Female Boxer Hid Her Gender in Order to Compete Against Men

Tatyana Dvazhdova, a 22-year-old female boxer from Russia doesn’t consider herself weaker than a man, and to prove this point she spent years hiding her gender and fighting male boxers under the fake name “Vladimir”.

During a conference called “International Women’s Day – Feminism, Socialism, Sexism”, Tatyana Dvazhdova revealed that a few years ago she posed as a male boxer in order to fight against other men and prove that she was their equal. The muscular woman cut her hair short, let her body hair grow and did everything she could to conceal her female traits. She even got a fake ID and fought under the name Vladimir Ermolaev , winning 9 out of her 17 boxing matches. Tatyana proved her point, that women can compete against men in boxing, but as soon as she revealed her true identity, she was banned from competing against men.

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Startup Creates World’s First 3D-Printed Meatless Beef Steak

It used to be that if something looked, felt and tasted like beef steak, it was probably beef steak, but with the advent of 3D-printing technology as well as meatless meats, that’s no longer the case.

Spanish startup NovaMeat claims to have created the world’s first 3D-printed plant based beef steak, which allegedly has the same texture and appearance as a real beef muscle cut. The Barcelona-based company was reportedly able to achieve this by “finely tuning” the structure of plant-based proteins at a microscopic level. The novel plant-based meat not only matches the unique texture of beef steak, but also its color, which should make it more appealing as a sustainable alternative to real beef steak.

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Televangelist Ordered to Stop Peddling Unproven Cure for Covid-19

A popular televangelist was recently issued a cease and desist order by the New York attorney general to stop promoting his cure-all product as a cure for the highly-contagious Covid-19 coronavirus strain.

The last thing you would expect a holy man to do is promote a fake cure against a potentially deadly disease to desperate people for profit, and yet, that’s allegedly exactly what Rev. Jim Bakker has been doing. To be fair, Bakker had long been peddling his “Silver Solution” – a scientifically unproven medication made from the precious metal – as a cure for all sorts of ailments, but when he included the rapidly-spreading Covid-19 coronavirus strain to the list of curable diseases, authorities stepped in.

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Lithuanian Man Locks Wife in Bathroom for Fear of Contacting Coronavirus

Lithuanian media recently reported the bizarre case of a man who locked his wife in the bathroom and refused to let her out, because she may have been infected with the dreaded coronavirus wreaking havoc around the world.

On Wednesday, February 26th,  at around 8:35pm, police in Vilnius, Lithuania, received a distress call from a woman in the city’s Antakalnis upscale neighborhood, who claimed to have been locked in her home bathroom by her husband and two adult sons. A police crew was directed to the location of the call, but when they arrived on the scene, they quickly realized that this wasn’t the domestic dispute… The husband casually told police that he had indeed locked his wife in the bathroom, but only to prevent getting infected with the coronavirus.

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Food Illusionist Creates the Most Unappetizing-Looking Desserts

Chef Ben Churchill calls himself a “food illusionist” and while the title may seem a bit pompous, it’s actually quite fitting, as Churchill specializes in disguising delicious desserts as the most unappetizing things imaginable.

Most chefs try their best to make desserts look as yummy as possible, but Ben Churchill does the exact opposite. He goes out of his ways to make his sweet confections look completely inedible; he does this by disguising them as ashtrays full of cigarette butts, dish washing sponges complete with detergent foam, and even rotten fruit with disgusting-looking green mold. Most people wouldn’t touch his desserts if someone paid them, but they’d be missing out, as they are actually delicious.

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Japanese Youtuber Finds Online Fame by Cooking Stuff on His Computer’s CPU

Japan has always been a rich source of wacky news and ideas, and it doesn’t look like things are going to change anytime soon. Its latest offering – a YouTube channel focused mainly on cooking various foods on a hot computer CPU.

You probably already know that CPUs tend to get very hot, especially under load, but you’ve probably never thought of using a CPU as a hotplate to cook various foods on. Well, one Japanese YouTuber recently has and his videos have been getting quite a lot of attention recently. To be honest, he has been at it for at least six years, but the quality of his videos has drastically improved over time, which may explain why we’re only now seeing his works shared on social media. From boiled and fried eggs, to tiny wagyu steaks and even tiny donuts, there’s nothing this guy won’t try cooking on a hot computer processor.

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This Lizard Shoots Blood Out of Its Eyes to Keep Predators at Bay

We’ve featured some interesting animal defense mechanisms in the past, from moths that camouflage as two flies feasting on bird poop, to caterpillars that mimic snakes, but this horned lizard’s secret weapon is on another level of weirdness.

The regal horned lizard is a small reptile native to Mexico and the southwestern United States. Their main habitat is  the Sonoran Desert Mountains, where they spend most of their time eating harvester ants and other small insects. They can eat up to twenty five hundred ants in one meal, but if you think that’s impressive, you’ll love its most unusual self-defense mechanism – squirting blood out of its eyes.

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UK’s Most Opinionated Man Has Been Sending Angry Letters to Newspaper Every Day Since 1978

A Liverpool man has been penning letters complaining about various things and sending them to the Liverpool Echo newspaper every day for the last 42 years.

70-year-old Bernie Carroll can’t even remember what he complained to the local council about in his very first letter, back in 1978. That’s unsurprising, considering that it was the first of over 15,000 letters he sent over the years; it first started as a way to vent about the actions of the “militant council of the 1970s and 80s” in Liverpool, but once that was over with, he continued sending in letters complaining or offering suggestions about pretty much anything. For example, his most recent letters to the Liverpool Echo newspaper were about his frustrations at the constant fireworks in his neighborhood and dog poo bags being left on park railings.

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Young Woman Goes Blind in One Eye After Getting Her Eyeballs Dyed Black

A 25-year-old woman from Poland has been left completely blind in her right eye and with eyesight complications in the left one after having her eyeballs dyed black by a tattoo artist in order to make herself stand out.

Aleksandra Sadowska’s tragic story began four years ago, when the young girl from Wroclaw, in western Poland, decided to get her eyeballs dyed black. She searched online for someone who could do the procedure, and found a willing tattoo artist from Warsaw. Although the tattoo artist, referred to by Polish press as Piotr A., appeared to know what he was doing, he allegedly didn’t know his craft very well, which led to a botched dying procedure. Aleksandra started complaining of severe pain in her eyes shortly after the procedure, but the tattoo artist allegedly told her that it was normal and recommended that she use painkillers to cope. Unfortunately, her situation was much more serious…

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Retired Carpenter Goes Viral for His Whimsical Yet Functional Furniture

Warped or cracked furniture isn’t ideal, unless it’s that way by design, which is exactly what makes the whimsical cabinets of Henk Verhoeff so special.

The retired carpenter from Auckland, in New Zealand, went viral the other day, after his daughter started posting pictures of his amazing wooden cabinets on Facebook. At first glance, they look digitally altered to create the illusion of cracks or warps, but in reality they are designed and executed that way by hand. And what makes his creation even more special is that they continue to remain functional, despite their apparent defects; the drawers all open and close, and despite the reduced space, thousands have declared their willingness to pay just to have one of Henk Verhoeff’s wooden wonders in their homes.

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Russian Hachiko Waits for His Master to Get Off Work Every Day

People passing by the Mega shopping center in the Russian city of Kaliningrad every day have gotten used to the blue sweater-wearing husky calmly waiting for something or someone on the cold pavement. He’s been dubbed the Russian Hachiko and the comparison actually makes some sense.

The clean blue sweater that the Russian Hachiko wears every day is a clear indication that he is not some stray, but just to make sure people don’t chase him away, his owner, a woman named Svetlana, always hangs a hand-written home next to the dog explaining that he is simply waiting for her to get off work so they can go home together. Apparently, the dog howls from morning til dusk if left alone in his owner’s apartment, so she prefers to take him with her in the morning, and leaves him outside the Mega shopping center, where he waits for like a good boy.

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Japan’s Ingenious Solution to Help Turtles Cross Train Tracks

Turtles may be cute, but they are also slow and clumsy, which doesn’t really help them when they are trying to cross train tracks. Luckily, for the turtles in Japan’s Hyōgo Prefecture, railway operators and a local aquarium teamed up to find a solution.

Between 2002 and 2014, disruptions of train operation caused by turtles were reported 13 times, with many more probably going unreported. That is why, in 2015, West Japan Railway Co. and Suma Aqualife Park in Kobe joint forces to prevent tragic turtle deaths on the tracks and unnecessary train delay. After running a series of tests and experiments, they came up with a U-shaped ditch that collects the turtles, preventing them from getting stuck between the metal tracks and getting squashed to death.

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Successful Entrepreneur Will Pay You $25,000 if You Find Him a Girlfriend

A Kansas-based businessman tired of online dating has announced that he will pay $25,000 to whomever manages to find him a suitable girlfriend.

47-year-old Jeff Gebhart doesn’t need someone to complete him, but he would like to meet someone to share his amazing life with, and he is willing to pay a small fortune to make that happen. The eligible bachelor claims that he has grown tired of traditional dating and hates online dating services, so he decided to try something special. Last week, he launched the website “Date Jeff G.” and announced that he would gladly pay $25,000 to the person who can find him a girlfriend that matches his criteria.

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43-Year-Old Mother Always Gets Mistaken for Her 19-Year-Old Daughter’s Sister

Joleen Diaz, a 43-year-old woman from California has been dubbed “the world’s hottest mom” on social media, with millions commending her for her incredibly youthful looks, which often get her and her 19-year-old daughter confused for siblings.

Ab elementary school teacher by profession, Joleen says that she doesn’t mind getting mistaken for her daughter’s sibling, and neither does she. She had Meilani when she was very young, so it’s not entirely possible to believe that they could be sisters; plus, while growing up Meilani would always hear people tell Joleen they thought her mother was her sister, so she is used to it. Still, the 43-year-old looks pretty incredible for her age, which she attributes to her religious skin care.

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Quarantined Marathon Runner in China Jogs 50 Km in His Apartment

The coronavirus wreaking havoc in China right now has really turned things upside down for a lot of people, but not even it can come between a marathon runner and their training.

Like many of his countrymen, Pan Shancu, an amateur marathon runner from Hangzhou, in the eastern Chinese province of Zhejiang, is trapped in his apartment because of the coronavirus epidemic, but he didn’t let that small detail stop him from keeping in shape for his next race, whenever it may be. He has been using the small space in his apartment as a miniature track, jogging around two tables and the short length of a small hallway, and recently posted on social media that he had covered a distance of 50 kilometers (31 miles).

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