The Matchstick Paintings of Annie Drew

19-year-old Annie Drew has developed a new painting technique by applying paint with a piece of hardwood a little bigger than a matchstick.

The talented painter from Torquay, Devon thinks she might be the only artist in the world who uses this technique, which she calls the “pixellation technique“. It’s a really meticulous job, but it was the only way to “create a piece of wildlife art in mosaic” without turning to pointillism, which is completely accidental.

For example,to create the silverback gorilla painting bellow, Annie Drew applied 75,000 paint dots in 40 different colors. The whole thing took over 100 hours to complete.

Photos by APEX



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Mexico’s Island of the Dolls Is Beyond Creepy

Known as “La Isla de la Munecas”, by the Spanish, The Island of the Dolls is perhaps the creepiest tourist attraction in Mexico. Located within an extensive network of canals, south of Mexico City, the island is a place of mystery and superstition.

Almost every tree growing on the island is decorated with old, mutilated dolls that give anyone the feeling that they’re constantly being watched. The story behind the Island of the Dolls began when a hermit by the name of Don Julian Santana moved here. Although he was married he chose to live the last 50 years of his life alone.

Don Julian used to say he was haunted by the ghost of the little girl who had drowned in one of the canals around the island. Some say he used to fish the dolls from the water because he though they were real children, but the truth is he was collecting and placing them around his home as a shrine for the spirit that tormented him. At one point he even traded home grown fruit and vegetables for old dolls.

Ironically, in 2001 Don Julian Santana was found dead by his nephew, in the same canal that he said the little girl drowned in. Now his Island of the Dolls is one of the world’s weirdest tourist attractions. Some tourists who visited this place claim the dolls whisper and you must offer them a gift upon setting foot on the island, to appease their spirits.

via Bizarre


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Spain’s Death-Defying Bull Leapers

In the name of entertainment and adrenalin, Spain’s bull leapers, known as “recortadores”, continue an ancient tradition that can be traced back to 1500 BC, during King Minos’ reign.

Teams of 5 to 7 bull leapers gather each year in cities like Valencia or Barcelona, to take part in a performance that many compare to the Russian roulette. Each team may face up to three bulls in the ring, at once, taunting and jumping over them just when the beats prepare to impale them.

The bull leapers all look calm and brave, but they don’t hesitate to run for their lives after a successful jump or evasion, to stay well clear of the angry bulls. The atmosphere in the bullfighting arena is said to be exhilarating, with the crown cheering every successful trick.

Sure some may call these death-defying artists insane, but I have a lot more respect for them than I do for bullfighters. At least bull leaping doesn’t get the bull killed in a violent way. sadly it can’t quench the Spanish thirst for bull-fighting blood.


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Ugly Bat Boy

No, this post is not about a bat boy, but it is about one of the ugliest, weirdest cats you’ve ever seen.

Ugly Bat Boy is an 8-year-old that lives at the Exeter Veterinary Hospital, in New Hampshire. He was born bald, except for an area on his chest, but, despite his unnatractive looks, Ugly Bat Boy still managed to become a local celebrity. Members of the hospital staff were forced to post stickers saying there is nothing wrong with the cat, he is just ugly.

Ugly Bat Boy may look different, but he acts just like any other feline, sleeping on a computer to keep warm and loving attention and petting. Although he’s not pretty to look at, his keepers say his beauty lies on the inside.



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Kordeza – The World’s Youngest Mother

Kordeza Zhelyazkova, an 11-year-old girl from Bulgaria gave birth to a daughter, Violeta, during her wedding and became the youngest mother in the world.

Like all childhood love stories, Kordeza’s began at the playground. She was being harassed by a group of bullies, when Jeliazko Dimitrov, a 19-year-old boy appeared as her knight in shining armor. He rescued her and that’s when their romantic tale started. The young man thought she was 15 and she never revealed her real age, for fears he wouldn’t want to be with her. As the consentment limit in Bulgaria is 14, their sleeping together seemed normal to Jeliazko, but he didn’t plan on leaving her pregnant.

In Kordeza’s home town of Sliven, girls getting married as early as 13-years-old is tradition, but she pushed the envelope and even threw a pregnancy into the mix. Her family put together a Roma wedding, so the baby would be born to a real family. But the little one was too anxious and Kordeza went into labour on the second day of her wedding and was rushed to the hospital dressed in her wedding dress.

Now she might be forced to raise her child as a single mother, as her young husband faces jailtime for sleeping with a minor.



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Kitten Kay Sera – The Pink Lady

Kitten Kay Sera loves pink! But so do many other girls and women around the world. What makes her so special is her obsession to surround her self with everything pink.

The 46-year-old actress from Los Angeles, USA, earned the nickname of “The Pink Lady” because practically everything she owns is pink. Although she claims it isn’t weird, Kitten Kay admits she is drawn to pink like a magnet and can’t help surrounding herself with “any and everything pink”.

The Pink Lady claims to have worn only pink clothes for the last 25 years and to keep from getting bored with the color, she changes the shades and tries to approach different styles, like country, glamour, rock ‘n’ roll, etc. She even paints her 4-year-old Maltese dog, Kisses, using beetroot juice baths.

Kitten Kay Sera takes her obsession with pink to the extreme, going to funerals dressed from head to toe in the popular color and even dumping a guy because he was colorblind and couldn’t appreciate the beauty of pink.

But The Pink Lady says she’s happy with her life and loves it when complete strangers stop her on the street to give her their pink earrings and scarfs and fans send her pink stuff all the time.



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The Anamorphosis Works of Bernard Pras

Bernard Pras is considered one of the strangest, most original artists of our generation. He creates art by stacking ordinary objects on a piece of canvas, a process known as anamorphosis.

56-year-old Pras was born in 1952, in the south-west of France and spent his childhood in a toy-store. He later began working as a painter and sculptor of recovered objects. After a short career as an art teacher he came up with a new form of expressing himself some people call “trash-art”.

Starting from a photograph, Bernard Pras creates amazing pieces of art, by adding ordinary objects like used toys, tools, pieces of rubber, or whatever else you can think of. From up-close his works look like nothing more than random stacks of stuff, but from a certain angle and distance, they reveal their true beauty.

Photos by vvdm-gallery


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The LEGO World of Nathan Sawaya

Nathan Sawaya, a 36-year-old former lawyer has stunned the world with his incredible LEGO artworks.

If giving up a successful career in law that paid a six figure salary, to follow a childhood dream doesn’t spell passion, then I don’t know what does. That’s exactly what Nathan Sawaya did, but he managed to build himself another career brick by brick and now he sells his LEGO masterpieces for thousands of dollars.

Right now, Nathan has an inventory of 1.5 million LEGO bricks to use on his sculptures, at his New York studio and says his largest artwork was made up of about half-a-million bricks. His LEGO works are now as valuable as they are beautiful, selling for more than $10,000 each.

After posting his early work on the internet, Nathan Sawaya started getting orders for his art and realized the huge potential of his work. Now he has even created a piece for Donald Trump. he believes there is nothing he can’t create out of LEGO.

This isn’t the first time Nathan Sawaya’s work has been featured on Oddity Central, we posted some photos of his amazing LEGO cello, a while back.



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Man Decorates Apartment to Look Like Versailles

Adrian Reeman, a former Merchant Navy chef from Southampton, has spent the last 23 years of his life transforming his small apartment into a miniature Palace of Versailles.

His painstaking work began in 1986, when he moved in with his wife Annette, in the ninth floor flat of a tower bloc in Southampton. He hated the copper pebble dash wallpaper he found there and decided something had to be done. At first he just started panelling the walls, without having a clue of what it was going to turn into.

Although he has no training in constructions or design, and he has never once visited the real Versailles, Adrian Reeman managed to create an honorable small-scale replica of the popular French palace. He now sees no reason to visit the real thing, since he’s living in it himself, just on a slightly smaller scale.

Reeman says he’s not 100% happy with how the Versailles apartment came out, but he’s getting a little too old to keep working on it. He figures he’ll live in the unique flat for the rest of his life, since law states tenants have to deliver the apartments in the same state they received them. The Reemans couldn’t possibly restore their mini Versailles to its original condition.

I wonder if Adrian knows Tony Alleyne, owner of the Star Trek Apartment? I’m sure these two talented Brits would hit it off.

via Daily Mail


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20,000 Couples Take Part in World’d Largest Mass Wedding

Members of the Unification Church, all around the world, took part in the world’s largest mass wedding officiated by reverend Sun Myung Moon, founder of the controversial church.

Over 20,000 people filled up the Sun Moon University campus, in Seoul, South Korea, to celebrate Sun Myung Moon’s 90th birthday and his 50th wedding anniversary with wife Han Hak-ja. Some of the couples had just met a few months before, while others came to renew their vows. Korean couples were joined by 20,000 other followers from all around the world, who tuned in via an internet link.

Sun Myung Moon took this opportunity to pass down leadership of the Unification Church to his children. Moon started the much contested cult in 1954, following a vision he had when he was just 15, where Jesus allegedly appeared to him and asked him to finish His work. The Korean leader performed his first mass wedding in the early 1960s and throughout the years officiated ceremonies between people who had never met each other before their wedding.

Critics stated this latest mass wedding proves followers of the Unification Church are brainwashed. Sun Myung Moon denied the accusation saying these days couples spend months getting to know one another, before they tie the knot.

Photos via csmonitor


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White House Replica for Sale

Forced by the downfall of the American housing market, Fred Milani had to put his backyard replica of the White House up for sale, for just $10 million.

American Iranian property developer, Fred Milani, says he doesn’t really want to sell his beloved replica of the iconic White House, but he has to. The mini-house is built in the backyard of his Atlanta residence and comes complete with its very own Oval Office and Lincoln Bedroom, as well as a backdoor pool.

If you’re expecting an interesting story about how Mr. Milani decided to have the White House replica built in his backyard, you’re in for a big disappointment. He just wanted a house and the architect just asked him “How about I build you the White House?”, he agreed and the rest is history.

The 16,500 square meter building was built seven years ago and has managed to split the neighborhood. There are those who feel lucky to be living next to such an impressive edifice, but most find it excessive and are annoyed by the high number of tourists flocking to their peaceful neighborhood to take pictures of the White House replica.

via Daily Mail


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ManWoman – Savior of the Swastika

Covered in around 200 swastika tattoos, ManWoman welcomes pilgrims to his Swastika Museum and tries to “detoxify” the hated symbol used by Hitler.

Born to a Polish immigrant mother, at the start of World War 2, ManWoman (Manny, for short) hated the swastika as much as any other westerner. But that all changed when he turned 27 and started having bizarre visions involving the symbol. During these mystical experiences, Manny appeared as a half-man half-woman (thus the weird name) surrounded by a white light that represented everything good: love, peace, god, eternity. An old man would appear and mark his neck and arms with swastikas, instructing him to reclaim the sacredness of the ancient symbol.

At the time he didn’t know much about the history of the swastika, just that it was a symbol of evil, used by the Nazis. After some thorough research he learned the crooked mark dates back to the year 4000 BC and was associated with many religions, including Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism. The Sanskrit word “svastika” means “conducive to well being”.

That’s when re realized his destiny and started a quest to make the swastika known to the world as the sacred symbol it was before being tainted by Nazis. He got his first swastika tattoo in 1969 and, over the years, gathered an inked collection of over 200.

Although there are those knocking on his door, asking to see the Swastika Museum he set up in his own home, most people still feel uncomfortable around him, associating him with the terror of the Holocaust. He is aware the war to restore the sacredness of the swastika is far from over, but he presses on. Read More »

La Negra – The Horned Lady of Body Modding

Aiming to become an ambassador for freaks all around the world, La Negra has experimented with tattoos, branding, scarification and body suspension.

Her adventure in the bizarre world of body modding began when La Negra was only 14 years old. She simply walked into a tattoo-shop, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and had a very common design needled on her right shoulder. Now, at 30, the Latin modding enthusiast is still experimenting and trying to push the envelope even further.

La Negra says having an idyllic childhood, in the Argentinian countryside and two encouraging parents are what pushed her to explore the limits of body enhancing. At 16 she took a break from modding to focus on school and dedicate herself to a steady relationship, but “when the simple, happy life wasn’t working anymore” she rediscovered her passion. She tried face piercing, branding and things just went on from there.

The horns she had implanted beneath the skin are her trademark, but La Negra plans to have them removed, so she can finally wear a hat or a wig, but plans on experimenting with other types of body modding, because the transmutation never ends.

If you want to know more about La Negra, check out this article on Bizarre Magazine. Read More »

Molossia – World’s Smallest Sovereign Republic

If you thought nations like Luxembourg, Monaco or Lichtenstein were small, wait until you learn about the microscopic republic of Molossia.

It may have a surface of just half a hectare and look like any normal house hold in the American desert, but Molossia is a real country, with a leader and everything. The smallest country in the world is located near Dayton, Nevada and has been ruled for over 30 years, by President Kevin Baugh. But his great nation ( 2 sons and 3 dogs) has yet to file a complaint.

Molossia is the world’s smallest republic, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have laws. If you set foot on Molossian soil, you have to have your passport approved and stamped. The microscopic nation even has its own postal service, currency (made from poker chips), bottled water and the national dish is raw cookie dough.

Unlike other countries, Molossia has a simple, but well developed health-care system: every citizen can just go to the first-aid box and get whatever they need, for free.

Kevin Baugh, together with a friend came up with the idea of establishing their own micronation when they were teenagers, after watching The Mouse that Roared. Throughout the years Baugh even took his country to a “tongue-in-cheek” war with the neighboring microstate Mustachian, ruled by Sultan Ali-Ali Achsenfree, and won.

Molossia doesn’t pay American taxes and even wants to develop its own electric system to be even more independent.




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Batmobile Replica Seen in Sweden

An impressive replica of the original Batmobile has been turning heads on the streets of Sweden, recently.

Batman undoubtedly one of the most comic-book hero of all times and fans are always trying to find or build the coolest memorabilia. Not long ago we featured some photos of a home-built Batman Tumbler built from scratch and of a Tumbler built from a Go Kart. Now a Swedish dude apparently spent around one million dollars over 3-5 years to convert a 1973 Lincoln Continental into an awesome replica of the original Batmobile.

A result of over 20,000 hours of work, the Batmobile replica comes with voice recognition, DVD players, height adjustment, reversing cameras and other gadgets. It’s definitely one of the coolest Batmobile replicas I’ve seen.

via Like Cool


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