The Other Upside-Down House

I chose to name this post “the other upside-down house” because I wrote about a very similar house when I started this site.

Built in 2008, for an art exhibition, the “other upside down house” is located on Usedom, an island in northern Germany. It was financed and constructed by Polish partners Klausdiusz Golos and Sebastian Mikiciuk, who just wanted to make something different. Only, I wonder if they know a practically identical house already exists in their native country of Poland.

The builders said they were inspired by similar structures in America and Spain, that were upside down on the outside, but normal on the inside. Visitors of the “other upside-down house” said the weird interior make them feel dizzy and disoriented.

Although the house is perfectly safe, nobody is living in it right now.

Photos by Hemmy


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The Anamorphosis Works of Bernard Pras

Bernard Pras is considered one of the strangest, most original artists of our generation. He creates art by stacking ordinary objects on a piece of canvas, a process known as anamorphosis.

56-year-old Pras was born in 1952, in the south-west of France and spent his childhood in a toy-store. He later began working as a painter and sculptor of recovered objects. After a short career as an art teacher he came up with a new form of expressing himself some people call “trash-art”.

Starting from a photograph, Bernard Pras creates amazing pieces of art, by adding ordinary objects like used toys, tools, pieces of rubber, or whatever else you can think of. From up-close his works look like nothing more than random stacks of stuff, but from a certain angle and distance, they reveal their true beauty.

Photos by vvdm-gallery


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The LEGO World of Nathan Sawaya

Nathan Sawaya, a 36-year-old former lawyer has stunned the world with his incredible LEGO artworks.

If giving up a successful career in law that paid a six figure salary, to follow a childhood dream doesn’t spell passion, then I don’t know what does. That’s exactly what Nathan Sawaya did, but he managed to build himself another career brick by brick and now he sells his LEGO masterpieces for thousands of dollars.

Right now, Nathan has an inventory of 1.5 million LEGO bricks to use on his sculptures, at his New York studio and says his largest artwork was made up of about half-a-million bricks. His LEGO works are now as valuable as they are beautiful, selling for more than $10,000 each.

After posting his early work on the internet, Nathan Sawaya started getting orders for his art and realized the huge potential of his work. Now he has even created a piece for Donald Trump. he believes there is nothing he can’t create out of LEGO.

This isn’t the first time Nathan Sawaya’s work has been featured on Oddity Central, we posted some photos of his amazing LEGO cello, a while back.



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Halloween Meat Hand

If you really wanna enjoy the halloween spirit,you should try one of these meat hands.As you can see,there are four types of meat hands:
The first one is straight meatloaf,surrounded with mashed potatoes and kale.
The second was a bit different. Onion fingernails were added and it was covered with ketchup before cooking.
The third one was simply covered with cheese and the fourth was covered with ketchup and then the cheese .The fingernails were now made of red onion.

Via NotMartha

1st Type of Meat Hand Pic.1

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World’s Largest Rubber Band Ball

The record for the world’s largest rubber band ball was recently surpassed by a young shop worker from  Lauderhill, Florida. Joel Waul, 27 has created a rubber ball made up of approximately 300,000 bands of different sizes that weighs 8,200lb.

The first record of the world’s largest rubber band ball was held by John Bain in 1999 whose ball weighed 3,120lb,but he was surpassed by Steven Milton of Eugene, Oregon who created a 4,600lb ball made up of approx. 175,000 rubber bands and recorded as the largest in November 2006 in Chicago.

Even if  Waul’s  rubber ball is already the largest in the world,he plans on adding 2,000lb but for the moment he’s out of material.After he reaches his goal,Joel Waul plans on submitting the ball to the Guinness World Records.

Via Daily Mail

World's Largest Rubber Ball 1

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World’s Tallest Rose Bush

Most seasoned gardners say all you need to do in order to keep your plants happy is plant and water them and apparently it really works.

Robert Bendel, a 73-year-old from Morristown bought a rose bush 15 years ago and planted it in right next to his house. That’s practically all he did, no fertilizer and no extra attention. Now bendel believes his giant plant could just be the world’s tallest rose bush, standing at 18 feet and 6 inches. The world’s current record for the tallest rose bush stands at a mere 13 feet 3 inches, so as soon as Guinness makes the official measurements, Robert will be the proud owner of a record holding plant.

Bendel says he also has a tomato plant that’s 7 feet tall and 14 feet across so he may have two plants in the Guinness Book of Records.

Photos by Bob Karp

via Daily Record


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Witches’ Well – An Estonian Oddity

Located in Tuhala, northern Estonia, Witches’ Well has fascinated locals and tourists for thousands of years.

Founded around 3,000 years ago, Tuhala host one f the most unique natural phenomena in the world, Witches’ Well. Most of the time the 2.5 meters deep well looks totally normal, but after heavy rains it starts spouting up water and floods the entire area. The local population have been blaming this strange occurrence on witches.  It’s said they gather in a sauna below the ground and beat each other with birch branches causing a commotion on the surface.

Scientists say the bizarre phenomenon occurs when the underground Tuhala River can’t handle the volume of water gathered from rainfalls, but the people of Tuhala don’t want an explanation, they like living in a world surrounded by magic. There are some who claim to have seen burning demons flying over their town, while others still believe in the Estonian God Taara.

Whether you choose to believe that witches are behind the flooding of Witches’ Well, or you believe it’s nothing more than a perfectly explainable natural phenomenon, Witches’ Well remains a must-see attraction of Estonia.


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Djavolja Varos – Devil’s Town in Serbia

Djavolja Varos is a strange rock formation in south Serbia, created by strong water erosion of the surrounding soil

Djavolja Varos, which means “Devil’s Town” in Serbian, features 202 earth pyramids, each between 2-15 meters high and 4-6 meters wide. Most of these rock towers have an andesit cap that protects them from further erosion. When an earth pyramid protects its protective cap, it is quickly disintegrated by the falling rains, but they form just as quick, because of the heavy water erosion. This is what inspired locals to name this extraordinary site Djavolja Varos, because they believe changes like these happen when demons fight each other for power.

The strange sounds made by the wind in this place are also behind its creepy name. The murmurs, howling and squeaking coming from Djavolja Varos on windy nights have frightened local population for centuries and are at the bottom of their eerie legends.


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Dongzhong – China’s Cave School

There’s no questioning China’s economic boom, but although more and more impressive buildings are being constructed every day, there are some areas that don’t even have a proper school.

Dongzhong (literally translated as “in cave”) is a elementary school located in Miao village, China’s Guizhou province. The strange thing about this learning institution is that it’s housed by a giant cave, carved inside a mountain over thousands of years, by wind, rain and earthquakes. There is a small structure put together by the locals, but children attend classes protected only by the cold walls of the cave.

Photos were taken in November, 2007, but the school is till around today.

Photos by Reuters


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China’s Toilet Seat Waterfall

The Toilet Seat Waterfall, a bizarre art project made up of thousands of recycled toilet seats, urinals, and sinks, attracts visitors to Foshan, in South China’s Gunagdong Province.

The 100-meter-long, 5-meter-tall Toilet Seat Waterfall was created out of approximately 10,000 toilet accessories, like urinals, toilet seats and sinks. It is a part of a local tradeshow for pottery and porcelain products.

via ImagineChina


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Matthias Schlitte – The Real Life Popeye

22-year-old Matthias Schlitte began practicing arm-wrestling when he was just 16 years old and since then has been training only his right arm muscles.

The first time I’ve seen photos of Matthias, I thought he had some sort of weird medical condition, but it turns out not only is the guy perfectly healthy, he’s also a young body-building champion. Sure’ he’s not the first one and I bet he won’t be the last, but what makes him stand up in a crowd is his incredibly large right arm.

Matthias’ right forearm measures almost 18 inches in circumference, while his left one is all skinny, just like the rest of the bodybuilder. That’s actually one of his hidden weapons, opponents see his slim figure and underestimate him. But when his Popeye arm does its thing, they look at him with a lot more respect.

via Daily Mail


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Minister’s House – The World’s Biggest Treehouse

I’ve seen some pretty bizarre-but-impressive treehouses in my day, but the Minister’s House is by far the most impressive, if only through its sheer size.

Located in Crossville, Tennessee, the Minister’s House took Horace Burgess 14 years to build around an 80-foot-tall white oak tree, with a diameter of 12 feet. The wooden edifice itself is 97-feet-tall and it’s supported by six other strong trees that act like natural pillars.

Burgess says he started working on this giant treehouse after he had a vision back in 1993. God spoke to him and said: “If you build me a

treehouse, I’ll see you never run out of material.” And so he spent the next 14 years building God’s treehouse, using only salvaged materials, like pieces of lumber from garages, storage sheds and barns. So, as far as Horace is concerned, God did provide him with all the materials he needed.
Although he never bothered to measure Minister’s House (he estimates it must be about 8,000 to 10,000 square feet), he did count the nails he had to hammer into it, 258,000. It cost the 56-year-old landscape architect around $12,000 to construct the world’s biggest treehouse.

400-500 people visit Minister’s House every week, most of them tourists from out of state who heard about a 10-story-treehouse somewhere in Tennessee.

I found the photos on this obscure Hungarian site, but I doubt they actually own them. If you know who these belong to, let me know so I can credit them.


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Bacon Jam – The Bacon Madness Continues

Are you one of those people that goes “om nom nom” every time they think about bacon? Well, then you’re going to love this bacon jam.

Cooked by Not Quite Nigella from… Not Quite Nigella, the bacon jam is actually cooked double smoked bacon passed through the food processor. From what I read, the cook was quite pleased with the jam. You’ll probably have a tough time finding a jar of bacon jam at the department store, but if you don’t feel like cooking, try a piece of bacon chocolate instead.


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White House Replica for Sale

Forced by the downfall of the American housing market, Fred Milani had to put his backyard replica of the White House up for sale, for just $10 million.

American Iranian property developer, Fred Milani, says he doesn’t really want to sell his beloved replica of the iconic White House, but he has to. The mini-house is built in the backyard of his Atlanta residence and comes complete with its very own Oval Office and Lincoln Bedroom, as well as a backdoor pool.

If you’re expecting an interesting story about how Mr. Milani decided to have the White House replica built in his backyard, you’re in for a big disappointment. He just wanted a house and the architect just asked him “How about I build you the White House?”, he agreed and the rest is history.

The 16,500 square meter building was built seven years ago and has managed to split the neighborhood. There are those who feel lucky to be living next to such an impressive edifice, but most find it excessive and are annoyed by the high number of tourists flocking to their peaceful neighborhood to take pictures of the White House replica.

via Daily Mail


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World’s Biggest, Coolest DIY Pumpkin Cannon

Looking like an anti-aircaft cannon form World War 2, the enormous pumpkin cannon of Ulster County sends pumpkins flying at speeds around 600 mph.

With Halloween right around the corner, John Gill and Gary Arold figured they needed something really cool for this year’s celebrations. So, using a long metal tube and compressed air, they’ve come up withe coolest, most powerful pumpkin cannon on Earth.

The two 1,000 gallon-monster-tanks build up enough pressure to send the pumpkin 3,500 feet in the air, at a speed of approximately 600mph.  The organic projectile travels about a mile before it squashes against the ground (or whatever else it hits).

Seeing it in action is monster cool and I suspect operating it is even more fun, but is it completely safe. I’m sure I don’t think they aim for populated areas, but what if someone just passes through and gets hit by a flying pumpkin? Let’s just say there would be two squashed things.

Take a look at what this monster pumpkin cannon can do, in the video at the bottom.

via Gizmo Watch


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