Michigan Entrepreneur Creates World’s First Mobile Bowling Alley

A Michigan-based businessman has created the world’s first mobile bowling alley by converting a 53-foot, semi-truck trailer into an exclusive entertainment center on wheels.

Inspired by popular companies like such as Amazon, Uber and Grub Hub, which relied heavily on convenience to achieve business success, a Detroit entrepreneur decided to bring bowling to the masses, instead of the other way around. To this end, Terence Jackson Jr. has been working on converting a 53-foot semi-trailer truck into a mobile bowling alley for years, but due to several obstacles he had to overcome, the two-lane facility was only unveiled last month.

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CopenHill – A Waste Powerplant That Doubles as an Urban Ski Slope and Hiking Trail

CopenHill isn’t just the world’s largest waste-to-energy powerplant, it’s also a masterpiece of architectural design, incorporating a giant ski slope and hiking trail on its winding roof, and a massive climbing wall on one of its sides.

Waste processing powerplants don’t usually make great tourist attractions, but Copenhagen’s newest achievement in its quest to become the world’s first carbon-free city is something that has to be experienced. Not only is CopenHill capable of converting 440,000 tons of waste into clean energy every year, but it’s also an exciting entertainment for people looking to engage in outdoorsy activities near the center of Denmark’s capital city. During the summer, its winding roof doubles as a green hiking trail, while in the winter season it becomes an artificial sky slope. Did I mention that it has the “tallest artificial climbing wall in the world” on its facade?

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Researchers Develop High-Tech Device That Simulates Holding a Girl’s Hand

If you’ve ever wanted to hold a girl’s hand and take long romantic walks in the moonlight, but could never actually find a girl to do that with, there’s now a high-tech device you can try.

Developed by a research team at Gifu University, in Japan, “My Girlfriend in Walk” is an ingenious device that aims to recreate the experience a girlfriend’s hand, without an actual girlfriend. The act of walking hand in hand with the opposite sex, be they partner or friend, can be very satisfying, but we don’t always have someone to do it with. Luckily, technology has evolved enough to provide a viable surrogate, kind of…

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Man Suffers Life-Threatening Allergic Reaction to Cold After Stepping Out of Hot Shower

A Colorado man had to be taken to the emergency room after suffering a rare allergic reaction to cold after stepping out of the shower into a cold shower.

Reported last month in the Journal of Emergency Medicine, the strange case of an unnamed 34-year-old man from Colorado who developed a serious allergic reaction to cold temperatures has left many medical experts scratching their heads. The man’s family allegedly found him on the floor after he collapsed soon after stepping out of the shower. He was struggling to breathe, his skin was covered in hives and he had very low blood pressure. When paramedics arrived, they diagnosed him with a life-threatening, whole-body allergic reaction known as “anaphylaxis”.

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Real-Life Orc – Man Has Giant Tusks Implanted to Resemble Fictional Creature

A 41-year-old tattoo artist and body modification enthusiast who calls himself Orc had two giant fake tusks fitted onto his bottom row of teeth, in an attempt to make himself look like a real-life orc.

Orc, who hails from the Brazilian town of Iguatemi, in Mato Grosso do Sul, got his first tattoo at the age of 15, and has since developed a passion for tattoos and body modifications, undergoing several procedures that have left him looking rather unique. The 41-year-old father of one has both eyes tattooed black, about 80% of his body covered in ink, a split tongue, several subdermal implants and sliced ears, but it’s his mouth that draws most people’s attention. Orc spent over $500 having a pair of large tusks fitted over his bottom teeth to make himself look like the fictional creature depicted in popular films and video games like Warcraft.

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Engineers Develop “White Cooling Paint” That Could Reduce Use of Air Conditioning

The idea that a simple paint could could compete with modern air-conditioning sounds crazy, but researchers at Purdue University say it could become a reality thanks to a cool new “radiative cooling paint” they developed.

Engineers at Purdue University recently unveiled a revolutionary white paint that they claim can keep surfaces up to 18 degrees Fahrenheit (7.8 degrees Celsius) cooler than their ambient temperature, by absorbing almost no solar energy and actually sending heat away from the surface it is covering. Think of it as a way of turning basically any space into a refrigerator, only without the energy cost.

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“Bad Uncle” Makes a Living Scaring Other People’s Children

A Chinese man has become popular in his home country for adopting the role of “bad uncle” and scaring strangers’ children into finishing their meals and going to bed early.

I remember my mom telling me that the Boogey Man would get me if I didn’t listen to her, but in China, the “bad uncle” is a more popular figure, and I dare say a more efficient one now that kids can finally associate a face to the name. That’s right, parents trying to get their kids to be more obedient can try the services of a bad uncle for hire, who will record a video of himself frowning and making faces at the camera to scare kids into listening to their parents, for a fee.

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Wall of Wind – World’s Most Powerful Fan System Can Reproduce a Category 5 Hurricane

The Wall of Wind is the world’s largest wind simulator, an impressive contraption capable of generating winds of up to 157 miles per hour (70m/s), comparable to those registered during category 5 hurricanes.

In order to better protect against the devastating force of hurricanes, you first have to study them and test various materials against the powerful winds they generate. With this idea in mind, engineers at the International Hurricane Research Center (IHRC) and College of Engineering and Computing (CEC) at Florida State University spent 15 years building and perfecting the Wall of Wind, an impressive installation capable of replicating hurricane-force winds.

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AI-Powered Camera Keeps Mistaking Linesman’s Bald Head for Ball During Football Match

A Scottish football club may regret its decision to replace human cameramen for an AI-operated camera system, after it hilariously kept mistaking a linesman’s bald head for the ball, thus denying viewers of the action on the pitch.

Last month Inverness Caledonian Thistle Football Club, commonly known as Caley Thistle or Caley Jags, which competes in the Scottish Championship, the second echelon of the Scottish Professional Football League, proudly announced that it had installed the AI-powered Pixellot camera system at its Caledonian Stadium. The system was designed to replace human cameramen with artificial intelligence-controlled cameras designed to follow the ball on the football field. Only the plan to automate live broadcasts of its home games went awry last week, when Pixellot managed to annoy viewers by constantly mistaking a linesman’s bald head for the ball during a game with Ayr United.

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Bua Thong Sticky Waterfalls – A Waterfall You Can Climb With Your Bare Feet

Waterfalls are notoriously slippery, so trying to climb them without specialized gear is usually a bad idea, but at the Bua Thong Waterfalls in Thailand’s Chiang Mai province visitors can climb almost vertical falls using only their hands and feet.

The so-called Sticky Waterfalls get their name from the incredibly grippy limestone rocks that the water runs over. They feel like a very hard sponge to the touch and even though they can be described as prickly, you can easily climb them barefoot without hurting yourself. Because no algae or slimes adheres to this callous rock surface, the limestone creates enough friction to prevent slipping, allowing anyone in decent physical shape to climb even the steepest parts of the waterfalls.

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Doctor Allegedly Pays Conmen $335,000 for Fake Wish-Granting Aladdin’s Lamp

Two Indian conmen from India’s Uttar Pradesh state were arrested this week for allegedly conning a local physician into paying them a whopping $335,000 for a magical lamp capable of granting him any wish.

Dr Laeek Khan, a physician from the Khairnagar area, in Meerut city, first met the conmen in 2018, when visiting a patient’s home to dress her wounds following a surgery. One day, while at Sameena’s home, the doctor met a self-described ‘tantrik’ who boasted about his magical powers, and later promised to make Khan a billionaire. The tantrik, named Islamuddin, soon introduced the doctor to his partner, Anees, and the two offered to sell him a real-life wish-granting Aladdin Ka Chirag (Aladdin’s Lamp) for only 2.5 crore ($335,000). The London-trained doctor agreed…

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The Exquisite Soap Sculptures of Tomoko Sato

Japanese artist Tomoko Sato honed her carving skills as a food sculptor, but has since transitioned to soap sculpture as well, creating some of the most eye-catching soap bars you’ve ever seen.

From elegant geometrical patterns to impressive flora motifs and traditional Japanese designs, there is nothing Tomoko Sato can’t etch into her medium of choice. Her craft requires precision, attention to detail, and mountains of patience. One wrong flick of the wrist and a perfectly symmetrical design is ruined forever. Luckily, Sato has over a decade and a half of experience, and is a true master of her art.

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Woman Who Got Married 10 Times Won’t Stop Until She Finds Mr. Right

A 56-year-old woman who is currently considering divorcing her 10th husband says she doesn’t plan to stop getting married until she finds Mr. Right.

Cassey, a successful businesswoman from the United States, appeared on Dr. Phil to ask for relationship advice, because after 10 marriages, she still hadn’t found the right life partner. Now on the verge of ending her relationship with husband number 10, Cassey said that she didn’t care how many times her marriage would fail, she wouldn’t stop until she found a man who could love her forever.

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Meet the Mysterious ‘Opossum Lady’ of YouTube

There is a whole world to discover past YouTube’s recommendation feature, and venturing down the proverbial rabbit hole will help you discover colorful and delightfully weird characters like Georgette Spelvin, the ‘Opossum Lady’.

For the past 10 years, the MEpearlA YouTube channel has constantly been putting up delightful videos featuring a glamorous lady that looks like a combination of Jackie O and Audrey Hepburn and a host of opossums that act surprisingly tame around their human handler. These videos range from how-to lessons on how to treat and deal with the large rodents, to eclectic theatrical pieces tackling topics like politics and religion. They all feature opossums though, as they are the main theme of MEpearlA. Aside from a dead squirrel that achieved enlightenment and became the center of a pseudo-religion, that is…

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The Lazarus Drug – A Sleeping Pill That Can Temporarily Fix Severe Brain Damage

Zolpidem is a sedative from the imidazopyridine class of drugs that is most commonly used to help people fall asleep faster. But, in rare cases, this common drug can actually restore function to damaged brains.

There is a reason why zolpidem is sometimes referred to as the “Lazarus Drug”. If you give this pill to someone with brain damage, in 5% to 6% of cases something miraculous happens. In most cases, the changes are minor. People’s speech improves slightly, the frequency of muscle spasms is reduced, they have less difficulty moving, but in some rare cases, a pill can even bring people back from vegetative states, allowing them speak and move as they did before suffering brain damage. The problem is that these positive effects are gone as soon as the drug wears off, and scientists have yet to discover why some patients with brain damage react this way to zolpidem.

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