Chinese Man Lives on Leaves of Grass Alone

50-year-old Li Sanju, from Niwuei, China, has been eating only grass and roots, for the last year and a half, without any serious health problems.

The eccentric Chinese says the idea came to him, in October of 2008, while watching TV show, where he learned man can survive for 10 days without eating. This inspired him to live on water and stuff he could find on the mountain.  At first he gave up meat completely, but continued eating some rice. After a few weeks, he gave up on rice and only ate grass, roots and tree leaves.

After eating a lot of grass, Mr. Li suffered from diarrhea, for days in a row. He believed it was from the pesticides spayed on plants around the village, so he decided to only pick his food from up the mountain. He has lived like this for a year and a half, and says it made him healthier. The tumors he had on his right leg simply vanished, and he hasn’t had any other health problems.

Li Sanju says he rarely goes to the city these days, since there’s little for him to eat there. Someone offered him 10,000 yuan to eat a piece of meat, but he says he declined, for fear of dying.

I’m sure he and the sand-eating woman of Russia would really hit it off.

Photos by REX FEATURES via Dantri


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100-Year-Old Chinese Woman Grows Horn in Her Forehead

Zhang Ruifang, a 100-year old woman, from China’s Henan Province, has a strange horn coming out of the left side of her forehead.

This reminds me so much of the horned lady, but Zhang’s horn is much more…horn-like. The 1-century-old woman says her bizarre horn started growing last year, and now measures between 5 and 6 cm in length. Although the horn causes her no pain, I can only imagine how unhappy this poor woman is with her situation. Read More »

Chinese Artist Makes World’s Thinnest Ceramic Bowl

Huang Cheng-nan, a ceramic master from China, has created a series of beautiful ceramic bowls, thinner than China’s Jingdae bowl, the thinnest ceramic in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records.

Huang Cheng-nan’s ceramic bowls range from 12 cm to 20 cm in diameter, weigh between 4 and 8 grams, and are between 0.15 and 0.18 mm thick. His works are so light they can easily be supported by a cobweb. These fragile works of art are on display in Taipei, and will soon be acknowledged as the thinnest ceramic bowls on Earth.

Photos by REUTERS via Daylife


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2-Year-Old Chinese Girl Weighs as Much as an Adult

Born at a normal weight, little Pang Ya now tips the scales at 41.5 kilograms, which is about as much as an adult Chinese woman.

Pang Ya weighed around 4 kilograms, when she was born, but reached 20 pounds in just 8 months, and ever since then she kept piling on the pounds. Now her worried parents are seeking medical help. They admit the toddler has a very healthy appetite, but claim doctors have no idea what is wrong with their daughter.

Pang Ya, from Taocun town, Shanxi province, is just one of over 60 million obese people in China. The numbers doubled between 1992 and 2002. That may have something to do with the opening of several fast-food chains in China.


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Chinese Artist Presents Most Tigers on a Scroll

A scroll featuring drawings of 2010 tigers was presented during the Shanghai Expo and is a serious candidate for the Guinness record for the scroll with the largest number of tigers.

Chinese artist Xiao Yanqing, known as the best tiger drawer in all of China, has created this impressive scroll for the upcoming Chinese New Year, known as the Year of the Tiger. His impressive achievement is now being considered for inclusion in the Guinness Book of record. Standing at over 200 meters in length, Xiao Yanqing’s tiger scroll is also one of the longest scrolls in the world.

via ImagineChina


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Chinese Use Fire as Medicinal Treatment

Oddly enough, setting a man on fire isn’t necessarily a bad thing, on the contrary, it’s actually considered curative.

Although I wasn’t able to learn much about this strange medical procedure, fire treatment is apparently very popular during the winter months, in Chinese traditional hospitals. People believe this will keep them safe from illnesses like the flu and common cold.

The piece of cloth is sprinkled with flammable substance, probably alcohol,then set on fire and put-out with another cloth. It isn’t painful at all, and according to a video I found on Youtube, fire treatment is also a great way to lose weight.

Chinese Sculptores Create Avatar Mud Figures

Avatar fever is infecting everyone these days and a big country like China wasn’t going to be spared.

15 talented sculptors spent 10 days working on two 3-meters-tall sculptures from James Cameron’s blockbuster movie. One of them is of Corporal Jake Sully and the other of his main Na’Vi squeeze, Princess Neytiri. The Avatar mud sculptures were carved in a studio in Wuhan City and are meant to keep the Avatar craziness going even longer

Photos via ImagineChina


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Jobless Chinese Dude Wears an LCD CV

That’s right, this is what it has come down to. People now have to display their resumes everywhere they go, in hopes of finding job opportunities.

You Zu Lao Xu, a Chinese internet celebrity decided to wear an LCD displaying his CV, wherever he goes, in order to up his chances of finding a job, but also to raise awareness of the unemployment issue in China.

That’s a pretty bizarre way of asking for a job…Expensive too. I wonder if he managed to land one.

via ImagineChina


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Chinese Hair-Stylist Showcases Hair-Made Obama Sculpture

To celebrate President Barack Obama‘s visit to China, Huang Xin, a talented hairdresser, created a small sculpture of the US head of state from human hair.

This is not the first time Huang Xin captured the attention of the media with his hair-molding talent, he was the man behind the Tiananmen Square model made out of hair. The Chinese hairdresser spent seven days and seven nights making Hairy Obama and used four kilograms of human hair.

The Chinese found many ways to welcome President Obama on his 4-day-visit to China, but Huang Xin’s hair sculpture has to be one of the most original.

Photos via ImagineChina


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Chinese Artist Makes World’s Largest Paintbrush

He Wenjun, an artist from China, was recognized by Guinness Book of Records for creating the world’s largest paintbrush.

The artist claims he used the tails of 300 horses to make the 12-foot brush, which weighs 115 lb and almost double that when it is soaked in ink. He Wenjun said it took him a year to make the brush and another year to learn how to control it.

The proud new Guinness record holder took part in a special exhibition in Nanchong, where he displayed his calligraphy talents, using the giant paintbrush.

Photos by CEN via Europics


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Chinese Collecter Gathers 30,000 Cigarette Packs

Wang Guohua has his sight set on entering the Guinness Book of Records for his impressive cigarette pack collection.

The Chinese collector began his search for cigarette packs 6 years ago and now he is the proud owner of 30,000 packs of cigarettes from over 100 production areas of more than 10 countries. He has prepared an application for the Guinness Book of Records, as the man with the biggest cigarette pack collection on Earth.

As you can see in the photos, he’s even used some of them to cover up an entire room inside his house.

Photos by ImagineChina


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Chinese Farmer Grows Buddha-Shaped Pears

Gao Xianzhang has managed to create what some would call the holiest fruits ever, pears shaped like Buddha.

Gao has been working on his pear-growing technique for six years and this season he managed to grow 10,000 Buddha-shaped baby pears. Each fruit is grown in an intricate Buddha mould and ends up looking like a juicy figurine. The ingenious farmer says the locals in his home village of Hexia, norther China, have been buying his Buddha pears as soon as he picks them from the trees. Most of them think they are cute and that they bring good luck.

Gao Xianzhang pears aren’t cheap, roughly $1.8 each, but their success in China convinced him to start exporting them into Europe.

Photos by Central European News

via Daily Mail


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Chinese Chef Makes World’s Longest Noodle

Li Enhai, a talented cook from China, insured himself a spot in the Guinness Book of Records after  making a 2,852 meters long noodle, with just one kilogram of flour. In the photos, you can witness his noodle stretching technique, at a hotel opening, in Keshikten, northern China, on July 29.

Photos by Xinhua/Sun Guoshu





Chinese Squeeze into A Car for Fun and Money

The Chinese know how to have fun and make money at the same time.

During a contest that took place in Nanning, competing teams had to squeeze as many members as they could into a car. They had 3 minutes to get into the car and had to last 10 seconds with all the car doors shut. Not an easy task, but with all that Yoga, I’m sure they managed pretty well. We don’t know how many people fit into that car for the win, but what we do know is the winning team got a prize of 500 yuan. That’s about $73. But who are we kidding, it was never about the money.







The Chinese Angel-Cat

This weird cat with wings was spotted in Chonqing, China.

Although you might think the angel-cat of Chonqing is unique, there have been other cats with wings in Russia and the United States. Her owner says she wasn’t born like this, her wings started growing when she was one year old.

A worker from the Chonqing Museum of Natural History says this kind of oddities are becoming quite common and are the results of pollution in the area. This particular angel cat will be adopted by the Chonqing Museum.





