Chinese Man Proves That Eating 54 Ice Creams in One Sitting Is Not a Good Idea

A 44-year-old man from Quzhou, China’s Zhejiang province, was recently hospitalized with severe kidney problems, after eating a whopping 54 ice creams in one sitting, and washing them down with ice water.

The man, surnamed Zheng, was at his home, on July 15, when he began to feel the effects of the heatwaves that have been sweeping China for the last few weeks. Tired and dehydrated after a hot day, Zheng went to his refrigerator and grabbed an ice cream to cool off. Problem was that that first ice-cream only made him crave another, and then another, so he kept eating them until he went through all the 54 frozen treats he had in his fridge. I’ve never head of anyone having that many ice-creams in their home, but apparently this guy did.

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50-Year-Old Brazilian Woman Proves That You’re Never Too Old to Cosplay

Solange Amorim, a 50-year-old mother from Manaus, Brazil has been getting a lot of online attention lately for her ability to transform herself into popular cartoon characters and her courage to regularly attend cosplay events, which usually appeal to youths.

Solange, who goes by Tia Sol on social media, discovered the wonderful world of cosplay when she started accompanying her daughter, Jessica, to local events. She fell in love with it immediately, but it wasn’t until a few years ago, when a friend asked her if she had the courage to dress up as a cartoon character herself that she really got involved in the cosplay community.

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German Radio Station Creates Special Program for Lonely Canines

When dogs get lonely, they sometimes keep themselves busy by wreaking havoc around the house, and that doesn’t really sit well with their owners. That’s why one German radio host, who also happens to be a dog owner, came up with the idea for a 24/7 program designed to relax canine listeners and make them feel like they are not alone.

When 30-year old Stephan “Stocki” Stock, a radio moderator at RadioTon, in Germany’s Baden-Württemberg region, announced the creation of a program aimed at dogs, everyone thought it was just a clever April Fools prank. Only it wasn’t. For the past three and a half months, “Hallo Hasso” has been pumping out music for lonely pooches both on the radio and online.

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Dubai Bakery Creates $27,000 “Game of Thrones” Cake

Tyrion Lannister isn’t just one of the most beloved characters on HBO’s hit series “Game of Thrones”, he is also the inspiration behind one of the most expensive cakes ever made – a 70-pound work of art showing the Halfman sitting on the Iron Throne.

The Broadway Bakery, in Dubai, recently celebrated the new season of “Game of Thrones” by creating an incredibly detailed cake featuring everyone’s favorite imp, Tyrion Lannister. Made primarily of sugar paste and fondant, the edible masterpiece stands four feet tall and weighs a whopping 70 pounds, making it large enough to feed a crowd of 100 – 120 people. But who, apart from his sister Cersei, would have the heart to take a knife to this realistic model of Tyrion?

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50-Year-Old Former Male Model-Turned Photographer Stuns Internet with His Youthful Looks

Asian media is abuzz with talk and photos of a 50-year-old Singaporean photographer who doesn’t look a day over 30. His name is Chuando Tan and to say that he has aged well would be a gross understatement.

I can think of quite a few celebrities in their 50s who look very well for their age, but looking at these photos of Chuando Tan just makes you scratch your head and scroll up to the title of the article to make sure you read his age correctly. I was skeptical about his age after finding some photos of him on an obscure Chinese website, but several online sources have already confirmed that the man is actually in his 50s, including The Straits Times, which did an interview with him 2001.

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Doctors Remove Over 200 Stones from Woman’s Body in a Single Operation

Surgeons at Guanji Hospital, in Hezhou, China, recently spent six hours removing over 200 stones from a woman’s gallbladder and liver, some of them the size of small eggs.

The patient, a 45-year-old woman known only as Ms. Chen, had apparently been experiencing abdominal pain for over a decade. When she first went to a hospital about it, an examination revealed several stones in her gallbladder and liver as the cause. Doctors advised her to undergo surgery and have them removed, but she was too scared to go under the knife. She only recently went to Guanji Hospital, when the pain became “unbearable”.

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The “Hyena Men” of Harar Hand-Feed Wild Hyenas Every Night

Hyenas have been a part of the history of Harar, an ancient walled city in Eastern Ethiopia, for centuries, so it makes sense that this is probably the only place where you can see “hyena men” hand-feeding packs of hyenas every night.

I recently discovered the amazing hyena men of Harar after watching a Reuters video of one of them casually feeding hungry hyenas with his hands and even his mouth, with the animals climbing on his shoulders to grab juicy pieces of meat. It was quite a sight to behold, so I decided to look a little deeper into this unique practice. Although the article claims that hyena men have only been around for 60 years, according to local sources, these brave men have been hand-feeding the wild hyenas living on the outskirts of Harar for centuries.


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Serbian Man Leaves Wife Because Their Newborn Baby Would Keep Him Up at Night

60-year-old Atifa Ljajic and her husband, Serif Nokic (68), from Serbia, had been trying to have a baby for over 20 years. When no one thought it was even possible anymore, the miracle happened. Atifa recently gave birth to a healthy girl, but on the same day, her husband left them, claiming that raising a baby at his age would be damaging to his health.

Atifa Jjajic is the second oldest mother in the history of Serbia. She had been trying to get pregnant for over two decades, but all the treatments she underwent proved unsuccessful. Over the last few years, she attempted to become pregnant through in-vitro fertilization five times, and on the last attempt, she managed to take her pregnancy to term and give birth to a beautiful baby girl. It was the happiest day of Atifa’s life, but only for a few hours, because on that very same day, her husband announced that he was leaving them, because raising a baby at age 68 would be detrimental to his health.

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Chinese Family Has Been Living with an Open Beehive in Their Living Room for 12 Years

The sight of a single bee buzzing around is enough to drive some people into a frenzy, but one family in China has somehow been living with an entire beehive in their living room for 12 years. They even collect the honey from it and sell it for a small profit.

Remember the BEEcosystem, that observational beehive that lets you keep bees inside your home as pets? Well, it turns out you don’t need it. You can just let bees build their own beehive on your furniture and let them fly around freely. It sounds crazy, but one family in China is proof that it can be done, and not just for a few days or weeks, but over a decade.

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The Curious Case of a Boy Who Stops Breathing Every Time He Falls Asleep

Liam Derbyshire was born with a very rare congenital disease that causes him to stop breathing every time he falls asleep. Doctors told his parents that he wouldn’t live past six weeks, but the boy has defied the odds and will soon turn 18-years-old.

Liam suffers from a condition known as central hypoventilation, or “Ondine’s Curse”, after a nymph from French folk stories. Ondine fell in love with a man called Palemon, and at their wedding, he vowed to love her with his every breath. So when the nymph later discovered his infidelity, she cursed him: “You pledged faithfulness to me with your every waking breath and I accepted that pledge. So be it. For as long as you are awake, you shall breathe. But should you ever fall into sleep, that breath will desert you.” Totally normal stuff for a folk tale, but a similar curse actually exists in real life.

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This 720-Hour Film Will Be the Longest in the History of Cinema

Some people have problems sitting through a 2-hour movie without falling asleep, but that’s merely a blink of an eye compared to Ambiencé, an upcoming film by Swedish director Anders Weberg, which will last for a whopping 720 hours. That’s 30 days of continuous screening time.

After working in the field of visual arts for over two decades, Anders Weberg plans to end his career in 2020. But he wants to go out with a bang, by creating the longest film in the history of cinema. Called Ambiencé, the epic 720-hour work of art will be screened simultaneously on all continents, for one time only, after which the Swedish director plans to destroy all copies, so that it can never be screened again.

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Man Has Been Dressing as a Woman for 20 Years to Console His Grieving Mother

An unnamed man from Guilin, China, has melted the hearts of millions after it was reported that he has been dressing as a woman ever since his sister passed away, 20 years ago, in order to console his grieving mother.

A Pear video showing a man wearing a traditional cheongsam dress while looking after his mother, recently went viral, having been watched over 4 million times. He isn’t just any cross-dresser, in fact, he doesn’t even prefer women’s clothes, but he has been wearing them exclusively for two decades, in order to make his old mother happy. The woman had begun showing signs of mental illness following the death of her daughter, so one day he put on a woman’s dress, just to make her happy. She liked it so much that he kept doing it for 20 years.

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Music in the Dark – An Egyptian Female Orchestra Made Up of Blind Women

Egypt’s Al Nour Wal Amal orchestra is one of the world’s most remarkable musical ensembles. It consists of around 48 blind women from Cairo who have to rely solely on their memory when performing complicated compositions by classic composers like Mozart, Brahms, Strauss or Tchaikovsky.

Learning to play instruments like violin, chello or flute is a difficult process, but can you imagine mastering any of them without ever being able to see them? That’s what would-be members of the Al Nour Wal Amal orchestra have to do in order to become a part of the ensemble. And, once they’ve finally mastered their chosen instrument, they have to train their memory in order to be able to store up to 45 composition pieces in their heads, to be able to perform a concert, all while keeping in sync with the other members during a performance. It seems impossible, but these incredible women are living proof that it can be done.

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These Three Dogs Are Bringing Chile’s Fire-Devastated Forests Back to Life

In January 2017, a series of fires in central Chile’s La Maue region burned down over 457,000 hectares of forest, leaving behind nothing but charred ground. Now, three border collies are helping replant it all by doing what they love most, running.

Das, Olivia, and Summer, three female border collies have been working hard to bring the fire-devastated forest back to life, since March. Not that they know how hard or how important their work is, since they are essentially running and playing. The dogs’ owner, 32-year-old Francisca Torres, takes them to various areas of charred forest in her truck, equips them with special vests that come with special satchels which she fills with seeds of endemic plants. Then the dogs are sent out to run around and spread as many seeds as they can. When they return, she rewards them with snacks, fills up their satchels and sends them out on another run.

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This Chinese “Umbrella Raincoat” Is the Latest in Rainwear Innovation

The raincoat and the umbrella have been the staples of rainwear for decades, probably even centuries, but Chinese designers are attempting to challenge that with a bizarre new product currently called an “umbrella raincoat”.

As the name suggests, this innovative rainwear accessory combines the raincoat and the umbrella with questionable results. For starters, it looks kind of ridiculous, and sellers on Chinese websites like Aliexpress actually list this fact as the only downside of the product. They actually phrase it a little differently – “You will get 100% rate of second glances” – but that’s just a fancy way of saying it looks weird. Also, like the good ol’ umbrella, it only shields your upper body from the rain, with the lower torso and legs being almost completely exposed. On the upside, it does free up both your hands, which is apparently the main advantage of wearing an umbrella raincoat. Read More »