The Spira-Foam Car

It’s not very sexy, but it has a lot of other advantages conventional cars don’t.

Invented by Lon Ballard, the Spira-Foam Car is made out of common motorcycle parts, covered by six inches of foam. It’s powered by a 110 cc scooter engine that returns 100 mpg, has a weight of just 320 lbs and reaches a top speed of 70 mph.

Except for weight and fuel-consumption, the Spira-Foam Vehicle‘s specs don’t impress. But what’s most amazing about this strange car is it’s ability to function on both land and water. With the traffic nowadays you can just sail your way to work, if the surroundings allow it. Also, because of its spira-foam exterior, it offers a lot more protection in case of accidents. Sure, the Russian TREKOL did all this things, but I’m sure you’d go broke after a few refills.

Ballard says he can build a Spira-Foam Car using the parts off any bike, and he will soon start mass producing his invention, in Thailand.

I don’t know how expensive this wacky car will be, but if you won’t be able to afford it, you can also build yourself an amphibious bike.

via Jalopnik







Charlie the One-Winged Drake

Charlie is a lucky British drake who had one of his wings amputated, but managed to recover and is now looking forward to a peaceful life.

The drake was found near the Download Open Air Museum, in West Essex, after he had been shot while swimming peacefully on a pond. His injuries were to severe and one of his wings had to be amputated. If he were a wild drake he wouldn’t have been able to survive, but lucky Charlie has fuly recovered and will go on to live a happy life.

via Daily Mail





The Pheromone Ring

Having problems getting a date? Wearing the S Ring on your finger will make all of them go away.

S Ring might not be the prettiest ring you can buy, but it’s definitely a lot more useful than all the accessories in your jewelry-box. This little baby comes with six pheromone-rich scents, three for each sex. You charge the ring with a hypodermic needle, and when you want to draw attention on yourself from the opposite sex, all you have to do is squeeze the sides of the S Ring to release the “love juice“.

I know this sounds like a great way to get laid, but don’t get carried away. Always make sure you use the right scent for the right sex. You don’t want a bunch of guys chasing you around, trying to rape you…do you?

via Gizmodo




Astrology Condoms

People love sex and zodiac predictions, so why not mix the two?

Unfortunately the funny-looking Astrology Condoms are the product of a very small Japanese company called  Yamashita Latex, and can only be found in some shops around Japan. The company doesn’t even have a website where you can order their products. You won’t find Astrology Condoms in any Western country, so if you have friends in Japan call them and ask them to send you some.

I have to admit this is a great way to market your condoms.














via Condomunity

Roadside Ass-istance

It may look dirty, but believe me it’s not what you think!

Sasha Grey plays the sexy Catholic school girl perfectly, but somehow that mechanic has nothing but pussy on his mind…the wrong kind of pussy.


Roadside Ass-sistance | Girls |

A Sea of Timber

More like a beach full of timber but there are some planks in the sea as well.

Two weekends ago, the Sussex shoreline was covered by nothing but wet timber from the sunken Greek vessel, Ice Prince. The ship sunk  26 milles off Portland Bill, but most of the 2,000 tons of timber it was carrying was washed on Sussex coast-line.

Authorities warned locals not to remove any of the planks from the beaches, as they risked a fine of up to 2,500 pounds. Despite the warning many British came with whatever vehicles they had, to load-up some waterlogged wooden planks. One thief was caught as he was loading his hatchback Mazda.








Gay Bob – The World’s First Gay Doll

First launched back in 1977 by Harvey Rosenberg, Gay Bob was the first gay doll ever created. Bob was 13 inches tall, had blond hair, a pierced ear and wore a flanel shirt, tight jeans and cowboy boots. Gay Bob was anatomically correct and was created as a cross between Robert Redford and Paul Newman.

Bob’s box was shaped like a closet and it came with a catalog from where you could order additional clothing for your gay doll. It created quite a lot of controversy in a time when homosexuality was not as “popular” as it is today.

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Bunny-Rabbits in Moscow

“Love Us, Don’t Wear Us!”

This was the message of the two bunny-rabbits  that caught the attention of many people in Moscow’s Theater Square, on Monday. They were members of PETA and by dressing up as sexy bunnies, they tried to convince people to stop wearing natural fur and start dressing up in artificial fur, that is just as beautiful and comfortable.

Lauren and Lisa smiled and faced the cold weather bravely, proving they don’t need fur to keep warm.They only covered their bodies with bunny ears, undies and fur-free signs, both in English and Russian.

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The Dream Controling Machine

 Watch a cool video of a cheap, easy-to-make and fully functional dream controlling device that will chase away your every nightmare. It’s, well…everything you ever dreamed of.

The Lucid Dream Machine, gives you the ability to take control of the action in your dreams without waking up, it’s like your awake inside your dreams and fully aware of the fact that your actually dreaming.

The machine works by flashing two red LEDs in your closed eyelids while your sleeping, these make your eyes receive light, and send the information to the brain making it alert but not affecting your sleep, you gain consciousness and wake up in a dream. Once you hit that point you can do whatever you want here are some crazy examples : fly, jump off buildings, skydive, have sex, eat cars, imagination is the limit !

You have free access to the natural reserves of Adrenaline and Melamine which your body holds “people often take heavy drugs like “Methamphetamine” to unlock these magic potions” .



Smack That Ketchup Butt!

Sure it’s not the same as smacking a real ass, but what happens when there’s no ass to smack? Well that’s when you have to be inventive and there’s one sex-shop that decided to lend a hand to those that can only enjoy a ketchup bottle butt. Check out these bottle stickers:

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Aziz – the controversial pop-star

This is Aziz, one of the most popular singers in Bulgaria. He’s a regular superstar there and even represented his country at the Eurovision song contest in 2006. He’s the weirdest transvestite I’ve seen too, I mean how many bearded transvestites have you seen? I thought the point of becoming a transvestite was to make you look more like the opposite sex, but Aziz here has got it all wrong.

Got nothing against his singing but his appearance just gives me the creeps. I added one of his music videos so you can see him in action.

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Now that’s good eating!

Eating sushi off a beautiful naked body, now that’s what I call a meal.

Hadaka Sushi is a restaurant set on the Sunset Strip, Los Angeles, where rich people can serve delicious sushi right off human platters. The art of arranging pieces raw fish on naked human bodies is known as Nyotaimori (which translates as “female body arrangement”) and it is a very old Japanese tradition, so old its origins are unknown.

Not anybody can afford such an extravagant meal, the model alone costs $1100 and the food is extra. But it appears there are plenty of people out there willing to pay such a price, some of them even asked for male model as platters and the restaurant obliged. Although not the first “naked sushi” restaurant in America, it is the first, and so far only, one in LA. And I think it’s going to be a hit, because, as the owner says, “sex sells, especially on the Strip”.

Source 1, 2

Indian Asceticism

Sure we all know it means abstinence from things like sex or alcohol, but Indians take it to a whole other level.

Indians that practice asceticism do all sort of strange things, never bathing or washing their hair and bears to vowing not to use one or more of their limbs for a determined period. Some of them are against violence of any kind, they always carry a broom to sweep away the insects that come in their path and some even wear a piece of cloth over their mouths so they don’t hurt airborne germs and small insects.

They always meditate in difficult positions and endure harsh weather just to prove that their bodies are unimportant and they only focus upon the soul.


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Erotic pasta

I can’t imagine why you’d want to eat something like this.

Sex sells, that we all know, but this is stretching it a little, if you ask me. I stumbled across these photos during one of my frequent web-surfing session and I thought they fit perfectly here. I sincerely wonder if anyone actually eats these things or where u can get them maybe a sex-shop?


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