Waldspirale – The Wooded Spiral of Darmstadt

Located in Darmstadt, Germany, the Waldspirale apartment-building was designed by Austrian artist, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, and built during the 1990s.

There are other apartment buildings in Darmstadt, but the U-shaped Waldspirale is special. Its diagonal roof is covered with grass, shrubs and trees and the facade follows an irregular grid organization.

Waldspirale has over 1,000 windows, but no two are the same. The handles on the apartment doors and the windows are also unique.

Waldspirale was completed in 2000 and people actually live in it.


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The Birth of a Cicada

Some people often refer to them as locusts, but cicadas have no relation whatsoever to the true, grasshopper-like locust. They are some of the best known insect in the world, and despite their large size, they pose no danger to humans.

Cicadas are considered a delicacy in some parts of the world, like China, Malaysia, Congo and Latin America, but after witnessing the grosse birth process of this insect, I bet you’ll think twice before putting a cicada in your mouth.

The cicada shell is used in Chinese traditional medicine.

via bbs.163.com









Dear Diary 1.0 – A Desk-Embedded Computer

This could be a sign of things to come, in a few years, desk-embedded computers may not seem like a novelty.

Designed by Marlies Romberg, a young graduate of the Utrecht School of Arts, Dear Diary 1.0 aims to be a fusion between the real world and the digital world. Here’s how Marlies explains her artwork:

“Personally, I am fascinated by how the world is changing into a digital world. To me it seems that; the digital world is personal but not private at all. For example, when I Google to find information about a friend, I will most likely find information about his life, his pets, his company and maybe a review on a digital camera that he has recently written. Notice that the digital verb ‘Googling’ has recently got the status of a real verb in the Netherlands. Just another example how the two worlds become one.”

Perhaps the coolest thing about the Dear Diary 1.0 is the porcelain and silicone Signet USB stick.

via Moco Loco






Mooning of the Amtrack Train

On every second Saturday of July, people gather outside the Mugs Away Saloon, in Laguna Niguel, California, for the annual Mooning of the Amtrack.

Known also as the Mooning of the Train, this tradition dates back to 1979. Legend has it it all started when a rich person walked into the bar and promised free drinks to anyone with enough balls to show their naked behinds to the passing Amtrak train.

This year around 1,000 people attended the mooning and a great time doing so. there were no incidents, unlike last year, when many of the 8,000 mooners got intoxicated in public and the festivities had to be shut down.

The trains are mostly full when they pass by the Mugs Away Saloon and the conductors even slow down so the passengers can really enjoy the view.


Chewing in Venice

Very original chewing-gum-like sculptures by Simone Decker, set up through the streets of Venice. The talented German artists has a lot of other interesting artworks that you can check out on her website, simonedecker.com








Benny the Giant Rabbit

And I don’t mean it’s slightly larger than your every day carrot-muncher, Benny is a regular bunny giant.

Two year-old Benny is a Flemish buck who’s about to receive the title of longest rabbit in the world. He probably also holds the record for the world’s heaviest bunny, but the Guinness Book of Records no longer certifies this title, due to problems with owners who overfed their animals.

Benny’s owners also set up a website for him on Facebook and use it to promote the Oxfordshire Animal Sanctuary, which faces serious financial difficulties. Benny already has 270 online friends.

The giant buck measures 85 centimeters in length and weighs over 10 kilograms. Benny is house-trained, knows how to ask for treats and spends a lot of time with the family dog. He kisses him often and the owners think Benny doesn’t know for sure if he’s a rabbit or a dog.

Photos by Caters News Agency Ltd

via Daily Mail




Now That’s What I Call Hanging Around

Brothers Tiago and Gabriel Primo set up their quarters on the side of a building, in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro.

The two artists spend up to 14 hours a day literally hanging around their outdoor home. They have a hammock, a love chair, some drawers with an old gramophone, all screwed tightly into the wall and they get to them using wall-climbing equipment.

The Primo brothers say the hardest part is listening to drunks who relate their life stories during the night, when their trying to sleep and the rain.

So if you happen to pass by Gonçalves Ledo street, in Rio de Janeiro, by August 22, don’t be surprised to see two men living on the side of a building.

via Like Cool






Heinz Zak – Life on a Balancing Wire

Regarded as a pioneer of tightrope-balancing and slacklining, Heinz Zak has pent the last eight years traveling the world and searching for the perfect places to do what he does best.

Unlike other similar artists, the 51-year-old Austrian doesn’t do it for the adrenaline rush. For him this is a way of life, it’s simply what he does. He perceives it as a way of finding himself, by losing himself completely and thinking only about his next step.

Heinz Zak first discovered slacklining back in the early 80s, during a trip to Yosemite National Park and, over the years, he got a lot better at it, succeding in setting a record in the longest slackline distance ever, 173 meters.

via Telegraph.co.uk












LEGO Luigi Looks Bad-Ass

Luigi fan creates a 70-cm-tall replica of his favorite video-game character.

So Luigi isn’t quite as popular as his brother, Super Mario, so he usually does all the work while Mario shines in the spotlight, does that mean he doesn’t deserve some attention? “Absolutely not!” said one of his fans and decided to build an awesome LEGO model of Luigi.

LEGO Luigi is 70-cm-tall and is composed of over 80 layers of LEGO bricks. Believe me, it might look like child’s play, but building such LEGO models could definitely be called art. I bet Mario is eating his heart out right now…

via Wii Noob




Creative Anti-Bullfighting Protest in Spain

Animal rights activists gathered in the Spanish town on Las Ventas, for a very original protest against the famous bull fights held there.

Organized by Equanimal, the protest had the participants strip to their underwear, lie down and cover themselves with fake blood, and corrida spears. It took place at the end of May and hoped to convince authorities that the Spanish people no longer support such a cruel and barbaric tradition as bullfighting.

The anti-bullfighting protest took place in Las Ventas because that’s where a large number of bulffighting events take place. Most bull fights are not even profitable anymore, they are sustain themselves through public grants.
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Soccer Robots Compete in RoboCup 2009

The smartest autonomous robots in the world prepare for one of the most important robot competitions in the world, the World Cup of RoboCup.

Brilliant minds from all round the globe build soccer-playing-robots and compete in the RoboCup, to promote the development of artificial intelligence. This year, the weekend-long contest was held in the Austrian city of Graz and the protagonists tried to put on a show worth watching.

The Soccer World Cup for robots is not as young an event as you might think. It dates back to 1993 and, across the years, it took place in countries like Japan, Italy and USA. There are different league matches, from the standard to the smaller than 180 mm league.

In one of the leagues, teams use identical robots, and have the task of developing a software that can allow the machines to move autonomously. The dream of the developers is to one day create an entire team of autonomous robots that can defeat the human winners of the Soccer World Cup.

Photos by Reuters

via Telegraph.co.uk









The Zipper Pond of Taiwan

An artistically designed pond that looks like it could be zipped up at any time.

Designed by renowned Taiwanese sculptor Ju Chun, the Zipper Pond has become one of the most popular attractions at the Juming Museum, outside Taipei.  It does look absolutely amazing…I mean I’ve seen some beautiful ponds in my time, but a zipper pond? That’s special.

via Crooked Brains

photos by JT







Bous a la Mar Festival, in Denia, Spain

Spanish people really have a thing for bulls, don’t they. Bullfighting, the festival of Pamplona, they’re all centered around the bull.

During the Bous a la Mar Festival, in Denia, near the city of Alicante, people get chased by bulls through the streets and into the Mediterranean Sea. The brave participants plunge into the waters just before the bulls are about to catch them. The animals often fall into the sea as well, where they are taunted some more. Eventually, the bulls are caught with a lasso and towed back to shore by a boat.

via Telegraph.co.uk











Naked Obama and Unicorns

What does a naked Barack Obama have in common with a white unicorn? Apparently they’re best of friends.

At least that’s how Dan Lacey, known as The Painter of Pancakes,  portrays the president of the United States in a series of funny paintings. Some of his works show celebrities like John McCain and Sarah Palin and Obama with pancakes on their heads or covering their intimate areas. Lacey’s art-works are quite unique and, if you want, you can order any of them as an art poster. Just head over to Dan Lacey’s blog and check his portfolio.











The Human Printer

Some people feel images printed by machines have no soul, so they decided to print them themselves, by hand.

That’s right, a group of people called The Human Printer, uses markers to emulate the printing process. This way you no longer have just a soulless copy of a photo, but a new, unique image designed by human hand. You have to hand it to these guys, they have a lot of patience. Members of The Human Printer use computer-created CMYK tones and Black&White to create their works of art.






