Man Suffers from Rare “Demonic Face Sydrome” That Distorts People’s Faces

A Tennessee man has been diagnosed with prosopometamorphopsia, or PMO, an extremely rare neurological disorder that makes other people’s faces appear severely distorted.

Imagine waking up one day and looking at the faces of your loved one only to discover that their ears, noses, and mouths are stretched back and deep grooves have appeared on their foreheads, cheeks, and chins. Then you go outside and see that everyone has this goblin-like look on their faces and you start to freak out. It sounds like a nightmare, but it’s one that 59-year-old Victor Sharrah has been experiencing since one November morning in 2020. He was only recently diagnosed with prosopometamorphopsia, or PMO, an extremely rare disorder that causes faces to appear distorted in shape, size and color.

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Self-Proclaimed “She Hulk ” Has Bigger Biceps Than Arnold Schwarzenegger

Jackie Koorn, aka ‘She-Hulk’, is a physically impressive 34-year-old fitness enthusiast from the Netherlands who allegedly has bigger biceps than Arnold Schwarzenegger did in his prime, 24 inches compared to 22.

Koorn has always been into fitness, but it was only after being forced to take a break from kickboxing in 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions that she realized she was much more comfortable with a bigger frame. She has since more than doubled in weight, embracing her curvy figure and dedicating herself to building massive muscles. She feels stronger than ever, and despite getting called ‘fat’ or ‘too manly’ online, she only focuses on the positive and she encourages other people to do the same.

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True Man of God – Pastor Arrested for Allegedly Hiring Hitmen to Kill Daughter’s Boyfriend

Samuel Davalos Pasillas, a 47-year-old California pastor, was recently arrested for allegedly paying to men to kill his daughter’s boyfriend.

Last week, Riverside police arrested Samuel Pasillas after gathering enough evidence that he had ordered the attempted murder of the man dating his own daughter. The hit took place on October 21, 2023, in Riverside. The victim was sitting in his car when he was shot multiple times from a vehicle that pulled up alongside his. The shooters quickly drove away, but the victim survived by driving himself to a nearby hospital. He couldn’t provide investigators with too much information about his would-be killers, but five months later, police concluded that the incident was a “murder-for-hire shooting” orchestrated by his girlfriend’s father, Pastor Pasillas.

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Man Soaks His Legs in Dry Ice for 10 Hours to Fake Frostbite for Insurance Fraud

A couple of Taiwanese university students are being accused of faking frostbite injuries that eventually warranted a double amputation to defraud insurance companies.

Taiwan’s Criminal Investigation Bureau has accused a university student surnamed Chang of conspiring with a former high-school colleague named Liao to orchestrate a bizarre insurance fraud in January of last year. Evidence presented to prosecutors shows that in early January of last year, Chang took out policies covering disabilities, injuries, health, and travel safety from at least five insurers. On the night of January 26, both Chang and Liao rode their motorcycles through Taipei, to make it seem like one of them suffered frostbite because of the cold weather. In reality, the frostbite was self-inflicted and caused by a bucket of dry ice.

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Australian Farm Grows Bluberry the Size of a Golf Ball

Australian fresh produce company Costa Group recently set a new Guinness Record for the world’s heaviest blueberry, with a 20.4-gram fruit roughly the size of a golf ball.

Picked on November 13, 2023, at Costa’s berry farm in Corindi, New South Wales, the record-breaking blueberry was from the Eterna variety, which is known for yielding consistently large fruit without compromising on flavor. Interestingly, one of the growers in charge of this particular farm said that this blueberry was one of at least 20 fruits of similar size spotted during harvesting. After measuring and weighing, it was discovered that the fruit beat the former heaviest blueberry by over 4 grams. The previous world record was for a 16.20g blueberryberry grown in Western Australia in 2020.

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Man Divorces Wife After Discovering That None of Their Three Kids Are His

In a high-profile divorce case that sparked heated debates in China, a man divorced his wife of 16 years after learning that none of the three children she birthed during their marriage were his.

In December 2007, Chen Zhixian married Yu Hua, a woman eight years his junior, soon after meeting her for the first time. She seemed like a simple, down-to-earth woman, and his parents had long been pressuring him to settle down, so he never really took the time to know her. Soon after tying the knot, Yu Hua informed Chen that she was pregnant, and he was so overwhelmed by the news that he was going to be a father, that he never realized his wife had to have already been pregnant when they met to have a child when she did. Yu gave birth to the couple’s first daughter, and her husband became a long-distance freight driver who was away for most of the year, only coming home, in Dexing, Jianxi Province, for short periods of time.

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The World’s Largest Frog Is Teetering on the Brink of Extinction

The Goliath Frog, the largest living frog on Earth, is facing extinction after a 50% decline in population size in the last three generations, mainly due to human activity.

The Goliath Frog certainly lives up to its name. Reaching up to 13 inches long (32 cm) from snout to vent, and weighing up to 7.2 lb (3.25 kg), it is by far the world’s largest frog. However, it has a contrastingly tiny habitat range in Africa’s Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, which makes it particularly vulnerable to human-related habitat destruction. They are skittish creatures that tend to avoid humans as much as possible, but increasingly sophisticated traps and habitat destruction have caused a massive decrease in the number of Goliath frogs, and experts warn that if things don’t change soon, this impressive creature will become extinct.

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South Korea’s Thriftiest Woman Saves $75,000 in Two Years by Being Extremely Frugal

A 25-year-old South Korean woman has been getting a lot of attention because of her commitment to saving money on a regular salary by spending as little as possible.

We first featured Ji-Hyeon Kwak a couple of years ago when she first made news headlines in her home country of South Korea after making an appearance on the popular SBS’ Master of Living television program. At the time, she had become the youngest person in South Korea to win an apartment subscription, quite a feat considering that the odds are usually stacked against young people, because of how the system works. People are encouraged to save money in a subscription savings account in order to boost their chances, and most 24-year-olds don’t have significant savings. But Ji-Hyeon Kwak isn’t your average youth. She had managed to save a whopping 100 million won ($75,000) in four years, on an average salary of 2.2 million per month, but she was only getting started.

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Stray Dog Finally Rescued After Living with a Box Stuck on His Head for Almost a Year

Bear, a stray Cane Corso that had been roaming around Alabama’s Gulf Coast for almost a year with a large box stuck on his head was recently caught and freed from his plastic trap.

Bear’s story first made news headlines in January of this year, when it was covered by CBS affiliate, WKRG, following multiple reports of a large canine walking around Mobile with a large, black box on its head. One person told the outlet that his son had seen the dog a couple of months earlier, but they only believed the account after seeing the animal themselves. The story of this unfortunate animal caught the public’s attention and WKRG followed it up with another report, this time featuring the City of Mobile Animal Services (COMAS). The dog had gotten its head stuck in the metal box many months before, but all attempts to capture and free it had failed.

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Man Must Compensate Ex-Wife $96,000 for Housework Over 26 Years of Marriage

A provincial court in Pontevedra, Spain, recently ruled that a man must pay his ex-wife 88,025 euros ($95,898) as compensation for her work as a housewife during 26 years of marriage.

The unnamed couple married in 1996, and until their separation in 2022, the wife only worked outside the family home for a total of 205 days spread across several years, dedicating herself to raising their only daughter and keeping the household in order. After their separation, the husband remained in the family home that had long been paid for, while she had to go out and rent her own place. She had to find a job immediately in order to support herself, but because she spent 26 years of her life as a housewife, she will likely be entitled to a very small pension, unlike her husband who dedicated his life to his professional career. Now, the woman is seeking compensation for all her years of housework.

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Instagram-Famous Feline Looks Like a Real-Life Cartoon Character

Four-year-old Fedya, a gray rescued cat from Russia, has become a social media sensation thanks to his funny permanently startled look.

When Fedya’s owner, Natalya Zhdanova, found him in her backyard in 2020, she had no idea he would one day become an Instagram star with over 300,000 followers. At the time, she wasn’t even sure he would survive. He had been born with a coordination issue and struggled to move around, but as he grew, his condition improved, and before long he was behaving like a normal cat, although he didn’t really look like one. Natalya claims she didn’t really notice his unusual looks, but her friends always seemed amused by Fedya’s constantly startled appearance, and she reluctantly started posting photos of him on social media. The rest, as they say, is history.

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German Teenager Left Parents’ Home to Live Exclusively on Trains for the Last Year and a Half

A 17-year-old German teen has been living life as a modern nomad, leaving his parents’ house to live on trains and travel all over his country.

While most 17-year-olds are only just beginning to consider the idea of leaving the nest, Lasse Stolley has already been on his own for over a year and a half. Convinced that his school studies were already behind him, he convinced his parents to allow him to leave their home in Fockbek, Schleswig-Holstein to embark on a unique train-hopping adventure. It took a lot of convincing, but they eventually agreed, and for the last year and a half, the German teen has essentially been living on trains, traveling all over his home country, working as a self-employed coder during the day, and sleeping on night trains at night.

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Meet Ganesh Baraiya, the World’s Shortest Doctor

23-year-old Ganesh Baraiya is living proof that nothing is impossible. Despite facing discrimination because of his short stature, he managed to become the world’s shortest doctor.

Ganesh Baraiya was born in the Talaja Thaluka area of Gujarat, India, and faced adversity from a very young age. He was born normal, but at the age of four, his parents noticed that his head was outgrowing his body, so they took him to a doctor. They learned that the boy suffered from an incurable condition and there was nothing anyone could do. Wanting to help her son, Ganesh’s mother put a tub-like helmet on his head to prevent it from growing and give his body a chance to catch up. In school, he was often ridiculed because of his large head and short stature, but he also had friends who stuck by him and he was able to focus on his studies.

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Japan’s Fascination with T-Rex Costume Racing

Over the last couple of years, more than 40 T-Rex costume races have been hosted around Japan, making it one of the fastest-growing racing events in the Asian country.

T-rex costume racing is believed to have originated in 2019, when dozens of people donning inflatable Tyrannosaurus Rex costumes gathered on the Emerald Downs racetrack in Auburn, Washington for a hilarious race that has been doing the rounds on social media ever since. However, T-Rex costume racing never really took off in the West, not like it did in Japan, anyway. The inaugural Tyrannosaurus Race Daisen was held in the city of Daisen, Tottori Prefecture, in April 2022 and proved so successful that it inspired a national trend, with over 40 similar events taking place all over the country ever since.

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People Climb School Wall to Pass Students Cheat Sheets During Exam in Massive Cheating Scandal

Friends and family of Class 10 students taking an important exam at a school in Haryana, India were filmed climbing the back wall of the building to pass cheat sheets to their loved ones.

The Chandrawati School in Haryana’s Nuh district recently found itself at the center of a massive exam cheating scandal after viral videos of people scaling the wall of the school in order to pass cheat sheets to students found their way on social media. School officials insisted that no cheating occurred during the  Class 10 board exam on Wednesday and that people merely attempted to help their friends and relatives, but some sources claim that these real-life Spider Men only started climbing the school after being given the exact questions on the test and looking up the right answers to them.

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