Exhausted Cat Needs Glucose Drip to Recover After Mating with at Least 5 Females in One Night

A male Russian Blue cat who was left to roam freely in a pet hotel in Sichuan, China, ended up needing a glucose drip to recover after mating with at least five female cats in just a few hours.

News of the cat’s exploits was shared on Chinese social media by his owner, a certain Mr. Zhao, after receiving complaints from the pet hotel staff. Apparently, workers there neglected to feed his pet Russian Blue, named Xiaopi, and simply let him out of his cage to roam freely with all the other felines at the hotel, despite being explicitly told that he had not been neutered. Zhao wrote that the staff simply opened the cats cages and went home, leaving them to their own devices for the whole night.

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7-Year-Old Girl Allegedly Reaches Puberty by Sleeping with the Lights On for Years

Chinese media recently reported the unusual case of a girl who reached puberty at age seven, presumably because of sleeping with the lights on every night for the last three years.

At age 7, Dandan (pseudonym) is already 1.20m-tall, towering over most girls her age. When she first started growing, her mother was delighted, and didn’t even stop to wonder why the girl had grown by about 10 cm in a single year. It wasn’t until one day, when she was giving Dandan a bath, and she noticed that she had developed breasts, that the woman realized something was wrong. She took the 7-year-old to the hospital and was shocked to learn that her daughter had reached puberty at least three years earlier than usual.

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Woman Allegedly Sues Condom Deliveryman for Unwanted Pregnancy

One of the weirdest questions you can find on law forums is “can I sue for a broken condom?” (don’t ask me how I know that). Well, a woman in China went even further than that, suing the man who delivered the condoms she ordered too late, thus causing her unwanted pregnancy.

Chinese media recently reported the somewhat funny case of a young woman from Xuzhou, in Jiangsu province, who allegedly sued a deliveryman for bringing the box of condos she ordered online eight minutes late, and thus indirectly causing her to become pregnant. Apparently, the woman, referred to as Su (pseudonym), had her boyfriend over one evening in August, to watch a movie together. The movie lasted longer than expected, so the young man ended up spending the night. And that’s how the trouble started.

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Woman Left with Mouth Stuck Open After Laughing Too Hard

A Chinese woman recently had to have her jaw set back in place by a doctor after she dislocated it by laughing too loudly. I guess laughter really wasn’t the best medicine for her, quite the contrary.

The bizarre incident took place on September 1st, on a high-speed train heading to Guangzhou South Railway Station. Doctor Luo Wensheng, who had boarded the train in Kunming, the capital of south-western Yunnan Province, was commuting to Liwan Hospital – part of Guangzhou Medical University – when he heard an urgent appeal for medical assistance being broadcast through the carriage speakers. He rushed to help and found a female passenger who had her mouth open and was drooling profusely, which indicated that she had suffered a stroke, but he blood pressure was normal. It was only after speaking with eye-witnesses that he learned that the woman had become unable to close her mouth due to laughter.

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Man Builds Children’s Playhouse Out of 2,000 Packets of Instant Noodles

A soon-to-be father in China recently made international news headlines after using 2,000 packets of expired instant noodles to build a playhouse for his unborn son.

Photos of the unusual playhouse went viral online quickly after being posted on social media by the builder, a certain Mr. Zhang, from Huadian county, in Northeast China’s Jilin province. He was swiftly tracked down by Chinese reporters and revealed that he had spent four days building the edible structure out of thousands of of out-of-date noodle packets fixed together with glue.

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Heartless Mother Sells Off Twin Babies to Settle Debt, Buys New Smartphone

A single mother in China was recently arrested after a police investigation revealed that she had sold her twin newborns for 65,000 yuan ($9,100) to settle her mounting debts and buy herself a new phone.

According to Chinese newspaper Ningbo Evening News, the woman, who is in her 20s, resorted to selling her newborn twin sons in September of last year, because she was “penniless and heavily in debt”. Surnamed Ma, the heartless mother added that her parents had been furious about her pre-marital pregnancy and refused to help her raise the babies, while the father, known only as Wu, made it clear that he didn’t want anything to do with his children.

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Meet Mr. Bags, China’s Influential “Bag Whisperer”

When it comes to buying a fashionable handbag, there’s one figure most young Chinese women turn to for advice – Mr. Bags. With millions on followers on China’s most popular social networks and many of the world’s biggest bag brands fighting to gain his favor, this 27-year-old really has the Chinese bag game on lock.

As a student of the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles, Tao Liang (Mr. Bags’ real name) spent most of his free time shopping on Rodeo Drive. While most of his fellow Asian colleagues developed hobbies like playing basketball or video games, he couldn’t get enough of luxury bags. He went on shopping sprees with friends, educated himself on bag culture, followed the biggest trends in fashion and posted his opinions on the hottest bags on various social media. The son of financiers, Mr’ Bags never imagined his passion for bags would one day catapult him to the top of China’s fashion influencers, but that’s exactly what happened.

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Terrifying Deepfake App Lets You Swap Faces with Virtually Anyone

Zao, a Chinese artificial intelligence-powered app that allows users to swap faces with actors and other celebrities in videos and GIF images, has sparked serious privacy concerns due to how convincing the transformation can be.

Uploaded to China’s iOS App Store last Friday, Zao became the number one downloaded app on the platform in only two days and looking at what it can do, it’s easy to see why. By using artificial intelligence, the app is able to take a simple picture of the user and superimpose it on to the face of any character in a video or GIF with truly breathtaking results. For example, one user claims it only took them under 8 seconds to swap faces with Leonardo DiCaprio and fulfil their dream of starring in blockbusters like Titanic.

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Pain in the Butt – Man Somehow Lives with Eight Metal Needles Stuck in His Behind

The mystery of a Chinese man’s decade long pain in the butt has finally been solved after doctors in Hunan extracted no less than 8 embroidery needles stuck in his right buttock.

For the past 10 years, Chen, a 55-year old retired man from China’s Changsha Province, had frequently experienced a stinging, tingling sensation in the right part of his behind, but he never went to have it checked out by a doctor. He reportedly felt the stinging sensation most often when he ran, but because of his busy work schedule, he never went to the hospital. He finally made it to a doctor earlier this month and told him about the mysterious pain in the behind, but the explanation shocked both him and the physician.

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Man’s 30-Year Headache Allegedly Caused by Worm Stuck in His Brain

A 59-year-old Chinese man who had experienced frequent headaches and even seizures over the last 30 years is now able to lead a pain-free life after doctors extracted a 10-cm worm from his brain.

The man, surnamed Zhang, first started experiencing excruciating headaches and seizures in 1989. He was playing cards with friends when his arms and legs started twitching for no reason. He started foaming at the mouth and lost consciousness soon after. His worried family took him to a hospital in Guangzhou where he was diagnosed with epilepsy and prescribed anti-epileptic drugs. Despite taking the drugs regularly over the last 30 years, he still suffered occasional seizures and fainting, as well as frequent headaches. It wasn’t until last month that Zhang learned that his symptoms were actually caused by a worm stuck in his brain.

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Company Allegedly Makes Employees Eat Live Fish, Drink Chicken Blood for Failing to Meet Goals

A sales company in Guizhou, China, has come under fire for forcing employees to eat live mud fish and drink chicken blood for failing to meet their set goals.

News of the extreme punishment employees of a Guizhou construction material store were recently subjected to broke out after a video of the ordeal was leaked online. It showed a man handing out live mud fish from a plastic bucket to about two dozen employees and instructing them to “bite it until it breaks”. The video also shows the poor people drinking a strange liquid reported to be chicken blood, and then grimacing and retching in discussed. Faced with video evidence, a spokesperson for the company admitted that the event took place, but claimed that employees volunteered to take part…

A representative of the construction material super-store told Chinese newspaper Beijing News that the incident did indeed take place on August 4 and involved about 20 employees who had failed to meet their sales quotas. However, he emphasized that employees volunteered to eat live fish and drink chicken blood, as a form of motivation to do better in the future.

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Man Suffers Collapsed Lung After Long Karaoke Session

A 65-year-old man from eastern China needed to be hospitalized after an unusually long karaoke session allegedly left him with a serious medical condition known as a collapsed lung.

Identified solely by his surname, Wang, the elderly karaoke enthusiast realized something was wrong when he experienced shortness of breath and sharp pain on the left side of his back, last week, while singing his favorite songs. He Had sung these high-pitched tunes before and never felt any discomfort, but this time was different. He couldn’t reach the high notes and had trouble breathing normally.

Wang told Nanchang News that he chose to ignore his symptoms when he first noticed them, but they worsened after he got home from the karaoke marathon, and he had no choice but to go to the hospital the next morning. Peng Bin-fei, a doctor from emergency department at Nanchang hospital, told Wang that he had suffered a collapsed lung, also known as a pneumothorax, and asked for details as to what might have caused it. Upon learning about his recent karaoke marathon, the doctor concluded that it was the high-pitch singing that caused Wang’s lung to collapse.

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Video Filter Glitch Reveals Popular Young Vlogger to Be 58-Year-Old Woman

A glamorous young Chinese streamer known as “Your Highness Qiao Biluo” has angered her hundreds of thousands of fans after a technical glitch revealed that she was actually a 58-year-old woman using a filter to make herself look young.

It used to be that seeing things made you believe they were true; we even have an old saying for it – I’ll believe it when I see it – but nowadays, with all these advanced AI-powered technology, trusting your eyes is probably not a very good idea. Case in point, the recent controversy surrounding the real identity of famous Chinese online personality Your Highness Qiao Biluo a “cute goddess” worshiped by thousands of loyal fans watching her every stream on Chinese platform Douyu. It turns out that the good-looking vlogger was actually a 58-year-old woman using one of the many video filters available on the platform to deceive people into showing her with donations.

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Doing 1,000 Squats Puts Competitive Girls in the Hospital

We’re always told that exercise is good for our health, but as two Chinese girls recently learned the hard way, overdoing it can have life-threatening consequences.

On July 10, Tang, a 19-year-old girl from Chongqing, China, decided to challenge her best friend to a squatting competition to see which one of them had more stamina. They set up a video call and started doing one squat at a time to see which would give up first. The problem was that both of them took it very seriously and refuse to stop despite pushing their leg muscles to the limit. Tang told doctors that they both must have done around 1,000 squats before they decided to call it quits, but by that time their leg muscles had begun to break down.

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Woman Praised as a Saint for Adopting 45 Children in the last 47 Years

Kong Zhenlan, a 71-year-old woman from China’s Shanxi Province, has dedicated the last four decades of her life to adopting and raising orphaned children, making sure that they had food on the table and got access to education.

Even though she could barely afford to support herself on a modest income, Kong Zhenlan couldn’t bear to walk by the orphanage in Jixian County every day and see so many children struggling in abhorrent poverty. One day, she stopped by and picked one of the orphans in her arms; that’s when she knew she had to to something to make their life better. The modest woman started adopting these abandoned children and raising them as her own. Over the last 47 years, she has adopted 45 orphans, some of whom grew up to become doctors and lawyers.

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