Chocolate Rolling Stones Spotted in Spain

It took 65 kg of chocolate but the Rolling Stones never looked this tasty. Even that big-mouthed Mick Jagger looks good enough to eat.

It all started with a dream. Alberto Dorna Pujol, the owner of a Catalan pastry shop always dreamed his idols, The Rolling Stones, would once play in his shop window. Since the chance of the real Stones coming to the town of Berga, to play in a pastry shop, were pretty slim, he decided to fulfill his dream, by taking advantage of an old Catalan Easter tradition.

Catalans usually make chocolate figures on Easter, and since Alberto is a master chocolatier, he decided to make the figures of  the legendary Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, out of chocolate. The result is impressive, and attracted a lot of attention to his Dolceria Pujol pastry shop. Well done!

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The Tasty-Looking Miniatures of Stephanie Kilgast

Young French artist, Stephanie Kilgast, creates the most delicious-looking miniatures that you could never shove down your throat, since their made of plastic. But if you like staring at your food, it doesn’t get any better than this.

Great things can come out of being bored, and Stephanie Kilgast is the perfect example. She discovered her passion for miniatures, in 2007, when she was looking for a new hobby, to keep her occupied. She realized creating miniatures took her back to when she was just a little girl, making tiny foods, out of clay, for her Barbie dolls.

Her new passion just grew and grew, until she realized she wanted to dedicate her entire life to making food miniatures. She struggled to get her architecture degree and now she’s a full time artizan. The best thing about her tiny creations is that they can be worn as jewelry. Ever dreamed of having two ice-cream cones as earrings? Well, now you can, courtesy of Miss Stephanie Kilgast.

She sells her tasty-looking miniatures on sites like Etsy and Dawanda, and you can check out all her creations on

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Rainbow Eucalyptus – Nature’s Painted Tree

It might look like someone painted these by hand, but the only artist responsible for these living works of art, is Mother Nature.

The incredible looking Rainbow Eucalyptus is the only species of eucalyptus that grows in the northern hemisphere. It can grow to impressive heights, of up to 70 meters, and it is normally grown for its pulpwood, used to create white paper. There are many other interesting facts regarding Rainbow Eucalyptus, but the obvious question arises: why does it look like it’s been painted?

The secret behind the Rainbow Eucalyptus is actually pretty simple. The trees shed multiple patches of bark every year, but not at the same time. As the patches are gone, the green inner bark is exposed, and, as it matures, every new patch first turns bluish, then orange, purple and maroon. This creates the rainbow effect that makes these trees so nice to look at.

Rainbow Eucalyptus can be found in New Guinea, New Britain and the Philippines.

via Kuriositas

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Osoyoos – Canada’s Spotted Lake

Praised, from times immemorial, as a healing lake, Osoyoos has become one of the most popular tourist attractions in Canada, because of its spotted look.

Located in the Oskogan Valley, British Columbia, Osoyoos is one of the most mineral-rich bodies of water on Earth, featuring mostly sulfates of magnesium, calcium and sodium. During the summer, as the lake’s water evaporates, it leaves behind the minerals, which take the shape of pools. Each natural pool has a different color, depending on the type and concentration of the minerals, making Osoyoos a unique sight to behold.

Ever since ancient times, the Indians of the Oskogan Valley have considered the Spotted Lake a holy place that cured their every illness. Whether they were suffering from sprains, infections, skin diseases or body aches, they would get better by immersing their bodies in the lakes waters. Even during times of war, tribes would ask for truce, so warriors could come to Osoyoos Lake and heal their wounds.

During World War I, minerals from the Spotted Lake were used to make ammunition, in the factories built in the area. For generations, Osoyoos was the property of the Earnest Smith family, who wanted t build a healing spa, on the lake. But constant pressure from the Indian natives kept this from ever happening, and eventually convinced the Smiths to sell the lake back to the Indians.

An impressive sight, the Spotted Lake is of limits to tourists, for fear they might damage the pools. But you can still enjoy a great view of it, from behind the iron fence that surrounds Osoyoos.

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Full Life in Just Half the Body

35-year-old Kevin Easterday was born with a rare condition that prevented his spine from developing correctly. His legs were amputated, when he was only a baby, but that hasn’t stopped him from living life to the fullest.

A strange illness, known as sacral agenesis, made it necessary for doctors to amputate Kenny’s legs, when he was only six months old. Part of his shinbone was used to create the missing part of his spine, but Kenny lost the ability to walk. Believe it or not, Mr. Eastearday was able to live a rich happy life, regardless of his handicap.

During a documentary, Kenny’s father reveals he taught his son to walk using his hands, by telling him to imitate his mother, who “walks like a duck”. As a child, he was offered a pair of prosthetic legs, but he didn’t really find them very useful, so he always used his hands, or a skateboard, to get around.

Although he wasn’t expected to reach the age of 21, Kenny not only beat the odds, but enjoyed life, in the process. He learned to play pool, bowl, work, and even make love to his fiancee,Nicky. To top things off, the happy couple is waiting for confirmation that Desiree, their 7-year-old daughter, is actually Kenny’s daughter. Read More »

Lisa Black’s Steampunk Taxidermy

You have probably seen taxidermy and steampunk art before, but have you ever seen them combined?

Lisa Black, a talented young artist from New Zealand, creates the most amazing works of art, by adding cool steampunk elements, like gears, screws, and other metal pieces, to taxidermy animals. This unusual combination creates unique art pieces that are absolutely amazing.

Check out her portfolio at

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Pampered Dogs Live in a $20,000 Victorian Mansion

Nothing says “I love my puppies to death” like spending a ton of cash on a small Victorian mansion, the pooches can call home.

Chelsea, Darla and Coco Puff can definitely brag to their barking friends, about having the most luxurious doghouse in the world. Featuring hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, central heating and air-conditioning, this mini-mansion is literally fit for royalty. In terms of design, it has hand-made curtains, mini blinds, expensive wallpaper and ceiling fans.

And they all have to thank their owner, 42-year-old Tammy Kassis, who lavishly spent around $20,000 on this over-the-top dog mansion. She loves her two Yorkies and one Pomeranian to death, and she decided to give them a home of their own, when an owl almost snatched one of them up.

She asked deluxe kennel builder, and owner of La Petite Maison, Alan Mower, to create a small replica of her own home, a beautiful Victorian mansion, for her adorable fur balls. Next on her shopping list is a small plasma TV, because the spoiled trio loves to watch Animal Planet.

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British Lovebirds Say Yabba-Dab-I-Do

Inspired by the rocky beach front of Combe Martin, a British couple decided to get married in a Flintstones-themed wedding.

Ed Martin and Gayla Robinson moved to Combe Martin in September of last year, and inspired by their rocky surroundings, decided to opt for something more original than a white wedding. They plastered the stage of the Landmark Theater to look like a cave, had their 100 guests dress like cavemen, and even built a replica of the Flintstones car.

As you can imagine, the best man and maid of honor were dressed like Barney and Betty Rubble, and the page girl and boy, as Pebbles and Bam Bam. Just like the Star-Wars wedding, the Peter-Pan wedding, or pretty much any themed wedding, it was a fun event that everyone enjoyed.

Photos by GUY HARROP

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The Bubblegum Alley of San Luis Obispo

The “most talked-about landmark” of San Luis Obispo, California, the Bubblegum Alley is a 21 meter-long alley lined with chewed-up pieces of bubblegum.

The exact history of the Bubblegum Alley is unknown, but there are a few theories about how this sticky tradition began. Some say it started during World War II, as a graduating class event, while others are convinced it dates back to the 1950s, as the result of the rivalry between San Luis Obispo High-School and Cal Poly. Whatever its beginnings, by the 70s, Bubblegum Alley was already covered with plenty of gooey material.

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Xiaoqiang – The Painting Dolphin

Dolphins are smart, talented creatures,no doubt about that, but I had no ides painting was one of their skills.

Xiaoqiang, a dolphin from Qingdao, in China’s Shandong Province has learned to paint, under the guidance of his trainer. Looking at his work, I’d say he still has a long way to go before becoming the second Rembrandt, but he’s well on his way. Surprisingly enough, Xiaoqiang is not the world’s first painting mammal, the painting elephants of Thailand and Cholla the painting horse have been doing it for years.

Photos by Xinhua/REUTERS via Xinhua

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11-Year-Old Girl Wins Stinky Sneakers Contest

In an event organized by Odor-Eaters, 11-year-old Trinette Robinson proved she had the stinkiest sneakers, and took home the $2,500 prize.

The 35th edition of the Annual National Odor-Eaters Rotten Sneaker Contest had nine kids, aged six to sixteen, battle it out for the title of “wearer of the stinkiest sneakers”. It was a hard contest to judge, considering all participants had already proven their stinky valor, at regional level. To make sure the winner was decided fairly, organizers brought in members of the jury with some serious sniffing abilities. Among them were George Aldrich, chemical specialist for NASA space missions, and Rachel Herz, author of the Scent of Desire, and professor at Brown University.

Pungent sneakers were judged on the condition of the sole, tongue, heel, toe, laces, overall condition, but especially odor. This year’s winner of the Rotten Sneaker Contest was Trinette Robinson, an 11-year-old girl from Bristol, Connecticut. She confessed she played hard in Girl Scout Camp, did a lot of community walks for charity, and took part in the “no-child left inside” program, in order to get her sneakers to smell as bad as they do.

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Christmas Has a Festive Tree, So Why Not Easter?

It makes sense doesn’t it? Easter is a major Christian holiday too, so it should have its own version of the popular Christmas Tree.

Strangely enough, such a thing as an Easter tree already exists, and it can be found in Germany. Around 1945, when he was just a young boy, Volker Kraft saw his very first Easter Tree (Eierbaum, Osterbaum or Ostereirbaum, in German), and decided he would have one of his very own, when he grew up. Time passed and young Volker became a married man, with a family and everything. But his childhood dream stuck with him and he decorated his first Easter Tree, in 1965. He used 18 colored plastic eggs.

But the tree was growing fast and he and his wife, Christa couldn’t afford to waste so many Easter eggs. So they began drilling holes into the eggs, using the contents in the kitchen, and the painted shells as decorations. When their children grew up, they started helping with the decorating,and the Easter Tree became a family tradition, known not only in their home town of Saalfeld, but all of Germany.

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Alien Facehugger Cake – Would You Eat It?

I’m mad about cool looking cakes, and if you’ve been here before, you already know that. Now, I know I said stuff like “I wouldn’t eat this!” about other disgusting-looking cakes, but compared to this Alien facehugger cake, they all look mighty delicious.

Presented at the “That Takes The Cake 2010” sci-fi themed cake show, in Austin, the edible Alien facehugger looks like it crawled right off the set of an Alien movie. I’m sure it’s tasty and everything, but just looking at it, instantly kills my appetite.

I know many of you wouldn’t mind having this particular facehugger grab a hold of your face, but their are much nicer looking cakes out there. Hat’s off to the artist that made this, though.

via GreatWhiteSnark

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Dress Made from One Million Meters of Human Hair Showcased in Vietnam

A unique tunic-like dress, made out of countless human hairs, was presented by a model, in the center of Vietnam’s capital, Hanoi.

Human hair appears to be a popular material fro Asian artists. After a Chinese hairdresser recreated Tiananmen Square out of human square, and made a hair sculpture of Barrack Obama, Kim Do, a Vietnamese hairdresser creates a tunic made from hair.

Material for the dress was gathered from 54 different people across Vietnam, including popular local artists like Le Dung, Thanh Lam, Hong Nhung or Ha Kieu Anh. The 1 million meters of hair were then died and sewn into a dress, using a needle. On the front side of this unusual garment, you can see the shape of a dragon, made from long brown hair.

Kim Do’s hair dress comes with a hat, also made from hair and decorated with the design of Vietnam’s Turtle Tower.


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Boardroom Table Made of LEGO Bricks

We’ve featured a large variety of stuff made out of LEGO bricks, but this is the first LEGO boardroom table I’ve ever seen.

The newly formed Boys and Girls advertising agency asked the guys at abcg to transform a gorgeous Georgian house into a worthy headquarters. The new place had to be playful, but not juvenile. With that in mind, the designers made the bold move of creating the boardroom table out of LEGO pieces. It took a total of 22,742 LEGO bricks to complete the 1.2 x 2.7 table, but the end result was more than satisfying.

The LEGO bricks that form the boardroom table are stuck together the old fashioned way, without the use of glue. The pieces are set on a slate of steel and covered by a 10 mm-thick layer of toughened glass.

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