The fattest 15-year-old in the world

Georgia Davis weighs 210 kg at just 15 years of age, which makes her the world’s fattest teenager.

Georgia began over-eating when she was five years old and her father had just died. She kept on stuffing her face and today she can’t take more than 2 steps without having to stop and catch her breath. She can’t sleep in a normal bed because, well she simply can’t get in or out of it and she recently got banned from the school cafeteria for the simple reason that she just ate too much.

“It’s like a drug. Some people choose heroin but I’ve chosen food and it’s killing me. Doctors have told me I could drop dead at any moment.” says Georgia Davis. To prevent this the 15-year-old will have to take a trip to the US and join a fat-camp and attempt to loose over 100 kg in six months.

Georgia’s daily diet includes 2 loafs of bread, an entire chocolate cake, 2 plates of chips, 7 sandwiches, a gallon of soda, lasagna and many more. Her calorie intake is 14,000 calories a day while a normal 15 year-old takes in 2000 calories.

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Fan builds Batman’s tumbler out of scratch

After the home-built Ironman armor it’s time for a Batman fan to step up and show his skills.

Bob Dullam managed to build a perfect replica of Batman‘s fantastic vehicle, the Tumbler, which he used in both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. The awesome part is he built it in his home garage nothing but pictures and some features from the DVD. He worked on the Tumbler all buy himself creating the parts out of scratch, except for the tires, engine, brakes and rims.

The whole thing cost him between 50 and 70 thousand dollars and even if he could probably sell it with a lot more, the thought never even crossed his mind, “you wouldn’t want to sell this if you had one, believe me” says Bob.

He’s now working on a batpod and a TDK suit for himself.








The whole thing cost him between 50 and 70 thousand dollars and even if he could probably sell it with a lot more, the thought never even crossed his mind, “you wouldn’t want to sell this if you had one, believe me” says Bob.

He’s now working on a batpod and a TDK suit for himself.

The Elephant Painters

I always believed elephants were incredible animals, but I never imagined they could something as extraordinary as painting, hell I have opposable thumbs and I can’t paint like that.

The elephants at the National Elephant Institute in Thailand have a particular skill that others animals and some humans don’t posses, they can actually pick up a brush and paint on a canvas. Thai elephants in particular are born artists, you often see them pick up a stick and start noodling in the dirt, and when properly trained they turn into genuine artists with a brush. Take a look at the photos and video and see for yourselves.







Twins Days twin festival

Every year, on the first day of August a very unusual festival takes place in Twinsburg, Ohio. Twins and multiple siblings from all-across America join in a unique celebration called Twins Days. Participants have a chance to enter fun sporting events, have a good meal and spend time with “members of their own species” as they sometimes like to refer to each-other.

Everyone can enjoy Twins Days, even regular people just as long as they pay the entrance fee.








La Tomatina – tomato fighting festival

Can you say FOOD FIGHT?

If you’re one of those people that loved starting food fights in the school cafeteria, you’re going to love La Tomatina festival. every year, on the last Wednesday of August, thousands of people gather on the streets of Bunol, Spain and throw over one hundred metric tons of tomatoes at each-other. Tradition says the tomato fight of La Tomatina is supposed to begin when someone manages to climb up a two-story high greased wooden pole and grab a piece of ham, but since that takes forever the battle starts all of a sudden.

During La Tomatina people just come at you and tear the shirt right off you, even if you’re a woman so don’t act all surprised or scared. The whole tomato battle lasts for an hour aftewhich everyone goes to Bunol River to wash up. If any stragglers are still on the streets after the fight, the locals are more than happy to hose them down.

La Tomatina helps keep the towns streets clean through the acid properties of the tomatoes.











Why people fear the Anaconda


Everyone knows the size of the Anaconda snake and we all know it’s capable of swallowing a person whole, but there was no visual proof of this. Well this is about to change as you scroll down this page, that lump in the middle of the Anaconda is not an animal, I’ll tell you this much…



Land Rover’s car sculpture

Land Rover celebrated its 60 years anniversary through a large car sculpture.

During the Festival of Speed held in Goodwood, between July 11 and July 13, Land Rover celebrated 60 years since the company was founded and they erected a 34-meters high sculpture that featured cars produced by the British manufacturer and the latest model, the Land Rover LRX on top. This Land Rover car sculpture is the work of acclaimed artist Gerry Judah.







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Now this is a real eco-toilet

You probably thought eco-toilets are those plastic boxes set in public spaces where you just go in and handle your business, huh? Well, no, you were wrong and these photos prove it. As you can see, apart from the toilet bowl, everything is natural. And before you say “this is just stupid” you might like to know people build bars in trees too and place restaurants on them. Incredible things trees, wouldn’t you say?




Ship in the Middle of Hong Kong

Last time I saw a cruise ship in a city was in that crappy sequel to Speed (starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock), what was it called again…oh yeah, Speed 2. But this particular ship didn’t actually sail to the middle of Hong Kong, it was built there. Whampoa ship is one of the main tourist attraction Hong Kong has to offer and one of the most unusual commercial centers in the world. It has the size of an actual cruise ship and inside you can find many restaurants, shops and even a hotel. To see how much Whampoa really is, just look it up on Google Maps, or better yet take a trip to Hong Kong.









The Ultimate Battle

Two of the greatest predators on the face of the Earth go at it in an ultimate battle. The crocodile, practically invincible when in water becomes a target for a hungry leopard. I have to say the cat’s got guts, or it’s so hungry it’s desperate. In any case, the croc’s formidable bite and strength is no match for the swift feline. After a terrible struggle the leopard comes out victorious, my question is how is he going to eat its valuable prey…not even bullets can penetrate that hide and he ain’t got thumbs to turn that big lizard on it’s back. Oh well I’m sure he found a way, they’re pretty resourceful you know…







Uneidentified object in London

A strange crater appeared in Potters Field, London on Saturday revealing a strange, unidentified object. The area was soon surrounded by a fence and men in black are guarding the strange machine. Nothing has been revealed about this UFO-looking object that is emitting smoke and strange noises.

All everyone knows about this unidentified object is that is part of the new Insignia launch by Vauxhall. Have they invited aliens to their car launch? That would so bury the competition.







The Tree Goats of Morocco

Did you know goats could climb trees? Well, anyway, I didn’t but it turns out, goats climb trees very often in Morocco.

These Moroccan goats you see in the photos climb the Argan trees with incredible ease, in order to get to the delicious fruits that the locals use to make oil. I knew some things about goats, but the fact that they climb trees was not one of them. And before you start yelling “It’s photoshopped!” check out the video at the bottom.





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Modern-day Noah’s Arc

While religious experts search for proof Noah’s Arc really existed, modern artists build replicas of the ship from The Book of Genesis.

Johan Huibers a Dutch creationist from Schagen, Netherlands spent a lot of time and approximately $1.2 million to build a modern-day Noah’s Ark that’s 1/5 of the one described in The Bible. He started thinking about this project back in 1992 when the idea that his home country could become flooded due to global warming. Even when the idea became less popular he still continued to think about it and realized it was a great way to bring his fellow countrymen closer to religion.

So he began work on his 70 meters-long, 9,5 meters-wide and 13 meters-high arc in 2005 with money gathered from bank loans and now it’s ready to sail and calibrated to narrowly pass under every bridge in the interior waters of Netherlands. Although he couldn’t use the same materials described in The Book of Genesis, this modern Noah’s Arc is a nice replica and it even has some animal models to make it look more real.















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Do deers live in the ocean?

You might think that if you come across a deer while going fishing in the ocean right? Well I guess that’s what these boys thought to themselves when they saw this dow while they were fishing quite a long way from shore in Chesapeake Bay. The fish weren’t biting that day so they had time to look around and spot something strange in the water. This deer was swimming for its life and it looked like it had been doing that for some time. When it saw the boat it started to swim towards it but when it saw the guys it kept its distance. One of them had some cowboy experience and using a lasso reeled it in the boat. It was so tired that it couldn’t even stay on its feet, plus it was scared as hell.

When they reached shore they tried to set it loose but it still couldn’t move so they left it there, but after a while she recovered her strength and moved on.





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Milliau Viaduct, highest vehicle bridge in the world

You might think there’s nothing special about this bridge, and Milliau Viaduct is indeed one of the more common-looking bridges, but the mere fact that it’s slightly taller than the Eiffel Tower makes it special.

Opened to traffic in December of 2004, Milliau Viaduct holds the current record for the world’s tallest vehicular bridge in the world, standing at an amazing 343 meters in its highest point, which makes it only 38 meters shorter than the Empire State Building. The bridge is set in Milliau, France is a part of the A75-A71 autorute from Paris to Beziers and it most likely lose its position as highest bridge deck in the world, when Chenab Bridge is completed in 209, in India, so we thought we’d mention it until then.







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