103-Year-Old Man Marries 27-Year-Old Woman in Controversial Arranged Union

Since late last month, Indonesian social media has been buzzing with news of a controversial wedding in South Sulawesi, where a 103-year-old Dutch colonial war veteran recently married a 27-year-old woman.

Photos and videos of the unlikely couple on their wedding day have been doing the rounds online for over a week now, sparking both outrage and humorous comments. There are also those who can’t believe the wedding was for real, but several Indonesian news outlets have confirmed that 103-year-old Puang Katte married a 27-year-old woman named Indo Alang in the District of Siwa, South SulawesiThe groom, who is reportedly a widower, fought in the Dutch colonial war (1945 – 1949).

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Woman Realizes That Succulent She Had Been Watering for Two Years Was Made of Plastic

A California stay-at-home mom recently got her five minutes of online fame after taking to Facebook to reveal that the potted plant she had been watering and looking after for the last two years was actually made of plastic.

On February 28, Caelie Wilkes shared a very funny revelation with her Facebook friends. While attempting to relocate the succulent she had been looking after for two years in a larger pot, she was shocked to learn that the plant was artificial. The old pot broke, revealing a very thin layer of sand at the top, and a big block of Styrofoam at the bottom, where the plant’s roots should have been. She had been watering it regularly and making sure that it had all the right condition, only to learn that all her efforts had been in vain. Needless to say Wilkes felt like the last two years of her life have been a lie.

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Makeup Artist Has Been Painting Her Face Blue for Over Two Years

Lhouraii Li, a makeup and nail artist from Bradford, in the UK, has been getting a lot of attention on social media sites like Instagram due to her unique look; for the past two years, Lhouraii has been painting her face blue almost every day.

To be fair, the 28-year-old makeup artist has always sported an unconventional appearance. Back in 2013, she made news headlines around the world, with major tabloids like Daily Mail and The Mirror calling her a “real-life Barbie” due to her doll-like looks. She says that it was all just a misunderstanding, that her Japanese-inspired “Gyaru” style was mistaken for a doll imitation. Two years ago, however, Lhouraii Li decided that a bright blue skin complexion fitted her personality much better, so she started dying her face and hands blue almost every day.

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UK’s Most Opinionated Man Has Been Sending Angry Letters to Newspaper Every Day Since 1978

A Liverpool man has been penning letters complaining about various things and sending them to the Liverpool Echo newspaper every day for the last 42 years.

70-year-old Bernie Carroll can’t even remember what he complained to the local council about in his very first letter, back in 1978. That’s unsurprising, considering that it was the first of over 15,000 letters he sent over the years; it first started as a way to vent about the actions of the “militant council of the 1970s and 80s” in Liverpool, but once that was over with, he continued sending in letters complaining or offering suggestions about pretty much anything. For example, his most recent letters to the Liverpool Echo newspaper were about his frustrations at the constant fireworks in his neighborhood and dog poo bags being left on park railings.

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Russian Hachiko Waits for His Master to Get Off Work Every Day

People passing by the Mega shopping center in the Russian city of Kaliningrad every day have gotten used to the blue sweater-wearing husky calmly waiting for something or someone on the cold pavement. He’s been dubbed the Russian Hachiko and the comparison actually makes some sense.

The clean blue sweater that the Russian Hachiko wears every day is a clear indication that he is not some stray, but just to make sure people don’t chase him away, his owner, a woman named Svetlana, always hangs a hand-written home next to the dog explaining that he is simply waiting for her to get off work so they can go home together. Apparently, the dog howls from morning til dusk if left alone in his owner’s apartment, so she prefers to take him with her in the morning, and leaves him outside the Mega shopping center, where he waits for like a good boy.

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Indian Man Worships Donald Trump, Prays to Him Every Single Day

We know how devoted Donald Trump’s American supporters can be, but they have nothing on the US President’s Indian “devotee”. Bussa Krishna literally worships Trump as a god, praying to a life-size statue of him every day, and making offerings of vermilion, turmeric and flowers to an altar that he built himself.

The 33-year-old from the remote village of Konne, in India’s Telangana state, first captured the media’s attention a couple of years ago, when pictures of him praying to the altar of Donald Trump and carrying a large portrait of the US President with him went viral online. Now, with Trump’s two-day visit to India being a major news topic, the Indian Trump devotee is once again newsworthy. A lot has happened in the last two years, But Krishna’s devotion to Donald Trump is still unwavering. If anything, it’s stronger than before, as evidenced by the statue of Trump that the Indian farmer placed in his yard.

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Belgian Man Has Been Eating Fries for Dinner Every Day for the Last 32 Years

A 45-year-old Belgian man claims that he has eaten only potato fries and a fricadelle – Dutch hot dog – for dinner every day ever since he was 13.

Rudy Gybels, a resident of Schaffen in Belgium’s Flemish Brabant province, has had the same food for dinner every evening since he was a teenager. It all started when he was 13, when his mother, desperate to get him to eat more fruits and vegetables, came up with a compromise solution. Rudy would eat healthy food at lunch, and he was free to enjoy his favorite food – potato fries – for dinner. And he has been sticking to that deal ever since, eating only fries for dinner every evening for the last 32 years.

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Woman Hasn’t Drunk Water in a Year, Claims It Made Her Healthier

A nutritionist who claims to not have consumed any water for a year has sparked controversy online by suggesting that her long-term dry fast has greatly improved her health and well-being.

35-year-old Sophie Partik used to suffer aching joints, puffy eyes, food allergies, bad skin and digestive issues, but claims that all these problems went away when she started dry-fasting. She doesn’t touch any liquids for 13-14 hours a day, and when she does it’s only living water, like the juice of fruits and vegetables. The most she has gone without any liquids was 52 hours, but she dreams of the day when she will be able to dry fast for 10 days. Sophie hasn’t drunk bottled or faucet water in a year, and claims that the need for water is only in our heads.

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Vietnamese Man Has Been Sharing a Bed with His Wife’s Remains for 16 Years

Unable to deal with the loss of his beloved wife, a Vietnamese man dug up her remains, sealed them in a plaster sculpture and has been sleeping in the same bed with her for the last 16 years.

When the shocking story of Mr. Le Van broke out in 2009, most people thought it was a hoax. After all, it’s hard to believe that someone could dig up their spouse’s remains from the cemetery, bring them back home and sleep in the same bed with her. And yet, that’s what this man has been doing for the last 16 years, and despite the opposition of relatives and fellow villagers, he has no plans to let his wife go anytime soon.

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Artist Carves 12,000 Holes into Chicken Egg, Sets New Record

Hamit Hayran, Turkey’s number one egg carving artist, recently set a new world record for the most number of holes carved into a single chicken egg, 12,000.

It’s hard to imagine how anyone could puncture a chicken egg, even a big one, tens of thousands of times, but 62-year-old Hamit Haryran is an expert at it. After becoming disabled in 1988, due to an occupational accident, he dedicated most of his time to egg-shell carving, and has since become one of the most celebrated egg carving artists in the world. Apart from creating some stunning artworks, he has also been actively chasing the record for most holes punctured into a single egg. He first broke it when he carved  8,708 holes, beating the record of a Pakistani artist, then with 11,827 holes, and this last time with a whopping 12,000.

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Indian Girl Sets new World Record for Most Yoga Contortions in One Minute

Most yoga practitioners struggle to pull off the Niralamba Poorna Chakrasana contortion just once in their lives, but one 11-year-old girl recently managed to do it a whopping 21 time in one minute, setting a new world record.

On January 20, Riya Paladia, a gymnastics and yoga practitioner from the village of Gaulapar, in India’s Uttarakhand state, stunned a local crowd with her amazing flexibility and speed, performing the tough Niralamba Poorna Chakrasana yoga position 21 times in one minute. Described as one of the very hardest yoga contortions, the move didn’t seem to pose any problem to the 11-year-old girl who slid on her back with ease before rising up on her feet again, without using her hands as support. It almost looks like she is being pulled up by invisible strings.

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15-Year-Old Girl Undergoes Surgery to Make Herself Look Younger

It’s not every day that you hear about teenage girls turning to plastic surgery to make themselves look more youthful, but then again, not many 15-year-olds look like their grandmothers.

The story of Xiaofeng, a young girl from Liaoning, China, who suffered from a rare medical condition that left her looking like a woman in her 60’s, first made news headlines in December of last year. Media outlets throughout Asia wrote about how the first symptoms of the incurable condition known as progeria appeared when Xiaofeng was just one-year-old, and how by the time her teenage years rolled up, she looked like an old woman. Her saggy skin made her the target of cruel kids at school, and the constant abuse made her decide to quit her studies. The sad story melted the hearts of millions, many of which donated money for a surgery that could help the poor girl look her age.

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The Japanese Rogue Convenience Store That Dared Closed Down for a Day on New Year’s

A convenience store owner in Osaka, japan, sparked a lot of controversy recently when he decided to close his business for a day on New Year’s. Appaerntly that was a pretty big deal in a country where convenience stores a traditionally open 24/7, all year long.

While convenience stores are still pretty popular in the United States, they are nothing compared to the so-called “konbini” stores found on every corner of every street in urban Japan. They are beacons of hope that make life easier for the average person, offering a wide range of services (ATMs, Wi-Fi, printing, delivery services, etc.), as well as groceries, all in one place, day and night. In fact, the thing that makes Japanese convenience stores so convenient is that they are open all 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, making it possible for anyone to pick up some groceries, pay the bills or get a quick bite to eat,whenever they need to. So when one convenience store owner decided to close his business for a day on New Year’s, it made national news.

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7-Year-Old “Preschool Picasso” Takes Art World by Storm

At just seven years of age, Mikail Akar is already a well-known name in the art world. His paintings sell for thousands of dollars all over the world, and he has already been given the nickname “Preschool Picasso”.

Born in Germany, Mikail’s talent for painting was discovered by mistake, three years ago. His parents bought him a canvas and some handprint paint and let him get creative with them. They has already bought him plenty of toys and action figures, so they thought they’d get him something different, but they definitely weren’t expecting him to paint a masterpiece. But Mikhail did such a good job with his first canvas that his father thought his wife had painted it.

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Austrian Teen Develops Uncanny Bond with Alpine Marmots

Marmots are usually shy and don’t like interacting with people, but a colony of Alpine marmots in Austria has taken a liking to a teenage boy who has been visiting them ever since he was three years old.

Matteo Walch, a 14-year-old boy from Innsbruck, first made international news headlines back in 2012, when photos of him literally rubbing noses with marmots from a colony in Groslocker , in the Austrian Alps, went viral. He was eight-years-old at the time, but he had been visiting his furry friends every year since age three, and for some unknown reason they had taken a liking to him. The boy’s mother, who took the pictures of Matteo and the marmots, says that the large rodents are not afraid of him because they understands that he loves them and would do nothing to hurt them. Six years after wowing the world with his uncanny bond with marmots, Matteo Walch still visits his cuddly friends and they are closer than ever.

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