If You Ever Find This Guy’s Runaway Dog, He Wants You to Know That You Can Keep Him

Most dog owners who lose their beloved pets try to convey just how much they want the returned in the flyers they post, but one Chinese man just let everyone know that if they find his runaway Husky, they can just keep him, because he’s tired of chasing after him.

Last Sunday, Wang Wei, a property agent from Chongqing, was walking his pet dog named Huazhu when the animal spotted another dog, slipped out of its leash and ran after the other canine. Wang ran after his pet, but lost sight of him at one point and just couldn’t find him after that. So he went home and drafted some unusual flyers that he later posted around the area where he lost Huazhu. They basically said that the dog was sort of a canine escape artist and that he was tired of having to constantly run after him, so whoever found him was welcome to keep him.

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Man Legally Changes Gender to Female for Cheaper Car Insurance

A Canadian man who claims he identifies as 100% male legally changed the gender on his identification documents to female in order to save over $1,000 on car insurance.

The Alberta man, identified only as David to protect him against possible legal consequences, wanted to buy a brand new car and knew that his insurance costs would be high, due to his age (early 20s) as well as a collision and a ticket or two he had on his record. Still, the $4,500 a year quotation he got from an insurance company was even higher than he had anticipated, so he started thinking of ways of bringing the costs down. At one point, he asked the insurer what the cost would be for a woman in his exact situation and learned that his annual bill would be about $1,100 lower. That got him thinking…

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Colombian Motel Faces Criticism for Helping Cheating Husband Hide from His Wife

A motel in Bucaramanga, Colombia, has come under fire for helping an unfaithful husband hide from his wife who was waiting outside for him, and later using the story to promote itself on social media.

Motel Palmeiras has been facing a lot of criticism online for encouraging adultery by going out of its way to help a client who had spent the night there with a mistress hide from his wife, who was waiting outside to confront him. And as if this wasn’t bad enough, the motel later put together a promotional video detailing how they worked with the unfaithful man to figure out the best way to get him out of trouble.

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Waterfall Built on the Side of a Chinese Skyscraper Is the World’s Highest Man-Made Waterfall

A 354-foot-tall waterfall flowing down the side of a futuristic skyscraper sounds like the kind of thing you would expect to see in a big-budget sci-fi movie, but it’s actually a sight you can feast your eyes on in real life, if you’re ever in the Chinese city of Guiyang.

A video of the stunning waterfall, with stream of water rippling in the sun and creating a perpetual rainbow in front of the  Liebian International Plaza skyscraper, went viral on social media this week, leaving millions of people around the world scratching their eyes. Measuring 108 meters (354 feet), this technological wonder is believed to be the highest artificial waterfall in the world.

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Man Fakes His Death on Facebook to Con Family and Friends Out of Funeral Costs

A Thai man recently incurred the wrath of his friends and relatives after faking his own death on Facebook and having his wife ask them for financial contributions for his burial.

Tachawit J.’s Facebook friends thought him to be in good health, so they were left in shock on Sunday, when his wife posted a series of photos of his dead body – complete with cotton balls in his nostrils – on his account, with the caption “Last photo before deactivating his Facebook, love you!”. Tachawit’s most concerned friends and colleagues left comments asking what had happened to him, to which his wife replied that he had died of cancer and asthma – a truly killer combo – after suffering for a long time.

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High-School Student Creates Monstrous Action Figures Out of Cicada Shells

A Japanese high-school student recently got his five minutes of fame on Twitter after posting photos of an incredibly detailed action figure he made out of around 300 discarded cicada shells.

Twitter-user @ride_hero came up with the idea of using discarded cicada shells for artistic purposes after accidentally stepping on one at school. Looking at the shattered shell, he thought to himself “what a waste” and challenged himself to come up with a way of reusing all the discarded cicada shells at his high-school. Evening Cicadas, or Higurashi, are very common in Japan during the summertime, and they tend to shed their shells almost everywhere, so it wasn’t hard for @ride_hero to collect hundreds of them in his high-school yard alone. After finishing his AO exams, the high-school senior needed to kill some time over the summer vacation, so he started experimenting with the collected cicada shells.

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Japanese Company Wants to Lease Young Women’s Armpits as Advertising Space

Of all the places to advertise on a living human being, the armpits are probably at the bottom of the list for most people, but one Japanese company believes they are prime real-estate and is currently recruiting young female models willing to walk around with ads on their armpits.

Living, breathing advertising billboards are not exactly a novel concept. Brandon Chicotsky has been leasing his bald head as ad space for companies willing to pay him hundreds of dollars per day for years, and he’s just one example. There’s also the case of Hostgator M. Dotcom, who once tattooed company logos on his face for profit, or that of Jason George, a self-described “human billboard” who tattooed hundreds of company logos that had affected his life in some way, all over his body. But while most of these people offered up the most visible parts of their bodies, like the head or face, but the Wakino Ad Company is betting it all on the armpits.

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Woman Donates Kidney to a Total Stranger After Finding His Ad Online

A 30-year-old woman from California is being hailed as a hero for saving a stranger’s life by donating one of her kidneys to him.

At the start of 2018, Jessica Morris, a 30-year-old dental technician from Orange County, California, set a very special new year resolution – to save someone’s life. A two-hour drive away, in San Francisco, freelance writer David Nachere, also 30, had almost given up hope of finding a kidney donor after suffering from end-stage kidney failure for six and a half years, and was coming to terms with the idea of dying. But he decided to give it one more shot and posted an ad for a kidney on Craiglist. Luckily for him, Jessica was looking for a way to fulfill the promise she had made to herself and contacted him.

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Ripped 81-Year-Old Bodybuilder Proves That You’re Never Too Old to Lift

Most octogenarians would consider themselves lucky to be able to not have a hip or back problem, but this 81-year-old Japanese bodybuilder is not only in perfect physical condition, he also looks better than a lot of men a quarter his age.

Toshisuke Kanazawa is living proof that you’re never too old to hit the gym and achieve the body you’ve always dreamed of. A multiple-time champion bodybuilder in his youth, Kanazawa retired at the age of 34 and really let himself go. He stopped exercising completely, started drinking, smoking and eating whatever he craved, when he craved it. He would often look at himself in the mirror and wondered if that was the body of a national bodybuilding champion, but it wasn’t until he was about to turn 50 that he got his motivation to get back on the horse and regain the ripped body of his younger years.

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Seven-Month-Old Instagram Sensation Stuns Internet with Her Impressive Mop of Hair

Some people work years to build a following on social media, but one Japanese baby managed to get a following of over 70,000 people on Instagram in just a couple of months thanks to her luscious hair.

@BabyChanko’s is certainly not the first baby to have been born with a full set of hair, but hers just kept growing longer and thicker with each day. When she was four months old, her mother decided to set up an account where she documented the girl’s amazing set of hair. It became known as a ‘hair diary’ and gained around 40,000 followers in no time at all. That number has almost doubled in the last few days, as photos of BabyChanko went viral and have been doing the rounds online.

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Young Man Suffers Spontaneous Pneumothorax After Morning Stretch

A young man from Shenzen, China, recently wound up in the hospital with a collapsed lung after suffering a freak trauma while doing his usual morning stretch.

The man, surnamed Wu told doctors that he simply got out of bed on the morning of July 16th and stretched as he usually did. However, on this particular occasion, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, and started experiencing breathing problems. He recalls his lungs feeling “itchy” which caused him to cough frequently and exacerbated the pain. As the symptoms worsened, the young man went to the hospital, where an X-Ray revealed that he had suffered a spontaneous pneumothorax on his left lung, also known as ‘collapsed lung’.

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Britain’s Most Prolific Criminal Commits His 668th Offence

62-year-old Patrick Ryan was been in and out of jail since and age 14 and had already spent 23 years behind bars by the time he turned 50. He was recently sentenced to another 18 months in jail for committing his record-breaking 668th offence.

Ryan’s criminal record is reportedly so long that police in Accrington, Lancashire, once put a note on it warning workers not to print it out as it would waste too much paper. Having racked up a whopping 469 convictions for a total of 668 offences, he is considered to be Britain’s most prolific criminal. He is also assumed to have cost taxpayers around £3 million ($3.9 million) in court visits alone. And at 62, Patrick doesn’t show any signs of changing his ways.

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Taiwanese Cafe Goes Viral for Its Horrifyingly Realistic Puppy-Shaped Ice-Cream

A cafe in Taiwan has been getting a lot of attention online for serving puppy-shaped ice-cream that most people describe as adorable and terrifying at the same time.

When you think about food, the first thing that probably comes to mind is taste, but the fact is that eating is a visual experience as well, and sometimes you can be put off by a dish, even though you know it is delicious. That’s kind of the vibe I’m getting from the puppy-shaped ice-cream served at the Sowing the Sweets cafe, in Taiwan. I’m sure it tastes good – it’s ice-cream, after all – but at the same time I find the idea of digging into this realistic puppy with a spoon disturbing and morbid.

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Parents of 12 Who Only Stopped Having Children After Having a Son Spark Debate About Male Preference in China

The story of a couple from China’s Shanxi Province who gave birth to eleven daughters and only stopped having children after finally birthing a son recently went viral on Chinese social media, sparking controversy about male preference in the Asian country.

The original story published by Chinese newspaper The Paper highlighted the dedication of 11 sisters to their baby brother, who recently got married. The women not only took care of all of the arrangements for their brother’s big day, but also chipped in enough money to buy him and his new bride a house, because their parents were too sick and poor to help him. However, the sisters’ generosity and the mystery of how the parents were able to have 12 children during China’s infamous One Child Policy sparked a heated debate online.

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They Call Him “Quadzilla”

Robert Förstemann’s massive thighs first broke the internet during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, when a photo of them next to those of fellow Olympic cyclist Andre Greipel made the other guy’s quads look ordinary, despite being incredibly muscular compared to those of the average man. Since then, the man aptly nicknamed “Quadzilla” has become famous for his humongous quads.

Despite having won the World Championship in team sprint cycling in 2010 and getting numerous podium placements throughout his career, it’s safe to say that Robert Förstemann is known more for his massive thighs than his athletic achievements. It may not seem fair but that’s just how the world works. You may not care much about cycling, but when you see this guy’s quads, you just can’t ignore them. I mean, just look at the size of those things!

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