‘Trans-Age’ Man Identifies as 28 Years Old Despite Being Born 39 Years Ago

A 39-year-old Japanese man has been described as ‘trans-age’ after reportedly identifying as 28 because it’s an age that better describes his still immature personality.

In the age of ‘self-identified diversity’ where anyone is free to identify as whatever they want, a Japanese man has come out as ‘trans-age’, meaning that he chooses to identify as 28 years old, despite having been born 39 years ago. The Kyoto-based man known only as Jackie appeared on the reality show ABEMA Prime where he explained that he didn’t feel comfortable as a 39-year-old man, so he decided to be 28 instead. Apparently, the trans-age man settled on this particular age, because it strikes a good balance between being an adult and still having a childish side without attracting the judgment of others.

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The World’s Oldest Living Chicken Is Over 21 Years Old

Peanut, a chicken from a no-kill farm in Michigan, is the current Guinness Record holder for the ‘world’s oldest chicken’, at 21 years, 156 days, and counting.

Chickens have an average life expectancy of five to eight years, so Peanut is somewhat of a Methuselah of the aviary world. On January 28, 2023, she was officially crowned the world’s oldest chicken by Guinness World Records, at the ripe age of 20 years and 272 days. She has since turned 21 and is chasing the title of oldest chicken in recorded history. But the craziest thing about Peanut is that she almost never existed. 21 years ago, her owner was getting ready to throw a batch of rotten-looking eggs a hen had abandoned into an alligator pond when she heard a faint chirp from one of them.

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This Keyboard-Inspired Puffer Jacket Can Be Yours for $623

Niche fashion brand Liminal Work Shop has created a unique-looking puffer jacket featuring 54 individually placed 3D padded keyboard keys.

Made of water-resistant nylon, the Liminal puffer jacket features key zipper pockets, a hash key zipper pull, and an adjustable waist. However, it’s the unique aesthetic that makes it worth the £495 ($623). Whether you like it or not, it’s hard to argue that the keyboard-inspired design is something completely new in the fashion space and can be considered a work of art. Plus, all those padded keys may actually come in handy on a cold winter day.

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Woman Suffers Fatal Water Intoxication After Drinking Two Liters in 20 Minutes

A 35-year-old American woman tragically lost her life while vacationing with her family after drinking two liters of water in a very short time and suffering severe brain inflammation.

Ashley Summers was celebrating the Fourth of July with her family on Lake Freeman in Indiana when she started feeling really dehydrated because of the hot weather. She eventually got a bad headache, and she was drinking a lot of water. She ended up consuming four 16-ounce bottles of water in 20 minutes, and although she didn’t experience any serious symptoms at the time, she later collapsed inside the garage of her home and never regained consciousness. Doctors told her shocked family that Summers had suffered severe brain inflammation after drinking too much water in a very short period of time.

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Mayor Comes Under Fire for Hiring Strippers for Father’s Day Celebrations

The mayor of Huehuetán, a town in the Mexican state of Chiapas, has come under harsh criticism for hiring strippers to entertain his male constituents during this year’s Father’s Day celebrations.

It’s been over a month since this year’s Father’s Day, and while most of us have already forgotten all about it, the men of Huehuetán will probably remember this year’s festivities for a very long time. And it’s all because of a surprise from Mayor Manuel Ángel Villalobos, who decided that it would be a good idea to offer the men of his town something truly memorable – a lewd strip show. A poster promoted online before Father’s Day invited the males of Huehuetán to the local auditorium on June 17 for a special event featuring “a show, surprised, and presents,” but mentioned in red lettering that “no children” and “no women” were invited.

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Unemployed Man Dresses as Cop, Works Alongside Real Traffic Policemen for 2 Months

An unemployed man in Russia managed to live out his dream of being a traffic policeman by putting on a fake police uniform and going on patrols with actual traffic inspectors for two months.

Tired of sitting around all day, Viktor, a 48-year-old unemployed man from Russia’s Stavropol Region, bought himself a realistic-looking police uniform and joined the ranks of law enforcement officers in the village of Pyatigorsky. Relying on his traffic inspector attire, great acting skills, and enviable self-confidence, the man patrolled the streets of Pyatigorsky, actively stopping negligent drivers and educating them on various traffic rules. It is unclear why Viktor chose this specific profession, or whether he actually took any bribes from motorists during his voluntary service, but his career was short-lived. Two months after joining the ranks of the Stavropol traffic police, his cover was blown.

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Inmate Has Sentence Reduced by Over 4 Years for Executing 26 Fellow Inmates

An inmate in Bangladesh sparked controversy in his own country after being released four years and four months earlier for hanging 26 people during his time in prison.

in 1991, Shahjahan Bhuiyan was sentenced to 42 years in prison for murder, but he served four years and four months less by carrying out executions of 26 fellow inmates during his time in prison. The 74-year-old man received two months’ commutation for each execution, which, coupled with his good behavior and other aspects, shortened his sentence by almost a decade. Shahjahan became a hangman at Dhaka Central Prison in 2001, after informing prison officials that he knew how to handle a rope. Bangladesh is one of the few countries in the world that carries out death sentences by hanging, so Shahjahan Bhuiyan’s skills were valued highly.

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Mihailo Toloto – The 82-Year-Old Monk Who Died Without Ever Seeing a Real Woman

Mihailo Toloto was a Greek monk who spent his entire 82-year life on Mount Athos without ever laying eyes on an actual woman.

Born in the year 1856, Mihailo Toloto faced adversity from the moment he came into the world. His mother died just four hours after his birth, and with no father to claim him as their own, he was abandoned on the steps of a monastery located on Mount Athos, the center of Orthodox monasticism. The monk there took him in and the monastery became his permanent home. Raised and educated within the walled monastery, Mihailo became a monk and reportedly never ventured off the mountain until his death, in 1938. And since women are not permitted to set foot on Mount Athos, Miahilo Toloto died without ever seeing a woman.

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65-Year-Old Mayor Marries 16-Year-Old Girl, Immediately Appoints Her Mother in Office

A Brazilian mayor sparked massive controversy earlier this month after legally marrying a 16-year-old girl and then appointing her mother Secretary of Culture and Tourism.

65-year-old Hissam Hussein Dehaini, the mayor of Araucária City, in southern Brazil, recently married a girl 49 years his junior the day after she turned 16, which is the legal age that someone can get legally married. This alone sparked controversy in the South American country, but the controversial union was also shadowed by serious accusations of nepotism and corruption. The Prosecutor’s Office in the Brazilian state of Paraná is investigating the appointment of the young bride’s mother to the position of Secretary of Culture and Tourism in Araucária just a day after the mayor’s wedding.

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Crypto Company to Send Key to 62 Bitcoin to the Moon as Lunar Treasure Hunt

Prominent cryptocurrency company LunarCrush recently announced plans to have the private key to a crypto wallet containing 62 Bitcoins etched onto a lunar rover bound for the moon on a SpaceX rocket.

California-based social intelligence company LunarCrush has partnered with planetary mobility firm Lunar Outpost to set up the first lunar treasure hunt in human history. Two years ago, Lunar Outpost unveiled the digital concept for MAPP, a new generation moon rover, and the company apparently has plans to launch the exploration vehicle to the moon on a SpaceX rocket in the fall of 2023. This allegedly innovative lunar vehicle also doubles as a treasure chest. LunarCrush announced that it will have the private key to a crypto wallet containing 62 Bitcoin (currently worth around $1.5) etched onto the body of the rover for the first humans on the moon to find.

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29-Year-Old Woman Poses as Teenage High School Student to Relieve Glory Days

A 29-year-old South Korean woman who forged her birth certificate in order to pose as a 16-year-old teenager and enroll at a New Jersey high school claims she did it only out of nostalgia.

In January of this year Hyejeong Shin, a 29-year-old South Korean woman and legal resident of the United States of America, made international news headlines after being caught pretending to be a 16-year-old girl at the New Brunswick High School in New Jersey. Just a few days into her high-school adventure, New Brunswick staff discovered that she had faked her birth certificate in order to gain admission. The discovery was made during the vetting process, but recently revealed information suggests that Shin was also reported by a number of students whom she had started acting weird with. The young Korean woman claims that she never intended to hurt anyone and that she merely wanted to relieve the experience that made her feel the safest growing up.

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Connecticut Man Has Been Walking Barefoot for Over 20 Years

Joseph DeRuvo Jr., from Norwalk, Connecticut, gave up on footwear over two decades ago, after getting painful bunions on his feet, and he has been walking around barefoot ever since.

59-year-old Joseph DeRuvo Jr. doesn’t remember the exact day he decided to shun footwear for good, but he recalls that it was about five years before the first Apple iPhone came out (2002). He had developed bunions on both feet, which hurt when he went jogging in tight running shoes. A doctor recommended surgery to relieve the pain, but before being scheduled for the procedure, the former photographer decided to go barefoot because the pain in his feet was so intense. As he considered the surgery, DeRuvo Jr. learned that the screws that were to be inserted into his feet contained a metal he was allergic to, and he also realized that he was feeling much better. In the end, he passed on the surgery and decided to adopt a barefoot lifestyle.

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Tech Entrepreneur Spends $2 Million a Year to Regain His Youth

A 45-year-old American tech-mogul claims that he spends around $2 million a year bio-hacking his body into regaining its youth.

First of all, if you’re younger than 35, you should know 45 isn’t that old, especially by modern standards, but Bryan Johnson, a tech entrepreneur who once sold his payment processing company Braintree Payment Solutions to eBay for $800 million, claims that his age doesn’t really reflect his health and his look. Johnson says that he has the heart of a 37-year-old man, the skin of a 28-year-old, and the lung capacity and fitness level of an 18-year-old, all thanks to a daily routine that he pays around $2 million a year to maintain and refine.

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Woman Plays Dead for Facebook Photos to Evade $270 Debt

An Indonesian woman allegedly posed as a corpse and then had her son upload the photos to Facebook in order to get out of having to pay a $268 debt.

People trying to get out of having to pay their debts is nothing new, but some people go to extreme lengths to accomplish this. Take, for example, this Indonesian woman who framed her own death on social media in order to not have to pay back her IDR4.2 million ($268) debts. According to her creditor, Liza Dewi Pramita had already asked for an extension on the loan because she couldn’t pay her money back, but when the second deadline was about to expire, the woman’s son announced her tragic death on Facebook, along with photos of the woman’s dead body, complete with bits of cotton in her nostrils. Only things weren’t what they seemed…

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Man Gets Arrested After Calling Police 2,000 Times in 9 Days to Harass and Insult Them

An elderly Japanese man was recently arrested after calling a police precinct 2,060 times in nine days to yell at the staff there and call them “tax thieves” and “big stupid a-holes”.

Between September 30th and October 8th, the 67-year-old man from Saitama Prefecture called the Prefectural Police Headquarters a total of 2060 times to yell at the staff there and tell them that they should all be fired. That’s an average of one call for every six minutes and a total talk time of around 27 hours over the nine-day interval. Eventually, police raided the man’s house and arrested him on the ground of obstructing police business. He admitted to the charges and said: “I knew the police would come for me someday”.

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