This Optical Illusion Is the Most Beautiful Street Artwork in France

An impressive trompe-l-oeil fresco painted in the coastal city of Boulogne-Sur-Mer was recently crowned France’s most beautiful street artwork for 2020.

Every year, a popular French portal dedicated to urban art hosts a national competition to crown the nation’s most impressive street art. Thousands of votes are cast, and for last year, the title went to an amazing artwork created by Spanish street artist Gonzalo Borondo, on the city’s rue Jules Baudelocque, last summer. From the right angle, it looks like an elaborate metal gate, with detailed bas-reliefs on either side, but a closer look reveals it to be just an optical illusion.

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This Is What a Sheep Looks Like After Five Years Without Shearing

Sheep need to be shared annually, otherwise their wool continues to grow to the point where it’s hard to tell they are still ship. That’s what happened to this poor ship in Australia, whose wool hadn’t been sheared in 5 years.

Photos of a “wild” sheep found in a forest in Australia went viral this week, because of the unusual coat the animal sported. Named Baarack by his rescuers at Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary near Lancefield, Victoria, the ovine is believed to have once been owned by a farm, but his ear tags were ripped out by the thick layer of matted wool on its face. At the time of his rescue, Baarack looked almost nothing like a sheep, his slender frame hidden under a mass of wool and dirt that weighed a whopping 35 kilograms.

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This Van Camper Comes With a Second Storey and an Elevator

If you’re in the market for the most sumptuous motorhome money can buy, how about a villa on wheels which comes with a second storey and even a built-in elevator?

The Maxus V90 Life Home Villa Edition may look like your everyday modern van camper on the road, but when parked it can transform into a futuristic two-storey villa at the press of a button. That’s right, with a single finger press you can become the envy of your friends and everyone on the campground. Not only do the walls of the motorhome expand outwards to offer more room in the living area and kitchen, but a cool sunroom extends out of the roof as well. It’s truly a sight to behold.

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Young Women Dress as Grannies in Failed Attempt to Get Covid-19 Vaccine Faster

Two Florida women were recently caught trying to get their second doses of the Covid-19 vaccine by disguising themselves as old ladies, to pass as eligible for the sought-after jab.

Florida Department of Health in Orange County recently reported the bizarre case of two women, aged 34 and 44, who went to a coronavirus vaccination site “dressed up as grannies,” in order to appear over 65, and thus eligible for a vaccine. Speaking at a conference, last Thursday, Dr. Raul Pino, the health administrator for Orange County said that the women were wearing bonnets, gloves, and glasses in an attempt to make themselves look older. Staff at the center noticed that they “looked funny”, and police were called.

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Couple Chain Themselves Together For Three Months in Ultimate Test of Love

A young Ukrainian couple decided to really put their relationship to the test by linking their hands together with a thick iron chain for a period of three months.

This year, Alexander and Viktoria, a young couple from the Ukraine, decided to celebrate Valentine’s Day a bit differently. On February 14, they traveled to Kiev to have their hands chained and sealed together by a representative of the country’s national register of records. Their goal is to literally be next to each every moment, for the next three months. That includes sleeping, bathing together and, obviously, even going to the toilet together.

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Drunk on Art – The Wine Paintings of Sanja Jankovic

Young Serbian artist Sanja Jankovic creates beautiful paintings by using various types of wine – red, white, rosé – instead of oil paint, watercolors or acrylics.

Sanja Jankovic has always tried turning things into art mediums, and after giving wine a go, she stuck with it. Not only did the end result look really cool, but the challenge of painting with wine was itself exciting. The talented artist was now limited to tones of red, pink and purple, but that only made things more interesting. The art form, which Jankovic has named “winerelle”, a play on ‘wine’ and ‘aquarelle’, is very unpredictable, as the wine continues to age on the canvas, so the artworks themselves develop over time.

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The Unique Oval Community Gardens of Copenhagen

The Naerum  suburban district of Copenhagen, in Denmark, is home to one of the most visually appealing allotment gardens in the world – the “round gardens”, which are actually oval.

Søren Carl Theodor Marius Sørensen is considered one of the greatest landscape architects to have ever lived, and the oval gardens of Naerum are one of his most famous projects. In 1948, 40 oval allotment gardens, each measuring approximately 25 × 15 m, were laid out on a rolling lawn, between public housing on one side and more traditional allotments on the other. Owners were free to position their cottages, select the surrounding hedges, and lay out the interior of their plots, but Sørensen provided some directions, stressing that they were meant as a guide, not rules. Seven decades later, the oval gardens of Naerum are still one of the most beautiful attractions in the Danish capital.

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This Insane Laptop Has Seven Foldable Displays

The Expanscape Aurora 7 prototype is being marketed as the world’s first seven-screen laptop, a 17.3-inch behemoth designed with IT professionals and content creators in mind.

Having more than one display is quite common for PC workstations, but multiple screens have obviously been more difficult to implement on laptops. Well, until today, that is, as laptop manufacturer Expanscape has recently released the world’s first seven-screen mobile workstation, monster of a rig that unfolds into a mobile powerhouse. The London-based company has yet to announce a price for its unconventional device, but the company’s official website mentions that the prototypes are already available for sale.

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Internet Outraged by Instagram Model Who Tattooed Her Pet Cat

A Ukrainian fitness model has come under fire from animal lovers after photos of her tattooed pet Sphynx went viral on social media.

Elena Ivanickaya, a fitness enthusiast and Instagram model, first sparked controversy in 2017, when she announced that she had had her pet hairless cat, Yasha, tattooed, even posting photos of the sedated animal during the procedure. Her decision was labeled as animal cruelty and caused so much outrage that the story eventually made international news headlines. But instead of backing off and let things blow over, Ivanickaya defended her decision and continued to post photos of the tattooed feline on her social media post. Those pics once again went viral recently, and people are once again showering the Ukrainian with criticism.

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Singer With World’s Deepest Voice Can Reach Notes the Human Ear Can’t Detect

American singer Tim Storms holds the Guinness Records for the “world’s lowest note produced by a human”, as well as for the “widest vocal range”.

Tim Storms has always had a pretty deep voice. He was eight-year-old when he heard this Christian acapella group and found that he could sing the bass notes right along with it. But he never imagined that his voice would ever become the deepest ever measured, allowing him to hit notes lower than the frequency a human ear can detect. Storms himself says that he can’t hear the  G-7 notes he is able to hit, but claims that he sort of feels it, and the special equipment used to test his deep voice have confirmed that he can indeed reach inaudible frequencies.

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Talented Street Artist Bends Reality With His Three-Dimensional Illusions

Carlos Alberto GH, a Mexican artist based in Guadalajara, specializes in anamorphic street art representing all sorts of surrealistic scenes that come to life when seen from just the right angle.

From birds and reptiles seemingly coming out of walls, to whales floating above urban sidewalks, street artist Carlos Alberto GH seems capable of turning anything he can think of into a stunning optical illusion. A former archaeological restorer focusing on Mayan sites and artefacts, the 31-year-old artist now dedicates all his time and attention to anamorphic art and detailed street murals.

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16-Year-Old Girl Allegedly Undergoes 100 Cosmetic Procedures in 3 Years

A 16-year-old girl known as “China’s youngest plastic surgery addict” claims to have undergone no less than 100 invasive cosmetic procedures over 3 years, in a bid to improve her looks.

Zhou Chuna, a young Chinese influencer with over 300,000 followers on microblogging platform Sina Weibo, has built her online career on plastic surgery, documenting her extreme transformation from a normal-looking girl to a doll-like idol over a period of three years. She’s not the only girl to have turned to cosmetic enhancements at a very young age, but Zhou Chuna’s case is considered unique because of the sheer number of procedures she has had done (around 100) in a relatively short period of time (3 years). Despite claiming to have experienced severe side-effects due to her addiction to plastic surgery, like memory loss and permanent scarring, the 16-year-old says it’s all worth it.

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Man Prefers His Hyper-Realistic Doll Girlfriend Because It Doesn’t Ask For Anything

A 34-year-old Hong Kong man has been getting a lot of attention because of his unusual amorous relationship with a silicone doll, who he says he prefers to a real woman, for various reasons.

Xie Tianrong has been in a relationship with his girlfriend, Mochi, for almost two years, and despite the fact that she is a realistic silicone doll, and not a real person, Xie couldn’t be happier. He regularly posts photos of himself and Mochi in all kinds of instances on social media, and basks in the attention he receives from the media, even if the coverage isn’t all positive. The 34-year-old claims that despite what people may think of him, this is the happiest he has ever been in a relationship. His human ex-girlfriends all asked for things and preferred to look at their smartphones then pay attention to him. Mochi, on the other hand, never asks for anything and gives him all her attention.

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Threads of God – The World’s Rarest Pasta Is Also One of the Most Difficult to Make

The small town of Nuoro, on Italy’s Sardinia island, is home to what many are calling the world’s rarest pasta, an intricate, hand-made treat that only a handful of people can make.

Known as su filindeu (in Sardinia’s Sardo dialect), or Fili di Dio (in Italian), and translated as threads of God, this traditional pasta had been linked to La Festa di San Francesco, an ancient religious ritual celebrated every year, in May. For the past two hundred years, the only way to try threads of god pasta was to complete a 33km pilgrimage on foot or horseback from Nuoro to the village of Lula. But because this sacred dish is in serious danger of becoming extinct, the only three women in the world who know how to make it, have been trying to save it by making it more accessible.

67-year-old named Paola Abraini picked up the skills to make threads of god pasta from her mother, who also learned them from her mother, and so on for many generations. However, only one of her two daughters knows the basic technique, but lacks the passion and the patience necessary to carry on the family tradition. The only other two women who she managed to pass on her knowledge to – Abraini’s niece and her sister-in-law – don’t have any daughters to pass the secrets to, so su filindeu is in grave danger of vanishing.

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Mother-of-Three Shocked to Discover Intruder Had Been Living in House Attic

A young Australian woman is scared to sleep in her own home after discovering that an intruder had been living in her attic.

Monica Green, a mother-of-three from Rockhampton, Queensland, had noticed weird things around her house for a while, but she never really worried, dismissing them as coincidences or figments of her imagination. But on Monday, after coming home with her kids from a doctor’s appointment, Monica couldn’t ignore the obvious anymore. The backdoor was wide-open, the air-conditioning and the TV were on, and there was a half-eaten plate of chicken nuggets in the kitchen. She immediately called the police, and later learned that whoever had broken into her home, had probably been living there a while.

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