The Glowing Pencil Drawings of Enrique Bernal

The pencil drawings of Enrique ‘Kike’ Bernal would look good enough with that mysterious, colorful glow, but there is no denying that the added effect makes them that much more intriguing.

The young Mexican artist usually relies on mechanical pencils and pens to create his cartoonish drawings, but he recently incorporated a new, digital tool into his arsenal – Medibang Paint, an app that allows him to add artificial lighting to his drawings. He still has to make clever use of the colorful, almost fluorescent glow to nail the effect perfectly, so it’s not like anyone ca use it to create the same style of artworks. The mysterious glow only adds an extra layer of creativity to Bernal’s already excellent sketches and add a modern twist the to centuries-old art of portrait sketching.

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Retired Carpenter Goes Viral for His Whimsical Yet Functional Furniture

Warped or cracked furniture isn’t ideal, unless it’s that way by design, which is exactly what makes the whimsical cabinets of Henk Verhoeff so special.

The retired carpenter from Auckland, in New Zealand, went viral the other day, after his daughter started posting pictures of his amazing wooden cabinets on Facebook. At first glance, they look digitally altered to create the illusion of cracks or warps, but in reality they are designed and executed that way by hand. And what makes his creation even more special is that they continue to remain functional, despite their apparent defects; the drawers all open and close, and despite the reduced space, thousands have declared their willingness to pay just to have one of Henk Verhoeff’s wooden wonders in their homes.

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Mysterious Smell Has Been Plaguing Whole County for Months, And No One Knows Where It’s Coming From

Ever since late last year, people in various parts of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, have been reporting a foul, sulfur-like smell that comes and goes, seemingly at random. So far no one has been able to pinpoint its source or its nature.

It all started in October of 2019, when a strong odor was reported nearby Aston, Pennsylvania. In November, people in Ridley Township alerted authorities about that same smell on Veterans Day. Then in December several 911 calls were made from Brookhaven about a strong smell in the air that some likened to that of petroleum or sulfur. Several townships reported the mysterious odor in January as well, and earlier this week it made its presence felt in Glenolden as well. Experts are still struggling to find out what’s causing the smell, but they are having a tough time figuring out how it can travel around the 200-square-mile Delaware County, and how it disappears as suddenly as it arrives.

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Japanese Housewife Creates Insanely Realistic Cat-Shaped Handbags

Japanese housewife and amateur designer Pico grew up collecting faux-fur animals and now spends whatever free time she has creating her own. And, as you can see, she’s really good at it!

A self-described cat enthusiast, Pico first attracted media attention five years ago, when photos of one of her incredibly realistic creations went viral on Japanese social media. It didn’t take long for her creations to transcend national borders, and soon photos of her most impressive cat bags started circulating on Instagram, Facebook and the like. But despite the massive interest in her works, Pico was quick to announce that she only sold her works in Japan, and only rarely accepted commission projects. As a mother of two, she preferred to dedicate most of her tim to her children.

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Woman Allegedly Comes Back to Life 10 Hours After Being Pronounced Dead

An 83-year-old woman from Ukraine was pronounced dead at her home by both paramedics and police, last week, but 10 hours later, after her family started making preparations for her funeral, she showed signs of life and has since made a full recovery.

Paramedics first consulted Ksenia Didukh, an 83-year-old retired nurse from the Ukrainian town of Stryzhavka, at her home at around 6am, on February 17. This was to be one of three visits they paid the woman that Sunday, a day they’ll likely never forget. After that first visit, they concluded that the octogenarian was agonizing and basically on death’s threshold, so they so no point in taking her to the hospital. The family agreed, and later that day, the doctors’ prognostic was confirmed. Ksenia stopped breathing, and paramedics were once again called, along with police, to confirm the woman’s death.

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Chinese Man Finds Online Success Livestreaming Himself Sleeping

An amateur actor has become an unlikely celebrity on Chinese streaming platform Douyin by livestreaming himself sleeping to hundreds of thousands of curious viewers.

The man, who goes by Yuansan on the internet, originally livestreamed himself sleeping on Douyin on February 9th, allegedly to verify whether he snores. When he woke up, he was shocked to see that he had attracted hundreds of thousands of views and about 800,000 new followers for his channel. The unexpected viewer spike prompted the young streamer to repeat his performance several times, and his channel soon went viral garnering up to 18.5 million viewers and nearly a million followers. He’s been trying to offer his viewers other types of content, but all they seem to want is watch him sleeping.

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Malaysian Couple Stun Wedding Guests with Splendid Chandelier Wedding Cake

Most of the guests at Malaysian actors Zahirah Macwilson and Aiman Hakim Redza’s wedding last Thursday were probably expecting something special, but none of them could predict an upside down wedding cake dropping from the ceiling.

I’m not sure how happy Zahirah and Aiman are about being upstaged by a cake at their own wedding, but that’s exactly what has happened ever since their big event, last Thursday. All everyone seems to talk about both on social media and on entertainment news sites is the gorgeous chandelier cake that was lowered down on a small stage for the couple to jointly slice. To be honest, it was quite an attention grabber, definitely one of the most impressive wedding cakes we’ve ever featured on OC.

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Volkswagen’s Best Selling Product Isn’t a Car, It’s a Sausage

The Volkswagen Golf has historically been the German car maker’s best selling model, but surprisingly it’s not the company’s best selling product. That title goes to the uber popular and reportedly delicious VW sausage.

VW has been producing sausages at its car plant in Wolfsburg, Germany, for nearly 50 years. The traditional wurst is such an important part of the company culture and history that it even has its own car part code,  199 398 500 A. Sausage production at VW began in 1973, and was originally supplied exclusively to company cafeterias, to feed its staff. Over time, however, Volkswagen started selling its sausages at stadiums and in German stores, and people loved them. It’s said that because the wurst was originally created for company staff, it is of the very best quality, and it has actually won several awards at national food fairs and exhibitions over the years.

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Russian Hachiko Waits for His Master to Get Off Work Every Day

People passing by the Mega shopping center in the Russian city of Kaliningrad every day have gotten used to the blue sweater-wearing husky calmly waiting for something or someone on the cold pavement. He’s been dubbed the Russian Hachiko and the comparison actually makes some sense.

The clean blue sweater that the Russian Hachiko wears every day is a clear indication that he is not some stray, but just to make sure people don’t chase him away, his owner, a woman named Svetlana, always hangs a hand-written home next to the dog explaining that he is simply waiting for her to get off work so they can go home together. Apparently, the dog howls from morning til dusk if left alone in his owner’s apartment, so she prefers to take him with her in the morning, and leaves him outside the Mega shopping center, where he waits for like a good boy.

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Supreme-Branded Oreo Cookies Allegedly Sell for Up to $90,000 Online

New York-based clothing brand Supreme recently teamed up with Oreo for a very limited edition line of branded cookies, which are now allegedly selling on eBay for tens of thousands of dollars.

The red Supreme Oreos originally sold for $8 per rectangular pack, which is already pretty expensive for a pack of Oreo cookies, but intrepid entrepreneurs snatched up as many packs as possible when they became available in Supreme stores and started selling them online at a premium. That’s not exactly unusual for Supreme merch, as the high-end fashion brand is known for releasing very small quantities of its limited-edition seasonal items, but the red cookies reached astronomical prices on online bidding sites.

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Indian Man Worships Donald Trump, Prays to Him Every Single Day

We know how devoted Donald Trump’s American supporters can be, but they have nothing on the US President’s Indian “devotee”. Bussa Krishna literally worships Trump as a god, praying to a life-size statue of him every day, and making offerings of vermilion, turmeric and flowers to an altar that he built himself.

The 33-year-old from the remote village of Konne, in India’s Telangana state, first captured the media’s attention a couple of years ago, when pictures of him praying to the altar of Donald Trump and carrying a large portrait of the US President with him went viral online. Now, with Trump’s two-day visit to India being a major news topic, the Indian Trump devotee is once again newsworthy. A lot has happened in the last two years, But Krishna’s devotion to Donald Trump is still unwavering. If anything, it’s stronger than before, as evidenced by the statue of Trump that the Indian farmer placed in his yard.

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Man Eats McDonald’s Menu 14 Months After Burying It in the Ground

Matt Nadin, a father of three from Barnsley, in the UK, wanted his 40th birthday to be special, so he celebrated it by eating a McDonald’s Big Mac menu that he had buried in his friend’s backyard a year before.

Just before his 39th birthday, Nadin came up with the “McDonald’s 365” challenge, which basically involved buying a Big Mac menu – burger, fries and a milkshake – put it in a plastic container and bury it for a year in his friend Andy Thompson’s garden. He had intended to dig it out on his 40th birthday, in November of last year, as a special way of celebrating, but only found time to retrieve the container earlier this month. The food didn’t look great, and tasted even worse, but Matt stuck to his guns and got everything down despite a lot of burping and gagging.

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Belgian Man Has Been Eating Fries for Dinner Every Day for the Last 32 Years

A 45-year-old Belgian man claims that he has eaten only potato fries and a fricadelle – Dutch hot dog – for dinner every day ever since he was 13.

Rudy Gybels, a resident of Schaffen in Belgium’s Flemish Brabant province, has had the same food for dinner every evening since he was a teenager. It all started when he was 13, when his mother, desperate to get him to eat more fruits and vegetables, came up with a compromise solution. Rudy would eat healthy food at lunch, and he was free to enjoy his favorite food – potato fries – for dinner. And he has been sticking to that deal ever since, eating only fries for dinner every evening for the last 32 years.

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Indian Couple Buy Land Next to Tiger Reserve And Simply Let Nature Take Over

For the last two decades, Indian wildlife photographer and conservationist Aditya Singh and his wife have been buying land adjacent the famous Ranthambore Tiger Reserve in Rajasthan, and simply letting the forest grow back as a refuge for big cats and other wildlife.

In 1998, Aditya Singh left his comfortable job with Indian civil services in Delhi and moved to a remote part of Rajasthan, in the vicinity of the Ranthambore Tiger Reserve, to be closer to nature. He took up photography and together with his wife, artist Poonam Singh, opened a tourist resort to earn a living. They had been able to buy a piece of land, because farmers were eager to sell due to the danger of tigers from the nearby reserve venturing onto their properties. Over the year, the couple bought up more land, but instead of planting crops, they just let nature slowly reclaim it. Over the last 20 years, their 35 acres of land has transformed into a green forest patch where lions from the tiger reserve as well as wild boars and other animals come all year round.

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The Tailor Bird Uses Its Beak as a Needle to Literally Stitch Up Its Nest

As children, we learn that birds build their nests out of twigs and dry grass, but the truth is that bird nest architecture varies greatly, as demonstrated by the tiny Tailor Bird, which uses as its beak as a needle to stitch a protective nest out of leaves.

Orthotomus sutorius, or the Common Tailor Bird, is a small, warbler-like songbird that lives in tropical Asia, but it’s not its singing that’s intriguing, it’s the bird’s nest building skills. It stitches one or two solid tree leaves together to create a cup that provides both a comfortable shelter and camouflage from predators. And when I say stitches, that is exactly what I mean. The female tailor bird uses its sharp beak as a needle to first pierce the leaves, then takes cobwebs or plant fibers and guides it through the holes as thread, until the pouch is nice and secure. It’s unclear how the tailor birds picked up this talent for sewing but it’s clear that it is passed on genetically.

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