Human Alarm Makes a Living by Helping People Fight Procrastination

Xiao Zhu, a young “online supervisor” from Xinyang, China, specializes in helping people combat procrastination by texting and calling them to make sure they fulfill their daily tasks.

With so many distractions literally just a click or finger swipe away, it’s no wonder that procrastination is considered a modern-day “plague” that keeps many of us from reaching our full potential. Whether it be fulfilling work-related tasks, sticking to a weight-loss routine, or studying for a fast-approaching exam, we always find excuses to put them off and do something more fun instead. That’s where online supervisors like Xiao Zhu come in. They spend most of their day keeping track of their customers’ schedule, constantly reminding them that they have things to do.

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BioClip – The Alternative Wool Harvesting System That Never Quite Took Off

Did you know there was a way to simply pull off the wool of sheep as you would a sweater, thus making classic shearing obsolete? It’s actually been around for decades, but for some reason, it never caught on.

When BioClip was first introduced in the early 1990s, it was supposed to completely replace sheep shearing in a matter of years. To be honest, it was a truly revolutionary product that relied on an effective biological agent to harvest sheep wool in a totally different way. A singly injection of BioClip caused a temporary break in the wool
follicle fiber synthesis process, essentially detaching the wool coat from the animal, and allowing owners to remove it as they would a piece of clothing. Videos of the process have been doing the rounds online for years, and they just never get old.

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Controversial Trend Sees Cafés Replacing Normal Cups With Baby Bottles

Einstein Café, a popular coffee chain operating in several middle-eastern countries has come under fire for sparking a controversial trend of replacing paper cups with baby bottles.

It all started with Einstein Café, a dessert chain with branches in countries like the UAE, Kuwait or Bahrein. One day, allegedly inspired by pictures of trendy-looking bottles shared on social media, it changed the paper cups it usually served its drinks in with plastic baby bottle complete with transparent silicone teats. No one expected the change to have a huge impact on the business, but according to company management, everyone wanted to try the new bottles, even calling to book tables in advance.

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California’s “Dark Watchers” Have Been Spooking Hikers for Centuries

For at lest 300 years, hikers in California’s Santa Lucia Mountains have been reporting sightings of shadowy, mysterious silhouettes popularly known as “dark watchers”.

The first reports of giant figures ominously perched on mountaintops date back to the 1700s, when the Spanish first came to California. They were actually the first to dub these mysterious strangers “los Vigilantes Oscuros” (the dark watchers), but the first Anglo-American settlers that came after them reported similar sightings, and the figures eventually became part of the local folklore. The strange thing is that dark watchers still show themselves to hikers in the Santa Lucia Mountains, and some have even been captured on camera.

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Turkish Woman Fakes Oxford University Studies to Con Poor Mother into Sending Her Money

Media outlets worldwide have been reporting the shocking case of a young Turkish woman who had allegedly been allegedly conning her poor mother into sending her money by claiming that she was studying medicine at the prestigious Oxford University, in the UK. In reality, she was living it up while working as a real estate agent in Istanbul.

25-year-old Merve Bozkurt has attracted a lot of criticism for her actions, after it was revealed that she had been lying to her penniless mother for years, as a way of getting extra money from her. The woman went to great lengths to make her parent believe that she had been admitted at the prestigious English university, where she was studying to become a doctor. She even sent her mother photos of herself wearing a white robe and face mask, to create the illusion that she was doing hands-on medical training. All the while, the poor mother was selling flowers in front of a cemetery in the city of Antakya, to support her daughter.

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This South Korean YouTuber Isn’t Real, But the Result of Impressive Deepfake Technology

In an age when AI-controlled digital news anchors exist, and digitally-rendered Instagram influencers have millions of adoring fans, it’s really no surprise that people are turning to so-called deepfake technology to enhance their looks and reach online stardom.

Asian social media has been buzzing about this young South Korean youtuber who goes by the moniker ‘RuiCovery’ ever since she outed herself as a “virtual human”. Apparently, that means that everything about her is real, except the face. Her hair, her body, her voice are all real, but the face is digitally rendered using deepfake technology. The revelation was shocking, especially to her fans, none of which had ever noticed anything out of the ordinary about the female YouTuber. The news once again brought deepfake into the spotlight and ignited a debate about the need to regulate it in order to prevent its use with malicious intent.

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This Restaurant Bathroom Makes Users Feel Like They Are Being Watched

If you suffer from shy bladder syndrome, good luck using the bathroom at this Lithuanian restaurant, which makes you feel like you’re being watched by dozens of people.

The bathroom at Galeria Urbana, a restaurant in Kaunas, Lithuania, first made news headlines in 2018, when photos of its unique décor went viral online. The restaurant commissioned Gyva Grafika, a creative design and décor studio, to artistically redecorate the restroom, but made it very clear that they did not feel comfortable replacing the wall tiles. That didn’t stop the creative geniuses at Gyva Grafika from implementing their vision, even if it meant thinking outside the box.

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Functional Stone Violin Gives ‘Rock Music’ a Whole New Meaning

Blackbird is a unique stone violin carved by Swedish sculptor Lars Widenfalk, based on drawings by Stradivarius, but with modifications that allow it to be played.

Lars Widenfalk came up with the idea of creating a violin out of stone in the late 1980s, while chiseling away at a piece of diabase and being impressed by the pleasant sound it made when hit with hammer and chisel. It wasn’t until 1990 that he finally got his hands on a piece of diabase large enough to be sculpted into a life-size violin, but as soon as he did, he got to work. In the end, he needed a second piece for the back of the violin, but after two years of hard work, Blackbird, the stone violin named after the homonymous bird, was finally completed.

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This Tight Cave Entrance Is Claustrophobia Hell

Deep Cave in Edwards County, Texas has more than one entrance, but daredevils prefer to use one so tight that it can make claustrophobes extremely uncomfortable just looking at it.

Videos of spelunkers literally squeezing themselves into Deep Cave through this incredibly tight hole in the ground have been doing the rounds online for years now, but frankly, they never get old. It’s terrifying, it’s electrifying, it’s something you don’t really want to see, but can’t really stop either. Even if you don’t really have a problem with tight spaces, seeing people going down this little hole is guaranteed to make your palms a little sweaty.

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Airparks – The Residential Coummunities Where Planes Are as Common as Cars

Airparks, or fly-in communities, are residential neighborhoods designed specifically for people who own their own light airplanes and want to keep them parked in their driveways.

Apparently, there are around 650 airparks around the world, not exactly a small number, so why do so few people know they exist? Well, it may have something to do that most of us can’t afford out own personal airplane, let alone a house design to accommodate it. Living in one of these fly-in communities isn’t cheap. For example, the only available home in California’s Cameron Airpark Estates, one of the world’s nicest airparks, is currently listed on Zillow for $1.5 million. But that’s the price you pay for living in a place where light airplanes are as common, if not more so, than cars.

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Grieving Husband Continues Search for Wife 10 Years After Fukushima Tsunami

It’s been 10 years since Yasuo Takamatsu lost his wife Yuko when a devastating tsunami hit the town of Onagawa, in Miyagi prefecture, but he continues to search for her every week.

On the day that Yuko disappeared, in 2011, Yasuo Takamatsu received one last text message from her. It read “Are you ok? I want to go home.” He has been looking for her ever since, and doesn’t plant to stop until he finds her or he stops drawing breath. In the beginning, the grieving husband searched for Yuko on land, starting at the bank where she was last seen, then along the beaches of Onagawa, in nearby forests and mountains. Two years after her disappearance, Yasuo contacted the local dive shop asking for diving lessons, so he could start searching for her in the sea. He has been going on weekly dives for the past seven and a half years, racking up almost 500 underwater searches.

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Remarkable Slug Can Sever Its Own Head and Grow a New Body

Japanese researchers recently the incredible ability of a sea slug to basically sever its own head and simply grow a new body, complete with fresh vital organs.

Autotomy, the behavior whereby an animal sheds or discards one or more of its own appendages, usually as self-defense mechanism, only to grow them back later, is well documented in the animal world. However, autotomy usually involves limbs or tails, appendages that don’t feature vital organs, whish is why a sea slug that can apparently sever its own head and then grow a new body complete with these vital organs has stunned scientists.

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Liquor-Infused Toothpicks – The Perfect Way to Enjoy Spirits Without Drinking

What do you get a man who has everything? Why, whiskey-infused luxury toothpicks, of course!

With so many things just one click away nowadays, it’s hard to surprise people with truly original gifts, but every once in a while you stumble across something special. For example, I was surfing the web yesterday, as I usually do, when something caught my eye. The words ‘whiskey’ and ‘toothpicks’ rarely go together in a sentence, but here they were in the name of a product I never imagined existed – whiskey-infused toothpicks.

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Funny Air Filter Gives You a Dog Nose Filter in Real Life

Nosy, an wearable air filter you put on your nose, has been getting a lot of attention because it makes wearers look like they activated the dog nose filter in real-life.

Designed to protect against airborne particles, Nosy is a slick and compact air filter and purifier that fits on your nose. Its patent-pending dual filtration system (Activated Carbon and HEPA filters) allegedly break down  toxic gases from fossil fuel emissions and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), while at the same time from particles down to 0.03 microns in size, like pollen, dust, mold spores, smoke, and more. But all anyone seems to be talking about these days is how funny people look wearing it. 

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Man Spends $15,500 on “Love Island” to Win Back Ex-Girlfriend, Gets Shot Down

A Chinese man who spent a small fortune as well as a lot of time and effort turning a small wasteland into a pink paradise in order to impress his ex-girlfriend, has received a clot of compassion online, after failing to win back his old fling.

It’s fair to say that Xiao Xu, a young man from Hetou Village, in China’s Guangdong province, went above an beyond to win back the heart of his ex-girlfriend. Over the course of a month, he spent around 100,000 yuan ($15,500) turning a small patch of wasteland rising up from a lake near his village into a fairytale Love Island complete with fake cherry blossom trees, swings, river rock arrangements, and more. He even convinced some locals to give him a hand and turn this place into the ultimate love letter to his former partner. Unfortunately, things didn’t turn out the way he had hoped…

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