How the Dutch Welcome the New Year

I always thought celebrating New Year’s was all about fun. How can bathing in ice-cold water be considered and enjoyable experience…unless you’re a seal or a penguin?

About 6,500 Dutch gathered on Scheveningen Beach, in The Hague, for a quick splash in the waves, to celebrate the coming of a new year. Both young and old, most of the crazy swimmers said they do this kind of thing for kicks, because being normal is simply too boring. I agree with that, but swimming in water with a temperature of just 6 degrees Celsius? No thanks, I think I’d rather jump out of an airplane.












via Prikola

The New BMW Z4 Paints

BMW presents the new Z4 in an original painting event.

It’s not exactly a Picasso but the Z4 did a pretty good job considering it only had 4 wheels to work with. The wheel-painting may not have come out as good as the BMW people hoped, but the new Z4 is smoking hot and like just about everything the German manufacturer ever launched, it’s likely to be a hit.












New Toilet Restaurant opens in China

One think I’ve never done is eat in the toilet, well it seems many people would love to do that and pay for it.

A new Toilet Restaurant has opened in Hangzhou, China as a result of the impact the first Toilet Restaurant, from Taipei, Taiwan had on the public. Now, the company is thinking of opening a whole network of Toilet Restaurants across the world and I’m pretty sure they are going to be successful.

Toilet Dining concept is about sitting on a toilet seat, serving your food from a toilet bowl or a bidet and wiping your mouth with toilet paper-looking napkins, practically everything you see around you has nothing to do with a real restaurant or kitchen, it’s all toilet-wear.

I wouldn’t try it, I’m sure my appetite wouldn’t be the same in that place, but tourists love this stuff, so Toilet Restaurant is a sure hit.





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The London-New York Telectroscope

How would you like to see what people in New York are doing all across from London?

The Telectroscope was born from a very old, wacky idea of digging a tunnel to the other side of the world. Many of us had this idea or at least saw it in practice in children’s cartoons but nobody was crazy enough to try it. Nobody except artist Paul St. George who actually did it…sort of. He came across a 19th century article where a reporter misspelled the word electroscope, a device that measures electrostatic charges, and even misunderstood what it does, saying it was a device for the suppression of absence. The idea was a big thing at the time and people’s imagination started working, so St. George thought he’d try to put it in practice.

The Telectroscopes built in London and New York allow passers-by to take a look at what people are doing on the other side of the devices, not through a tunnel built between them but through a trans-Atlantic broadband network and HD cameras. So during the day Londoners can take a look at New York during the night and vice-versa.

The Telectroscope will be available for the public until June 15 and the company that created it wants to host special reunions between family and friends and even a marriage proposal from the other side of the Atlantic.

Read more on this incredible device right here


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The newspaper house

Who said newspapers are only good for reading?!?

This ingenious project was built with the help of over 1000 participants, some who provided the newspapers and others helping in rolling them out. This original idea belongs to artist Summer Erek and it was built for Creative City. Here’s what the artist had to say about his project: “We all believed that moving into the digital era would diminish the use of paper. On the contrary, there seems to be a resurgence of printed material and newspapers, much of it free and everywhere – yet we don’t think much about where paper comes from and where it goes after we’ve used it. Newspapers pile up in our houses, lie on the streets and on public transport. The issue is not likely to disappear ; we must find creative ways to deal with it. We are urged to consume without thinking about how to discard. The first step is inviting people to think about and value the material itself, and to consider the issue of “waste”.

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New species of fish?

Now there’s another fish I didn’t know existed. Apparently nobody did…

I admit I’m not a fish connoisseur, there are many species of fish I didn’t know existed and I have just added a new one to the list. This one is a beauty though, if you know what it is, please a comment, I’d appreciate it!

Woman Charged with Assault for Accidentally Spraying Neighbor with Water Gun

A 58-year-old Ontario woman is facing a charge of assault with a weapon after allegedly spraying a neighbor in the chest with a water gun by accident while playing with a child.

On September 1st, Wendy Washik, an educational assistant from Simcoe, Ontario, was playing with children during a backyard barbecue when she accidentally sprayed a neighbor who was cutting grass in the chest with a water gun. She claims that she apologized immediately, but the man kept screaming at her and at one point went into his home to call the police and report that he had been “physically assaulted”. Ontario Provincial Police officers answered the call and determined that two people had been involved in a “dispute” that resulted in a victim being physically assaulted. Washik told reporters that police didn’t even ask to see the water gun before charging her.

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Talented Chinese Artist Creates Fascinating Optical Illusions

Li Jiayue is a talented young artist from China’s Sichuan province who specializes in extremely detailed three-dimensional optical illusions.

Growing up in Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County, Lia Jiayue has always been passionate about art, and despite majoring in electrical automation, it was no surprise to anyone who knew him that he opted for an artistic career. He focused most of his time on developing unique and eye-catching optical illusions, where he camouflaged various objects like lamp posts, tree trunks, and even large buildings in the background using his expert painting skills. Li made a name for himself on Chinese video-sharing platform Douyin (TikTok), but he has also been featured on mainstream television over the last few years.

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Father Installs Surveillance Camera on Daughter’s Head to Keep an Eye on Her

A Pakistani father fearing for his daughter’s safety allegedly made her wear a surveillance camera on her head so he could keep an eye on her.

There is nothing a good parent won’t do to ensure their child’s safety! For example, one Pakistani man recently went viral on X (Twitter) for installing a surveillance camera on his young daughter’s head so he could monitor her activities throughout that day and make sure she was alright. In a viral video titled ‘Next Level Security’, the Pakistani woman is shown being interviewed while wearing a CCTV camera on her burka-covered head. Asked about the bizarre accessory, she said that it was his father’s idea, adding that she had nothing against it because she knew her parents were concerned about her safety.

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Company Launches Motor-Powered Pants That Increase Leg Strength by 40 Percent

The Arc’tryx MO/GO Hiking Pants come with a built-in exoskeleton powered by powerful motors that can increase the wearer’s leg strength by 40 percent and make them feel 30 pounds lighter.

Motor-powered exoskeletons have been a reality for years, especially in the medical field, but not so much in the leisure department. That is about to change, as outdoor brand Arc’teryx and Google spinoff Skip recently teamed up to create the “world’s first powered pants”. Called MO/GO (short for ‘mountain goat’), the innovative garment is more than a piece of clothing; it comes with bespoke carbon fiber support structures that feed power from integrated AI-controlled motors at the knees to the wearer’s leg muscles during ascents and decreasing pressure on their knees during descents. Marketed as a mobility device, MO/GO pants are designed to make hiking more accessible to people who may not have the endurance for it.

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Man Builds River Bridge for Isolated Village, Gets Two Years in Prison

A Chinese man who built a pontoon bridge for an isolated village using his own money was fined multiple times and ultimately given prison time for the unauthorized structure.

Before 2005, Zhenlin Village, in Northern China’s Jilin Province, was completely cut off by the Taoer River, with locals having to travel around 70 kilometers to the nearest bridge. However, everything changed when a villager by the name of Huang Deyi, who had previously operated a small ferry to and from the village, decided to do what the regional authorities wouldn’t – build a small bridge across the river. The rudimentary pontoon bridge was welcomed by the community, and people were more than happy to pay a small toll to Huang for using it, as it was much cheaper and less time consuming than driving 70 km to the nearest authorized bridge. Business was good, and in 2014, Huang Deyo along with 17 other villagers improved the bridge by welding together 13 metal boats so it could support heavier vehicles, but four years later, the Taonan Water Affairs Authority came knocking, ordering the dismantling of the bridge and accusing Huang and his family of illegally profiting from it.

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Man Arrested for Calling His Wife Over 100 Times Per Day

A 38-year-old Japanese man was recently arrested for phone-stalking his own wife, calling her over 100 times a day anonymously and saying nothing until she hung up.

On July 10, a 31-year-old woman from Amagasaki, in Japan’s Hyogo Prefecture, started receiving strange phone calls from someone who would just remain silent until she hung up in frustration. This went on for weeks, because the calls came from an anonymous phone number, so the young woman couldn’t just block the calls. On most days she would get dozens of phone calls, but sometimes, the phone stalker would ring over 100 times per day. Luckily, the phone never rang during the night or when she was playing video games on her husband’s phone, which ultimately got her thinking about who the mystery caller could be…

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Man Claims He Gets Paid to Ruin People’s Weddings

A Spanish man has come up with an ingenious way of making money – crashing weddings and pretending to be the bride’s or the groom’s lover and asking them to run away together.

Ernesto, the middle-aged man behind the bizarre service, has become the talk of the town in Spain after appearing in a now-viral video posted on Antena 3’s Y Ahora Son Soles TikTok. He claimed that, while most people see their wedding day as the happiest of their lives, for some it’s a nightmare waiting to happen. And those few happen to be his clientele. For a base fee of 500 euros ($550), Ernesto promises to crash the client’s wedding and pose as the love of their life, begging them to run away together just to get the event canceled.

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Japanese Influencer Claims $140,000 Worth of Plastic Surgery Completely Changed Her Life

Hirase Airi, a social media influencer from Japan, spent over 20 million yen ($140,000) on plastic surgery to completely alter her appearance and change her life around.

Seeing photos of Hirase Airi from before she began her plastic surgery journey, you would swear they were two different people. The difference in appearance is like night and day, and the young influencer admits that without the work she has had done over the last few years, she wouldn’t be where she is today. Apart from boasting over two million fans on various social networks, she appears on television shows and also works as a ring girl at fighting events. She is living the life she has always dreamed of, and it’s all thanks to her drastic physical change. She is now an advocate for cosmetic enhancement, claiming that she is living proof that it can completely change a person’s life for the better.

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World’s Smallest Functional Vacuum Cleaner Is Smaller Than a Fingernail

23-year-old Tapala Nadamuni holds the Guinness Record for the World’s Smallest Functional Vacuum Cleaner, with an electronically-powered suction device smaller than a pinky fingernail (0.65 cm).

If you ever find yourself searching for meaning in whatever it is you are aiming towards, remember that someone spent two years of their lives putting together the world’s smallest vacuum cleaner. Indian student Tapala Nadamuni previously held this record from 2020 until 2022, with a tiny gadget measuring just 1.76 centimeters. However, he lost the record to someone who managed to build a functional vacuum cleaner less than half the size (0.85 cm), so Tapala spent the last two years of his life trying to win it back. After having some of his attempts rejected by Guinness and pouring hundreds of hours into research and development, the 23-year-old student achieved his goal with a vacuum cleaner measuring 0.65 centimeters.

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