The Rubbery Mutants of Ji Yong Ho

Korean art Ji Yong Ho uses pieces of used tire to create rubbery artworks he refers to as mutants.

You’ve definitely seen tire sculptures before, and I posted some cool photos, a while back, but now, I can finally associate these recycled masterpieces with a name. And that name is Ji Yong Ho, a talented artists who likes to show the material’s possible mutations.

Ji Yong Ho wants to show tires, which are made from natural rubber liquids, pass through several stages, but can also be reborn as a whole new other form of life. His new creations are mutants of the original rubber. His works vary from an 11-inch-tall dog to a 10-foot long shark.


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Human Ivory Jewelry Is Pretty Original

Rachel Betty Case uses finger and toe nail clippings to create cool jewelry she refers to as Human Ivory.

The artist acknowledges nails are neither bones nor teeth, but that hasn’t stopped her from comparing them to precious ivory. She uses clipped nails, resin and amber to create bizarre unisex jewelry that make perfect gifts for offbeat people.

Rachel doesn’t claim her artworks are made of real ivory, she uses the term Human Ivory, because she gets her main material (nails) from humans, and her designs have an ivory color. You can check out the rest of her works by visiting her Etsy shop or by going t her appropriately named website, Keep in mind you can send her your own nails, if you want to.

via StreetAnatomy


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Navratan Harsh – India’s Real-Life Lizardman

Meet Navratan Harsh, a 21-year-old from Bikaner, Rajasthan state, India, with a bizarre passion for animals, especially Geko lizards.

Navrathan has been fascinated by lizards, ever since he was a young boy and one fell in his lap, at school. Ever since then, he has spent most of his days feeding and playing with his scaly friends, and even letting them crawl on his face. Around his village, Navratan Harsh is known as Gecko King and Mowgli, because of his close connection with wildlife.

Unlike other boys his age, who spend most of their time partying and getting drunk, Navratan searches for lizards, plays and trains them, and them lets them go free. He says he feels no pain or fear when lizards bite his face…Creepy stuff!

Photos by CFP via 9xbienhoa

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Nude Sled Race Attracts Thousands in Germany

Braunlage isn’t one of Germany’s busiest towns, but last Saturday, authorities had to cope with serious logistics problems, caused by the annual Naked Sled Race held on the local slope.

Over 14,000 people traveled to Braunlage to see 30 participants take off their clothes before venturing down the snowy slopes, on red and black sleds. A national radio station sponsored the offbeat competition, won by 26-year-old Christian Schimdt.

As you can see in the photos, some of Germany’s hottest girls took part in the nude race, most of them tanned and ready to hit the beach. But the crowd was more impressed with a 70-year-old man who stripped down and raced down the 100-meter course, along with his younger competitors.

Photos via CCTV


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Best Food Cakes EVER

You’ve probably seen cool cakes before, but as far as cakes-shaped-like-other-foods go, these are by far the most awesome I’ve ever seen.

Debbie Goard has almost 20 years of decorating behind her, and it’s this vast experience that helps her design the most incredible cakes most of us have ever seen. She does all kinds of designs, but I was particularly impressed by her food cakes that look just like the dishes they’re trying to mimic.

The perfect steak you see below is just one of the sweet wonders Debbie has created over the years, but there are other jaw-dropping masterpieces, including that awesome slab of bacon. That thing should be framed and posted on a wall of fame, or something.

Check out more of Debbie’s cakes on her Flickr profile and feel free to read more about her work, and even order cakes and cupcakes from on delicious-looking website.


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Meet Giant George, the World’s Tallest Dog

After a publicity campaign started by his owner and a bunch of fans, George, a Great Dane from Tucson, Arizon received the rightful title of World’s Tallest Dog.

After Gibson, a Great Dane from California and the previous holder of the Guinness World Record for tallest dog past away from bone cancer, George’s owner David Nasser tried to get his dog to be named successor. However, due to errors in paperwork and measurements, the title went to Titan, another Great Dane, from California.

But David Nasser wouldn’t let his beloved pet be deprived of what was rightfully his, and together with Giant George’s fans started a publicity campaign. Their efforts paid off, and after careful measurements it was decided 43-inch-tall George was indeed the world’s tallest dog, and not 42.25-inch Titan.

Giant George weighs 250 lbs, sleeps in his very own king-size bed and can barely fit in the back of his owner’s SUV. He even has his very own website and has become a certified celebrity.

Tallest Dog

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Plastic Cutlery Sculptures by Sayaka Ganz

Things don’t get much boring than plastic cutlery items, but put them together like Sayaka Ganz, and you can call yourself a very talented artist. And for good reason, too.

33-year-old Sayaka Ganz, from Indiana, USA, collects most of her working material from dustbins and charity shops, and the rest is donated by friends and family. The young artist uses all sorts of plastic junk, from cutlery to sunglasses and baskets, and sorts them into 20 different color groups.

Then she meticulously ties every useless piece of plastic to a wire frame, until she achieves the shape she first envisioned. Sayaka Ganz’s works range from 18 inches to 8 feet long and the most complicated ones take up to a month to finish and contain 500 pieces. Still her efforts pay off, considering some of her plastic artworks have sold for as much as $12,000.

Photos via


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‘Makeup Girl’ Is a Living, Breathing Painting

Looks like a real nice late 19th century painting, doesn’t it? But in reality, it’s a real girl wearing body-paint, and standing against a painted background.

Makeup Girl‘ is a very clever advertisement spotted, and photographed by Peter Kun Frary,  in front of a MAC cosmetics shop, in Hawaii. The girl is a really well painted model, posing against a painted background. Now, you might think she’s naked, but she is wearing strips of cloth in all the right places.

I must say the artist did a banged-up job on this one, and credit goes to the real-life ‘Makeup Girl‘ who kept a still pose and hardly ever blinked.


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Post-Apocalyptic LEGO Crawler Town

What started out as a steampunk dreadnought/battleship evolved into a self-sustainable crawler town that roams the wastes in search of valuable resources.

It sounds like the rough plot of a post-apocalyptic flick, but it’s actually the result of Dave DeGobbi’s rich imagination. He pictured his LEGO Crawler Town as a mobile settlement roaming the barren wastelands, in a steampunk universe devastated by excessive coal use.

The Crawler Town is the best of several moving cities, a place where people can enjoy luxuries like pizza and beer. Thanks to its powerful crawlers, the town constantly searches for invaluable minerals and aquifers, and stay away from powerful sandstorms.

Dave DeGobbi’s Crawler Town got the name ‘Eco-punk’, due to its steampunk influences, and features functional powered treads, working suspension, front and rear steering, and lift from lower to upper levels.

Check Dave DeGobbi’s Flickr set for more photos of the Crawler Town


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Cheetos Portrait of Conan O’Brien

Apparently, this video has been on the internet since late last year, but for some reason I’ve never heard about it. Better late than never, I guess.

Colorado Springs-based artist Jaon Baalman used over 50 bags of Cheetos to create an ultra-realistic portrait of popular TV-show host Conan O’Brien. Young Jason used Regular, Flamin’ Hot and Natural Cheetos to complete his work, and in some places used two, three layers, to give it the needed depth.

The edible portrait, made out of over 2000 individual Cheetos was supposed to be presented to Conan O’Brien himself, in December of last year, but the artist and his work fell victim to the whole Late Night Show circus, at NBC.

Well, I know it’s not the same, but Jason Baalman gets two thumbs up from me. Make sure you watch the making-of video, at the bottom.


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The Giant Kit Kat Chocolate Bar

Finally a chocolate bar big enough not to make you crave more. This is definitely what the standard chocolate bar size would be, if I ruled the world.

I’m sure you’ve seen bigger-than-usual chocolate bars before, but this is truly gigantic. A dude named Brian created the giant Kit Kat bar for Christmas. He started by going to the local hardware store and buying one of those big flower boxes. Then he filled it with molten chocolate and six packs of Loacker Quadratini cookies (for the crunchy interior).

When it was finished, the giant Kit Kat chocolate bar was 28 inches long and weighed over 13.5 kilograms. Named Mega Giganta Kat, by its creator, this calorie bomb has over 72,000 calories. Considering a person’s daily calorie intake is around 1,800-2,200, that’s pretty scary.

One thing I wasn’t able to find out is how he made the Kit Kat logo, but I think it was carved or something.

via Supersized Meals


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Make Your Own Edible Insects with GUMMIX

Produced by Japanese company Megahouse, the GUMMIX kit allows kids and grown-ups to make their own jelly insects, as pranks or food decorations.

GUMMIX is part of the Megahouse 2010 Shokking lineup, and consists of special gelatin powder and insect molds. It’s as simple as it is fun. Just mix the gelatin with fruit syrup, ketchup or soy sauce, depending on what you’re trying to achieve, and pour the mixture into the molds.  When the jelly starts to harden, attach the limbs with the included tweezers, and there you have it, an edible bug.

The GUMMIX insect kit comes with a mixing cup, recipe cards, and 4 moulds of a beetle, a crawfish, a stag beetle and a sow bug. It costs 3675 yen ($40) and you can purchase 3 extra moulds, for 1570 yen each ($17).

via Gigazine


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Cal Orko – The Dinosaur Wall of Bolivia

A cement quarry near Sucre is home the world’s largest site of dinosaur tracks, known by the locals as Cal Orko.

More than 68 million years ago, thousands of dinosaurs flocked at Cal Orko (a lakeside in those times) in search of food and water. This explains the over 5,000 dinosaur tracks, laid in around 350 criss-cross trackways, on a crumbling wall. The most amazing thing about Cal Orko is it features footprints from 330 dinosaur species, from the Cretaceous, just before they went extinct.

The fascinating 70-degree rockface is a rather new discovery, found by Bolivian workers, in 1994. It stretches 1.5 kilometers in length and it’s 150 meters tall. Compared to other dinosaur track sites, on any other continent, Cal Orko is by far the biggest and most important.

Unfortunately, Cal Orko is in constant danger of crumbling and Bolivian authorities spend $30 million every year, to keep it in place. With all their efforts, part of the Dinosaur Wall has crumbled at the beginning of February, and with it about 300 footprints have been lost.

Photos via Fogonazos


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Cano Cristales – The Rainbow River

Known as ‘The River of Five Colors” or “The Rainbow River”, Cano Cristales is one of the most amazing rivers of our world.

For the most part of a year, Cano Cristales river, in Colombia, is just an ordinary as any other flowing waters you might have seen. But for a brief period of time, it becomes the scene of a natural festival of colors. The special algae living on the river’s bed of rocks is behind this incredible natural phenomenon.

The river’s flow of water regulates the amount of sunlight reaching the algae, and during the rainy season, it keeps the sun’s rays from reaching the bottom. During the dry season, the water is too shallow to sustain river life, but between these two seasons, conditions are just right for the colors of Cano Cristales to come to life.


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Traditional Goose Fighting in Suzdal

Every year, the people of Suzdal, a small Russian town north-east of Moscow, gather at the the Museum of Wooden Architecture, for the traditional goose fight.

Locals form a circle that acts as the circle of the fighting ring, and the geese are simply unleashed. Apparently, the colder the winter, the more aggressive the birds. This year the temperatures were way below zero,  so the geese started fighting almost instantly.

Two families are released into the ring, but only two geese take part in the actual confrontation, withe the rest of the parties doing all the cheering. But this isn’t as violent as it my look. Unlike cock fights or ouzel fights, goose fighting is a lot more gentle, resulting in only a few plucked feathers.

via toprn


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