, after its bath.





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The Zombie Boy

Rick is not a living dead, not yet anyway, but he is trying to make himself look like a zombie and so far he’s doing a great job.

A big fan of horror movies, especially George A. Romero’s Living Dead movies, Rick has become a big fan of zombies and ultimately decided he wanted to become one. As a kid he liked The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon and he wanted to be a turtle and live in the sewers, but, with age, he became more mature and decided to become a zombie instead.

So far he has invested over 4000 Canadian dollars into over 24 hours of tattoos and piercings and  says his about halfway to realizing his dream. In the meantime he’s become somewhat of an Internet celebrity due to his unique appearance.

Check out an interview with Rick the Zombie Boy over on Bizarre, if you want to know more about him.

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Madness in Pamplona

As you probably know, the Saint Fermin Festival held every year in Pamplona, is one of the most popular in all of Spain and even the world. People from all over the globe come here to get chase by enraged bulls let loose on the streets of the city. Tradition says the bulls have to be guided to the bull-fighting ring as soon as they are released from their pens, by young men wearing red scarfs. The course is about 850 meters long, the streets are very narrow and the participants have to run in front of the bulls to lure them and if they’re not fast enough they can get stomped on pretty bad.

People that enter the festivities every year say it’s an incredible feeling, with the adrenalin in their bodies reaching incredible levels, but as you can see in the photos there are some that definitely won’t be going to Pamplona’s Running of the Bulls Festival in the following years.

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Horse training vehicle

This 4 tonnes vehicle was created by Roush Technologies and it specializes in racehorse and camel training.

It might look look just a big can, but this is a piece of high-tech machinery able to monitor racing animals at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. The nameless vehicle has some kind of enclosure in front of it, resembling a horse starting stall, in which animals can walk and gallop while being monitored by veterinarians and racing experts. It has a centered seat for the driver and two more for a racing specialist and a veterinary expert. Onboard technologies include heart, oxygen, breathing and fitness monitoring to make sure they are in top shape for official races.

Personally I think it’s a stupid, worthless vehicle, but I guess there’s some serious money in races…









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The giant polystyrene robot

This polystyrene robot also comes with an army of smaller minions that prevent curious onlookers from getting too close and tipping-over the Styrobot.

Michael Salter, a professor at the University of Oregon spends most of his time cutting up old polystyrene packaging and molding it into wonderful creations. For example this 22-feet tall robot that is touring art galleries all over the world, along with its army of robot minions, in its quest to win over the hearts of art lovers.











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The Circle Bicycle

Here’s an idea of what to do when you have some broken bikes on your hand and you don’t want to get rid of them. This ingenious invention is made out of nine salvaged bicycles assembled in a carousel formation. The Circle Bike was created at USCB, it’s modular, it can be taken apart and reassembled and it is normally left in public places so different bike enthusiasts can take it for a ride.




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The Dynamic Tower of Dubai

The first moving building in the world will be built, where else, in Dubai, home to all the revolutionary architectural wonders in recent years.

Designed by Italian architect David Fisher, the Dynamic Tower will be made up of 80 pre-fabricated apartments rotating around a central column, with the help of 79 giant wind turbines placed between the floors. The 420 meters-long building “will never look the same, not once in a lifetime” says David Fisher, the apartments will be able to spin 360 degrees, giving the tower a different look every time.

One of the most important features of the Dynamic Tower is it’s going to be energy self-sufficient, the wind turbines will produce more than enough energy for the whole building, the extra energy will go back into the grid. The apartments will cost between $3,7 m and $36 m and the tower itself will cost $700 million to build.

The amazing Dynamic Tower of Dubai is scheduled to be ready in 2010.



Modern-day Argonauts

One of the world’s most fascinating legends is Jason and the Argonaut’s journey for the Golden Fleece. Now there are those who want to retake the unbelievable journey in an identical wooden ship.

A replica of the Argo has been built according to the known designs for warships in the Mycenaean era, equipped with a ram used to break the hull of enemy ships. The ship will carry 50 oarsmen with another 22 standing by on a ship sailing behind the Argo. The modern argonauts will spend 2 months at sea, sailing 2000 nautical miles (3700 km), but unfortunately won’t be able to follow the journey of the original Greek heroes. Turkey has refused to guarantee safe passage for the 28.5 meters long ship through the Bosporus Strait, so the adventurers won’t be able to reach the city of Colchis, in modern Georgia. It will however retrace part of the argonauts return voyage.

Argo and the 50 argonauts left on June 13 and will reach their destination on August 11.





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Segway Special Forces

Run for your lives criminals, the Segway-riding Chinese Special Forces are here!

As the price of gas surges every day, people are trying to come up with alternatives and for the Chinese military, one of them is the Segway. During an exercise that took place in Jinan, China, the giro-engine-powered vehicles were used to fight of criminals. I was surprised when I saw the photos, I even thought it was silly, but then I did some research and found out that policemen in several US cities use Segways instead of police cars and they are pretty happy with them. It makes sense if you think about it, Segways are a lot smaller,they fit through tight spaces and they reach speeds of up to 12 miles per hour.

So i for one won’t be surprised if I start seeing Segway-riding policemen on the streets of my city in a few years.





The computer of tomorrow

Conceived by Korean designer Won-Seok-Lee, the “B-membrane” is one of the most interesting PC prototypes I’ve ever seen.

The B-membrane looks nothing like a conventional computer, more like a spaceship or space station, but it is indeed a PC, able to project an image of your desktop on any surface you can point its omni-directional projector at, thus rendering even the slimmest LCD monitor useless. It also has a membrane keyboard and mouse that appear only when you need them too, and an optical drive.

The B-membrane isn’t useless even when it is shut-down, its smart projector turns it into an ambient light-effects system to spice up the look of your crib.








The great stingray migration

Taken by an amateur photographer in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, these photos show the great migration of the Cow-nose Stingrays from the Yucatan Peninsula to western Florida. They travel in compact packs of up to 10,000 individuals, following the counter-clockwise current to their summer feeding grounds.

These bovine-looking stingrays have a poisonous stinger, similar to the one that killed animal-lover Steve Irwin, but this doesn’t make them less pleasant to look at, especially during their migration.







In a hole lot of trouble

This man was stuck for two hours in a small hole in the pavement in the city of Swansea.

Would you go down a hole in the sidewalk to retrieve a lighter you dropped in? I know I wouldn’t, screw it, I’d buy a knew one. Well not this brave man, he must have loved his lighter because he went feet-first into the whole just to get it back. Before he even realized it he was in the whole down to his armpits and couldn’t move.

That’s when the show began, passers-by started to laugh at the unfortunate young man, some even tried to help him out but they almost pulled his arms out of their sockets and his body didn’t move an inch. The man was a little tipsy and you can see from the photos he wasn’t very upset with the whole situation. Witnesses say he spent some time at a pub before his daring act (that explains a lot) but no one can figure out how he got into that hole, it was only 40 cm in diameter.

After two hours of being laughed at by passers-by and shoppers, this dare-devil was saved by the firemen of the Swansea city center.







Sock – the pet Lama

I’ve heard of a seal as a pet, but a Lama, that’s something you don’t see every day. Sock is white Lama living in Muellheim an der Ruhr, a town in western Germany. She has been living in an apartment with Nicole Doepper for three years now, ever since one of her back legs had to be amputated. Nicole takes Sock the Lama everywhere with her but she hopes at one point she will get the Lama used to the wildlife. So far however, all attempts have failed, perhaps Sock just loves the comfort of the indoors too much.








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Destruction Therapy

Is wacking away violently at used cars and broken home appliances a therapy against stress? Well it is in Spain.

Three Spanish entrepreneurs came up with the idea back in 2003 and it has evolved into a profitable business. Basically people pay to smash cars, washing machines, refrigerators, television-sets with jackhammers, thus relieving stress. It’s called Destruction Therapy or Destructotherapy and the latest session took place this Saturday in Castejon, northern Spain. Participants got to pick from different tools and use their rage to pulverize different objects.

One more interesting fact about this Destruction Therapy is that 40% of the participants are women. It’s not certain that Destruction Therapy (Destructotherapy) really has a therapeutic effect, but it’s definitely fun.

The photos are taken at the event that tok place this year in Castijon and the video was shot back in 2005.










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