Oregon Teacher Spends 70 Hours Turning His Classroom into Hogwarts

As a teacher,  if you want your middle school students to get off their smartphones phones and and actually pay attention in class, you have to get creative. Take Oregon teacher Kyle Hubler for example, who transformed his classroom into an amazingly detailed, Harry Potter inspired dreamland – equipped with wands, owls, and costumes!

Hubler, who teaches seventh and eighth graders at Evergreen Middle School in Hillsboro, first implemented Harry Potter-themed elements to his classroom, last year, and the students loved it. So when he heard that he would moving to a new classroom for the 2017-2018 school year, he decided to go all out and turn into a real-life version of Hogwarts.

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Australian Couple Get Married at Costco Store

Some people dream about getting married on a mountain top, others in a beautiful church with stained glass windows, but not Sue Berkeley. All Sue cared about is that she and her husband-to-be, Eli Bob, tie the knot in a place near and dear to her heart, surrounded by all the things and all the people that make her happy. Which is why the Australian couple decided to hold their ceremony at their local Costco store, in Sydney.

At first, the idea of getting married in a store was purely sarcastic. “We were joking one Friday,” Eli explains in an interview with The Daily Telegraph. “People were asking when were were getting married – so I suggested Costco. I know how much she loves it there.”  

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Cash-Strapped Couple Need Strangers to Sponsor Their Dream Wedding

The internet has revolutionized crowdfunding by creating an unprecedented interconnectedness that allows people from all over the world to hear each other’s stories and help those whose stories touched them in particular. Today, you can send aid to hurricane victims in Florida, help a single mother start her small business in Ohio, and even help this couple from Saskatchewan make their dream wedding a reality, all in just a few clicks.

Jason Mielke and Rebecca Winter Hansen from Saskatchewan, Canada are engaged to be married, but they need some help making their wedding a special one. Young couples ask friends and family for help planning their big day all the time, these two lovebirds are actually asking complete strangers to basically sponsor their nuptials. They’ve set up a website where they try to explain why they opted for crowdfunding to celebrate their union with a wedding that accurately captures their unwavering love instead of simply eloping, and hope that their love story will make people and corporations want to give them a hand.

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Woman Becomes YouTube Star by Eating into a Microphone

Spirit Payton is one of YouTube’s unlikeliest stars. In just under two years, she has grown her channel, ASMRTheChew, to over 160,000 subscribers and had several of her videos go viral, with millions of views, all by making chewing noises into a microphone.

From popping giant pimples to squashing bread with their faces, we’ve seem people come up with all kinds of crazy ways of attracting attention online, so I guess it’s not that big of a surprise that someone managed to make it big on YouTube by making loud eating noises into a high fidelity microphone. Spirit Payton does post the occasional makeup tutorial, but her eating videos are pretty much her bread and butter. She takes requests from her fans and eats their preferred foods on camera, chewing it slowly and loudly as part of what is known as an ASMR therapy session.

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You Too Can Help Secure a Safe Home for Alba, the World’s Only Known Albino Orangutan

Between deforestation, climate change, and poaching, the number of orangutans living in the wild is dropping at an alarming rate, but one orangutan in particular has made it through all this torment and her story is giving us all hope. Her name is Alba, and she is truly one of a kind. Alba is an albino – currently the only known one in the world.

The five year old ape was rescued in an Indonesian Village by the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOS). She had been illegally captured and kept in a cage without proper care for a couple of days before rescuers got to her. Researches believe Alba was orphaned at a young age and caught not long after. When they found her she was suffering from a parasitic infection, dehydration, and low body weight. However, she still displays wild behaviors, meaning she can be released in the wild.

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Airconwatch – The World’s First Personal Air-Conditioning Watch

The new Apple Watch may have better fitness tracking technology and spunkier bands, but can it regulate your body temperature? I don’t think so, but the new Aircon Watch  – the world’s first personal A/C watch – claims it can.

Using “ClimaCon” technology, the Aircon Watch gives off an influx of hot or cold directly into the wearer’s wrist, which will then cause the whole body to regulate its temperature, delivering a cool or warm sensation regardless of the climate they are in at the time. Its inventors claim that humans can “change the signal that our nervous system sends to the brain by using the Aircon Watch to generate pulses of heat or cold. By this method we can trick our brain into thinking that we are cooler or warmer than we really are.”

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Unlicensed Vet Removes Noisy Dogs’ Vocal Chords on the Side of the Street

A self-proclaimed veterinarian in Chengdu, China, is currently under investigation for operating an unlicensed “clinic” on the street, and charging around 50 – 100 yuan to remove the vocal chords of noisy dogs.

Why would any dog owner want to remove their pet’s vocal chords, you ask? In this particular case, most of the shady vet’s customers told police officers that they had received complaints from their neighbors that the animals barked too loudly, so they decided to have them devocalized. That’s a gruesome thing in itself, but to have the procedure done by some random guy on the side of the street, with unclean surgical instruments is simply appalling.

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Woman Goes from Washing Dishes at Chipotle to Walking the Runway at NY Fashion Week in Just 12 Days

It’s one thing to get scouted by a modeling agent when you’re walking downtown, dressed to the 9’s, but you have to be both striking and extremely lucky to get scouted while washing dishes at a Chipotle in Austin, Texas. But that’s the unlikely story of Remington Williams, the fashion world’s hottest new show stopper, who went from doing the dishes to walking the runway at the New York Fashion Week in just 12 days.

Williams was working at her local Chipotle restaurant not more than two weeks ago, when a scout walked in and offered her a life changing opportunity. Days later, Williams was on a plane for New York City, to sign with DNA Models, the modelling agency that launched the careers of legends like like Linda Evangelista and Natalia Vodianova. She arrived just in time to book the Calvin Klein Show at New York Fashion Week – an impressive achievement by any model’s standards, but made even more amazing by the fact that this would be her first time working as a model, ever.

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Amateur Artist Turns Old Flip-Flops into Amazing Action Figures

Elmer Padilla, a young construction worker from Manila, Philippines, recently shot to internet fame after photos of his hand-made action figures went viral on multiple social networks.

While being able to make your own action figures is an impressive talent in itself, what really caught people’s attention was the medium used by the Filipino amateur artist – old flip-flops. Photos posted on a Facebook group dedicated to Filipino art show Elmer Padilla cutting colorful flip-flops on a sidewalk using knives and scissors, and assembling them into intricate toys like Transformers, Predator and Marvel superheroes. As you can see in the photos below, his creations are nothing short of awe-inspiring.

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Woman Creates Bug Spray That Allegedly Attracts Any Bigfoot in 1.5 Mile Radius

When hiking in North Carolina, everyone knows that you must ward yourself against the mosquitos and other southern bugs that plague the area, but it turns out that your bug repellent might actually be attracting a much larger critter? At least if you’re using the “Bigfoot Juice” created by North Carolina mom Allie Megan Webb, who claims it can attract the elusive Bigfoot while also keeping bugs at bay.

While experimenting with scents for her homemade bug-repellent, Webb discovered that there was a direct correlation between the use of her bug spray and Bigfoot sightings reported by the research group Bigfoot 911. This prompted her to make the conclusion that she had, in fact, cultivated the perfect scent to attract the elusive, some may claim mythical, creature commonly known as Bigfoot.

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Guy Takes Spirit Level on a Plane to Prove Earth Is Flat

Despite the overwhelming scientific evidence that Earth is a spherical planet, supporters of the “flat Earth” theory are still trying to prove that we’ve all been lied to for centuries, and they’re coming up with craziest ways to do it. The last such attempt – taking a spirit level on a plane.

Flat Earth conspiracy theorist and YouTuber D. Marble recently went viral for his ingenious and hilarious attempt to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that Earth is indeed a pancake, not a globe. He actually took a spirit level – the kind used in construction – on a flight from North Carolina to Seattle in order to “monitor whether or not the pilot would dip the nose of the plane to compensate for curvature”. The self-professed realist filmed himself placing a spirit level on his plane seat arm rest to see if the bubble would move as the pilot tipped the nose of the plane to compensate for the planet’s curvature. Only the bubble never moved…

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The Dadbag – A Fanny Pack in More Ways Than One

If, for some reason,  you’ve always dreamed of having a dad bod, but you’re also to addicted to exercising and in great shape, you may want to check out “The Dadbag”, a fanny pack that doubles as a natural fanny pack.

London-based art director Albert Pukies is one of those few people who actually long for a dad bod, but are also aware of the risks associated with belly fat. So instead of stuffing his face with high-calorie foods, he just came up with an accessory that makes it seem like the wearer is slouching with his belly sticking out from the bottom their shirt. It’s basically just an ordinary fanny pack, only it has a realistic belly printed on it, so the dad bod effect is pretty much guaranteed.

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Extreme Education – Indian Man Obtains 145 Academic Degrees in 30 Years

You think obtaining an academic degree is a daunting task? Try 145. Professor VN Parthiban, who teaches in Chennai, India, has obtained 145 degrees over the last 30 years and has no plans to stop studying anytime soon.

Parthiban’s journey started after he struggled with his first degree. He was a disorganized student who would often mix up course work and study for the wrong test – leading him to flunk major exams and projects. After he finally graduated, Parthiban got a job working for the Judiciary Department, but the desire to study never completely went away. Enticed by all the amazing subjects and areas of study that were available to him in university, Parthiban decided to go back and seek a second degree. And then a third. And then 142 more.

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Chicago Artist Spends Two Years Collecting Almost 9,000 Drug Bags to Highlight City’s Drug Problem

32-year-old Ben Kurstin, of Humboldt Park, Chicago, has 8,816 dime bags in his apartment, but he’s no drug dealer. The aspiring artist and filmmaker has been collecting drug bags in virtually every color and design imaginable off the streets of Chicago and using them as an art medium.

It all started one day, a couple of years ago, when Ben Kurstin noticed a discarded dime bag on a sidewalk in Humboldt Park, and decided to pick it up out of curiosity. From that point on, whenever he saw drug bags on the street, he would pick them up and take them home. Soon, his unusual habit became an obsession, to the point where he would search for the bags and come home with dozens , sometimes even hundreds of them, every day. He then spent hours cleaning and organizing them by color and design. At one point, he even started thinking of a rational explanation, should police one day stop him, thinking he was a drug dealer.

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Mysterious Cliff in China Lays “Stone Eggs” Every 30 Years

If you’ve never heard of an egg-laying mountain, you probably don’t know about Chan Da Ya, a mysterious cliff in China that reportedly lays perfectly round or oval stone eggs every 30 years.

Located in Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Region, China’s Guizhou Province, Chan Da Ya – Mandarin for “egg laying cliff” – has been puzzling geologists for decades. The 9ft high and 65ft long heavily eroded formation has an uneven surface dotted with dozens of round and oval-shaped stones of various sizes. As the elements continue to eat away at the cliff, the harder “eggs” become even more exposed and eventually fall out of their natural sockets. According to the people of the nearby Gulu village, Chan Da Ya takes 30 years to lay its strange stone eggs.

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