Florida Vacationers Terrorized by Flock of Foul-Smelling Vultures

Owning a vacation home in West Palm Beach’s Ibis Golf and Country Club is a dream come true for most people, but for a couple of residents that dream quickly turned into a nightmare after their properties were taken over by dozens of black vultures.

Earlier this year, New Yorkers Anthony and Siobhan Casimano bought a vacation home in the Ibis Golf and Country Club for 702,000 dollar, but when they decided to vacation there, they were shocked to find it had actually been taken over by dozens, if not hundreds of black vultures. They were practically living in the pool area, had destroyed the property’s screened enclosures and did not appear too happy to share the place with its human owners. They pecked at their car, and vomited when they got too close, as a means of self defense. Despite their best efforts to have the issue resolved, the Casimanos remain unable to drive the vultures away and reclaim their expensive property.

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Portuguese Street Artist Creates Mind-Blowing Graffiti Illusions

Portuguese street artist Odeith is widely considered the pioneer of anamorphic graffiti, and looking at his latest works, many would say he is still ahead of the curve.

Seen from all but the perfect angle, Odeith’s anamorphic masterpieces look strange and distorted, but when properly aligned with the artwork viewers are treated to larger-than-life creations that seem ready to leap off of their concrete canvas. Take the artist’s latest project, a realistic-looking wrecked bus spray-painted on a giant concrete block. Unless you saw the “before” photo, you could swear that was a real bus.

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Mystery Over Man with Old TV Set Mask Leaving Old TV Sets on People’s Porches

A man wearing a mask shaped like an old TV set spent a night leaving old TV sets on the porches of over 50 homes in Virginia this past weekend, and no one has any idea why.

In what has been described as a real-life episode of The Twilight Zone, a mysterious character wearing a fake TV set on his head spent a night carefully placing over 50 old TV sets on the porches of dozens of houses in Henrico County, Virginia. When residents woke up on Sunday they just found the bizarre gifts in front of their front doors and started looking around for whoever left it. Then they started calling police to report the unusual gifts. As of yet, no one knows the reason behind “TV Santa Claus”‘ August delivery run.

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Russian Man Hilariously Tries to Sell 3-Room Apartment Using Quentin Tarantino

A resident of Chelyabinsk, in western Russia, recently got his five minutes of online fame after his apartment sale ad went viral on social media for featuring renowned film director Quentin Tarantino.

The last thing you would expect to see while looking at photos of apartments to buy is an internationally famous director seemingly inspecting the premises and giving a thumbs up. That’s exactly why Alexander Kainov, from the Russian city of Chelyabinsk thought that adding some cutouts of Reservoir Dogs director Quentin Tarantino to his real-estate photos to make it look like he had actually visited the apartment would be a great way of attracting attention. Making a property stand out among hundreds, if not thousands of similar ones, isn’t the easiest thing in the world, but apparently adding some Tarantino works like a charm.

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Add Some Sparkle to Your Number Two with Glitter-Infused Vitamin Pills

WeAreFeel, a UK-based supplement subscription company has been getting a lot of attention online lately for a bizarre limited-edition multivitamin pill designed to “make your toilet sparkle” when you do a number two.

The sparkly supplement – which costs £11.95 ($14.50) for 30 capsules – contains 18 different vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Folic Acid, zinc and iron, as well as lots of edible glitter that passes straight into the stool and allegedly makes it sparkle in your toilet bowl. According to WeAreFeel, the glitter, while edible, is not fully digested by the human stomach so you can expect it all to end up in your stool.

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Residents of Far-East Russian Region Wake Up to Bizarre Pitch-Black Morning

The people of Siberia’s Verkhoyansk district got a feeling of deja vu last Friday when they woke up to total darkness at an hour when the sun should have been high in the sky. A similar phenomenon occurred in the region just over a year ago.

This time of year, dawn breaks at around 4 am in Verkhoyansk, but photos taken by locals at around 8 in the morning show no sign of the sun, as entire settlements are bathed in almost complete darkness with a bizarre yellow tinge to it. Luckily, locals were used to such unusual phenomena, as just last year, in July, Verkhoyansk and other Yakutian regions experienced another pitch black morning. In fact some people took to social media to ask if this is becoming some sort of weird tradition.

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Rich Man Will Pay “Professional Honey Trapper” $18,000 to Seduce His Girlfriend

An anonymous millionaire has expressed his desire to hire someone to try and seduce his future wife-to-be, in an effort to find out if she truly loves him.

HushHush.com, the “world’s leading luxury marketplace” recently went public with one of its regular customer’s unusual request, in an effort to help him find the right candidate. Apparently, the client, a millionaire businessman who prefers to remain anonymous, is looking to hire a “good looking” man to pose as a wealthy man and try to seduce his girlfriend. He’s willing to pay the right candidate £15,000 ($18,000) as well as supply him with the means to create the illusion of affluence – premium property, luxury cars and a big spending budget for the operation.

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Meat Company to Launch World’s First Hot-Dog-Flavored Ice Cream Sandwich

If we were to make a global top 100 ice cream flavors list, hot-dog probably wouldn’t make the cut, but that hasn’t stopped American processed meat giant Oscar Mayer from announcing the launch of a hot-dog-flavored ice cream sandwich.

Shaking up the hot-dog scene seems like a tall order, but Oscar Mayer is willing to try with its soon-to-hit-the-shelves hot dog ice cream sandwich. Made up of sweet hot-dog cream, candied hot-dog bits, and spicy Dijon mustard gelato, all squeezed between two soft cookie buns, the upcoming treat is advertised as the best way to enjoy a hot-dog in ice cream form. It’s not clear if this is just a one-time marketing stunt or a permanent addition to the Oscar Mayer family of products, but one thing is for sure, hot-dog ice cream sandwich is a real thing.

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Chinese Scientists Use Innovative Chip to Power Autonomous Bicycle

While tech giants like Tesla and Google are working hard to perfect autonomous cars, a team of scientists in China is developing a self-driving bicycle and their results are pretty impressive.

Showcased in a short video presentation, the autonomous bicycle developed by scientists at Tsinghua University, in Beijing, can balance itself while also avoiding obstacles, following certain trajectories and obeying vocal commands. It can do all these things thanks to a revolutionary type of computer chip that combines two different architectural approaches to computing that hadn’t really worked well together until now, due to communication difficulties between the two systems. However, if this self-driving bike is any indication, the Chinese seem to have solved those issues.

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The Indonesian Island That Somehow Makes Mammals Smaller

Ever since the remains of “Homo Florensis”, an extinct species of unusually short humans, were discovered on Flores Island, in eastern Indonesia, scientists have been fascinated with this patch of land, which apparently has the power to somehow make mammals shorter and smaller.

It all began in 2004, when the remains of a human who would have been about 1.1 m in height were discovered at Liang Bua cave. Partial skeletons of nine other individuals were subsequently unearthed and analysis showed that they were part of a yet unknown species of the “Homo” genus named Homo Florensis. It’s estimated that they lived on Flores Island roughly 190,000 to 50,000 years ago. With an average height of just 1.1 meters, they were shorter than modern pygmies which earned them the nickname of ‘real-life hobbits’. Scientists believed they were the ancestors of the pygmies currently living on Flores Island, which made perfect sense, only it turns out that the two have nothing in common. If anything, both species had been independently “shrunk” by the island itself.

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Doctors Pull Over 500 Teeth from 7-Year-Old Boy’s Mouth

Dentists at a hospital in Chennai, India, were shocked to find over 520 teeth growing in the mouth of a seven-year-old boy who occasionally complained of toothaches.

7-year-old P. Ravindran was taken to Saveetha Dental College and Hospital in Chennai to have a swelling on his lower right jaw looked at. Dentists ordered an X-Ray and CT-Scan, which revealed that the abscess-like swelling was actually a  sac full of what looked like hundreds of teeth of various sizes. The growth, known as compound composite odontoma, is a benign tumour composed of dental tissue, but this was a particularly large one, made up of a total of 526 teeth.

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Australian Brewery Launches Tea That Allegedly Tastes Like Beer

The makers of popular Australian beer Victoria Bitter have released a limited edition VB Tea that combines Ceylon black tea and Super Pride hops, the same variety of hops that gives Victoria Bitter its bitterness. The result, a cup of tea that tastes like beer.

Or at least that’s what the people at Victoria Bitter would like you to believe. They’ve allegedly created the special non-alcoholic, beer-flavored tea for Australian cricket fans watching their national team compete in England this month, at hours when drinking a lager is considered inappropriate – late at night or early in the morning. With VB Tea, they can enjoy the characteristic bitterness of Victoria Bitter without worrying about the alcohol. Of course, they could have settled for a non-alcoholic beer, but since the cricket is taking place in England, tea just seemed more appropriate.

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You Can Now Relax by Cuddling a Cow for $75 an Hour

Cow cuddling has been around in Europe for a while, but now a farm in upstate New York is giving Americans the chance to unwind by getting up close and personal with peaceful bovines for just $75 and hour.

Mountain House Farm, a beautiful 33-acre retreat in New York, has been offering wellness sessions with horses to guests for the past nine years, but recently added cow cuddling on the menu as well. Suzanne Vullers, a Netherlands native who runs the farm with her husband, brought two cows back with her from a visit to her home country, after learning about the hearing about the health benefits of cuddling with cows. The practice has really taken off as a form of stress relief therapy in European countries like Switzerland and the Netherlands, and Vullers was surprised that it was relatively unknown in the US. So she brought Bonnie and Bella to join their friendly horses and help visitors relax as part of what Mountain House Farm calls the “Horse & Cow experience”.

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This Famous Vietnamese Villa Has a Tomb in the Middle of the Living Room

From the outside, the famous “Tomb Villa” in the Vietnamese province of Ben Tre looks like an ordinary household, but step foot through the front door and you’ll notice that instead of the usual dining table there is a creepy marble tomb complete with a shrine to the person buried in it.

Living in a mansion with a tomb in the middle of the living room sounds like the plot of a horror movie, but for the inhabitants of the so-called Tomb Villa of Tan Thac Commune it’s everyday life. It sounds unbelievable, and many people still don’t believe it, especially since Vietnamese law clearly states that burials can only be carried out in cemeteries or on the holy ground of churches and temples, but the story of this unique villa has been documented online for over a decade now. It’s an inhabited house with an occupied tomb in the middle of the living room…

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Polish Village Where Boys Are Rarely Born Offers to Reward First Couple to Have a Son

Miejsce Odrzańskie, a small village in southern Poland, near the border with the Czech Republic, is offering to reward the first local family to give birth to a son. None have been born there in the last nine years, and the youngest one that still lives in the village is 12-years-old.

No one knows why, but couples in Miejsce Odrzańskie rarely have boys. Most of the 300 or so inhabitants are women, and locals say it’s been this way for as long as they can remember. Mayor Rajmund Frischko recently told Polish reporters that after checking historical records and reviewing registered birth certificates he can confirmed that rare male births are not just a recent anomaly. He has also pledged to reward the first couple to give birth to a boy.

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