Woman Who Called Herself a Vampire Gets Jail Time For Attacking Man She Thought Was a Werewolf

A 22-year-old female fan of the hit TV show “The Vampire Diaries” who considered herself the real-life vampire heroine Elena Gilbert was recently sentenced to two and a half years in prison after stabbing a man that she allegedly considered a werewolf.

The bizarre attack occurred in the Russian city of Novosibirsk, back in February. Ekaterina Tirskaya, a fan of supernatural-themed video games and TV shows, met her unnamed victim on social media, and, after hitting it off online, the two decided to meet up in person as well. They went for a date and when it came time to call it a night, the man reportedly asked Ekaterina if she wanted to come to his place for a nightcap. She accepted, and as it often happens in such cases, the two ended up spending the night together. But things got weird the following morning, as the man later told police that the woman he woke up next to was very different than the one he had bedded. And by different, he meant violent vampire out for blood.

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Swiss Cheese Maker Plays Music to His Cheese to Make It Taste Better

A cheese maker from the Emmental region of Switzerland has been experimenting with various musical genres to see if they can make his cheese taste better.

Since September, cheese maker Beat Wampfler has been blasting musical masterpieces by legends such as Led Zeppelin and A Tribe Called Quest to his wheels of Emmental cheese, hoping to prove that music can influence the development, characteristics and, most importantly, the flavor of the cheese. He is convinced that humidity, temperature and nutrients are not the only things that can have an impact on the taste of cheese, and that sounds, ultrasounds and music can make an impact on flavor as well.

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Japanese Cybersecurity Minister Admits He Has Never Used a Computer

Yoshitaka Sakurada, Japan’s new cybersecurity minister, recently left the whole world dumbfounded after admitting that he has never used a computer.

Sakurada made the stunning admission during a question and answer session with Japan’s Lower House cabinet committee. When asked about things like the power grid and malware, the newly appointed cybersecurity minister seemed overwhelmed, and at one point said that USB was “basically never used” in Japan’s nuclear power stations, which led many to believe that he didn’t understand the technology at all. Most of his replies were met with laughter from the other politicians, but no one actually expected him to casually admit that he had never even used a computer before.

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Maltese City Welcomes Archbishop in Porsche Sports Car Pulled by Children

The Maltese city of Zebbug, on the island of Gozo, recently welcomed its newly appointed archbishop in a very unusual way – having the prelate ride in a convertible Porsche Boxter S pulled by dozens of young children.

A video of the unusual welcome that took place on Sunday went viral both in Malta and abroad, with most viewers declaring themselves outraged by the sight of a high-ranking member of the church riding in a luxury sports car pulled by young children dressed in white. Footage showed Archbishop Ġwann Sultana standing up and waving from the grey Porsche Boxter S, as dozens of children pulled the sports car through the streets of Zebbug, to the local church.

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Women Are Using Microcrystaline Wax to Give Themselves Temporary Nose Jobs

Plastic surgery is more popular than it’s ever been, but women looking for a less invasive way of getting a perfect nose are turning to a special wax that lets them mold their noses into the desired shape.

Microcrystaline wax has been used in Asia – particularly in China – for a while now, but it has recently been gaining popularity in the western world as well thanks to makeup enthusiasts and influencers showing off their temporary nose jobs on Instagram. Videos of women applying bits of white, clay-like material on their nose to drastically adjust its shape, and later deconstructing their work have been going viral on the popular social network lately, leaving people scratching their heads.

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Cats Try and Fail to Enter Japanese Museum for Two Years, Become Internet Stars Instead

Two cute felines who have been trying to enter an art museum in Hiroshima, Japan, a few times a week for the past two years recently went viral online. The cats have yet to get past the guards at the museum’s front door, but their persistence has earned them the adoration of millions of people.

This adorable cat-and-guard game started back in 2016, when the Onomichi City Museum of Art in Hiroshima hosted a cat photography exhibition called ‘Cats – Mitsuaki Iwago Photography Exhibition’. Among the many human visitors who came to admire this collection of photos of street cats in various poses, there was also a black cat who, just like everyone else, tried to access the museum through the front door. However the vigilant guard on duty spotted it and shooed it away. The cute scene was captured by Twitter user @mikusuke, who later posted photos of it online. They got thousands of likes and comments, but there’s really nothing unusual about cat pics going viral. What no one anticipated however, was the black cat’s persistence. For some reason it has been coming back to the museum and trying to get inside every week for the past two years, and at one point it even brought a friend.

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Hotel Chain Offers Guests “Instagram Sitters” That Post on Their Accounts While They Relax

“Relax We Post” is a new service offered by Swiss hotel chain Ibis Hotels to guests who want to take a break from social media and enjoy their holiday, but still keep their accounts updated. All they need to do is share their Instagram login details with the hotel’s “Instagram sitters” who will post photos and stories on their behalf and even reply to comments.

Instead of focusing all their attention on taking cool photos to post on Instagram, social media addicts staying at one of the 17 Ibis hotels in Zurich and Geneva will be able to enjoy their vacation while Instagram sitters do all their work for them. For the Relax We Post service, the Swiss hotel chain teamed up with  with over 10 well-known influencers, including Anna Maradan, Cristina Gheiceanu, Pascal Erband and Elay Leuthold, who will login into guests’ Instagram accounts and post high-quality photos, cool Stories as well as reply to comments.

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Reverse Pinocchio – Researchers Find That Your Nose Shrinks When You Lie

Pinocchio may be just a children’s fairy tale, but Spanish scientists at the University of Granada recently investigated the so-called ‘Pinocchio effect’ and found that our noses don’t grow when we tell a lie, but actually shrink a bit.

Dr Emilio Gómez Milán and his team developed a lie detector test that used thermography to tell if people were lying, and found that whenever participants in their research were being untruthful, the temperature of the tip of their nose dropped up to 1.2 degrees Celsius, while the temperature of their forehead increased up to 1.5C. Scientist also found that drop in temperature at nose level actually caused it to slightly shrink, although the difference is undetected by the human eye.

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7-Year-Old Boy Sleeps, Bathes and Plays with Deadly Snakes

Devesh Adivasi, a 7-year-old boy from rural Madhya Pradesh, in central India, has some very unusual best friends. For the past four years, he has been going into the jungle near his village and coming back with all kinds of snakes, some of them poisonous, that he plays, bathes and eats with. So far, he hasn’t been bitten once.

The boy’s family says that his fascination with snakes started when he was 3 years old, after dreaming about the slithering reptiles one night. Next morning, he told his parents about it, but they didn’t think much of it until they saw him running into the jungle near their village and later coming out with two snakes in hand. The reptiles slithered all over his body, but they didn’t bite him. Since that day, Devesh has been going into the jungle almost every day and bringing back new friends to play with. He keeps them for a few days, bathes and sleeps with them, massages them with oil and then releases them back into the jungle.

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Man’s Presumed Brain Tumor Miraculously Disappears a Day Before Scheduled Surgery

A California man’s unexpected recovery has left doctor’s baffled. A day before his scheduled surgery to have a presumed brain tumor removed, a final head CT exam showed that the mass in his brain had miraculously disappeared.

Paul Wood, a resident of Lodi, in California, started complaining of excruciating headaches and dizziness several months ago, and received several serious diagnoses from doctors. A neurosurgeon at UC San Francisco told him that he had a brain bleeding, while a radiologist told him that his CAT scans showed a brain tumor. Both required risky brain surgery, but a day before the scheduled intervention to have the suspected tumor removed, a fresh CT scan revealed no sign of anything unusual in his brain. Doctors couldn’t, and still cannot explain what happened, but Wood is convinced that it’s nothing short of a miracle from God.

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Pizza Place Will Pay You $560 If You Can Finish Their Biggest Pie in One Sitting

Pinhead’s Pizza, a popular pizza place in Dublin, Ireland, is offering fans of the Italian delicacy the chance to fill their bellies and their pockets at the same time. Anyone who can finish their 32-inch pizza and down two milkshakes in under 32 minutes is guaranteed a prize of 500 euros.

When Anthony Kelly, the owner of Pinhead’s Pizza, put the 32-inch pie on the menu of his restaurant in 2015, it didn’t really have a name and was simply called “Ireland’s largest pizza. Since then, he settled on a proper name for it – The Notorious Pizza – a fitting one considering that no one has been able to finish one, although many have tried. In the beginning, Kelly offered challengers a voucher for 50 euros plus the pizza for free if they managed to finish the whole thing and wash it down with two milkshakes in under 32 minutes. Since then, he has become so confident that his challenge is unbeatable that he is offering a 500 euros prize to anyone who beats it.

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Woman Claims That Possessed Doll Attacked Her Boyfriend Because It Was Jealous

A Peruvian woman claims that her possessed doll frightened her boyfriend into leaving her after it attacked him out of jealousy.

Berliz, a young woman from Callao, Peru, told reporters that Deisy, a doll she received from her mother as a Christmas gift when she was younger, has been exhibiting Poltergeist-like behavior, including moving its head and limbs, and even attacking people she doesn’t like. The doll’s latest victim was Berliz’s boyfriend, who broke off their relationship after Deisy “grabbed and hit him” while he was sleeping.

According to Berliz, the possessed doll moves by itself, knocks things down around the house and appears to be the source of several phenomena that cannot be explained. The woman says that Deisy appears to be very jealous and acts out whenever someone gets close to its owner. For example, she recalled a bizarre occurrence from when she was 18-years-old. Her father hugged her and then the lights suddenly went out. When they went back on, her face was full of cuts.

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95-Year-Old Man Wakes Up at His Own Funeral, Says He Was Just Taking a Nap

A 95-year-old man from rural Rajasthan , in India, recently stunned his family when he woke up during his pre-funeral bath after a doctor had pronounced him dead.

Budh Ram, a resident of Bhaktanwalan Ki Dhani, had fainted on Saturday afternoon, after complaining of chest pain. When his family found him, they called a private doctor, who, after inspecting the 95-year-old’s body, declared him dead. The man’s family then notified his relatives and contacted a priest to perform his last rites. The men of the family shaved their heads as per tradition, and prepared to give Budh’s body a customary last bath. But when they started poring cold water over him, something unexpected happened – the “dead man” miraculously came back to life.

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China Unveils Disturbingly Realistic AI News Anchors

China’s state news agency Xinhua unveiled two very realistic looking AI news anchors that can “tirelessly” report the news 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the world.

We’ve known that robots and artificial intelligence were coming for our jobs, but somehow I never thought news anchors would be among the first to be replaced. However, if the two AI broadcasters who made their debut last week during China’s annual World Internet Conference are anything to go by, the future of human news anchors looks very bleak. The newest additions to Xinhua’s team of broadcasters not only look disturbingly realistic, but they can also move their mouths to match the audio, blink, nod their head in emphasis, or raise their eyebrows. But their most important quality is that they can work 24/7, both on the agency’s website and on social media platforms, greatly “reducing news production costs and improving efficiency”.

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Japanese Man Marries Virtual Pop-Star Because He Distrusts Real Women

A 35-year-old Japanese man who shunned romantic relationships with real women after being humiliated and bullied by them recently married a popular virtual pop-star named Hatsune Miku.

Akihiko Kondo had been planning his dream wedding to the love of his life since March, and on November 4 the two finally tied the knot during a ceremony in Tokyo attended by around 40 guests, including a member of the Japanese Parliament. Unfortunately, his mother, refused to attend the event and so did all of his other relatives. Not being there on her son’s big day may sound cruel, but Kondo’s mother apparently couldn’t accept the fact that he would rather marry a two-dimensional virtual idol rather than look for love in real life. Akihiko Kondo married Hatsune Miku, an animated 16-year-old hologram with huge anime eyes and aquamarine pigtails, because he simply wasn’t interested in real women.

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