Man Has Rusty Knife Blade Removed From His Head 26 Years After He Was Stabbed

A 76-year-old man from rural China can consider himself lucky to be alive after he had a four-inch-long rusty knife surgically removed from his brain, 26 years after being stabbed in the head.

The case of Duorijie, an old farmer from the rural county of Haiyan in China’s north-western Qinghai Province, can be considered nothing short of a miracle. Stabbed in the head in 1994, during a violent mugging, Duorijie had reportedly been living with a long knife blade stuck in his brain ever since. Lucky to have survived the attack, the farmer had been experiencing all kinds of troublesome symptoms because of the knife blade in his brain, like lost vision in his right eye and chronic headaches. Now, thanks to a team of doctors, he is finally able to enjoy a pain-free life.

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The Incredible Ballpoint Pen Drawings of Samuel Silva

We originally featured the amazing ballpoint pen drawings of Portuguese artist Samuel Silva back in 2021, but he has been buys over the last eight years, and I though we’d take a look at what he’s been up to.

Looking at some of Silva’s incredibly realistic artworks, it’s clear why many consider him the no. 1 ballpoint pen artist in the world. The photo-like level of detail in his masterpieces is simply uncanny, making it hard to believe that he is a self-taught artist who never went to art school. He started drawing when he was 2-years-old, and developed his own style and technique by creating “simple classroom sketches in the back of exercise books”. A lawyer by by training, Samuel Silva doesn’t create new works as often as other artists, but when he does, you better believe it’s something special.

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“String Art Guy” Creates Incredible Portraits with Just Strings and Nails

London-based Ben Koracevic is a young, self-taught string artist determined to push the boundaries of the art form. Looking at the insanely detailed portraits he is able to create using only black string and expertly placed nails, I’d say he has already succeeded.

Using thousands of nails carefully positioned on a blank white canvas, and pieces of string with a collective length of over one kilometer, Ben Koracevic spends dozens of hours painstakingly recreating iconic portraits of celebrities, movie characters and even animals. The level of detail in his works is simply uncanny considering the materials he works with.

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Creepy Alien-Like Scene Is Not At All What It Looks Like

Photos of what looks like an Alien scene featuring dozens of xenomorph eggs ready to burst have gone viral on Japanese social media, but there’s nothing alien about it.

If you’ve ever seen Sigourney Weaver blasting xenomorph in any of the classic Alien movies, you probably get goose bumps just looking at the photos below. I can’t blame you, seeing those creepy Facehuggers bursting out of slimy Ovomorphs was one of the most disturbing experiences of my childhood, but the things pictured in these photos are perfectly natural. Posted on Twitter by a Japanese farmer, the viral pics simply depict Chinese cabbages in the early days of Spring, when the water in the outer layer freezes, giving the common vegetable an eerie look.

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Man Brings Home Severed Human Hand, Asks Wife to Cook It for Dinner

An Indian man was recently arrested after bringing home a human hand that he had allegedly taken from a crematorium and asking his wife to cook it for dinner.

The disturbing episode unfolded last week in Tikkopur village, India’s Uttar Pradesh and sent shock waves through the entire area. The accused, known only as 32-year-old man named Sanjay, reportedly brought home a human hand and casually handed (pun intended) it to his wife to cook for dinner. The horrified woman reportedly lost consciousness and fell to the ground, only to wake up to an even more macabre sight – her husband getting ready to cook the human appendage himself. All she could do was run out of the house, lock her husband inside and call the police.

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Grandparents Create Real-Life Totoro Station for Their Grandchildren, It Becomes Viral Tourist Attraction

An agricultural field is one of the last places you would expect to find a tourist attraction for fans of Hayao Miyazaki’s anime, but this one farm in Japan’s Miyazaki Prefecture is actually home to a popular Totoro Bus Station.

If you’ve ever watched Miyazaki’s “My Neighbour Totoro” anime, you’re probably familiar with the simple yet iconic bust stop scene where Totoro appears next to the main character of the animated film as she waits for the bus in the rain. There are actually several real-life Totoro bus station across Asia, from the one in Saikai City, Nagasaki, to one in Taiwan’s Taichung area, but the most popular one these days seems to be the one created by an elderly couple in the middle of a field in Takaharu, as a present for their grandchildren.

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Dinky One – A Niche Dating App for the Less-Endowed

When it comes to “package” size, most men are of the belief that bigger is better, but a new dating app is trying to help men better deal with the pressure of conforming to unrealistic body ideals by creating a space exclusively for individual with less than average size members…

The aptly named Dinky One is a dating app designed exclusively for men with appendages smaller than 5.5 inches, the global average erect penis length. Actually, woman and gender minorities can sign up as well, but as far as men go, only those with smaller packages that average are eligible to join. That’s because the main gist behind Dinky One is creating a space where less-endowed men can feel comfortable. To do that, Dinky One allows users to remain anonymous and doesn’t require people to upload a picture of themselves.

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Japanese Housewife Creates Insanely Realistic Cat-Shaped Handbags

Japanese housewife and amateur designer Pico grew up collecting faux-fur animals and now spends whatever free time she has creating her own. And, as you can see, she’s really good at it!

A self-described cat enthusiast, Pico first attracted media attention five years ago, when photos of one of her incredibly realistic creations went viral on Japanese social media. It didn’t take long for her creations to transcend national borders, and soon photos of her most impressive cat bags started circulating on Instagram, Facebook and the like. But despite the massive interest in her works, Pico was quick to announce that she only sold her works in Japan, and only rarely accepted commission projects. As a mother of two, she preferred to dedicate most of her tim to her children.

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Belgian Man Has Been Eating Fries for Dinner Every Day for the Last 32 Years

A 45-year-old Belgian man claims that he has eaten only potato fries and a fricadelle – Dutch hot dog – for dinner every day ever since he was 13.

Rudy Gybels, a resident of Schaffen in Belgium’s Flemish Brabant province, has had the same food for dinner every evening since he was a teenager. It all started when he was 13, when his mother, desperate to get him to eat more fruits and vegetables, came up with a compromise solution. Rudy would eat healthy food at lunch, and he was free to enjoy his favorite food – potato fries – for dinner. And he has been sticking to that deal ever since, eating only fries for dinner every evening for the last 32 years.

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Man Uses Rodents to Scam Hotels Into Letting Him Skip the Bill

A Utah man is facing criminal charges after admitting to releasing rodents in at least three different hotels in order to then complain about the pesky critters, and get compensated with a free room.

According to police, Ryan Sentelle State, 37, would check into hotels and sneak rodents like mice and hamsters as well. Once in the room, he would release the rodents and then call staff and complain about the terrible hygiene. He would point out the droppings and in some cases the rodents themselves, and ask to be exempt from paying for the accommodation. He obviously got away with this tactic a few times, as he is accused of scamming at least three hotels, although authorities believe he has scammed several more hotels in the area.

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Woman Hasn’t Drunk Water in a Year, Claims It Made Her Healthier

A nutritionist who claims to not have consumed any water for a year has sparked controversy online by suggesting that her long-term dry fast has greatly improved her health and well-being.

35-year-old Sophie Partik used to suffer aching joints, puffy eyes, food allergies, bad skin and digestive issues, but claims that all these problems went away when she started dry-fasting. She doesn’t touch any liquids for 13-14 hours a day, and when she does it’s only living water, like the juice of fruits and vegetables. The most she has gone without any liquids was 52 hours, but she dreams of the day when she will be able to dry fast for 10 days. Sophie hasn’t drunk bottled or faucet water in a year, and claims that the need for water is only in our heads.

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You Can Get a Cash Prize for Removing a Tyre from a Full-Grown Crocodile’s Neck

Indonesian officials are offering a monetary reward to whoever manages to remove a motorcycle tyre from the neck of a 13-foot-long crocodile.

The full-grown crocodile has reportedly been wearing the tire around its neck since 2016, but authorities in Palu, the capital of Central Sulawesi, are worried that it may end up strangling the reptile, so they are turning to the public for help. In 2018, conservationist and “animal whisperer” Muhammad Panji tried to remove the tire, and later that year the local conservation office tried luring the 4-meter-long crocodile with food. Both attempts proved unsuccessful so Palu officials are now hoping that brave locals can do the impossible for an unspecified cash prize.

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Man Steals Speaker to Get Arrested and Avoid Getting Married to His Girlfriend

Getting cold feet is not as unusual as some people might think, but breaking the news to one’s fiancee that they no longer want to marry them can be tough, so some people come up with the most ridiculous scenarios…

A young man from Shanghai, China, who was due to marry his girlfriend this year, suddenly realized he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life with her, so he devised a plan to make sure he didn’t have to. The man, surnamed Chen, could have just told his partner that he had had a change of heart, but he couldn’t break himself to do that, so he came up with a strategy that he hoped would make the girl break up with him – he became a petty criminal and got himself arrested on purpose.

Social status and reputation are very important in Chinese society, so Chen thought to himself that his bride-to-be and her family would be so disappointed by the news that he had been arrested for theft that they would cancel the wedding arrangements on the spot, allowing him to walk away with a guilt-free conscious.

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Woman Allegedly Uses Poorly Photoshopped Picture of Flat Tire as Excuse for Being Late for Work

An unnamed woman was recently mocked on social media after one of her co-workers shared a poorly edited photo of a flat tire that she had allegedly used to justify being late for work to her boss.

Twitter user Sydney Whitson, from Oklahoma posted the hilarious photo that her colleague allegedly sent her boss last week, and it quickly went viral, getting almost 250,000 likes and 46,000 retweets. That’s fairly unusual for a picture of what appears to be a car tire with a nail sticking out of it. But if you take Sydney’s advice and take a closer look, you’ll realize that there’s something not quite right about the nail. It looks very cartoonish, and the tire it seems to be stuck into appears heavily edited as well. Unfortunately for the anonymous woman, her boss was quick to notice too, and apparently shared the photo with the rest of the workplace.

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Japanese Billionaire to Donate $9 Million to Random Twitter Followers to See If Money Makes Them Happier

A Japanese billionaire has announced plans to donate a billion yen (about $9 million) to 1,000 of his Twitter followers in an intriguing social experiment designed to show how money affects people’s lives.

On January 1st, Yusaku Maezawa, founder of Japan’s largest fashion retail website, tweeted that he would be giving away 1 billion Japanese yen ($9.1 million) to 1,000 random people, as part of an effort to find out if money really can buy happiness. All people had to do for the chance to win $9,118 was follow and ‘retweet’ him before January 7. At the time of this writing, Maezawa’s Twitter post announcing the giveaway had been retweeted over 4.5 million times.

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