Florida Man Buys New Porsche With Check Printed on Home Computer

A 42-year-old Florida man managed to dupe dealership staff into letting him drive off in a $140,000 Porsche 911 in exchange for a fake check he had printed on his home computer.

Casey William Kelley walked into a Porsche dealership in Destin, Okaloosa County on July 27 and managed to drive off with a brand new, white Porsche 911 sports car. The really impressive thing about that is he only traded a useless piece of paper for it. Kelley had reportedly printed the check for $139,203.05 on his home printer, but staff let him take the car without waiting to see if the check cleared. They must have fallen for the conman’s confident attitude, as he was so proud of himself that he even asked staff to take a picture of him with the car before driving away.

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Who Knew There Was Such a Thing as Albino Cucumbers?

If you’re tired of growing or eating the same old green cucumbers, you’ll be pleased to hear that there is actually an alternative – albino cucumbers.

As their name suggests, these heirloom cucumbers are a bright white, even though the stalks they grow on have a common dark green foliage. Albino cucumbers don’t simply occur as an anomaly, although that may have been the case with the first such specimen. They are actually a slowly developed variety of cucumber that dates back to the 1893, when the Burpee seed company featured it in its famous catalog for the first time. It had been sent in by a customer in 1890, and Burpee spent the next three years breeding and evaluating the plant before launching it commercially.

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Purple Island – South Korea’s Newest Instagram-Worthy Tourist Attraction

There are plenty of interesting places to visit in South Korea, but if you’re all about adding new and exciting content to your Instagram feed, the you simply must add the Purple Island on your itinerary.

With the Covid-19 wreaking havoc around the world, South Korea included, international travel isn’t what it used to be just a few months ago, but that just means more time to plan your next great adventure. And if you have your sights set on Instagram-worthy destinations, South Korea’s new Purple Island is a must-visit. As the name suggests, this place is a purple paradise complete with vast fields of lavender, empress trees that bloom purple, purple painted houses, bridges and even purple roads.

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Pokemon GO Grandpa Takes Pokemon Hunt to New Heights with 64 Smartphones Strapped to Bike

A Taiwanese pensioner who once made international headlines for strapping almost a dozen smartphones to his bicycle so he could catch multiple Pokemon in Pokemon GO! faster has now taken his passion for the mobile game to new heights, with a whopping 64 phones attached to his bike.

We originally featured Chen Sanyuan in August of 2018, shortly after photos of him taken by passers-by in Taipei City had gone viral. It was easy to see why photos of the then 70-year-old were getting so much attention – here was this old man riding his bicycle around town with multiple smartphones hooked on to the handlebars. After  reaching the front page of Reddit, Chen was approached by Taiwanese gaming website EXP.GG and he explained that he had come up with the bizarre setup so he could operate multiple Pokemon GO accounts at the same time. He had fallen in love with Niantic’s hit game after being introduced to it by his grandson, and now couldn’t get enough.

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New York Man Uses Dating Flyers to Find “Germ-Free Girlfriend”

A life-threatening pandemic isn’t exactly what you would call the best time to find love, especially with social distancing and self-isolation measures in place, but one New York man is trying to make it work.

If you’ve been jogging through Central Park or any of the Big Apple’s running paths, you may have seen these bizarre flyers from a “healthy, attractive and well-employed man” allegedly looking for a “germ-free, healthy, fit and clean” woman interested in a monogamous relationship. It’s not the most original or the most romantic way to find a partner, but the man who came up with it says it’s a more “targeted” alternative to online dating services.

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Apparently Horses Can Grow Lush Mustaches Too, Who Knew?

You’ve probably seen photos of horses sporting luxurious staches and thought to yourself “that must be fake”, but it turns out that horses can indeed grow mustaches.

From curly mustaches worthy of classic cartoon villains, to locks that reach way past their snout, horses can grow mustaches in a variety of styles. And the strange thing is that the style of mustache, or even the chance of growing a mustache doesn’t depend on breed. When photos of dashing, mustache-sporting equines originally went viral online, everyone credited the Gypsy Vanner breed for the trait, but it turns out that specimens of that breed are indeed more likely to grow impressive facial hair, they are definitely not the only ones.

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Japan’s Yearly Truck Gardening Contest Takes Landscaping to a Whole New Level

Every year, landscaping experts from all over Japan get together to compete in the Key Truck Garden Contest, a unique event that has participants turning the beds of mini trucks into the most impressive miniature gardens they can.l The results are nothing short of awe-inspiring.

The Kei Truck, or “kei-tora”, is a small yet practical utility vehicle invented in Japan, but used throughout Asia, primarily in construction and agriculture. It’s been a part of Japanese culture for decades, and people love it because it provides plenty of space and it’s easy to maneuver on narrow streets. But once a year, Key trucks take center stage as canvases for ingenious landscaping masterpieces, during the Key Truck Garden Contest, a special event sponsored by the Japan Federation of Landscape Contractors. As you can see in the photos below, these mobile miniature gardens are something else!

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Baker Takes Bread Art to a Whole New Level

When it comes to making bread that’s almost too good to eat, few bakers even come close to Hannah P, a North Carolina food artist who has taken Instagram by storm with her intricate bread designs.

From loaves of bred decorated with plant-inspired designs hand-carved into the dough, to pastry creations adorned with colorful fruits and vegetables, Hannah P.’s works are nothing if not eye-catching. Using a razor blade attached to a kitchen utensil the name of which escapes me, the artist posting on Instagram under the name “Blondie + Rye” takes bread art to a level that I for one have not seen before. Sure, there are lost of talented bread artists showcasing their creations online these, days but Hannah is definitely one of the most talented ones, if not the best.

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Man with 30-Year-Long Amnesia Suddenly Remembers His Home While Watching Coronavirus News Report

A Chinese migrant worker who lost his memory in 1990 due to brain injuries recently remembered his hometown while watching a news report about the coronavirus outbreak.

Thirty years ago, Zhu Jiaming, a young man from Guizhou Province in south-western China, left his home to work construction in the central province of Hubei. Unfortunately, that same year he suffered a serious work accident that left him with brain injuries and long-term amnesia. Too make matters worse, the migrant worker also lost his ID and ended up living on the streets until a kindhearted couple offered to let him live with them. Despite trying very hard to remember his past life, he could not remember much, including anything about his home and family.

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Australian Newspaper Prints Extra Blank Pages to Mock Toilet Paper Crisis

This Thursday, the NT News, a local newspaper in Australia’s Northern Territory, printed an extra eight blank pages for readers to use in a pinch, as a way to mock the pointless toilet paper hoarding caused by the spread of the coronavirus.

“Run out of loo paper? The NT News cares,” the front page of the special edition newspaper read. “That’s why we’ve printed an eight-page special liftout inside, complete with handy cut lines, for you to use in an emergency. Get your limited edition one-ply toilet newspaper sheets.”

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UK’s Most Opinionated Man Has Been Sending Angry Letters to Newspaper Every Day Since 1978

A Liverpool man has been penning letters complaining about various things and sending them to the Liverpool Echo newspaper every day for the last 42 years.

70-year-old Bernie Carroll can’t even remember what he complained to the local council about in his very first letter, back in 1978. That’s unsurprising, considering that it was the first of over 15,000 letters he sent over the years; it first started as a way to vent about the actions of the “militant council of the 1970s and 80s” in Liverpool, but once that was over with, he continued sending in letters complaining or offering suggestions about pretty much anything. For example, his most recent letters to the Liverpool Echo newspaper were about his frustrations at the constant fireworks in his neighborhood and dog poo bags being left on park railings.

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Artist Carves 12,000 Holes into Chicken Egg, Sets New Record

Hamit Hayran, Turkey’s number one egg carving artist, recently set a new world record for the most number of holes carved into a single chicken egg, 12,000.

It’s hard to imagine how anyone could puncture a chicken egg, even a big one, tens of thousands of times, but 62-year-old Hamit Haryran is an expert at it. After becoming disabled in 1988, due to an occupational accident, he dedicated most of his time to egg-shell carving, and has since become one of the most celebrated egg carving artists in the world. Apart from creating some stunning artworks, he has also been actively chasing the record for most holes punctured into a single egg. He first broke it when he carved  8,708 holes, beating the record of a Pakistani artist, then with 11,827 holes, and this last time with a whopping 12,000.

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Indian Girl Sets new World Record for Most Yoga Contortions in One Minute

Most yoga practitioners struggle to pull off the Niralamba Poorna Chakrasana contortion just once in their lives, but one 11-year-old girl recently managed to do it a whopping 21 time in one minute, setting a new world record.

On January 20, Riya Paladia, a gymnastics and yoga practitioner from the village of Gaulapar, in India’s Uttarakhand state, stunned a local crowd with her amazing flexibility and speed, performing the tough Niralamba Poorna Chakrasana yoga position 21 times in one minute. Described as one of the very hardest yoga contortions, the move didn’t seem to pose any problem to the 11-year-old girl who slid on her back with ease before rising up on her feet again, without using her hands as support. It almost looks like she is being pulled up by invisible strings.

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The Japanese Rogue Convenience Store That Dared Closed Down for a Day on New Year’s

A convenience store owner in Osaka, japan, sparked a lot of controversy recently when he decided to close his business for a day on New Year’s. Appaerntly that was a pretty big deal in a country where convenience stores a traditionally open 24/7, all year long.

While convenience stores are still pretty popular in the United States, they are nothing compared to the so-called “konbini” stores found on every corner of every street in urban Japan. They are beacons of hope that make life easier for the average person, offering a wide range of services (ATMs, Wi-Fi, printing, delivery services, etc.), as well as groceries, all in one place, day and night. In fact, the thing that makes Japanese convenience stores so convenient is that they are open all 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, making it possible for anyone to pick up some groceries, pay the bills or get a quick bite to eat,whenever they need to. So when one convenience store owner decided to close his business for a day on New Year’s, it made national news.

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Japanese Artist Creates Detailed Battleship Miniatures Out of Old Newspapers

Japanese visual artist Atsushi Adachi can make just about anything out of newspaper clippings, but his most impressive works yet are a series of miniature battleship replicas perfect to the tiniest of details.

We’ve seen people make impressive miniature models out of cardboard or matchsticks, but Atsushi Adachi finds newspapers to be the perfect medium. He considers them a sort of time machine, as they embody society’s values of that certain period, so by building models of various things using newspapers from that era, he is able to open a window into the past.

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