The Chinese Angel-Cat

This weird cat with wings was spotted in Chonqing, China.

Although you might think the angel-cat of Chonqing is unique, there have been other cats with wings in Russia and the United States. Her owner says she wasn’t born like this, her wings started growing when she was one year old.

A worker from the Chonqing Museum of Natural History says this kind of oddities are becoming quite common and are the results of pollution in the area. This particular angel cat will be adopted by the Chonqing Museum.







Chinese Build Amphibious Bike

Don’t know what you were expecting, but this is not some high-tech, revolutionary vehicle. It’s just an interesting home-made amphibious bicycle.

Li Weiguo is the man who designed and built this floating bicycle, and the girl riding it in the photos is his daughter Li Jin. His amphibious bicycle has eight water buckets that act as pontoons and adjustable vane wheels that provide the driving power. It might not look as good as other custom made bikes, but at least you can ride it on water and land alike, and that’s the whole point.

The amphibious bike was presented on May 30 2009, in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.









The Number 23 (Chinese Version)

Remember Jim Carey writing all kinds of mambo-jambo all over the walls of his house, in The Number 23? If you do, this is going to look familiar.

Sure, unless you know Chinese, those symbols make absolutely no sense, but I’m pretty sure this is, or was the house of a very disturbed individual, with a lot of stuff on his mind. Either that or paper is really expensive in China.











Chinese Make Cheap Dodge Tomahawk Replicas

Back in 2003 Dodge first presented its monster on four wheels, the Dodge Tomahawk motorcycle (I know I said four wheels, but I can’t call it a car now can I?). This baby had an 8.3 V10 Viper engine that produced unimaginable power. Only 10 Dodge Tomahawks were ever built and they were sold with 550,000 dollars.

But if you thought you had no chance in hell to get your hands on one of these babies, think again. The Chinese have created an exact replica of the Dodge Tomahawk, called KMD K-007 Tron Bike MC-06. It’s got a weak 150 cc engine, but it looks just like the Tomahawk and costs only $1398.










The power of Chinese massage oil

Lucky for me, I’m not very big on Chinese food, or any other spicy cuisine for that matter, I don’t know how my throat could withstand the power of that acid-like sauce. Frankly I can’t even conceive anybody would use that on their food, that stuff makes Mexican chilly look like baby food.

if you’ve ever tried anything like this please leave your thoughts, I’m really curious if Chinese hot sauce is as hot as it looks.

UPDATE: According to one of our readers the red substance is actually some kind of oil and it is not eatable. Sorry for the mix-up, my Chinese is not very good.

Man Builds River Bridge for Isolated Village, Gets Two Years in Prison

A Chinese man who built a pontoon bridge for an isolated village using his own money was fined multiple times and ultimately given prison time for the unauthorized structure.

Before 2005, Zhenlin Village, in Northern China’s Jilin Province, was completely cut off by the Taoer River, with locals having to travel around 70 kilometers to the nearest bridge. However, everything changed when a villager by the name of Huang Deyi, who had previously operated a small ferry to and from the village, decided to do what the regional authorities wouldn’t – build a small bridge across the river. The rudimentary pontoon bridge was welcomed by the community, and people were more than happy to pay a small toll to Huang for using it, as it was much cheaper and less time consuming than driving 70 km to the nearest authorized bridge. Business was good, and in 2014, Huang Deyo along with 17 other villagers improved the bridge by welding together 13 metal boats so it could support heavier vehicles, but four years later, the Taonan Water Affairs Authority came knocking, ordering the dismantling of the bridge and accusing Huang and his family of illegally profiting from it.

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Using the World’s Brightest Flashlight Feels Like You’re Holding the Sun in Your Hand

The aptly named IMALENT MS32 Brightest Flashlight is capable of outputting up to 200,000 lumens of light, more than any other commercially available flashlight.

Imagine having the ability to turn night into day in the palm of yourself and you kind of get a sense of what using the world’s brightest flashlight feels and looks like. The Imalent MS32 is so incredibly powerful that the only other flashlight you can even compare it to is the Imalent MS18, the previous holder of the title of ‘world’s brightest flashlight’. And that one was virtually half as powerful as the MS32, with a peak brightness of “just” 100,000 lumens. The LED-powered light beam of the Imalent MS32 can reach as far as 1,618 meters and is the equivalent of 100 car lights in terms of brightness.

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Small Business Stands to Lose $4.2 Million Due to Employee’s Pricing Blunder

A small Chinese company specializing in selling washing machines is facing a potential loss of 30 million yuan ($4.2 million) after an employee mistakenly labeled products with the wrong prices.

Little Swan Dongshan Franchise Shop, a small business based in Anhui, China, has been forced to ask customers to cancel their orders after one employee’s blunder caused a 20-minute online shopping spree that could result in a net loss of $4.2 million. Chinese news outlet Red Star News reported that on August 28, over 40,000 orders for various washing machines were placed on the small company’s Tmall online store until someone noticed the pricing errors and took the store offline. In that 20 window, Little Swan sold 70 million yuan worth of washing machines for only 40 million yuan, which means it might have to incur losses of $30 million yuan if forced to honor the orders.

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Company Lays Devious Trap to Fire Senior Employees Without Severance Pay

A Chinese company is being accused of tricking hundreds of employees into conducting illegal activities so it could then fire them without severance pay.

Wuhan CITIC Design Institute, a company based in Wuhan, Central China’s Hubei Province, recently found itself at the center of a huge scandal, after several prominent news outlets reported that it had allegedly fired around 200 senior employees after accusing them of crimes one of its managers had lured them into committing. Apparently, the company had been looking for ways of getting rid of senior employees with high salaries without having to offer any financial compensation packages, so it had one of the senior managers lure such employees to various bars and clubs under the pretext of “after-work relaxation” where they were tricked into engaging in illegal activities.

Photo: Mohammed Hassan/Pixabay

According to some of the tricked employees, the manager set them up with sex workers and encouraged them to interact with them, while others claim that they engaged in gambling and even intentionally lost some money to their superior to maintain a good relationship with him, only to later realize that they had been lured into a trap.

After gathering dirty evidence on the employees, the manager would report everything to the company, and their contracts would be terminated without any compensation. Some Chinese sources claim that as many as 200 employees lost their jobs this way.

The company’s tactic was fiercely criticized online, with some social media users pointing out that the terminated employees would have a very difficult time trying to find other jobs because of their record of illegal activities. So not only did the employer fire its senior employees without severance pay, but it also compromised their chances of getting a job someplace else.

Although this level of trickery is rare among Chinese employers, finding ways to fire employees without financial compensation is definitely not! Companies are known to dig through their staff’s criminal records hoping to find any illegalities committed in the last five or ten years to use as an excuse to fire them. Some go as far as faking tempting job offers from other companies to trick ‘problematic’ employees into quitting.

Man Has 23 Teeth Extracted and 12 Implants Done on the Same Day, Dies Shortly After

Chinese authorities are investigating the case of an elderly man who died 13 days after having 23 teeth extracted and 12 implants inserted on the same day at a dental clinic.

Ms. Shu, a resident of Yongkang City, in China’s Zhejiang Province, recently filed a complaint with the Municipal Health Bureau against a local dental clinic after her father’s death. The woman presented evidence that her parent had had 23 teeth extracted and 12 new teeth implanted in a single session, which she claims caused his untimely demise 13 days later. Ms. Shu told authorities that her father suffered agonizing pain throughout the last 13 days of his life, before suffering a fatal heart attack on August 28. Now the woman wants those responsible to be brought to justice.

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Man Inhales Cockroach in His Sleep, Has Bad Breath for Three Days

A Chinese man who felt something crawling up his nose one night experienced particularly bad breath for three days before discovering he had a cockroach stuck in his trachea.

A 58-year-old man in Haikou, China’s Hainan Province, recently experienced an entomophobe’s worst nightmare. One night, as he was sleeping, he woke up with a strange sensation that something was crawling up his nose. Then he felt something go down his throat, so he started coughing, but nothing came out so he just went back to sleep. The following day, he put the whole incident to the back of his mind and just went about his business until he realized he had particularly bad breath. Even after three days, his breath still smelled disgusting, and he also started coughing up yellow sputum, so he decided to seek medical help.

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Shiziguan Floating Road Bridge – A Terrifying Wonder of Engineering

The Shiziguan Floating Bridge, also known as the Bridge of Dreams, is an innovative 400-meter bridge that allows cars up to 2.8 tonnes to drive across the surface of the Qingjiang River in China.

Nestled between the forest-covered mountains of Enshi Prefecture, in Hubei Province, the Shiziguan scenic spot is one of China’s most breathtaking natural attractions. However, what really separates it from other impressive sights is the experience of taking in the beautiful scenery while driving along a bridge made of floats and placed directly on the water. Built using German technology to prevent rollovers, the Shiziguan Floating Bridge has been operational since 2016 for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The bridge is made from high-density polyethylene floats filled with water for extra stability, so if the drivers respect the imposed speed limit of 20 km/h, they should only feel the gentle sway of the river beneath.

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Dancing Shrimp – Thailand’s Liveliest Dish Literally Jumps Off the Plate

Goon Ten, or Dancing Shrimp, is a popular Thai street food made with live freshwater shrimp that jumps off the plate when marinated alive.

A bunch of small, translucent shrimp trying to wiggle their way out of being eaten alive doesn’t sound like the most appetizing meal, but in Northern Thailand, it’s actually all the rage. Usually sold from double-basket carts, goon ten consists of live freshwater shrimp wriggling in a spicy marinade of ground chili, lime juice, fish sauce, mint, sliced shallots, and lemongrass. It is most often served with a variety of sticky rice. Often described as one of the freshest foods money can buy, dancing shrimp salad will literally jump off the plate, as the live critters try to escape the spicy marinade. It sounds barbaric to eat such a dish in this day and age, but most of those who have tried it were blown away by its texture and complex flavor combination.

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Teen Boy Goes on Hunger Strike Until Mother Buys Him an iPhone

An Indian teenager was accused of emotional blackmail after going on a hunger strike for three days to pressure his poor mother into buying him an iPhone.

A short video shot by a smartphone shop owner in India went viral last week for featuring a teenage boy who confessed to going on a hunger strike for three days to convince his mother to buy him a new iPhone. The woman, who reportedly makes a living by selling flowers outside a temple, is also featured in the video and has a facial expression that pretty much says everything about her inner struggle. Shared by Indian journalist Abhishek on X (formerly Twitter), the video has been viewed over a million times and has sparked a heated debate about gadgets as a status symbol and the entitlement of younger generations.

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Woman’s Eyeball Sewn to the Corner of Her Eye in Botched Cosmetic Surgery

A Chinese woman suffered vision problems and subsequent depression following a botched double eyelid surgery in which her eyeball was accidentally sewn to the corner of her eye.

In 2021, Ms. Zhang, a woman from Weifang, in China’s Shandong Province, underwent a double eyelid surgery at the Weifang Kuiwen Lirendu Medical Beauty Clinic to correct an unevenness of the corners of her eyes. The woman claims that she felt discomfort during the actual surgery but pushed through it only to discover that her left eyeball and the corner of that eye had been stitched together. At first, the doctor who operated on her told her that everything was fine, but then Zhang started experiencing blurry vision and limited eye movement, and despite attempts to correct the damage, she is still struggling with physical and mental issues more than two years after the procedure.

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