Rice Field Art in Rural Japan

You may think crop circles are cool, but they nothing compared to the rice field murals found in villages like Inakadate, Japan.

Using purple and yellow-leafed rice, combined with the more traditional green variety, the villagers of Inakadate create true agricultural masterpieces. This all began in 1993, when people thought of doing something spectacular, to revitalize the area.

During the first nine years, people only created a rice representation of Mount Iwaki, but then started plating intricate models. Landowners in the area agreed to use their parcels to create a 15,000 square meters “canvas” and, using a computer to pinpoint where every rice seed would be planted, managed to create some extraordinary works of art.

This year, in the village of Inakadate, people could see Napoleon and a Sengoku warrior, both on horseback, coming to life in the rice fields. The artworks are invisible from ground level, so the curious have to climb the village’s mock castle tower to admire them.

More than 150,000 people visit Inakadate every year, to see its amazing rice field art. That’s an impressive number of people considering the village has a population of just 8,700.

via Daily Mail







Cyclops Stroller to Freak-Out Your Kid

If you’re looking to scare the hell out of your child or want him to end up a twisted serial killer, you could buy this freaky cyclops-stroller.

Designed by Elmer Presslee, this stroller has the baby sitting on looks to be a cyclops’ brain, which seems to be why his eye is about to pop out. Sure the kid in the photo looks totally cool with her new toy, but I’m pretty sure that’s just not how a baby stroller should look like. Although, I’ve seen some weird steel toddler accessories not so long ago.








Care for Some Malaria Infested Water?

You can buy a bottle a bottle of Malaria-infested water, as well as well as many other potentially fatal diseases at vending machines across Manhattan, New York.

UNICEF has devised a very original way of raising awareness to the water problem millions of people across the globe are facing every day. The Dirty Water campaign gives people the chance to buy a bottle of disease-infected water, other people are forced to drink on a daily basis. The water-bottles are kept in vending machines across Manhattan and can be purchased for $1 each.

Of course, the water isn’t really poisoned, but it does look very dirty. The campaign has been very successful so far, exceeding all expectations. Passers-by are encouraged to make a donation through the vending machines, by SMS or online.

Here’s what is written on the Dirty Water vending machines:

“Thirsty? So are millions of people around the world with no access to clean drinking water. 4,200 children die of water-related diseases everyday. Help provide safe drinking water to developing countries. Donate today. You wouldn’t drink dirty water. No one should. Donate now by texting TAP to 864233 (UNICEF) or visit tapproject.org.
Just a dollar provides a child with 40 days of clean drinking water.”

photos via Ochevidec

















Benny the Giant Rabbit

And I don’t mean it’s slightly larger than your every day carrot-muncher, Benny is a regular bunny giant.

Two year-old Benny is a Flemish buck who’s about to receive the title of longest rabbit in the world. He probably also holds the record for the world’s heaviest bunny, but the Guinness Book of Records no longer certifies this title, due to problems with owners who overfed their animals.

Benny’s owners also set up a website for him on Facebook and use it to promote the Oxfordshire Animal Sanctuary, which faces serious financial difficulties. Benny already has 270 online friends.

The giant buck measures 85 centimeters in length and weighs over 10 kilograms. Benny is house-trained, knows how to ask for treats and spends a lot of time with the family dog. He kisses him often and the owners think Benny doesn’t know for sure if he’s a rabbit or a dog.

Photos by Caters News Agency Ltd

via Daily Mail




Canned Bacon, Can You Believe It?

It’s official, everything can be canned, even the tasty bacon. So prepare to go from “ummm, bacon” to “ummm, canned bacon”.

Apparently, canned bacon isn’t as new as I thought. According to the site that sells this canned delicacy, it was popular in America, over 20 years ago. Well now it’s back, but you can only order online, you won’t be able to find it in stores any time soon.

The bacon is already sliced, cooked and packed in paper, all you have to do is open the can and stuff your face. With a shelf life of over 10 years (???) and, together with the canned cheeseburger, canned bacon makes a great meal out in the wild.








Mud Day 2009

One day, every year, getting down and dirty in mud is a good thing.

On July 7, hundreds of kids gathered in Westland, Michigan for the annual Mud Day. For once parents actually encouraged their children to jump in a pool of mud and just have some good, clean fun.

Just like Mud Day 2008, this year’s event was sponsored by Westland Country Parks and Recreation and consisted of several muddy events, including a wheelbarrow race. The dirty rascals had a mud hole filled with 200 tons of mud-soil and 20,000 gallons of water.

Photos by CFP

via CCTV








Heinz Zak – Life on a Balancing Wire

Regarded as a pioneer of tightrope-balancing and slacklining, Heinz Zak has pent the last eight years traveling the world and searching for the perfect places to do what he does best.

Unlike other similar artists, the 51-year-old Austrian doesn’t do it for the adrenaline rush. For him this is a way of life, it’s simply what he does. He perceives it as a way of finding himself, by losing himself completely and thinking only about his next step.

Heinz Zak first discovered slacklining back in the early 80s, during a trip to Yosemite National Park and, over the years, he got a lot better at it, succeding in setting a record in the longest slackline distance ever, 173 meters.

via Telegraph.co.uk












Bous a la Mar Festival, in Denia, Spain

Spanish people really have a thing for bulls, don’t they. Bullfighting, the festival of Pamplona, they’re all centered around the bull.

During the Bous a la Mar Festival, in Denia, near the city of Alicante, people get chased by bulls through the streets and into the Mediterranean Sea. The brave participants plunge into the waters just before the bulls are about to catch them. The animals often fall into the sea as well, where they are taunted some more. Eventually, the bulls are caught with a lasso and towed back to shore by a boat.

via Telegraph.co.uk











Artist Uses Old Toys to Create Amazing Sculptures

What do you do when your kids leave you with entire boxes of old toys they don’t like anymore? Well, you can donate them, throw them away or, do something creative with them.

Robert Bradford, a part-time psychotherapist from Cornwall, UK, opted for the third option when his two kids left him with a bunch of discarded toys. Luckily, one day, while he was staring at them, he came up with the wonderful idea of using them to create artistic sculptures.

His first artwork was an Alsatian dog that he doesn’t much like these days. But this was the experiment that started his career as an artist. That was four years ago. Since then, Robert Bradford has used thousands of toys to make truly incredible toy sculptures, like the soldier and angel you see in the photos below.

The artist uses up to 3,000 used toys for each of his toy sculptures and sells them for prices that go as high as 12,000 British pounds. That’s pretty expensive, but hey, it’s art, right?

Make sure you check Robert Bradford’s official site for more photos and info about his beautiful works of art.

Photos by Robert Bradford/BARCROFT MEDIA

via Daily Mail




The Human Printer

Some people feel images printed by machines have no soul, so they decided to print them themselves, by hand.

That’s right, a group of people called The Human Printer, uses markers to emulate the printing process. This way you no longer have just a soulless copy of a photo, but a new, unique image designed by human hand. You have to hand it to these guys, they have a lot of patience. Members of The Human Printer use computer-created CMYK tones and Black&White to create their works of art.








Pennies Make Great Floor Tiles

Some people are literally throwing money on the floor

Like the people that came up with the idea of paving the floor of the Standard Grill, in the Standard Hotel, New York, with thousands of pennies. It looks pretty cool, no doubt about it, but I wouldn’t be surprised if, one day, people got on their knees and tried to steal the coins. After all, this is an economic crisis and every penny counts.

via Trendhunter




Woman Shares Her Home with Eleven Big Cats

Sharing your bed with common pets like cats or dogs is so last year. Right now it’s all about big cats, and lots of them.

Riana Van Nieuwenhuizen thought she should do her part in saving cheetahs from extinction, so she bought one back in 2006. The 46-year-old South African left her job at the department of justice and found some temporary employment on a game ranch, where she could raise Fiela.

Now, Riana runs Fiela Funds Cheetah Breeding Project, a non-profit that fights to ensure the survival of cheetahs in their own ecosystem. Along the way, she also took in another 10 big cats, with which she often shares her bed.

Her four cheetahs, five white lions and two tigers are a handful, but Riana loves every one of them and puts up with all their naughtiness. Her 2 dogs have also grown quite fond of the felines and don’t mind snuggling up to them.

Photos by John Liebenberg/BARCROFT MEDIA

via Daily Mail






World’s Ugliest Dog 2009

Some of the ugliest dogs in the world gathered at the Sonoma-Marin Fair, California to compete for the title of World’s Ugliest Pedigree Dog.

Just like last year. the contest was dominated by a pure breed Chinese crested hairless. 15-year-old Miss Ellie has only a few of her back teeth left, cataracts in both eyes and her hairless body is covered with moles and pimples. Her dream is to travel the world and prove that ‘ugly’ is just a word and says nothing about her great personality.

Having been rescued herself, Miss Ellie hopes she can be a spokesmodel for not-so-cute rescue dogs. Along with the title of World’s Ugliest Pedigree Dog, Miss Ellie also received a big trophy and $1,000.

I wonder if, Gus, World’s Ugliest Dog 2008 competed this year, he was a great deal uglier than Miss Ellie.

via Daily Mail




An Entire House Made From Cloth

The most amazing thing about this house is, you guessed it, that it’s made entirely out of cloth. You’ve got cloth walls, cloth kitchen-wear, cloth light switches, even a cloth toilet. The down-side is, you guessed again, nothing is usable. I mean, imagine using that cloth crapper…You’d have to burn that sucker down, and sew yourself a new one, not very practical.

Useless as it may be, this cloth house is pretty cool to look at, and that’s what art is all about…I think.

via Cool Buzz








Knitted Replica of the Sistine Chapel

Canadian needle-worker, Joanna Lopianowski-Roberts, spent eight years making what could be considered the most amazing replica of the Sistine Chapel paintings.

Inspired by a magazine cut-out of the Sistine Chapel, stuck-up on her bathroom wall, Joana spent eight years knitting Michelangelo’s masterpiece. She says starting was the hardest part, because she just didn’t know where to begin.

To make sure her knitted work-of-art follows every detail of the original painting, Joanna made close-ups of every section of the artwork and even bought some books from Rome. After a total of 3,572 hours of work, Joana Lopianowski-Roberts created a perfect 40 inches by 80 inches replica of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel.

Her knitted masterpiece now sits safely in Joana’s home, but the artist says she would consider selling it for the right price. I’m sure she already has plenty of offers. The old-ladies who knitted their village managed to sell their creations, so finding a buyer for this should be a breeze.


via Telegraph.co.uk








